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Новости за 26.09.2016


Iconic hedge fund manager Perry Capital is reportedly closing its flagship fund


Perry Capital, an iconic hedge fund firm, is shutting its flagship fund after 28 years, according to Bloomberg News.

The fund has suffered from poor performance and a changing management structure.

Perry manages about $4 billion, down from $15 billion at its peak in 2007, Bloomberg's Katherine Burton and Katia Porzecanski reported.

Earlier this year, the firm cut jobs following a round of investor redemptions, the Financial Times reported. The flagship fund was down 12% last year. Читать дальше...


A French app that shares your location just got backed by one of Twitter's earliest investors


Location sharing apps have always bordered on the creepy, but investors are starting to bet that an app out of France might be the one to finally make it cool. 

Benchmark's Peter Fenton is leading a big funding round in Zenly, a popular app in Europe that lets friends share their locations with each other, according to multiple sources.

One source pegged the funding at roughly $20 million. This is following a $11.2 million funding round announced in May.

Fenton... Читать дальше...


TOP OBAMA ADVISER: Here's the blueprint Hillary Clinton should follow for success in the first debate

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

David Plouffe, President Barack Obama's 2008 campaign manager, told Business Insider on Monday that Hillary Clinton can't be too "overanxious" to attack Donald Trump in the night's first presidential debate.

He added that Clinton must speak "from the gut" about both her motivations to be president and about how her ideas would improve the lives of average Americans.

"That's far and away the most important thing," he said. "I think the most important thing... Читать дальше...


A 26-year-old with nearly $150,000 in the bank says this is the 'smartest investment' he's made

Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

As his moniker suggests, money is hardly a foreign concept to the Money Wizard — a 26-year-old financial analyst and blogger with a six-figure net worth, who goes by the pen name Sean online.

In fact, he's been curious about saving and investing since before he could even drive a car.

Inspired by an eighth-grade teacher who taught him about compound interest, as well as his grandfather — who was incredibly frugal and retired with $1.2 million in investments ... Читать дальше...


A travel expert shares 8 amazing destinations you can visit on a budget

Shutterstock/Ethan Daniels

This is a guest post by Tim Leffel, a travel destinations expert who has dispatched articles from five continents over a period close to two decades.

Think world travel needs to be expensive?

Think again ...

Enter Tim Leffel

Like an annoying house guest who keeps packing but doesn’t leave, this recession keeps dragging on. That downsized international vacation can still be exotic though — if you pick the right destination. Or if you... Читать дальше...


The Fed is taxing your retirement plan without you knowing it

AP/Matt Rourke

If a politician said he thought he should tax the income from your retirement plan, right now, at 50% (no matter where you are in the retirement process, that would certainly hurt the ability of your portfolio to compound), what would you think (other than that he was completely Looney Tunes)?

But that's exactly what the Federal Reserve has done by keeping interest rates low.

It has reduced the fixed-income returns in retirement plans and the broad pension plansupon... Читать дальше...


Why beard oil is the most important product every guy with facial hair should use


Maintaining your beard growth is no easy task. It takes work to keep it looking good and healthy. You already know that it requires some trimming.

Now comes the next step: beard oil.

Never heard of it? Fear not — it is quite simple to use and inexpensive to procure.

But first, let's go over why you need it.

Just like the hair on your head needs moisturizer in the form of a conditioner, so does the hair on your face.

Beard oil, however, moisturizes not only the beard hair... Читать дальше...


Nerlens Noel belittles the Philadelphia 76ers over their ‘silly’ roster construction

Michael Perez/AP

The NBA regular season is just around the corner, and one of the biggest mysteries ahead of preseason is what the Philadelphia 76ers will do about their impenetrable logjam in the frontcourt. 

On Monday, Joel Embiid told reporters that he is healthy and expects to suit up on October 4 in his team's first preseason game. It's terrific news that Embiid is finally healthy, of course, especially after such uncertainty over the past two years.

The problem now is that he... Читать дальше...


It's time for car companies to dump this terrible design trend

Hollis Johnson

Cars have certainly been ornate in the past. One need look no further than the sumptuous hand-built luxury coaches of the early 20th century or the exuberant 1950s fantasias that came from Detroit for confirmation of that.

At the moment, however, we're in a bit of a cookie-cutter episode. Not quite as same-old-same-old as the mid-to-late 1990s, when everything seemed to aspire to the condition of Lexus, or the mid-2000s when Audis were widely visually emulated.

For the most part... Читать дальше...


Here's why 88-year-old T. Boone Pickens says he can't ever retire

Riccardo Savi/Getty Images

T. Boone Pickens may be 88 years old, but he's not slowing down for anyone.

At the 2016 Concordia Summit in New York on Monday, the billionaire founder of BP Capital Management told moderator Tom Brokaw that he looks forward to every day he has left, and that those days aren't going to involve much lounging.

"I love to work," Pickens said. "And people say to me, 'Well, Boone, you're 88 years old. You really should retire.' Well, to hell with you. Читать дальше...


7 ways you're sabotaging your morning routine without realizing it

Flickr/Jimmy Stone What If?

All of us have morning routines — even if some days are more hectic than others.

For most of us, it usually involves the act of waking up, preparatory measures for ourselves (and sometimes others), then a departure to the workplace.

