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Новости за 17.09.2016


Police in Tulsa fatally shot an unarmed black man



The curse behind cheap gas in the US

Thomson Reuters

President Obama graciously thanked himself for cheap gasoline at a rally in Philadelphia for Hillary Clinton on Tuesday.

To hear him tell it, “Let’s face it; Republicans don’t like to hear good news right now.” And while cheap fuel is indeed something that millions of households and businesses are happy about, including Republicans, many would doubt that Obama is to thank. Meanwhile, businesses in the oil and gas sector and those employed (or unemployed, as the case may be) in the oil and gas sector... Читать дальше...


The fight over the Dakota Access Pipeline reveals oil's fatal flaw

Andrew Burton / Getty

Someday water will be worth more than oil. Just like it was for most of human existence until some clever men figured out to dig ancient hydrocarbons out of the ground and create things like plastic and gasoline.

According to many, that day may soon come. As clean water becomes an increasingly valuable natural resource, the search for a greener alternative to oil is growing. One thing is for certain: We will eventually use up all the planet’s oil reserves, and... Читать дальше...


A 'rambling' note expressing hatred for police was found at the scene of a shooting spree in Philadelphia

CBS via Reuters

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A "rambling" note expressing hatred for police was found after a man opened fire on a Philadelphia police officer then went on a shooting spree, injuring a second officer, killing a woman and wounding three other people before he was shot and killed by police in an alley, authorities said Saturday.

Police Commissioner Richard Ross identified the gunman in the Friday overnight rampage as 25-year-old Nicholas Glenn, and said he had a 9mm Ruger and... Читать дальше...


A student who got into all 8 Ivy League schools explains a trick for bargaining with colleges to lower the cost


Reddit hosted an AMA, or Ask Me Anything, that featured Kwasi Enin answering questions about his incredible feat of being accepted into all eight Ivy League schools.

Enin, now a junior at Yale, provided one response about how he settled on his choice that was truly surprising for those who don't know that you can bargain with schools over their financial aid offers.

"For me, Yale had one of the best financial aid offers (after bargaining a little bit)," he wrote.

... Читать дальше...


I just found myself in the middle of an anti-terrorism operation in Paris — here's what the initial moments of confusion were like

Portia Crowe/Business Insider

PARIS, France — Paris is on edge.

After three major attacks in France and several smaller incidents over the past two years, terrorism has become a regular part of the conversation here — on TV, on the radio, and in the streets.

In the past two weeks alone, authorities say they have thwarted two attempted attacks.

Perhaps it is no surprise then that shoppers in central Paris called the police on Saturday afternoon when they thought they heard an explosion on Rue St. Читать дальше...


Officials confirm that a US-led air strike killed Syrian troops

Thomson Reuters

A Russian Defense Ministry spokesman says 62 Syrian soldiers have been reported killed in a U.S.-led coalition airstrike on a military base.

The US Central Command released a statement confirming the incident on Saturday. 

Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov says the airstrike on Saturday took place near the Deir el-Zour airport in eastern Syria and was carried out by two F-16s and two A-10s. He did not identify the planes' country affiliation, but said they were part of the international coalition. Читать дальше...


To lower drug prices, start by fixing the FDA

Rob Kim/Getty Images For alice + olivia by Stacey Bendet

In the early 1960s, pictures of babies with tragic birth defects, including shortened or missing limbs, caused an international scare.

The malformations were quickly linked to the drug thalidomide, an over-the-counter sedative that had recently been developed in Germany and was being used by pregnant women to alleviate morning sickness.

One result of the thalidomide crisis was the passage of a new law, the Kefauver Harris Amendment... Читать дальше...


Here's the secret code a Mexican drug cartel allegedly uses to communicate


To sell drugs and transport their profits, Mexican cartels need to stay off the grid. That means using ultra-secret communications.

In a 2015 money-laundering case in Chicago, special agent with Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Jill Dennewitz testified against 32 members of various Mexican drug cartels.

The cartel members often used blackberry messenger, or BBM, according to prosecutors. In one instance, Carlos Parra-Pedroza, also known as "Walt Disney"... Читать дальше...


Putin once casually said over dinner that he could destroy America in a half-hour or less


In December 2011, Vladimir Putin, then Russia's prime minister, was positioned to reclaim his role as Russia's president in the March 2012 elections.

Fittingly, he hosted a lavish banquet at New Century, Moscow's richest equestrian club, for members of the Valdai Club and distinguished academics and journalists from around the world.

"The fare was extravagant: smoked trout, duck liver, venison soup, rhubarb sorbet, veal cheeks, and pear soup with caramel," according to Douglas Schoen and Melik Kaylan... Читать дальше...


Something is missing from the hedge fund industry

AP Photo/Richard Drew

In 2015, Mallory Downing was hustling for a hedge fund job.

