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Новости за 29.11.2016


PlayStation is on track to crush Facebook and HTC in the first year of VR sales

Marketplace / Business Insider

2016 is nearly over, thus concluding the first big year for virtual reality headsets. The long-awaited Oculus Rift from Facebook arrived back in March, followed soon after by the HTC Vive in April, and several months later by PlayStation VR in October. 

But are consumers actually buying these things? Is anyone using VR?

AP Photo / Eugene Hoshiko

It's still early days, but the latest projections from gaming and VR analytics firm SuperData Research aren't reassuring. Читать дальше...


Every Supreme Court justice went to Harvard or Yale Law School — here's where they went for undergrad

Wikimedia Common

Harvard and Yale Law School graduates have established themselves in some of America's most powerful positions — from president to Supreme Court justice.

In fact, every single current member of the Supreme Court attended law school at Harvard or Yale — though Ruth Bader Ginsburg ultimately got her degree from Columbia Law School after transferring from Harvard Law.

Less well-known is where the justices attended for their undergraduate studies.

Take a... Читать дальше...


R3 is struggling to raise its target funding as investors bail

BI Intelligence

This story was delivered to BI Intelligence "Fintech Briefing" subscribers. To learn more and subscribe, please click here.

Last week it was confirmed that Goldman Sachs and Santander had decided not to participate in R3's latest funding round and had left the consortium, with Morgan Stanley and National Australian Bank also reportedly quitting the group.

Now, it looks as though R3 is struggling to raise its target of $150 million from remaining members, according to Reuters. Читать дальше...


Tom Herman is under fire for comments made before joining Texas and now he refuses to answer questions about the ugly bidding war

Eric Gay/AP

After an ugly bidding war between two college football powerhouses, Tom Herman is the new head football coach at the University of Texas, spurning LSU when it seemed like they were closing in on the big hire.

The chaos started a week earlier when Texas lost to Kansas. Reports erupted saying the Longhorns would fire Charlie Strong and that the University of Houston's Herman was their top choice to replace him. On Thursday, the Tom Herman sweepstakes took a turn when new reports said he was close to a deal with LSU... Читать дальше...


The Mayo Clinic shows us how they use 3D printing technology to treat patients

Business Insider

RAW Embed

I spoke to Dr. Jay Morris, neuroradiologist at the Mayo Clinic, in a Facebook Live segment Tuesday from the RSNA industry conference in Chicago. Dr. Morris gave me a tour of the 3D printed models used to treat patients in institutions around the world.

The Mayo Clinic began using sophisticated 3D printing technology eight years ago to separate a set of conjoined twins. The surgeons had wanted a model of the twins' internal organs and anatomy to study in advance of the complex surgery. Читать дальше...


Harry Reid gave a blunt 3-word response when asked if he supported recount efforts

Alex Wong/Getty Images

Outgoing Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid shrugged when asked on Tuesday if he supported the recount effort spearheaded by Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan.

"Sure, why not?" the Nevada Democrat told reporters at a press conference.

Stein, along with another third-party candidate, last week petitioned for a recount in Wisconsin, one of the most closely contested states. Officials there began the recount process on Monday. Читать дальше...


Ethan Hawke describes Trump's presidency as 'fascism' and says Hollywood will speak out

Michael Loccisano/Getty

The Gotham Awards are held every year on the Monday after Thanksgiving in New York City, marking the unofficial start of the award season. Though the event champions major achievements in the independent film world, it was hard this year to avoid addressing the results of the presidential election, including for one of its winners, Ethan Hawke.

The evening’s host, Keegan-Michael Key (half of the duo making up TV show “Key & Peele,” he also starred in this year's indie “Don’t Think Twice”)... Читать дальше...


Online fraud poses a major threat this holiday season

BI Intelligence

This story was delivered to BI Intelligence "E-Commerce Briefing" subscribers. To learn more and subscribe, please click here.

The busy online shopping season over the holidays is bringing a rise in fraudulent purchases, especially among card-not-present attempts, according to data from ACI Worldwide.

This type of fraud is particularly prevalent online as it does not require the merchant to view or authorize the cardholder's identity, and is likely a reaction... Читать дальше...


Trump's pick for transportation secretary could be a big boost to Uber and Lyft

David Paul Morris/Bloomberg via Getty Images

While much of Silicon Valley is reeling from the election results, companies that rely on the so-called gig economy, such as Uber and Lyft, might be breathing a sigh of relief at President-elect Donald Trump's pick for transportation secretary.

Trump has reportedly chosen Elaine Chao, labor secretary under George W. Bush, to lead the Transportation Department — and she's already shown that she's on the side of companies like Uber and Lyft when it comes to labor regulations. Читать дальше...


