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Новости за 23.11.2016


Obama tried to be 'smart' on crime, while Trump vows to be 'tough' on crime

REUTERS/Fabrizio Bensch

WASHINGTON (AP) — An Obama administration Justice Department that emphasized the need to be "smart on crime" is being replaced with a Trump presidency that campaigned on being "tough on crime."

The difference between those two philosophies remains to be seen, but one area where the divide is likely to be felt most acutely is in the thousands of drug cases the Justice Department prosecutes annually.

If confirmed as attorney general, Sen. Jeff Sessions... Читать дальше...


Richard Branson shares the first question he asks every entrepreneur who comes to him for advice

Business Insider

In many ways, Richard Branson is the prototypical entrepreneur.

Since starting the Virgin Group 46 years ago, he's overseen hundreds of companies around the world, in a wide range of industries, bearing the Virgin name.

There's no difference between the way he approaches risks in both his professional and personal lives, which is made clear in the new documentary "Don't Look Down." The film highlights footage of both his record-breaking hot-air balloon voyages... Читать дальше...


Maserati will reportedly launch an all-electric Alfieri in 2020


Maserati is planning to launch its first electric car in 2020, according to AutoCar. 

The luxury automaker, which is part of Fiat-Chrysler group, will make a battery-powered version of its Alfieri concept car by the end of the decade, according to the report. The Italian car manufacturer also said that it plans to launch a version with a V6 engine in 2019. 

Maserati first unveiled it Alfieri concept car in March 2014 at the Geneva Auto Show. The car was designed to pay tribute to Maserati's racing heritage... Читать дальше...


How the former CEO of Campbell Soup used a skill taught in kindergarten to motivate his entire company

Joe Skipper / REUTERS

In 2009, Doug Conant, then the CEO of the Campbell Soup Company, was in a serious car accident.

While he was recovering in the hospital, he received get-well notes from employees across the globe; his wife sat with him and read them aloud.

While it's possible these missive writers were merely kissing up, it's more likely they were genuinely motivated to reciprocate the care and kindness Conant had showed them years earlier.

The anecdote above was... Читать дальше...


Obama apologizes to crying child for unbearable dad jokes during his last turkey pardoning


President Obama took part in his final turkey pardoning on Wednesday, "pardoning" turkeys "Tater" and "Tot" from the Thanksgiving table.

Obama used the opportunity to thank the American people for their faith in him during his eight years in office, to remind the American people that "we have a lot more in common than divides us," and to make some pretty unbearable dad jokes. 

"I want to take a moment to recognize the brave turkeys who weren't so lucky. Who didn't get to ride the gravy train to freedom... Читать дальше...


Here's the exact email to send to ask anyone for a favor without seeming presumptuous or pushy

Business Insider

Most emails exist for the same reason: Someone wants something.

There's nothing wrong with that. If you never ask for what you want, you never get it, right?

But if you've ever been on the receiving end of a request or invitation — to speak on a panel, to attend a get-to-know-you coffee, to provide a job recommendation — you know it's easy for the asker to seem presumptuous, pushy, or just plain annoying.

All things you don't want to be.

In "Unsubscribe... Читать дальше...


Spike Lee sued for pension and health benefits allegedly owed

Shannon Stapleton/Reuters

Spike Lee was hit with lawsuit on Wednesday. In New York federal court, the directors of three union-industry plans claim he hasn't made sufficient health and pension contributions.

According to the complaint against Lee, Forty Acres and Mule Filmworks, and Black Butterfly Productions, an audit of the companies' books found nearly $45,000 in unpaid contributions for a period between September 2007 and March 2010. The lawsuit makes reference to Lee's 2008 film, Miracle at St. Читать дальше...


The 17 best icebreakers to use at a holiday party where you don't know anyone

Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design/flickr

Parties where you know virtually no one can be awkward, especially if you're not sure how to start a conversation.

You could rely on the classic "So what do you do for a living?" But then you run the risk of coming off as the least interesting or original person at the party.

Maybe you're interested in making a new professional contact, or perhaps you simply want to make a good impression on a friend of a friend.

Whatever the reason... Читать дальше...


Watch a Ukrainian Su-27 almost crash during a stupidly low pass


Ukrainian Air Force pilots love flying low and be filmed in the process.

In the last couple of years we have published several videos showing pretty dangerous low passes: a Su-25 Frogfoot buzzing a group of female soldiers posing for a photograph, another one performing a low passage along a taxiway of a military airfield in northwestern Ukraine, a Mig-29 overflying pro-Russia separatist blocking rails, an Ilyushin Il-76 buzzing some Su-25s and Frogfoots returning the favor while buzzing the tower... Читать дальше...


Nordstrom is refusing to ditch Ivanka Trump's brand — and people are furious ($JWN)

REUTERS/Mike Segar

Customers are calling for a boycott of Nordstrom following the retailer's refusal to ditch Ivanka Trump's brand. 

Nordstrom's social media pages have been flooded with shoppers threatening to boycott the retailer if it does not stop selling the president-elect's daughter's shoe, clothing, and handbag lines. 

"When I worked for this company, you were not afraid to take a stand on supporting the rights of the LBGT community. It made me proud to be called one... Читать дальше...


28 changes to make in your 20s to set yourself up for lifelong success

Flickr/Mike Tungate

Your 20s are, at least according to one psychologist, the "defining decade," because they play a huge role in who you'll become personally and professionally.