Like many of her peers at Columbia Business School in New York, she sent out hundreds of résumés. She met with more than 100 people in interviews or informal coffee meetings. She was set on a career in investing and knew the hedge fund model was for her.

"Getting into this industry requires some serious conviction," she told Business Insider.

Not long after, a prominent hedge fund manager... Читать дальше...


Ivanka Trump offers a surprising counter strategy to a common negotiation tactic

Courtesy of Ivanka Trump

Ivanka Trump has negotiated a number of deals as the executive vice president of development and acquisitions for the Trump Organization — and along the way, she says she's learned that "winning" a negotiation isn't always the best option.

Business Insider recently sat down with Trump, who is also head of the Ivanka Trump lifestyle brand and advises young professional women with her #AskIT YouTube series, to talk, among other things, about her strategies for success. Читать дальше...


JESSE VENTURA: 3 ways professional wrestling prepared me for politics

Former governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura dropped by Business Insider to talk about his new book, "Jesse Ventura's Marijuana Manifesto."

Ventura worked as a professional wrestler and a wrestling commentator in the World Wrestling Federation (now known as WWE) for almost two decades before entering the realm of politics. He revealed three things he learned in professional wrestling that prepared him for life as a statesman.

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When I became a dad these 19 scientific facts blew my mind

Ann Price Photography

First came the awe and elation at my wife's pregnancy. We were finally starting a family!

In the next moment, an "Oh s--t!" panic sunk in.

To counter the fear of becoming new parents we both read. And read and read and read.

We rounded up about a dozen science-backed books, scanned countless research studies, downloaded pregnancy apps, and shared hundreds of articles with each other over the following months.

During that flood of information... Читать дальше...


Puerto Ricans could be the key to Hillary Clinton winning a key swing state

Reuters/Alvin Baez

In US presidential elections, Cuba has always loomed large for aspirants to the nation’s highest office, given the presence of so many of its natives in Florida, a key swing state. But the outcome of the race in 2016 may come down to those hailing from a different Caribbean island.

Hundreds of thousands of Puerto Ricans have moved to the US mainland in recent years, many of them driven out by the island’s collapsed economy.

Many have settled in Florida,... Читать дальше...


The first 7 apps you should download for your new iPhone 7

Hollis Johnson/Business Insider

You've managed to get your hands on a new iPhone 7, and now you need to download some apps.

We've handpicked seven of the best apps that show off the new iPhone's upgraded camera and iOS 10 software. These apps will help you take better pictures, find places to eat, quickly send people money with Siri, and more.

Put the iPhone 7's upgraded camera to the test with Adobe Lightroom.


Not only is Adobe Lightroom an impressive mobile editing app... Читать дальше...


Chevy's answer to Tesla is a quiet revolution

The Chevrolet Bolt, the all-electric coupe just introduced by General Motors, isn’t the first or the zippiest all-electric vehicle on the market. And it may or not be the Tesla killer that Farhad Manjoo suggests it is in the New York Times this week. What makes the Bolt important is simply that it’s plausible in a way that earlier versions of the effort to electrify automobiles were not, and in a way that other electric cars on the market aren’t quite yet.

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A $9 billion hedge fund just gave an epic excuse for poor performance

YouTube/ Simon Fielder

Crispin Odey is having a tough year.

His UK-based hedge fund is down about 35% this year through August, according to an investor letter. The firm manages around $8.9 billion.

And Odey is blaming central bankers, and in particular low interest rates, for creating an unsustainable economy.

"It would certainly be simpler to follow the market," he wrote. "But then we would be ignoring the fundamental data."

His explanation for his fund's terrible performance... Читать дальше...


Here's the habit I just can't break — even though it could be sabotaging my sleep

Artur Debat/Getty Images

For the past two months, I've been experimenting with a new daily routine suited to my unique biological makeup.

That unique biological makeup is also known as a "chronotype," or a predisposition to be a morning person, an evening person, or somewhere in between. Scientists say your perfect schedule depends heavily on your specific chronotype.

According to Dr. Michael Breus, a psychologist and sleep specialist and the author of "The Power of When," there are four different chronotypes... Читать дальше...


There's something odd about the way insulin prices change

Reuters/Lucy Nicholson

Insulin prices are rising — increases that mean some people are spending as much on monthly diabetes-related expenses as their mortgage payment.

But what makes the rise in insulin prices different than many other old drugs that have drawn scrutiny over prices, is that there is competition for insulin.

In most industries, competition drives down prices. In this case, the competitors appear to increase prices side-by-side — something that's been referred... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

АО «Транснефть – Дружба» подвело итоги деятельности в сфере экологической безопасности

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о развитии отечественного судостроения   

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

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В Москве арестован на пять суток историк-публицист Сергеев за пост памяти Навального

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Игорь Бутман

«Джаз у Старой крепости»: кузбассовцы встретились с Игорем Бутманом и Даниилом Крамером


Как путешествовать с детьми: три лайфхака для комфортного отдыха

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