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Новости за 11.09.2016


Hillary Clinton's health is again an issue in the campaign



Elon Musk: Upgraded Autopilot could have prevented fatal Model S crash (TSLA)


Tesla's Autopilot should get a lot safer in the next few weeks. 

The electric car maker plans to roll out a new software update in a week or two that will bring significant improvements to Autopilot, CEO Elon Musk said during a press call Sunday. 

One big way the company is enhancing the accuracy of Autopilot is by tweaking the system's software so that data collected by the car's radar sensor carries more weight when determining whether the car should brake or not.

Currently... Читать дальше...


Two restored PATH train cars give a haunting look into life during the 9/11 attacks

Evan Jennings

Today is the 15th anniversary of the September 11 attacks, the largest and most destructive terrorist attack that ever took place on US soil. 

Remnants of the attack remain. Today, two museums — the Shoreline Trolley Museum and the Trolley Museum of New York of Kingston, New York — have opened exhibits of two preserved PATH train cars. These were the only two PATH train cars out of seven that have survived the attacks below the World Trade Center as it crumbled.

... Читать дальше...


Officials who botched end of Oklahoma State game suspended



A giant 'bridge to nowhere' marks China's failed efforts to engage North Korea

Reuters/Joseph Campbell

Towering above the murky waters, the New Yalu River Bridge was supposed to symbolize a new era in relations between China and North Korea, helping bring investment to landmark free trade zones jointly run with the impoverished and isolated state.

Costing 2.2 billion yuan ($330 million) and partially completed last year, the dual-carriageway bridge today sits abandoned, the impressive border post on the Chinese side deserted and locked, not a soul to be seen. Читать дальше...


Chargers receiver Keenan Allen broke down in tears after suffering a knee injury in first game of the season


San Diego Chargers wide receiver Keenan Allen went down with a knee injury on Sunday during the first half against the Chiefs.

He had to be carted off the field, and reports say an ACL tear is likely.

As he was carted off the field, Allen's emotions got the better of him. It was tough to watch: 

RAW Embed

It's just brutal news for Allen and the Chargers, who will now be without their top receiver for the remainder of the year. 


A new study sheds light on how the world's elites view the US

Thomson Reuters

Chatham House’s new report on elite perceptions of the US in Latin America and the post-Soviet states – which follows a previous survey of Asia and Europe – underlines the uniquely daunting task of expectation management task that awaits anyone in charge of America’s image in the world.

It’s tricky to ask other countries to be realistic about the US’s national interests without pushing them into disillusion and resentment. Small wonder then that those consulted for... Читать дальше...


21 job-interview questions that are designed to trick you

Flickr/ PhotoAtelier

Savvy hiring managers can glean a ton of information about you by asking just a few, well-chosen questions.

But while they may seem simple — that's the point — some are actually designed to get you to reveal information you may have been trying to conceal. In other words: they're trick questions.

"To uncover areas that may reflect inconsistencies, hiring managers sometimes ask these tricky questions," says Tina Nicolai, executive career coach and founder of Resume Writers' Ink. Читать дальше...


10 scientific hoaxes that rocked the world

AP Photo/Dennis Cook

Every now and then, a scientific discovery comes along that is just so wild that you can't wrap your head around it at first.

Electricity, the theory of relativity ... the slinky. It's these wild, new advancements that push the boundaries of science and end up changing out lives.

But sometimes, a crazy-sounding discovery or invention is just that: crazy. And behind it is somebody willing to glue together bones or hire a man to turn a crank for fame or profit. Читать дальше...


THEN AND NOW: How New York City's World Trade Center has changed in the 15 years since the 9/11 terrorist attack

AP Images

Completed in 1973, the original World Trade Center complex was dubbed a "dream come true" by Governor Nelson Rockefeller at the official ribbon cutting ceremony on April 4.

After the September 11, 2011 terrorist attacks left a hole in New York's skyline, ideas started spewing about what and how to rebuild.

Years later, One World Trade stands in its place. It's not just the Western Hemisphere's tallest building — it has also become a symbol of American pride.

... Читать дальше...


French President Hollande: US response to 9/11 increased terror threat

© AFP Bryan R. Smith

Paris (AFP) - America's response to the 9/11 attacks augmented rather than defeated the jihadist threat, with the consequences of the Iraq war now being felt in terror-scarred France, President Francois Hollande said Sunday.

