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Новости за 30.09.2016


How a separate 'happy budget' helps a couple earning $142,000 a year achieve their goals

Brett Schock

Brett Schock, a 32-year-old father from Fort Worth, Texas, has two budgets: His real one, based on his actual income and spending, and his "happy budget," or how much he and his wife estimate they'd need to live a life that makes them happy.

It's ingenious: While research consistently tries to peg happiness to a dollar number (the most publicized finding was about $75,000 a year, if you're curious — about $83,000 with inflation), the larger conclusion is that money itself doesn't make a person happy. Читать дальше...


'Boz', the man behind Facebook News Feed, explains the importance of launching new products with a 'degree of humility' (FB)

Andrew Bosworth

When Facebook launched News Feed a decade ago, the reaction from users was to revolt.

Before News Feed, Facebook users had to click around on their friends' profile pages, individually, to check out what they were sharing. Now that information was conveniently accessible in one place.

The web is now so flooded with news feeds, the idea seems like a no-brainer. Not at all in 2006. The day after launch, users threatened to boycott the service and protesters swarmed the Facebook offices... Читать дальше...


22 fascinating maps that show how Americans speak English differently across the US

Josh Katz, "Speaking American"

Everyone knows Americans don't agree on pronunciations.

That's great, because regional accents and dialects are a major part of why American English is so interesting.

Josh Katz, a former Ph.D. student of statistics at North Carolina State University, published a group of awesome visualizations of Professor Bert Vaux and Scott Golder's linguistic survey, which looked at differences in American dialects (via detsl on /r/Linguistics).

His results were first published on The Abstract... Читать дальше...


Peter Diamandis shares his 4 best tips for starting a successful business

ESA/Getty Images

Dr. Peter Diamandis (@PeterDiamandis) has been named one of "The World's 50 Greatest Leaders" by Fortune magazine. In the field of innovation, Diamandis is Chairman and CEO of the XPRIZE Foundation, best known for its $10 million Ansari XPRIZE for private spaceflight.

Today the XPRIZE leads the world in designing and operating large-scale global competitions to solve market failures.

Peter has been a guest on the podcast twice (once with Tony Robbins, and again solo)... Читать дальше...


What you need to know on Wall Street right now

REUTERS/Kai Pfaffenbach

Welcome to Finance Insider, Business Insider's summary of the top stories of the past 24 hours. 

To sign up, scroll to the bottom of this page and click "Get updates in your inbox," or click here. 

It's all about Deutsche Bank right now. Here are the headlines:

  • Deutsche Bank is reportedly close to a $5.4 billion settlement with the US government.
  • That news has sent the share price soaring.
  • Goldman Sachs on Deutsche Bank: It's not as bad as you think. Читать дальше...


Facebook is testing its own version of Snapchat in the Messenger app (FB)


Facebook is testing Snapchat-like photo and video messages that disappear after 24 hours in its Messenger app.

After TechCrunch first spotted the changes, a Facebook spokesperson confirmed the feature test, which is called "Messenger Day," to Business Insider.

The company spokesperson said that Messenger Day is currently being tested in Poland and declined to offer details on whether it would eventually be available to Messenger users in other countries.

"We... Читать дальше...


The top 50 dream companies for engineering students around the world

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

A study from Universum, a global research and advisory firm, found that business students from all around the globe named Google as "the world's most attractive employer."

Not so surprisingly, those studying engineering and IT also found the search behemoth to be the most desirable company, thanks to Google's appealing perks, great pay, and an exceptional workplace culture.

Universum surveyed about 100,000 engineering and IT undergrads in 12 countries... Читать дальше...


The 5 best new songs you can stream right now

Mark J. Terrill/AP

Now that new music comes out every Friday — though not always on every streaming service — it can be hard to know where to find the next great song.

To help you out, Business Insider compiles this rundown of the best new music you can stream right now.

This week, Bon Iver and ambient producer Tycho released outstanding new albums, and indie supergroup LIV debuted its first single.

Check out this week's best new songs:

Tycho — "Horizon"

Tycho's... Читать дальше...


The one question you should never ask at the end of a job interview

Samantha Lee/Business Insider

At some point toward the end of your job interview, the hiring manager will likely turn the tables and ask: "Now do you have any questions for me?"

This may be your final chance to shine — and the perfect opportunity to determine whether the job is a good fit — so it's imperative that you ask the right questions and avoid anything that makes you seem unprepared, lazy, or greedy.

Michael Kerr, an international business speaker and author of "The... Читать дальше...


The writer behind the new Wonder Woman comics says the superhero is gay

DC Comics

Greg Rucka, one of the writers of DC Comics' newly launched "Wonder Woman: Rebirth" series, says the heroine is a lesbian.

Clearly, there have been many, many theories through the years surrounding the the world's most popular female superhero, her Amazonian roots, and her sexuality. Now, Rucka is confirming that that Diana Prince, aka Wonder Woman, has had sexual and romantic relationships with women.

"It’s supposed to be paradise," Rucka told Comicosity.com of Wonder Woman's secluded Amazon island home. Читать дальше...


THE LOW POWER WIDE AREA NETWORKS REPORT: Market potential, key players, and the emerging standards for low-power, long-range networks set to open doors for IoT adoption

BI Intelligence

Although Wi-Fi and cellular networks can connect IoT devices to the internet, they have inherent characteristics that make them ill-suited to do so for small, low-power components like sensors, smart locks, and smart lights.

