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Новости за 29.05.2016


8 questions to ask yourself before you start dating a coworker

Flickr / Brian Holland

We've all seen, experienced, or thought about office romances. 

Some say they're a terrible idea (people might gossip, or things can get awkward at work if the relationship goes sour) — while others believe they make perfect sense (you're with these people eight hours a day, and you know you have at least one thing in common). But what's the real deal with interoffice dating?

Lynn Taylor, a national workplace expert and the author of "Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant... Читать дальше...


The 'Nobel Prize of high school competitions' just got the most money it's received in a century from a biotech giant

AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

The "Nobel Prize of high school competitions" just got the most money it's ever received in its 95 years of existence from biopharmaceutical giant Regeneron.

On Thursday at the American Museum of Natural History, Regeneron made the largest single commitment the Science Talent Search (STS), the nation’s oldest and most prestigious high school science competition, has ever received.

Oh, and Neil deGrasse Tyson was there too.

The unprecedented $100... Читать дальше...


On paper, Pebble’s new smartwatches blow FitBit out of the water

Tech Insider

Pebble announced two new smartwatches on Tuesday, called the Pebble 2 and Pebble Time 2.

Based on these new products, it looks like Pebble will beat FitBit at its own game: specifically, making inexpensive smartwatches that can track your fitness.

Namely, I'm comparing the FitBit's only true smartwatch, called the Blaze, with Pebble's two new smartwatches.

That comparison may seem odd because Pebble's previous smartwatches were never considered "fitness" devices; they had no fitness functionalities... Читать дальше...


Office workers in New York City are competing to create spectacular Post-it collages

REUTERS/Mike Segar

A group of offices in lower Manhattan have started a very colorful war.

Since early May, workers have been creating massive designs — from the Snapchat ghost to Superman logo — by sticking Post-its to their Tribeca office windows.

According to The New York Post, the managers of one building have asked workers to remove their creations by May 28. But until then, they will compete to see who can make the most spectacular Post-it collages.

Keep scrolling to check them out. Читать дальше...


A judge ordered the release of hundreds of pages of Trump University documents

(AP Photo/Chris Carlson)

A federal judge ordered the release of Trump University internal documents, including marketing "playbooks," connected with an ongoing fraud lawsuit against the presumptive Republican presidential nominee's now defunct series of courses on real estate and investing, The Washington Post reported.

In his decision, Judge Gonzalo Curiel ordered the documents, totaling about 1,000 pages, must be released by June 2. 

The decision comes as a setback for Trump... Читать дальше...


How the military could play 'king-maker' in Venezuela's political crisis

Miraflores Palace/Handout via REUTERS

Just days after antigovernment protesters clashed with police in multiple cities, Venezuela's military took part in a two-day exercise that was the largest such military drill in the country's history.

The drills come not long after President Nicolas Maduro declared a state of emergency, granting himself and security forces broader power to deal with public unrest and economic distress.

Maduro's emphasis on the military's role in quelling the country's turmoil... Читать дальше...


The truth about where 11 tech breakthroughs really came from

Getty Images/Justin Sullivan

It's like the famous quote mistakenly attributed to Pablo Picasso: Good artists copy; great artists steal.

There's something to be said for being the first one to the market.

But the history of tech is riddled with cases where a company just straight up takes an old idea, perfects it, and ends up as a runaway success. 

(Spoilers: Apple shows up a lot.)

By the early '70s, computer processors had finally gotten cheap enough that people could actually afford them ... Читать дальше...


22 corporate logos with secret hidden messages

Stephen Orlowski

Corporate logos often remain with companies throughout many eras of production. Over time, the meaning of the symbol at its inception gets lost.

Some companies give their logos barely-noticeable double meanings to encourage us to look closer at them, increasing brand recognition. Others do it as a tribute to their hometowns or influence us subconsciously, or simply for fun.

You may have noticed the hidden features of some logos in the past. It can be a satisfying experience... Читать дальше...


The easiest way to buy gold is actually backed by the real thing (GLD)

REUTERS/Michaela Rehle

The largest gold exchange-traded fund (ETF) says that it has the physical gold to back up every share it issues.

Because investors don't buy physical gold when they purchase shares in the ETF, there's been concern that the fund does not.

The SPDR Gold Trust exchange-traded fund, which uses the ticker "GLD," started in 2004.

In part, it serves as a cheaper alternative to investing in the physical metal. It is sponsored by the World Gold Council... Читать дальше...


Wall Street's shrinking workforce in one chart

Wall Street's workforce is shrinking.

Front-office headcount at investment banks across the Street has dropped 21% over the past five years, according to the data-analytics firm Coalition.

Total headcount in the first quarter of 2016 was down 2% from the same period a year ago.

Fixed-income, currencies, and commodities — or FICC — trading businesses saw the biggest staffing declines in the first quarter, dropping 5% to 18,300 people from 19,200 last year.


... Читать дальше...


The inside story of Apple's forgotten project to change how we explore the world from our computers (AAPL)

AP Photo/Paul Sakuma

Years before Google and Oculus started daydreaming about virtual reality, Apple already had a “VR” product on the market.

Apple called it QuickTime Virtual Reality, or QuickTime VR. 

It's one of the strangest projects in Apple history: started during the years when Steve Jobs was busy with NeXT, it was ahead of the tech industry by decades but was unloved in its later years, and eventually was wound down.

"When QuickTime VR came out, it wasn't video... Читать дальше...


The 27 most physically active jobs


When you think of the most physically active jobs out there, you might think of professional athletes or construction workers.

But you might be surprised which other jobs get you moving.