13 things that will trash your home's value

REUTERS/Rick Wilking

For many of us, a home is the biggest investment we'll ever make — yet most Americans are clueless about their home's value, including the things that can ruin it.

From unappealing renovations to an unfortunately placed sinkhole, numerous factors can devalue your greatest investment.

We've rounded up 13 threats that could dampen your home's value.

Kathleen Elkins contributed to a previous version of this story.

Sinkhole damage

REUTERS/Daniel... Читать дальше...


UK fintechs must look to international partnerships for growth


This story was delivered to BI Intelligence "Fintech Briefing" subscribers. To learn more and subscribe, please click here.

The future of the UK as a global fintech leader has grown somewhat uncertain, marked by slowing investment into the sector in the runup to and after June's Brexit vote.

VC investment in UK fintechs reached only $78 million in Q3 2016, the lowest volume seen in five quarters, while fintech sectors elsewhere — notably, in Germany — are performing better. Читать дальше...


The 8 essential items you need in your car

Hopefully your car is equipped with a properly inflated spare tire and a jack. But are you prepared to survive if you are stranded for several hours in the cold? How about a couple of days? Build this simple survival kit to feel better prepared when an emergency arises on the road. 

Читать дальше...


The US surveillance state is poised to become even more powerful under Trump

Reuters/Pawel Kopczynski

The US surveillance state is poised to grow more powerful under a Trump administration.

Though President-elect Donald Trump still has nearly two months until he's sworn in, his picks for Attorney General and Director of the Central Intelligence Agency are a sign that many surveillance reforms could be overturned or changed, such as the NSA's collection of telephone metadata on all Americans — a program that was reformed after it was exposed by Edward Snowden. Читать дальше...


With Fidel Castro gone, a new 'maximum leader' looms over the US-Cuban relationship


The recent death of longtime Cuban strongman Fidel Castro has injected uncertainty into the future of his revolution and presents the first foreign-policy challenge faced by US President-elect Donald Trump.

The long-frosty relationship between the US and Cuba thawed over the last two years, as current US President Barack Obama led a rapprochement with Havana.

Now, as Trump is poised to take office, the relationship may slip back into hostility.

Prior to his candidacy... Читать дальше...


One restaurant group stands to be the big winner if Trump cuts everyone's taxes (DFRG)

Robert Libetti/ Business Insider

Credit Suisse analysts turned bullish on Del Frisco's restaurants after they analyzed the potential effect of tax cuts on the chain.

If President-elect Donald Trump cut income taxes, the group of over a dozen chains would be the biggest winner among restaurants, the analysts said in a note on Tuesday.

While campaigning, Trump proposed a simpler tax code with a 33% ceiling for the highest income bracket, down from 39.6% this year.

"Upper-income... Читать дальше...


The best kicker in the NFL proposed awarding teams an extra point for kickoffs that go through the goal post

Patrick Smith/Getty

The NFL world spends a lot of time theorizing about the kicking portion of football games, but in recent years the league has actually gone about implementing some of those changes. 

The PAT is now a 34-yard attempt, and has produced very mixed results, while touchbacks on kickoffs now move a team to the 25-yard line. These are not revolutionary changes, but they do affect the way the game is played. 

Justin Tucker of the Baltimore Ravens, meanwhile, has... Читать дальше...


Melania Trump is threatening to sue over the YouTube video speculating that her son has autism

Getty Images

Melania Trump is threatening a lawsuit over a YouTube video that speculates her son Barron has autism, The Hollywood Reporter has confirmed. 

"This law firm represents first lady-elect Melania Trump and her 10-year-old son, Barron Trump," attorney Charles Harder tells THR. "A video was posted at YouTube recently speculating that Barron might be autistic. He is not. The video includes the hashtag 'StopTheBullying' but yet the video itself is bullying by making false statements... Читать дальше...


Online sales shattered expectations on Black Friday


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Black Friday's online sales beat estimates as shoppers moved online for the shopping holiday, with mobile devices driving more purchases than ever, according to Adobe Digital Insights.

In addition, this year's online sales shattered 2015's record as the convenience of mobile likely spurred more shoppers to make purchases remotely, rather than navigating crowded brick-and-mortar locations. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

В СВАО Москвы реконструируют дорогу и построят мост

Путин в России и мире

Путин поручил сократить время пути поездов от Москвы до Черного моря до 16 часов

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск не исключает попыток оппозиции оторвать часть территории Белоруссии в пользу НАТО

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Imagine Dragons

Группа Imagine Dragons выпустит новый альбом


«Искусство объединяет мир»: российские художники приняли участие в Венецианской биеннале-2024

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