In a Facebook post commemorating the victims of the attacks Hollande echoed a famous front-page headline from Le Monde newspaper on the day after the suicide plane strikes.

"Yes, on that day, we were all Americans," he wrote.

But the Socialist leader... Читать дальше...


'This is an exterminationist policy': The Philippines' bloody antidrug policy could be wildly counterproductive

Thomson Reuters

The bluster and vitriol of the Philippines' recently elected president has captured international attention, as has the wave of violence that has swept the country since he entered office promising to wipe out drug-related crime.

And with that violence and bravado, Rodrigo Duterte's administration has implemented an antidrug policy that is likely to be wildly counterproductive, say drug-policy experts.

Duterte, who was elected president in May and took office on June 30... Читать дальше...


5 mistakes you're making at the grocery store checkout


Landing in a fast-moving checkout lane at stores isn't all about luck.

There's a bit of science behind it as well, and if you know what signs to look for, you can increase your chances of getting in and out of the store faster.

The New York Times interviewed experts on queuing theory — the science behind standing in line — to identify some of the most common mistakes people make when trying to find the fastest checkout line.

Here's what they came up with:

1. Читать дальше...


Trump wants to make America great — by making it like Russia

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Wednesday night’s “Commander-in-Chief Forum,” presented by NBC News and MSNBC, was a debacle. 

Every network that’s hosting a presidential debate in the next seven weeks should study the video to learn how not to interrogate Donald Trump.

But Trump still managed, through boastful indifference, to reveal the most important thing about his presidency: He would make the United States an authoritarian country.

Trump played his usual tricks. When he was quizzed about foreign policy... Читать дальше...


Despite a commanding cash advantage, Clinton isn't letting up on fundraising



France arrests 15-year-old boy for allegedly planning 'imminent' Paris attack

Thomson Reuters

A 15-year-old boy has been arrested in Paris suspected of preparing imminent "violent action", two judicial sources said, the second alleged plot with links to Islamic State discovered in France this week.

Last Sunday, a car loaded with gas cylinders was found near Notre Dame cathedral and jerry cans of diesel, leading to the discovery of a plot to attack a Paris railway station under the direction of Islamic State. Seven people, including four women, were arrested. Читать дальше...


Aaron Rodgers threw an absurd 29-yard touchdown pass while being pulled to the ground by a defender


Aaron Rodgers threw one of those touchdown passes that you can rewatch over and over again and never fully understand how he managed to do it. 

In this particular instance, Rodgers found Davante Adams for a 29-yard TD after dancing his way around the pocket and, somehow, releasing a throw while being pulled to the ground by a Jacksonville defender. 

Here's the play: 

RAW Embed

Almost immediately after the ball was snapped, the pocket began to close around Rodgers. Читать дальше...


2 reasons not to own property

There are plenty of great reasons to own residential real estate – you need a place to live, it’s cheap to borrow money, you get a tax break, and you pay your own mortgage instead of someone else’s.

Читать дальше...


Elon Musk just announced big improvements coming to Autopilot (TSLA)


Tesla cars are getting a giant upgrade. 

On Sunday, CEO Elon Musk revealed details about Tesla 8.0, its biggest software update yet. The update, which is slated to roll out worldwide in a week or two, will include significant updates to Tesla's semiautonomous-driving system called Autopilot. 

The update will make Tesla vehicles three times safer than cars without Autopilot, Musk said during a press call Sunday. 

"I think it will make the Model S and Model X by far the safest cars on the road. Читать дальше...


The future of Coke and Pepsi depends on the 'marketing trick of the century'


As soda sales fall, Coke and Pepsi are looking to bottled water to boost business.

Bottled-water sales have more than doubled in the US in the last 15 years, with Americans buying 11.7 billion gallons of the beverage in 2015.

However, critics are questioning if the apparently healthy adjustment is as positive as it seems.

"Whereas municipal water utilities must share their treatment methods and contaminant-testing results with consumers annually, bottled... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Более 9 тыс сотрудников Росгвардии обеспечили безопасность в День Победы в Москве

Путин в России и мире

"У меня такая судьба": Лукашенко рассказал о причине своего спешного отъезда прямо с парада

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко рассмотрит заявление об убежище от польского суди Шмидта

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Булат Окуджава

«Пусть плачут мужчины». Как Окуджава писал песню к «Белорусскиому вокзалу»


На Земле началась грандиозная магнитная буря

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