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Новости за 13.09.2016


Here's why the Oscar contenders for this year are looking a lot less white

The Weinstein Company

Ready or not, the awards season is well underway, with the prominent Fall film festivals unveiling their Oscar hopefuls one after another. The 73rd edition of the Venice Film Festival has already wrapped, as did the 43rd Telluride Film Festival that took place over the Labor Day weekend. And the still ongoing Toronto International Film Festival — which we’re covering extensively — is continuing to offer further clues about the long few months ahead that will end on Oscar night in late February. Читать дальше...


A plea to make Pokemon Go exciting again and save the game, from the first person to catch them all

Nick Johnson

Last week was a big week for Niantic Labs, the developer of Pokémon Go, as CEO John Hanke, took the stage at Apple’s iPhone launch event.

There, Hanke announced that Pokémon Go will be coming to the Apple Watch (eventually) and bragged that Pokémon Go had surpassed 500 million downloads, making it one of the most downloaded games ever.

Yet if you looked at the news surrounding the game the past few weeks, you wouldn't’t know it. Video game industry analysts have... Читать дальше...


10 survival myths that might get you killed

Dragan Radovanovic/Business Insider

There's something about the idea of being able to survive in the wilderness that's thrilling. We glorify it with TV shows like "Survivor" and "Man vs. Wild." 

But survival in the harsh conditions of nature is no simple affair, and most lessons can't be learned from television. In fact, some of the "survival advice" that we've picked up over the years is totally wrong, often dangerously so.

Here are some myths you don't want to rely on if a short jaunt outdoors turns disastrous. Читать дальше...


'Political retaliation': North Carolina governor fires back over NCAA decision to pull events out of the state

AP Photo/Gerry Broome

North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory fired back at the NCAA on Tuesday, calling the organization's decision to relocate seven championship events scheduled in North Carolina "political retaliation."

The NCAA's decision, announced Monday, came in response to House Bill 2, the state's "bathroom law" that prevents local governments from passing nondiscrimination ordinances for LGBT people, and bars transgender people from using the bathroom that corresponds with their gender identity. Читать дальше...


The Fed's 2 main challenges

The Fed would like to raise rates and is looking for an opportunity if all the stars align. If growth is sufficient, if financial conditions are well behaved, and if inflation expectations rise, the Fed will look to hike rates again.

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Shake Shack's millionaire founder Danny Meyer explains why he upped his fast-food workers' pay

Spencer Platt/Getty

Shake Shack prides itself on staying ahead of the curve, paying its people well above the fast-food industry average and the country's minimum wages.

Shake Shack team members make on average $10.55 an hour, according to Glassdoor, which is almost $3 more than the $7.98 an hour PayScale reports the average American fast food worker makes. For comparison, McDonalds crew members in the US make an average $8.29 an hour, employees report on Glassdoor.

According to the US Department of Labor... Читать дальше...


Norwegian Air will offer $69 tickets to Europe — but one thing needs to happen first


For several years, Norwegian Air has teased the flying public with promises of $69 tickets to cross the Atlantic.

Now it looks like the cheap tickets for which we have pined for so long may finally be within reach.

According to Norwegian Air chief commercial officer Thomas Ramdahl, his airline is awaiting the aircraft needed for the $69 flights. 

That's because the first of the 108 Boeing 737 MAX 8 airliners Norwegian Air ordered to operate those flights won't be ready for delivery until 2017. Читать дальше...


MARK CUBAN: Coverage of Hillary's health isn't 'crazy, it's lazy'

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Billionaire businessman Mark Cuban, a fierce supporter of Hillary Clinton, said the Democratic nominee's recent health episode is being overblown.

"It's not crazy, it's lazy," he told Business Insider in a Monday interview regarding coverage of Clinton's pneumonia. "There's a big difference, right?"

Attention has been drawn to Clinton's health after she was captured on video struggling to walk while leaving a 9/11 memorial event early. Her campaign... Читать дальше...


A hedge fund manager who shut down his fund following a government raid is now lashing out

Getty Images/ Cindy Ord

A hedge fund manager who shut down his fund following a government raid is now lashing out.

David Ganek shuttered his hedge fund Level Global following a government raid at his offices in 2010. Last year, he filed a sued the FBI and New York's Southern District, calling that raid "reckless."

On Tuesday, Ganek said that the government's choice to raid his fund was unjust.

"It was political, a pandering to what was going on in the world that time,"... Читать дальше...


The new Tupac biopic trailer is violent, powerful, and NSFW

Twenty years ago, on the streets of Las Vegas, groundbreaking rapper Tupac Shakur was gunned down as he drove away from a Mike Tyson boxing match. The crime remains unsolved. Appropriately enough, the upcoming movie detailing Tupac's troubled career, and his untimely death, dropped its first trailer and it is incendiary. Check out the latest footage from All Eyez on Me, the Tupac Shakur biopic (but know that it's NSFW, so don't press play if your bosses are around):

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A psychologist who's spent decades studying the science of persuasion explains why it's so hard to resist a sales pitch

Flickr / Brian Teutsch

The science of persuasion — how other people get you to do what they want — can sound simple.

Case in point: If you've got a likable salesperson, you're more likely to buy their product. If that salesperson tells you there's only one of that product left, you're even more likely to wind up purchasing it.

