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Новости за 12.11.2016


Why an investor at Andreessen Horowitz thinks software is the future of healthcare

Andreessen Horowitz

It's not exactly surprising that a partner of a venture capital firm with a tagline that "software is eating the world" thinks the same could be said for the drug industry.

Vijay Pande, a general partner at Andreessen Horowitz, runs the firm's bio fund. So far, the fund's made investments in companies including Freenome, which is developing a blood test that screens for the earliest signs of cancer, and Q, a startup that wants to quantify the human physiology.

Pande's argument... Читать дальше...


How Cristiano Ronaldo, the world's highest-paid sports star, makes and spends his millions

Clive Rose/Getty Images

Cristiano Ronaldo was already the highest-paid athlete of any sport and now he can add a new title: lifetime Nike athlete. 

Earlier this week, Ronaldo signed a new "lifetime" contract with Nike. He is just the third athlete to sign a lifetime deal with Nike, joining LeBron James and Michael Jordan.

Ronaldo also signed a new deal with Real Madrid that will keep the Portuguese national with his club team for at least the next five seasons. That deal, along... Читать дальше...


Trump's victory has federal prisoners worried

Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

While the U.S. watched the presidential election unfold Tuesday, the fate of one group of Americans literally hung in the balance: federal prisoners serving lengthy mandatory sentences for minor crimes.

Prison inmates are not allowed to vote, but those hoping for clemency from President Obama saw Republican Donald Trump’s win as a blow to their prospects. Trump ran as a tough-on-crime, law-and-order candidate, and he’s on the record criticizing the current administration’s reform efforts... Читать дальше...


Here's what time American women would leave the office if they stopped working when their gendered pay deficit kicks in

Spencer Platt/Getty Images

On Monday, the French groups Les Glorieuses, Les Effrontées, and Osez le Féminisme organized a nationwide workplace walkout by women employees at 4:34 p.m. local time.

Per the Financial Times, that’s “the theoretical moment when French women, in effect, start working for free until the end of the year because of the average pay gap to the country’s men.”

Several hundred protesters demonstrated in the Place de la République in Paris, and French women... Читать дальше...


Trump could be great for Canadian oil

Reuters/Todd Korol

Trump’s presidency could benefit Canada’s oil industry in no small way, one commodity investment adviser has told the Globe and Mail. According to Tim Pickering, Trump’s ambition to put a stop to imports from OPEC and make the U.S. self-sufficient in terms of energy is exactly what would help Canada’s struggling oil economy.

If Trump stays true to his promise for energy independence, it won’t happen overnight, and the most logical alternative to OPEC imports would naturally be Canada. Читать дальше...


5 money mistakes couples often make before having their first child

Jason Corey/Flickr

Bringing a new life into the world requires smart financial preparation, including building a solid emergency fund before the due date and checking on your company's maternity or paternity leave policy to plan for potential change in income.

However, not all couples are privy to best practices. Business Insider recently spoke with three financial planners who revealed some of the biggest money mistakes they see clients make before the birth of their first child and how you can avoid them. Читать дальше...


There's still some hope for the environment under a Trump presidency

Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

The climate stakes of Tuesday night are so huge as to be almost unfathomable. Hundreds of years, dozens of generations. We can’t get around that fact. The future of humanity—and all the species we share this planet with—is much more murky now than it was 24 hours ago. That’s not an exaggeration; that is a realistic view of how dramatically the climate is changing and how quickly it is doing so.

The Republicans will control both houses of Congress. Donald... Читать дальше...


Ford is betting on America's love of cars

Thomson Reuters

This week Ford Motor Company unveiled a handful of technological ideas, like driver-assist features that use radar and sensors to give your car an extra pair of eyes on the road.

One feature alerts you before you drive in the wrong direction. Another helps you steer away from an obstacle in situations where it’s too late to apply the brakes.

In the time that it takes for the driver to fully recognize that he or she is about to crash, the car is programmed to swerve into safety. Читать дальше...


Why Elon Musk is an alternative to Donald Trump (TSLA)

Patrick Fallon/Reuters

Following the election, it's difficult to look across the political or business landscape and see anyone who already stands against President-Elect Donald Trump on a variety of issues.

Democratic politicians will do their democratic duty and now maintain that we must stand together and heal the divides that were opened by the campaign. President Obama has been a relentless Trump detractor, but even he will — at least temporarily — need to serve the transition. Читать дальше...


How Hillary Clinton lost the argument on the economy

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

It is an ironic twist of history that Hillary Clinton, a woman who first came to national prominence when her husband won the White House following James Carville’s now-famed mantra—“It’s the economy, stupid”—lost her own presidential run, in part, because she did not take that message seriously enough.

That is not to say that the Donald Trump voters who were experiencing “economic anxiety,” as the pundit class put it throughout the election, were justified in feeling so... Читать дальше...


Valeant is up to its old tricks (VRX)


Philidor is dead, long live Philidor.

Last year the discovery of a secret pharmacy inside Valeant Pharmaceuticals called Philidor contributed to the company's near-death stock dive.

At 2015's peak Valeant's stock reached $257, only to fall to where it now sits at around $14.25. Amid the turmoil, which included a federal investigation into alleged insurance fraud at the pharmacy, Valeant shut Philidor down completely at the beginning of 2016.

But that doesn't... Читать дальше...


'As citizens we will suffer': Global reactions to Trump's win

AP Foto/José Luis Magaña

World leaders have begun congratulating Donald Trump on his election win as people around the world anxiously wait to see how their country will engage with the new US president.