So don't screw them up!

We're only kidding — you'll definitely screw them up in some capacity, and that's okay.

If you can make at least some of the changes we've listed below — like practicing mindfulness and not sticking around in bad relationships — you'll be in good shape.

These ideas are drawn from multiple Quora threads... Читать дальше...


Jill Stein is raising money for recounts in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania

Getty/Justin Sullivan

Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein is raising money for a recount in several key states following New York magazine's report that several top computer scientists told Hillary Clinton's campaign that they had found possible voter manipulation in several states.

In a Facebook post on Wednesday, Stein press director Meleiza Figueroa said Stein would be filing for a recount, though Figueroa said she "can't let you know the details yet."

"The Green... Читать дальше...


Detroit police officer shot in the head while on patrol near Wayne University

AP Photo/Paul Sancya

A police officer is in critical condition after he was shot in the head while on patrol near a university campus in Detroit, but authorities said Wednesday he was probably not ambushed.

Wayne State Police Chief Anthony Holt said a suspect is being interrogated in the attack Tuesday evening on 29-year-old officer Collin Rose, whose condition Holt described as "very grave."

Detroit Police Chief James Craig said Rose was on duty around 6:30 p.m. when he radioed... Читать дальше...


9 all-too-relatable illustrations that boil personality down to everyday details

João Rocha / 2 Kinds of People

It all started with laundry, says João Rocha.

"Apparently there's a right way to fold clothes, and at this particular point in time my wife was telling me how I was doing it all wrong," wrote the Portuguese art designer in an email to Business Insider. "Now, my way was not as pristine as hers, but it had the added bonus of being much more efficient and fast, which is kinda the point when you're folding clothes. I didn't immediately have the idea to make a series out of it... Читать дальше...


This dilapidated villa once served as a Caribbean getaway for drug-kingpin Pablo Escobar

Courtesy of Stefaan Beernaert

The "King of Cocaine" was the son of a poor Colombian farmer, but by the time he was 35, he was one of the world's wealthiest men, earning $420 million a week in revenue.

At the peak of his power, infamous Medellín cartel boss Pablo Escobar, the original "El Patron," supplied 80% of the global cocaine market and owned a number of ostentatious properties.

Here's a look at his abandoned island compound in the Caribbean.

All photos republished with permission from Stefaan Beernaert. Читать дальше...


The best noodle for every kind of pasta sauce

Elvira - Ciboulette / Flickr

The INSIDER Summary:

• The pasta noodle you use should depend on what kind of sauce you're making.
• Heartier sauces call for chunkier noodles, while lighter sauces call for more delicate noodles.

There are so many different kinds of pasta noodles out there; it can be hard to keep them all straight.

But there is a reason for all those different shapes: certain sauces pair better with certain noodles.

We chatted with Michael Easton... Читать дальше...


Jose Cuervo is postponing its IPO after Trump's win craters Mexican markets

REUTERS/Edgard Garrido

Jose Cuervo, the world's biggest tequila producer, has put its initial public offering on hold following the U.S. presidential election of Donald Trump, which has weighed on Mexican stocks and currency, according to people familiar with the matter on Wednesday.

The valuation of many Mexican companies has been hit by Trump's surprise victory on Nov. 8, fueled by concern about the U.S. president-elect's campaign promises to renegotiate or scrap the North American Free Trade Agreement. Читать дальше...


US-Iranian citizen convicted for trying to buy 200 missiles for Iran

US Drug Enforcement Administration/Handout via REUTERS

A dual citizen of Iran and the United States was found guilty on Tuesday on charges that he tried to help acquire surface-to-air missiles and aircraft components for the government of Iran in violation of U.S. sanctions.

Reza Olangian, 56, was convicted by a federal jury in Manhattan on all four counts he faced, including conspiring to acquire and transfer anti-aircraft missiles, prosecutors said.

Olangian faces a mandatory... Читать дальше...


Researchers find a link between older moms and longer life — but it's not a reason to wait to have kids

Rok Lipnik/Flickr

(Reuters Health) — Women who wait longer to have their first child may live longer than mothers who start families when they’re young, a US study suggests.

Later pregnancies can carry an increased risk of miscarriages and birth defects, but the study found women who give birth for the first time after age 25 are 11% more likely to survive into their 90s than women who become first-time mothers at younger ages.

Researchers said it’s likely that later childbirths are a reflection of better health... Читать дальше...


5 tricks to avoid uncomfortable conversations this Thanksgiving


The holidays are a wonderful time of year, especially when it means getting together with family and friends you haven't seen in a while.

Of course, despite even the best intentions, catching up on the latest goings on in people's lives can take a turn for the worse when awkward topics come up.

From "When are you going to have kids?" and "Are you in a relationship yet?" to what will surely become classics this year, "Who did you vote for?" and "This country's going to hell in a handbasket!"... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Жёсткие экологические требования решат инновационные энерготехнологии

Путин в России и мире

Путин поручил сократить время движения поездов от Москвы до курортов Черноморского побережья до 16 часов

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск не исключает попыток оппозиции оторвать часть территории Белоруссии в пользу НАТО

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



The Beatles

«Если прищуриться, мы похожи на The Beatles» // Евгений Цыганов о своей карьере музыканта


"Два золота, серебро и две бронзы": Молодые борцы из Якутии отлично выступили на первенстве России

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