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Новости за 05.11.2016


Tinder's competitors are banking on its sleazy image


When Tinder launched in 2012, every match felt like an adrenaline rush, or at the very least, a spark.

But those matches are no longer quite as exciting. Oftentimes, they lead to quick hookups, sleazy come-ons, or nothing at all. That leaves a big opening for Tinder's dating app competitors .

Although Tinder has a huge user base (an estimated 50 million worldwide), other dating apps, like Bumble and Coffee Meets Bagel, are meeting a larger percentage of their users' expectations. Читать дальше...


Teachers can't afford to live where they work


High school teachers earning a median salary can afford to buy a home in just 62 percent of metropolitan areas analyzed by the National Housing Conference and Center for Housing Policy. The affordability picture appears bleaker for other school workers.

The report, “Paycheck to Paycheck: A Snapshot of Affordability for School Workers,” takes a look at the local median wages of five categories of school workers, such as child care teachers and bus drivers, in 210 metropolitan areas. Читать дальше...


11 signs you're not ready to buy a house


Making the leap from renting to buying is thrilling and liberating — for many, it signifies the realization of the American Dream.

But it's also a big decision, both for your future and your finances. 

It's a long-term commitment that requires strong financial standing, and in many ways it's about more than just money. 

If any of the following signs strike a chord with you, you may want to delay the home-buying process. 

Kathleen Elkins contributed to a previous version of this story. Читать дальше...


What Cigna's CEO does to stay fit when he can't get to the gym (CI)


Cigna CEO David Cordani works out every day. 

"An average day for me is an hour workout in the morning before I start my day — no matter where I am in the world — to get that not just physical activity but stress reliever and quality of life," Cordani, who's a triathlete, told Business Insider.

Since Cigna is a global company, being out of town is more likely than not for Cordani. Even so, he doesn't miss a day.

"I'm a big believer that there's always a way to... Читать дальше...


5 things that will make you happier, according to neuroscience

Flickr/Monik Markus

So what’s going to make you happy?

Let’s get more specific: what’s going to make your brain happy? 

And let’s focus on things that are simple and easy to do instead of stuff like winning the lottery.

Neuroscience has answers.

I’ve discussed this subject before and it was so popular I decided to call an expert to get even more dead simple ways to start your brain feeling joy.

Alex Korb is a postdoctoral researcher in neuroscience at UCLA and author of The Upward Spiral. Читать дальше...


Here's how Donald Trump functions on no sleep — and why you shouldn't

How is it that Donald Trump only gets a reported 4 hours of sleep each night? Especially with all the stress he must be under during this election cycle? Or better yet, how is it that Leonardo Da Vinci only slept in 20 minute spans every four hours? The "Sleepless Elite" usually tout their lack of snoozing as the key to their success. But putting aside the fact that these individuals may have the short sleeper gene mutation which allows for this, the average person still needs the proper amount of sleep just to function. Читать дальше...


Michael Moore's message to people who want to vote for a third-party candidate

Filmmaker Michael Moore dropped by Business Insider to talk about his new movie "Michael Moore in Trumpland." Moore previously supported Bernie Sanders as his choice for the Democratic presidential nominee. But now, he's on a mission to get Hillary Clinton elected. 

We asked Moore if he has a message for people who are thinking of voting for a third-party candidate instead of choosing to vote for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.

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Trump criticizes Jay Z for language used at Clinton rally: 'Can you imagine if I said that?'

Spencer Platt/Getty Images

Donald Trump on Saturday criticized Jay Z for the foul language he used while performing a concert at a Hillary Clinton rally the night before, saying that if he were to use such words he would find himself in hot water.

“I actually like Jay Z, but you know, the language last night. Oh. Oh. I was thinking, maybe I’ll just try it? Should I use that language for one event? Can you imagine if I said that?” Trump rhetorically asked a crowd at a rally in Tampa, Florida. Читать дальше...


Here are the 10 fastest police cars in America


Every day, motorists around the nation drive with the knowledge that police are roaming the highways and byways of America in patrol vehicles ready to enforce the law. Even though police cars bear some resemblance to standard production sedans and SUVs, they aren't. Instead, they are souped up specialty vehicles equipped with custom police-specific powertrain and equipment. Or as they put in the hit 1980 film The Blues Brothers, "it's got a cop motor,... it's got cop tires, cop suspension... Читать дальше...


12 things people decide within seconds of meeting you

Yu Han/Business Insider

Psychologists call it "thin slicing."

Within moments of meeting you, people decide all sorts of things about you, from status to intelligence to conscientiousness.

Career experts say it takes just three seconds for someone to determine whether they like you and want to do business with you.

Fortunately, you have some control over the way others see you. For example, wearing tailored clothes and looking your conversation partner in the eye will generally create a more positive impression. Читать дальше...


