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Новости за 18.09.2016


The opioids of the future won't get you high (NKTR)

Skye Gould/Tech Insider

So far, our pharmaceutical solutions to skyrocketing overdose deaths from legal painkillers have focused on one thing: Making pain pills that are harder to abuse.

With little evidence that these "adult-proof" painkillers will be enough to curb deaths, a handful of researchers are stepping in to try something new.

They are making pain-relieving drugs that don't get you high in the first place.

"We have a chance here to actually separate analgesia [pain-relief] from euphoria [the 'high']," Dr.


The most disturbing aspect of a sexual-abuse scandal at an elite, New England prep school


An independent report released on September 1 detailing the long-term sexual abuse that went on at St. George's School, an elite boarding school in Rhode Island, shed light on the policies that fostered an environment where faculty and staff took repeated advantage of students.

The report, commissioned by St. George's and an organization called SGS for Healing and conducted by an outside law firm, found that six employees abused at least 51 students, and that students sexually bullied or hazed 10 others. Читать дальше...


'We will once again choose resolve over fear': Hillary Clinton responds to terrorist attacks

REUTERS/Carlos Barria

Hillary Clinton called for calm Sunday in the face of a series of terror attacks the day before that left several dozen people injured in New York and Minnesota.

Within the course of several hours on Saturday, a pipe bomb exploded near a Marine Corps charity race in New Jersey, an improvised explosive device was detonated in New York City's Chelsea neighborhood, and a man was shot dead after stabbing eight people in a mall in St. Cloud, Minnesota. 

Authorities... Читать дальше...


Meet the United States' somewhat disputed emperor

Bradley & Rulofson/Wikimedia Commons

For years, the extent (and even the existence) of American imperialism has been the subject of vigorous national debate—a debate that so far, has ignored the most salient evidence: the Emperor of the United States, Joshua Abraham Norton of San Francisco.

It’s hard to deny a nation-state is an empire when it has an honest-to-god emperor, even if his reign was somewhat disputed. Norton, born in England, came to the country he would ultimately rule in 1849 with a small fortune... Читать дальше...


The 30 highest-paying jobs you can get without a college degree

Idaho National Laboratory/flickr

Don't feel like contributing to the $1.4 trillion student-loan debt in the US?

Luckily, there are plenty of high-paying jobs you can get that require only a high-school diploma.

According to the latest data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, these are the 30 highest-paying jobs that you don't need any college experience to pursue.

Each has a median annual salary of at least $57,000.

30. Construction and building inspectors

Description... Читать дальше...


North Korea is on its 'way to an arsenal of perhaps dozens' of nuclear warheads


WASHINGTON, D.C. — In the wake of North Korea's latest nuclear test, a panel of experts discussed the possible implications of a nuclear weapons "no-first-use" policy on global security at the Heritage Foundation on Thursday. 

A "no-first-use" policy calls for a country to not use nuclear weapons first and only in response to an attack.

Last week, Pyongyang carried out its largest nuclear test, which was the second one this year and fifth since 2006. In response, experts... Читать дальше...


Lyft: Most of our rides will be in self-driving cars in 5 years

Ted S. Warren/AP

A co-founder of the Lyft ride-hailing service predicts that self-driving cars will handle a majority of his company's rides within five years.

Lyft President John Zimmer also says personal car ownership will come to an end as the cost of autonomous rides falls. He made the predictions Sunday in an essay on the future of transportation in urban areas.

Companies are moving quickly toward autonomous cars. Lyft is testing self-driving vehicles in San Francisco and Phoenix in partnership with General Motors. Читать дальше...


TOM LEE: Newton's law of motion is saying 'buy stocks'

Wikimedia Commons

You can find Newton's law of motion in the US stock market around this time of year, and that's a reason to buy stocks.

In a client note on Friday, Fundstrat's Tom Lee wrote that when the S&P 500 is up year-to-date by mid-September, it tends to stay strong into the end of the year.

Lee is likely referencing the first of Newton's three laws, which states that an object in motion will tend to keep going unless an unbalanced force disrupts it. 

Lee... Читать дальше...


Obama trashes Trump in fiery speech to the Congressional Black Caucus


Speaking to the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation on Saturday night, President Obama said it would be a “personal insult” and tarnish he and Michelle Obama’s legacy if black Americans didn’t turn out to vote and ensure that Donald Trump does not become president.

“I will consider it a personal insult—an insult to my legacy—if this community lets down its guard and fails to activate itself in this election. You want to give me a good sendoff? Go vote,” he implored.

