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Новости за 03.11.2016


Starbucks jumps as revenue tops estimates (SBUX)

Thomson Reuters

(Reuters) - Starbucks Corp reported higher-than-expected quarterly revenue, while sales at established cafes in its Americas region matched Wall Street's expectations, sending its shares up as much as 6.7 percent in extended trading.

Same-store sales for the U.S.-dominated Americas region were up 5 percent, matching estimates compiled by Consensus Metrix. The Americas region produces the lion's share of Starbucks sales.

Net income attributable to shareholders rose to $801 million... Читать дальше...


The Venezuelan opposition is giving President Maduro until November 11 to meet demands

Thomson Reuters

CARACAS/SAN CRISTOBAL, Venezuela (Reuters) - Venezuela's opposition exhorted President Nicolas Maduro on Thursday to set an election and start releasing jailed activists within days, while students opposed to Vatican-led talks protested in the streets.

The opposition coalition escalated protests and drew hundreds of thousands into the streets when authorities quashed its drive for a referendum against Maduro last month.

But it suspended street actions out of... Читать дальше...


Furious customers are accusing Starbucks of 'political brainwashing' over green cups

Starbucks green cup

Earlier this week, Starbucks began serving its seasonal holiday drinks in new green cups that were meant to promote a message of unity. But the cups are having the opposite effect, causing an uproar among some customers who are accusing the coffee chain of "political brainwashing." 

On Tuesday, a week before Election Day, Starbucks rolled out the green cups that feature an illustration by Shogo Ota showing the faces of more than a hundred people, drawn with a single continuous line. Читать дальше...


The real estate tricks billionaires use to sell their penthouses faster and for more money

Luxury New York City real estate is renowned for its top-of-the-line appliances, breathtaking views, and coveted outdoor space. To help a property stand out in this niche high-end market, professional stager Cheryl Eisen and her team at Interior Marketing Group use some proven tricks of the trade to transform a space from yet another multi-million dollar apartment into a potential home.

Читать дальше...


What hiring managers really want to know when they ask, 'Where do you see yourself in 5 years?'

Samantha Lee/Business Insider

It may not seem like a tricky question, but your response to, "Where do you see yourself in five years?" can make or break your interview. 

"The purpose of asking this common interview question is to understand whether a candidate is looking for a career rather than just a job, whether their goals align with the organization's goals, and whether they have a realistic plan for their future," explains David Wishon, the former chief recruiting officer at... Читать дальше...


Here's another sign that Amazon is serious about opening more brick-and-mortar stores (AMZN)

Cheriss May/NurPhoto via Getty Images

Amazon has been going hard at expanding its physical stores lately, starting with its first brick-and-mortar bookstore last year to nationwide pop-up stores and a bunch of grocery spots.

And now it looks like Amazon may be eyeing the overseas market as well.

According to The Australian Financial Review, Amazon is opening physical stores, alongside warehouses, in the Australian market by next September.

The report is based on an interview... Читать дальше...


The Rockets unleashed James Harden with a minor position change, and now he looks unstoppable

George Bridges/AP

James Harden began cooking the New York Knicks over a five-minute stretch in the third quarter, encapsulating his newfound freedom in head coach Mike D'Antoni's offense.

He slung back-to-back pocket passes buzzing through hapless Knicks defenders to second-year big man Montrezl Harrell for easy lay-ins.

A step-in three after intentionally drawing a mismatch with rookie guard Ron Baker.

Moments later, an outlet pass to Harrell that sailed over the Knicks like a quarterback hitting a wide receiver.


The strong dollar hits Kraft Heinz's sales


(Reuters) - Kraft Heinz Co, the maker of Velveeta cheese, Heinz ketchup and Oscar Mayer meats, reported a 1.5 percent fall in quarterly adjusted sales, hit by a stronger dollar and pricing pressure in Europe.

Shares of the company, formed after the merger of Kraft Foods Group with H.J. Heinz Co in July last year, fell 1.3 percent in extended trading on Thursday.

Net income attributable to shareholders was $842 million, or 69 cents per share, in the third quarter ended Oct. Читать дальше...


22 libraries every book lover should visit in their lifetime


The INSIDER Summary:

• Libraries are a book lover's paradise, and can feature beautiful and creative architecture.
• In the digital age, they're also increasingly becoming important community centers.
• Every book lover needs to visit these libraries.

If you love books, libraries are some of the most spectacular buildings in the world.

To celebrate these monumentally important buildings, we’ve compiled a list of the most magnificent libraries on the planet. Читать дальше...


GoPro is crashing after reporting earnings that missed expectations by a mile (GPRO)

Scott Olson/Getty

GoPro shares plunged 22% in after-hours trading on Thursday after the company reported quarterly earnings results that were worse than analysts had expected.

The shares fell after a trading halt requested before the earnings announcement.

The maker of action cameras said its net income dropped 330% from last year and swayed to a loss of $84 million, or -$0.60 per share. Analysts had forecast a $0.36 loss according to Bloomberg.

GoPro's sales totaled $241 million... Читать дальше...


CLINTON CAMPAIGN: The FBI investigation is actually helping us, in a way

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

The Hillary Clinton campaign on Thursday tried to put a positive spin on the FBI's renewed investigation into the Democratic nominee's use of a private email server.