TOP POLITICAL ANALYST: Trump probably just lost Nevada


Republican nominee Donald Trump needs a "miracle" to win the state of Nevada's six crucial electoral votes on Tuesday, according to a top political analyst of the state, complicating his path to the presidency.

Jon Ralston, a KNTV political analyst who has covered politics in the battleground state for more than three decades, published an analysis of Nevada's early voting Friday. He concluded the trends do not look good for Trump — or Republicans down the ballot, either.

"Trump's path was nearly impossible... Читать дальше...


How Clinton and Trump compare on all the hot-button issues this election

Skye Gould/Business Insider

On November 8, voters all over the country will go to the polls to cast their ballot for the next president of the United States. 

In one of the most divisive contests in modern political history, Republican nominee Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton have sparred over important issues at stake this election, including immigration, national security, gun control, healthcare reform, and much more. 

Here's how Clinton and Trump stack... Читать дальше...


Pepsi CEO Indra Nooyi explains what she thinks is wrong with MBA programs today

Jemal Countess/Getty Images

Today's MBA programs are "outdated" and in desperate need of an upgrade, according to PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi.

Speaking at Fast Company's Innovation Festival on November 1, Nooyi criticized MBA programs for cramming in as many as 50 cases into a semester and failing to focus enough on technology. Nooyi and PepsiCo vice chairman Mehmood Khan were featured for a discussion on innovation in the food and beverage industry.

"I don't know why we can't teach five or six cases... Читать дальше...


7 signs you aren't as good with money as you think you are

Mike Nudelman/Business Insider

Everyone has to deal with their money, and some of us do it better than others.

If you think you're a master of handling your personal finances — or you've never given a thought to your level of expertise — take a look at the points below.

Your approach might not be as flawless as you think.

You don't know how much you earn or spend.

Mike Nudelman/Business Insider

If you don't know how much money enters and leaves your bank account each month... Читать дальше...


Here's what it's like to be an American using Britain's National Health System

Erin Brodwin

I recently moved to London from New York City to work for Business Insider's UK office. As an American all-too-familiar with the massive headache that is finding health care in the US, I braced myself for the process of enrolling in the National Health Service, the UK's public health care system.

Here's how my introduction to British health care went:

First, I did a basic Google search. Typing in "find a doctor in the UK" took me here. There, under two sponsored ads... Читать дальше...


How major U.S. cities would look if they had the same air pollution problem as China

The Clean Air Act was passed in 1970, and current regulations are based on an amended version passed in 1990. The legislation enabled federal and state authorities to establish comprehensive regulations for air pollutants. SaveOnEnergy, an online energy marketplace, came up with images showing the worst case scenario without proper regulation.

Читать дальше...


iPhone sales haven't bottomed out yet, says the most accurate Apple analyst (AAPL)


Apple's iPhone, the company's most important product, has seen three straight quarters of sales declines on an annual basis.

Most analysts expect the iPhone to grow slightly year-over-year in the quarter ending in December, thanks to strong demand in the United States for the iPhone 7 Plus. But that doesn't mean the iPhone's skid is over. 

KGI Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo is predicting that Apple will continue to see iPhone sales decline over the first half of next year. Читать дальше...


Take a tour of 'Billionaires' Beach,' the exclusive Malibu neighborhood where Bill Simmons recently bought a house

Google Maps/Getty Images

Bill Simmons' new deal at HBO got off to a shaky start, but his other HBO interests, along with the freshly launched "Bill Simmons Podcast Network," and his "The Ringer" website suggests his budding media empire is still strong. As a result, Simmons has reportedly upgraded his living arrangements, purchasing a $7.5 million house along Malibu's exclusive Carbon Beach, also known as "Billionaires' Beach."

Mark David of Variety dug up the details on the new purchase... Читать дальше...


American children are predicting who will win the election

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

The students have spoken, and they want Hillary Clinton for president.

According to four major mock US elections, the Democratic nominee has secured the majority share of votes over Republican candidate Donald Trump.

Clinton's victory ranged from the dramatic to the nail-biting.

According to the Every Kid Votes election, Clinton earned nearly 70% of students' vote to Trump's 30%. In the OneVote election, meanwhile, she earned 47% while Trump fell just short at 41%. Читать дальше...


Facebook is finally getting serious about its ‘Snapchat problem’ (FB)

Getty Images

For the past couple of years, Facebook has done nothing significant about its Snapchat problem.

Sure, Mark Zuckerberg and co. have tried to clone parts of Snapchat with failed apps like Slingshot. But Facebook has never really thrown its full weight behind taking Snapchat head on.

Until now.

During Facebook's quarterly earnings call this past week, Zuckerberg explained that Facebook now sees the camera as the future of how people share and communicate.

"In most social apps today... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Сенатор Святенко: поддержка фермеров играет важную роль в устойчивости экономики

Путин в России и мире

Путин: РФ и КНР наладят более тесное взаимодействие в инновационных отраслях

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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