BI Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service, expects that more than 24 billion IoT devices will be installed globally in 2020, and the vast majority of these will fall into the small, low-power category.

So networks that... Читать дальше...


A growing number of Americans are warming up to the idea of a one-party government

REUTERS/Carlos Barria

Voters face a series of tough decisions in less than six weeks.

Not only do they have to choose a new president, but they also have to elect people to fill all 435 seats in the House of Representatives, and choose 34 Senators as well.

Besides the relative merits and demerits of the individual candidates on all these levels, voters must decide whether to support the Republican or Democratic agenda based on the majorities in Congress and the winner of the presidential election. Читать дальше...


Bolivia's approach to regulating coca production is worlds apart from the old US-led strategy

Pavel Svoboda Photography/Shutterstock

The US government’s annual report on the drug trade has accused Bolivia once again of failing to do enough to tackle the production and trafficking of illicit narcotics.

This has been the US mantra for the ten years since Evo Morales, Bolivia’s first indigenous president, made a radical break with the US-funded “war on drugs”.

The US’s stance flies in the face of ample evidence that Bolivia has markedly reduced coca leaf cultivation.

... Читать дальше...


This Alibaba app lets you ask strangers to deliver toilet paper

Shu Zhang/Reuters

The joke has turned into reality.

Alipay, China’s largest mobile payment platform, is rolling out the "Alipay Everywhere" function that allows users to ask strangers to do anything for a fee, Alipay's official Weibo account posted Thursday.

Alibaba released an April Fool's prank video that introduced similar features last year.

The video shows a fictional scenario in which by using "Alipay Everywhere," users could ask strangers around to deliver toilet paper... Читать дальше...


In some states, raising the age for adult court is the easy part

Associated Press

It has become a national trend: raising the age at which teenagers are tried in adult court.

In just the last few years, Connecticut, Illinois, Mississippi, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire have all passed laws to shift the dividing line between juveniles and adults, usually from 17 to 18.

And this summer both Louisiana and South Carolina joined the list, bringing the total number to 43. 

Yet it’s one thing to raise the age, and quite another to prepare the juvenile system to respond. Читать дальше...


We've just received another sign China's industrial sector is stabilizing

Feng Li/Getty Images

Activity levels for smaller Chinese manufacturing firms improved fractionally in September, according to the latest Caixin-Markit manufacturing purchasing managers’ index (PMI) report released on Friday.

The headline PMI came in at 50.1, a figure that was in line with expectations and a small improvement on August’s 50.0.

The PMI measures changes in activity levels in China’s manufacturing sector from one month to the next. A figure above 50 points to an... Читать дальше...


Chinese hospital bosses threaten to fire staff for buying iPhone 7 — then changes their minds

Kim Kyung-Hoon/Reuters

A city hospital in southwestern China has warned its staff that anyone caught breaking a new rule banning them from buying the latest iPhone 7 could be fired, according to Chinese media.

The strict rule is part of measures to clamp down on the hospital employees’ extravagant lifestyles, the Chongqing Times reported on Wednesday.

An official notice issued by the Chongqing Fuling Xinjiuzhou Women’s Hospital in Chongqing said because the latest iPhone models... Читать дальше...


These energy-efficient LED streetlights save cities millions of dollars — but people hate them

Paolo Neo/Wikimedia

LED streetlights are spreading like wildfire in cities as municipal governments take advantage of the cost savings offered by these energy efficient bulbs.

This conversion from conventional street lighting to LED technology has been rapid with approximately 10 percent of existing U.S. street lighting now using solid-state LED technology.

Though popular with city officials, the lights are a source of angst for residents who dislike the blue light they emit... Читать дальше...


Unruly passengers are now among the top safety concerns for major airlines


As air travel becomes more crowded and stressful due to sold-out flights and elaborate security checks, it’s becoming more common for passengers to cross the line from discontented to disruptive.

Last year, airlines reported nearly 11,000 unruly passenger incidents, according to a new report from the International Air Transport Association, a 16 percent increase from 2014.

There was an incident on one in every 1,205 flights, a significant increase from the previous five-year... Читать дальше...


Teen pregnancy rates in the US hit another record low — thanks to birth control


For the seventh year in a row, the teen birth rate in the U.S. hit a record low in 2015, thanks to less teen sex, better birth control use, and more education, according to the latest data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 

The U.S. still has higher teen birth rates than most industrialized countries, including Canada and the United Kingdom, but 2015 marks the 24th year in a row that the country posted annual declines. Since 2009, birth rates... Читать дальше...



Here are the top 10 NFL teams going into week 4.

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Экология в России и мире

Воспитанник Московского дворца пионеров стал лауреатом конкурса «Эксперимент в космосе. Космос для всех»

Путин в России и мире

«Коноплянка» гнездится в России // Московский «Кристалл» начнет выпуск белорусской водки

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

В Минске одобрен проект соглашения о системе таможенного транзита ЕАЭС

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

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Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Валерий Гергиев

Собянин поздравил народного артиста России Валерия Гергиева с днём рождения


Мощная магнитная буря может создать северное сияние над Москвой

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