The order in which Trump spoke to leaders around the world has sparked speculation as to how he will shape his foreign policy. In the 24 hours after his victory speech, Trump spoke to Egypt, Ireland, Mexico, Israel, Turkey, India, Japan, Australia and South Korea. The UK’s Theresa May was 11th on the list. Читать дальше...


The deadly roadside blunder that helped bring down one of Mexico's most vicious cartels

AP Photo/ Delcia Lopez

In February 2011, during the heights of cartel-related violence in northeast Mexico, gunmen from the brutal Zetas cartel accidentally targeted two US agents driving through the area — a lethal mistake that would spur a crippling crackdown on the Zetas and its operators.

Special Agent Victor Avila and Jaime Zapata, an Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent attached to the US embassy in Mexico City, were headed south through the state of San Luis Potosi on Highway 57 ... Читать дальше...


Trump's election might lead to a new spending frenzy for American shoppers

Jessica Rinaldi/Reuters

In the wake of the US presidential election, people are turning their attention to a new distraction: shopping.

Holiday spending is expected to get a boost in the coming weeks, according to retailers and industry experts.

"Amid the most contentious White House race in recent US history, close to half of consumers told NRF in a survey last month that they were being more cautious in their holiday spending because of uncertainty over the election outcome," writes J. Читать дальше...


4 outdated etiquette rules no one needs to follow anymore

Wikimedia Common

The thought of all the guys at a dinner table scrambling to stand just because I'm getting up to go to the ladies' room strikes me as … funny.

But at one point in recent history, it would have been a serious faux pas if those guys didn't stand up when a woman left the table.

That's just one of many etiquette rules that are no longer applicable in contemporary society. For the most part, according to Daniel Post Senning, an etiquette expert who wrote "Manners... Читать дальше...


Here's what democrats can learn from Clinton's loss

Justin Sullivan / Getty

WASHINGTON — In trying to make history, Hillary Clinton also tried to buck history.

Mrs. Clinton sought to succeed a two-term president of her own party. Usually, that doesn’t work. After eight years, voters are ready for change, and this year, they were in a particularly sour mood. What’s more, Clinton was the ultimate “establishment” politician facing the ultimate outsider. Even the active support of a popular President Obama couldn’t carry her across the finish line. Читать дальше...


White won

Around 11:30 on Tuesday night, I left CBS News studios in New York City to take a walk and call my wife. We talked about the election. We talked about the very real chance of President Donald Trump. We talked, just to talk. But we didn’t talk long. We had to do work. I had to write. And she had to figure out what she would say to her students, many of them Hispanic, most of them young children of immigrants.

Читать дальше...


Here's what will happen to the Supreme Court under a Trump presidency

AP/Jon Elswick

The third branch of the federal government wasn’t on the ballot Tuesday, but voters shaped its future for at least a generation.

President-elect Trump’s upset victory means the U.S. Supreme Court’s conservative wing will shape its decisions for the immediate future. It also guarantees that Merrick Garland, President Obama’s nominee for the seat formerly held by Justice Antonin Scalia, will not be confirmed by the Republican-led Senate.

Beyond that, the future is unwritten. Читать дальше...


The 'bad' money advice people need to stop taking, according to former Wall Street executive Sallie Krawcheck

Brad Barket/Getty Images

From home-buying affordability guides to pre-wedding financial wisdom, there's a ton of money advice out there. And while much of it is helpful, some tips can be detrimental. 

There's one particular nugget of advice that Sallie Krawcheck, a former Wall Street executive and founder and CEO of Ellevest, sees constantly — and doesn't advise anyone to follow. 

"If you're taking the advice to build up your emergency fund before paying off credit card debt ... Читать дальше...


What Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, and 23 other successful people were doing at age 25


Everyone's path to success is different.

For some, it's mostly linear.

Others encounter more twists, turns, and uphill climbs along the way.

To illustrate how no two paths to success are alike, we've highlighted what 25 highly successful people were doing at age 25.

Vivian Giang and Max Nisen contributed to earlier versions of this post.

Hillary Clinton had just graduated from Yale Law School

The William J. Clinton Presidential Library... Читать дальше...


When I started burning out in my late 30s, I didn't change careers or take a sabbatical — here's how I got back on track

Grant Cardone

In my late thirties I was living in La Jolla, California, and running a seminar business that was delivering sixteen eight-hour seminars per month in different cities in America.

On Martin Luther King Day, Presidents’ Day, Memorial Day, and Thanksgiving, when U.S. offices were closed, I delivered seminars in Canada, where offices were open. Whenever I wasn’t in front of an audience all day long, I worked on my consulting business. My calendar was slammed. I didn’t even know what city I was in some days. Читать дальше...


Moving to Mars might be possible during Trump's presidency


Roughly half of the United States is struggling to come to terms with a Donald Trump presidency and what it might portend.

Some people are so upset they're considering moving to Canada, and they might be serious — the Canadian immigration website crashed overnight.

But at least one group is so disillusioned by Trump's election win that they have a more exotic destination for emigration in mind: Mars.

This would have seemed like more of a joke during the previous presidential election cycle. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

АО «Транснефть – Дружба» подвело итоги деятельности в сфере экологической безопасности

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о догазификации СНТ  

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Очередные кадровые назначения объявлены в Минске

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: Западу неинтересны планы Киева по атаке на Крымский мост

Навальный в России и мире

В Москве арестован на пять суток историк-публицист Сергеев за пост памяти Навального

Здоровье в России и мире

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