“If you care about our legacy... Читать дальше...


A rate hike will give oil prices a significant jolt


Oil prices could be facing a significant jolt after Federal Chair Janet Yellen, in her annual speech at the Jackson Hole economic symposium in Wyoming, said that the case to increase interest rates had strengthened. The extent of the jolt that may be felt is far from certain however.

Due to the quotations of crude oil in U.S. dollars, there is often a bind between the fate of the greenback and the costs of oil per barrel, as the balance of oil trade and the effect on market psychology can be hugely influential. Читать дальше...


Elephants can detect how dangerous people are by the sounds of their voices

REUTERS/Thomas Mukoya

When we talk about smart animals, we tend to give credit to a few creatures: chatty dolphins, long-remembering elephants, tool-using apes, and puzzle-solving crows, to name a few.

But do we really understand just how smart, how able to communicate thoughts and even, dare we say it, feelings, some animals are?

Most of us don't give them enough credit, according to a September 13 talk at Cooper Union by ecologist Carl Safina, author of "Beyond Words: What... Читать дальше...


A psychologist who's spent decades studying the science of persuasion explains why it's so hard to resist a sales pitch

Flickr / Brian Teutsch

The science of persuasion — how other people get you to do what they want — can sound simple.

Case in point: If you've got a likable salesperson, you're more likely to buy their product. If that salesperson tells you there's only one of that product left, you're even more likely to wind up purchasing it.

Yet if these are really such duh ideas, why can't we apply them in our daily lives? As in, why can't we resist the nice salesperson's pitch, because... Читать дальше...


Ex-Ivy League admissions officer reveals why it's sometimes tougher for Asian kids to get in

Robert Spencer/Getty Images

Reddit hosted an AMA, or Ask Me Anything, that featured former Cornell admissions officer Nelson Ureña answering questions about the admissions process at the Ivy League school.

Ureña, now a cofounder of college-mentor-application company Mentorverse, provided his honest answer to a student who asked if he should withhold the fact that he's an Asian applicant, considering his ACT score was low.

Ureña stops short of telling the student what he should do... Читать дальше...


These companies you've never heard of are about to incite another massive drug price outrage


It's easy to see why EpiPen has become the focus of America's fury over drug prices. It treats potentially deadly allergic reactions — for example, in a child who is stung by a bee — and its price has spiked by over 500% in a few years.

While it's easy to jump all over drugmakers, like EpiPen's maker, Mylan, other actors in the healthcare system ought to draw as much scrutiny.

One group of companies, called pharmaceutical-benefit managers, or PBMs, serve as middlemen... Читать дальше...


A German grocery chain that crippled its rivals in the UK is about to invade the US


A new wave of European grocery stores is about to invade the US.

The German supermarket chain Lidl is gearing up to open stores in dozens of cities along the East Coast, spanning from New Jersey to Georgia, the company told Business Insider.

Lidl wouldn't reveal how many stores it's planning to open, but sources told the commercial real-estate firm CoStar that the company will open as many as 150 US stores by 2018. The company currently has 10,000 stores in 26 European countries. Читать дальше...


This commodity has been going 'quietly parabolic' (KOL)

Getty Images

In case you missed it, coking coal has been going nuts in the last few weeks.

Also called metallurgical coal, it's a vital fuel used to make steel, the backbone of global infrastructure and of China's industrial boom.

The Steel Index's premium hard coking coal index has gained 90% in the past month. It's now the best-performing commodity of the year, The Financial Times noted, up 166%.

A supply squeeze in China has been the main driver of the rally, according to Alex Hacking, an analyst at Citi. Читать дальше...


Here's who's going to win at the 2016 Emmy Awards

USA Network

The 2016 Emmy Awards go down this Sunday. There are some exciting competitions this year and a lot of questions to be answered.

For example, will Julia Louis-Dreyfus become the first person to win five Emmys in the comedy actress category? Or will another talented woman break her winning streak?

Plus, who will take up the mantle in the best drama actor category now that Jon Hamm, Bryan Cranston, and Jeff Daniels aren't in the running? Aside from "Bloodline" star Kyle Chandler... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

«ЗЭТО»: Трансформатор тока серии ТОГФ — 110 кВ с азотной изоляцией

Путин в России и мире

Тема дня: Путин поручил выделить средства на развитие космической ядерной энергетики

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко подписал указ по реализации до 2028 года нового с РФ проекта в сфере космоса

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленского выпороли ультиматумом: США жестко ответили на наглость и поучения Киева

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



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