Yet if these are really such duh ideas, why can't we apply them in our daily lives? As in, why can't we resist the nice salesperson's pitch, because... Читать дальше...


23 introverts who became extremely successful

Pool/Getty Images

There are a lot of misconceptions regarding introverts.

Some people look at those they consider introverted and toss out all kinds of hyperbole, such as, "They are so shy they would not be able to deliver a speech in a public," or "She is so shy and introverted she does not like people all."

However, these almost prejudicial overstatements are rarely the case.

After all, introverts have been responsible for some of the greatest achievements in the history of mankind... Читать дальше...


'Totally empty, he has no brain': Mexico's former president took out his frustration on a Donald Trump piñata

El Show de Piolín

During an appearance on "El Show de Piolín" in Los Angeles, former Mexican President Vicente Fox found a new way to demonstrate his often-stated criticisms of Donald Trump: Beating a piñata of the Republican presidential candidate.

The appearance took place on a street in Los Angeles, after Fox ate a taco from a truck nearby.

"Los tacos will make America great — not the other guy," Fox said in English.

After being asked about GOP nominee, Fox turned to the piñata version of Trump... Читать дальше...


Despite all the trash-talking, Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff says he still loves Larry Ellison (CRM, ORCL)

Ezra Shaw/Getty Images; Mike Windle/Getty Images

Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff and Oracle cofounder Larry Ellison have one of the most fascinating bromance relationships in Silicon Valley.

Benioff started his career at Oracle and was Ellison's top lieutenant, becoming the company's youngest VP at age 26. Ellison was also one of the first investors in Salesforce, long serving as Benioff's closest business partner and mentor.

But the relationship took a sharp turn when Benioff... Читать дальше...


A wine expert says these cheap wines are the most underrated bottles on the shelf

Facebook/A to Z Wineworks

Deb Hatcher knows wine like she knows the alphabet.

For over 14 years, she and a few friends have run Oregon's largest winery, A to Z Wineworks.

The company is somewhat unique in that instead of sourcing grapes from one or two so-called "single-origin" vineyards, A to Z Wineworks has worked with over 100 vineyards using biodynamic or organic farming principles in order to create its blended wines.

According to Hatcher, blended wines make up... Читать дальше...


The 'bionic Olympics' offers a glimpse of our enhanced future

Not many athletes compete in mind-controlled computer games. Next month, however, more than fifty teams from around the world will meet near Zurich, Switzerland, to demonstrate their skills in manipulating computer characters, going up and down stairs in powered wheelchairs, and racing to pick up objects with their bionic hands.

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13 job-interview questions that can measure someone's emotional intelligence

Samantha Lee/Business Insider

In 2014, Container Store CEO Kip Tindell said one of the most important things a leader can have is high emotional intelligence.

"Emotional intelligence is the key to being really successful," he told Business Insider.

Perhaps that's why more and more companies are asking interview questions that are designed to measure a candidate's emotional intelligence — which is the ability to perceive, control, and evaluate emotions

Phil Johnson, founder... Читать дальше...


A CEO reveals the biggest sign you're actually a good boss

Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design/Flickr

When you're the boss, it can be difficult to get honest feedback about how you're doing.

That's why it's so important to understand what exactly sets good bosses apart.

Medical Guardian CEO Geoff Gross says that one particular habit is a strong indicator you're a quality leader in your organization.

"A good boss takes an authentic and proactive interest in their employees' lives," he says. "When you're at the office and talking to someone at their desk... Читать дальше...


Lady Gaga is in talks to play the Super Bowl halftime show

Neilson Barnard/Getty

Lady Gaga is reportedly in talks to play the Super Bowl 51 halftime show in Houston in February 2017. According to Billboard, the singer could clinch the biggest stage of the year because the NFL was impressed by her performance of The Star-Spangled Banner at the 2016 Super Bowl.

The last year has definitely been a big one for Gaga, who won a Golden Globe and was nominated for an Oscar for Best Original Song, "'Til It Happens to You." She is currently gearing... Читать дальше...


Why Big Food puts two sizes of carrots in your soup


Everyone wants homestyle soup, but few people will spend the time and money to get it. And so we increasingly trust the processed food industry to bring us one of the most basic comfort foods. Not surprisingly, they’ve got it down to a science.

We got some insights into how it works from Vienna Beef’s Director of Bistro products, Jaime Mestan, who oversees a ~$20 million business supplying frozen soups to restaurants.

"They wanted it to look homemade," Mestan says about her work for a recent client. Читать дальше...


STOCKS GET SLAMMED, DOW FALLS 250: Here's what you need to know

Global NCAP

Stocks continued their volatile streak on Tuesday, selling off substantially throughout the day and giving back all of Monday's gains.

All three major indexes fell substantially, ending the day near their lows. Tuesday marked the third straight day that the S&P 500 moved by 1% in either direction, after 43 straight days of not doing so.

We have all the major market headlines, but first, the scoreboard:

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Экология в России и мире

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Председатель Госдумы Володин: Путин спас Россию

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Польский судья приехал в Минск и попросил защиты у Лукашенко

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Анастасия Волочкова

Балерина Анастасия Волочкова села на шпагат на Мальдивах


Haval Jolion становится доступнее на российском рынке, но пока только на бумаге. У дилеров цена, наоборот, выросла

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