To find out, we used data from the Occupational Information Network (O*NET), a US Department of Labor database with detailed information on occupations. We looked at its ratings for five different types of physical activity: dynamic strength, explosive strength, time spent walking or running, stamina, and trunk strength. Читать дальше...


A minimalist shares 2 ways to form habits effortlessly


Forming new habits can be life-changing — if you start meditating, create a simple exercise habit, and eat more vegetables, you health and happiness can be transformed in a matter of months.

But sticking to a habit can be difficult, because life gets in the way. And we get discouraged when the habit gets disrupted.

How can we form habits without all the struggle?

I’m going to share two strategies that I’ve found to be priceless:

  1. Slipping... Читать дальше...


Chuck Todd confronts Bernie Sanders on his superdelegate strategy: 'Isn't it a bit hypocritical?'


Chuck Todd confronted Sen. Bernie Sanders about his "hypocritical" superdelegate strategy.

In an interview on "Meet The Press" that aired on Sunday, Todd noted that Sanders is "basically contradicting" himself by urging superdelegates in states that Sanders won to represent voters from that state, while asking other superdelegates to consider polls that show Sanders beating presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump in hypothetical head-to-head general election match-ups. Читать дальше...


One chart that shows why Apple’s next iPhone needs to be a hit (AAPL)

Apple might have a little dilemma on its hands.

According to Google Trends, people are more interested in the older iPhone 6 from 2014 than the iPhone 6s that was released in 2015.

Google Trends

Sure, the margin of interest between the iPhone 6 and 6s is pretty narrow. But aren't the cool new devices meant to be getting more attention than older models?

It's actually not surprising that the iPhone 6s generated less excitement than the iPhone 6. The iPhone 6s offered incremental improvements... Читать дальше...


This startup could become the Tesla of electric motorcycles

Aaron Brown/Tech Insider

Since 2007, the guys behind the California-based startup Alta Motors have been working to bring the ultimate enthusiast bike to the American market, and that product is just about here. 

The company's first electric motorcycle, called the Redshift, is slated to begin deliveries this Fall and is already backordered 13 weeks. 

But Mark Fenigstein, Alta Motors co-founder and CEO, told Tech Insider that it wasn't until Tesla became popular that consumer... Читать дальше...


16 things you're better off buying used


Certain things are absolutely worth buying new.

But in some cases, you could save hundreds or thousands of dollars if you go with the just-as-durable secondhand version.

Here are 16 things to consider buying used.

Mandi Woodruff contributed to an earlier version of this article.


lifesupercharger / Flickr

Textbooks can cost upwards of $200 for some science courses, and for a pre-medical student with a full class schedule, that... Читать дальше...


Audi has achieved luxury-SUV perfection with the Q7

Hollis Johnson

There was nothing remotely luxurious about sport-utility vehicles when they first appeared in America a generation ago.

They were outdoorsy machines designed for people who would break a station wagon and needed something less bare-bones than a surplus Jeep or a serious expedition vehicle from Toyota or Land Rover. Open-air-loving clans took to them and turned Jeep Wagoneers and Ford Broncos into icons. But in the posher suburbs, big sedans still ruled the roads — Mercedes, Lexus, BMW, Cadillac, and Lincoln. Читать дальше...


McDonald's, Burger King, and Wendy's used a simple trick to sell 100 million extra meals

Hollis Johnson

The rise of the combo deal is driving sales across the fast-food industry.

McDonald's, Burger King, and Wendy's have sold more than 100 million additional combo meals since late 2015, the NPD Group reports.

On average, deals account for about one in four of customer visits to quick-service restaurants. Now, however, an average of 35% of customers' visits to those three fast-food chains have been to purchase a bundled promotion. And sales at the three burger... Читать дальше...


This brutal chart puts you at the heart of Wall Street's pain

REUTERS/Lucas Jackson

One business has been dragging Wall Street down for years — and it took an even bigger-than-usual nosedive at the start of 2016.

Revenues in the fixed-income, currencies, and commodities business dropped 28% year-on-year in the first quarter, according to the data-analytics company Coalition.

Fixed-income, currencies, and commodities, or FICC, trading is the largest business for Wall Street banks.

The significant decline in revenues was driven by... Читать дальше...


Overdoses from legal drugs are exploding — and a new plan to curb the crisis reveals one big flaw in our approach


On Thursday, health-insurance giant Cigna announced it was taking major steps to prevent and treat addiction.

While the company is specifically targeting addiction to opioid painkillers like OxyContin and Vicodin — it highlights a far bigger problem as well.

There are currently no standards of medical care for treating addiction in this country. 

"Unlike what we see in other chronic conditions, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease, there... Читать дальше...


15 things you should do as soon as you get laid off

Kate Gillon/Getty Images

In the moments after a layoff, you may feel like you're in a haze.

Often, we're oblivious to the signs that layoffs are coming, or we think, "It probably won't happen to me."

"The news of being laid off is a major jolt to anyone's self-esteem," Lynn Taylor, a national workplace expert and the author of "Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant: How to Manage Childish Boss Behavior and Thrive in Your Job," tells Business Insider.

After the initial shock wears off... Читать дальше...


Chinese parents are turning to a previously taboo technique to have their second child


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Экология в России и мире

"Экобас" не для Невы: стильные электросуда для Москвы делают в Ленобласти

Путин в России и мире

Пашинян подготовил "подарок" Путину к его инаугурации. Запад будет доволен

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Кличко не видел Зеленского с начала конфликта с Россией

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Фрэнк Синатра

ДиКаприо споет голосом Синатры


В Раменском начался сильный пожар на складе с полиэтиленом

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