At first glance, these steps may seem like a trite and insignificant part of your day, especially if you're used to the same pattern of behavior.

But the course of your morning routine has a major impact on how the rest of your day goes ... Читать дальше...


The graphics in 'FIFA 17' are the closest thing we've seen to a real game on TV


"FIFA 17" is nearly upon us, and it looks fantastic.

EA has added its Frostbite engine to this year's "FIFA" to make player movements look more realistic and human, and it's performed some magic on the lighting and shading, too, which helps make this year's "FIFA" the best looking yet.

As per usual with every new version, player faces have been greatly improved, as well as the generally way they look.

Check out the differences between "FIFA 16" and "FIFA 17":

The... Читать дальше...


STOCKS SINK: Here's what you need to know

Viktor Korotayev AS/GB/Reuters

Stocks dove on Monday ahead of the first presidential debate.

Financial and healthcare stocks led the pack into the red, while Deutsche Bank shares cratered to a record low after weekend reports that German Chancellor Angela Merkel will not provide state assistance to the lender.

First up, the scoreboard:

  • Dow: 18,094.83, -166.62, (-0.91%)
  • S&P 500: 2,146.10, -18.59, (-0.86%)
  • Nasdaq: 5,257.49, -48.26, (-0.91%)
  • WTI Crude... Читать дальше...


Debate moderators say climate questions don’t make good TV

AP/Getty/Business Insider

Four years ago, CNN's Candy Crowley had the perfect opportunity to ask President Barack Obama and challenger Mitt Romney what they would do about climate change. An audience question on gas prices sparked a heated debate about energy policy and oil drilling. But when neither candidate mentioned global warming, Crowley quickly moved on.

Climate hawks squawked with outrage. Where is global warming in this debate?tweeted former Vice President Al Gore. Climate change is an urgent foreign policy issue. Читать дальше...


Donald Trump faces a debate trap

Michael Brendan Dougherty, senior correspondent for The Week and former Business Insider politics editor, says the conventional wisdom is wrong: Trump doesn't need to tone it down in Monday night's debate. If he wants to win, he has to dial up the aggression:

Читать дальше...


A step-by-step guide to fixing a scratch on your car

Matthew DeBord/Business Insider

You can live with scratches on your car — but you shouldn't.

Scratches are like the old torture of death by a thousand cuts. Eventually, they'll destroy your car's finish by allowing rust to develop. And like the great Canadian poet said, rust never sleeps.

Neil Young references aside, I recently suggested two ways to repair scratches. While I was dispensing this basic advice, it occurred to me that I had a scratch on my own car, a 2011 Toyota Prius... Читать дальше...


Oracle billionaire Larry Ellison never loses his cool in meetings

Business Insider

Oracle's executive chairman and CTO Larry Ellison loves to race, loves to compete, and most importantly, loves to win.

He's famous for his take-no-prisoners style of leadership, complete with a constant barrage of smack talk about his competitors.

Over the years, he's smack-talked Microsoft, IBM, HP, Salesforce, and many others, and his latest target is Amazon, the leader in the cloud computing market that Oracle has recently entered.

But despite his industry-wide reputation for being hard-nosed... Читать дальше...


A painting that was stuck in a warehouse for 150 years is revealed to be worth over $3 million

Wikipedia Commons

A painting by 17th century Flemish master painter Jacob Jordaens, titled Meleager and Atalanta, has been discovered in the storeroom of the Swansea Museum in Wales.

The work, which is thought to have been owned by the museum for roughly 150 years and is now valued at £3 million ($3,878,745), was always thought to be a copy, and it thus remained in storage, away from the eyes of museum-goers. No longer will this be the case, as the museum plans to unveil the painting next month. Читать дальше...


The US Air Force's AC-130 gunship could be outfitted with laser cannons

Senior Airman Julianne Showalter/US Air Force

The new head of Air Force Special Operations Command has said he’s bullish on outfitting part of his fearsome AC-130 gunship fleet with lasers to blast ground targets and is even considering placing such weapons on CV-22 Osprey tiltrotors for his air commandos.

Admittedly a high-energy laser cannon on an airplane as small as a C-130 Hercules (others have fit on Navy ships and 747-sized airplanes) is still in the research phase, but that... Читать дальше...


Kristaps Porzingis says he learned a scary new skill because he couldn't tell his teammates apart in pick-up games

Maddie Meyer/Getty

NBA fans may see a wild sight from the New York Knicks this season.

After a defensive stop, 7-foot-3 Kristaps Porzingis may grab the rebound and, instead of throwing an outlet to one of the team's guards, go bounding up the court with the ball, intent to score or find an open teammate.

Speaking from the Knicks media day in White Plains, New York, the 21-year-old Latvian big man said ball-handling and the ability to bring the ball up the court were two of his greatest improvements over the offseason. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

АО «Транснефть – Прикамье» провело свыше 3 тыс. экологических исследований в I квартале 2024 года

Путин в России и мире

Транспортный коридор «Север-Юг» станет катализатором социального и экономического развития стран Евразии и глобального Юга

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко пообещал потенциальным агрессорам ответ всеми видами оружия

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

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В театре имени Шаляпина в Петербурге восстановят исторические лестницы


Глава Ленинского округа объявил о завершении отопительного сезона

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