Jennifer Palmieri, the campaign's communications director, argued that the federal probe into whether Clinton mishandled classified information had actually helped excite core supporters.

"I still prefer that it had not happened, but we do think it has helped motivate our base," Palmieri said during a gaggle with reporters... Читать дальше...


The No. 1 sign you can afford to buy a home


If you’re planning to settle down in the same place for a number of years, you've more than likely considered the possibility of buying a house.

But can you afford to?

The first thing to check is your cash flow: You should be able to pay all of your bills and still put money into savings each month for sure. Combined with that, the top sign you're ready to buy a house comes down to your motivation for buying.

You should want to buy a home for the right reasons... Читать дальше...


26 time-management tricks I wish I'd known at 20

Etienne Garbugli

Most people learn time management the hard way: by trial and error.

Étienne Garbugli, a Montreal-based product and marketing consultant and the author of "Lean B2B: Build Products Businesses Want," distilled the lessons he wishes he'd known when he was 20.

He created the following presentation, posted to SlideShare, which we've shared here with his permission.

This is an update of an article originally posted by Max Nisen and Jenna Goudreau.

Etienne... Читать дальше...


Stocks just did something they haven't done since the financial crisis (SPY, FB, WTI)

Thomson Reuters

The S&P 500 closed down for the eighth straight day on Thursday.

That hasn't happened since October 2008, during the financial crisis, according to Charlie Bilello, the director of research at Pension Partners.

Stocks have been punctured by a combination of mixed third-quarter earnings results as well as the tightening in the polls ahead of Tuesday's election.

And the other two major indices, the Dow and the Nasdaq, also finished in the red. But, as Business Insider's Akin Oyedele noted... Читать дальше...


What it's like to sail on the world's most luxurious ship

Facebook/ Regent Seven Seas Cruises

Regent Seven Seas Cruises, one of the top luxury lines, splashed out for its first new ship in 13 years. The “most luxurious ship ever built” is how the line touts its all-balcony-suite Seven Seas Explorer, inaugurated in July in Monte Carlo. 

As we saw firsthand during a Mediterranean cruise, Seven Seas Explorer has grand entryways, lots of gold leaf, inlaid marble floors, intricately detailed ceilings, and enough hand-blown crystal chandeliers to rival Versailles. Читать дальше...


'This is obviously wrong, and full of S... T !!!': The Philippine president is getting some high-profile criticism

REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has maintained a significant level of public support since taking office this summer, despite the bloodshed caused by his drug war and his often erratic behavior on the world stage.

But there is at least one high-profile Filipino who's exasperated by the brusque pronouncements of President DU30, as Duterte is known.

"In his consistently frequent insulting diatribes against the US, EU, and the UN, in which President... Читать дальше...


Vintage photos show how much your favorite fast food restaurants have changed since they first opened

Dunkin' Donuts; Jacob Shamsian/INSIDER

The magic of a food chain is that you can get the same food anywhere — and that formula largely hasn't changed in years.

We reached out to the major US-founded food chains and got a look at what their stores looked like in the early days, then compared them to what their stores look like now. While their food offerings have grown, their physical locations have evolved as well.

The first Wendy's was founded in 1969 in Columbus, Ohio. They're famous for not cutting corners. Читать дальше...


Mark Cuban predicted the NFL's ratings free-fall years ago — and his theory might be coming true

Mark J. Rebilas-USA TODAY Sports

NFL ratings are in free-fall this season, and no one can figure out precisely why.

Here's the damage, according to Nielsen: "Monday Night Football" ratings are down 20%, "Sunday Night Football" is down 18.5%, and "Thursday Night Football" is down 21.8%.


One theory, pushed by the NFL itself, is that the drop is because of "unprecedented interest in the presidential election."

But there's another popular theory that's far more troublesome for the powers that be. Читать дальше...


I'm Jewish, and I'm not ready for a Mel Gibson comeback


It's been over a decade since Mel Gibson was arrested in Malibu, California for a DUI. While being arrested, he shouted at the officer, "f*****g Jews... the Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world. Are you a Jew?"

After accusations of anti-Semitism were hurled at him for mega-blockbuster "The Passion of the Christ," this one moment badly damaged the career of one of Hollywood's biggest stars. A few years later, in July 2010, leaked tapes of a fight between Gibson... Читать дальше...


Some people think Lindsay Lohan's bizarre new accent could be tied to the Turkish government

Photo by Tim P. Whitby/Getty Images

The INSIDER Summary:

• Lindsay Lohan has a weird new accent.
• She's voiced support for Turkey's increasingly authoritarian president.
• Some people now wonder if the accent could be tied to her political leanings.

Lindsay Lohan's strange new "pan-European" accent and visits to Turkey have put her in the middle of a geopolitical firestorm.

For a few weeks, Lohan has been talking as if she's lived in Europe her whole life. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Москвичам назвали пять мест, где можно полюбоваться цветущей сакурой

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о формировании взаимовыгодного международного сотрудничества

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко: на территории Польши и Прибалтики готовят атаки на восток

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Оззи Осборн

Оззи Осборн во второй раз войдет в Зал славы рок-н-ролла


«Спартак» лидирует по очкам с командами из первой половины РПЛ

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