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Новости за 29.05.2016


Researchers created a robotic hand that is eerily human-like and can learn on its own

University of Washington

We often take for granted how easy it is for us to complete basic tasks just using our hands.

Typing out an email or setting up a pot of coffee are things we can do bleary eyed in the morning, but the movements our hands have to make to complete such tasks are truly complex, human skills.

That's why for robots to advance to the point where they can take care of our elderly or help clean our homes, it will be necessary for their hands to demonstrate the same level of finesse ours do. Читать дальше...


South and North Carolina are redrawing their border — and it’s causing huge problems for some residents



Inside Manhattan's new IKEA for luxury appliances, where you can test music-playing tubs and $19,000 faucets

Leanna Garfield/Tech Insider

If you’re going to purchase a $19,500 3D-printed faucet, you'll likely want to try it out before you buy.

You can do that at Pirch, a retail chain that sells luxury home and bath appliances in massive showrooms. 

Like Ikea, the products at Pirch are organized into small, life-like displays, called vignettes. Most items on display — from the showers to the pizza ovens — are fully functional, so anyone can turn on the appliances, watch them in action, and imagine them in their own homes. Читать дальше...


Goldman Sachs just figured out something important about millennials

Screenshot/Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs has discovered something important about its employees: They want more feedback on how they're doing.

The firm is overhauling the way it gives feedback following an internal survey that highlighted that desire.

"Last year's People Survey results show that you want more real-time feedback to support your ongoing development and that such feedback is critical to your experience and tenure at the firm," chief operating officer Gary Cohn said in a video about the changes. Читать дальше...


This Whole Foods store for millennials is unlike anything we've seen from the company


Whole Foods' new chain of stores targeting millennials has finally opened its first location, and it looks nothing like the Whole Foods we know.

The first of the stores, called 365 by Whole Foods Market, opened Wednesday in the Los Angeles neighborhood of Silver Lake. 

Here's what it looks like inside.

When customers walk inside the store, they should be able to see the entire store from where they stand.


That's because Whole Foods has lowered... Читать дальше...


Oil discoveries haven't been this low since 1952

REUTERS/Essam Al-Sudani

A report by Rystad Energy has revealed that new oil discoveries in 2015 totaled 12.1 billion barrels, which is the least amount of new oil discovered in a single year since 1952.

Last year was also the fifth year in a row in which the amount of new reserves discovered was smaller than in the previous year.

E&Ps have slashed their exploration budgets repeatedly in a bid to weather the effects of the oil price drop. They’ve laid off hundreds of thousands... Читать дальше...


This technology could help feed the 9 billion people expected to populate the world by 2050

Reuters/Ueslei Marcelino

With the world’s population expected to exceed nine billion by 2050, scientists are working to develop new ways to meet rising global demand for food, energy and water without increasing the strain on natural resources.

Organizations including the World Bank and the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization are calling for more innovation to address the links between these sectors, often referred to as the food-energy-water (FEW) nexus.

Nanotechnology ... Читать дальше...


8 intense arm workouts you can do virtually anywhere

Hollis Johnson

Having strong arms is no easy feat. 

From your triceps to your palms, there's a lot of muscles to put to work. 

Now that we've tackled stretching and leg exercises, we asked New York University physical-therapy professor Marilyn Moffat, who also wrote the book "Age Defying Fitness," to help guide these tips.

To keep things simple, she gave us the best exercises for your arms that you can use virtually anywhere with minimal equipment. No weights required. Читать дальше...


7 things a neuroscientist knows but most people don’t

There are hundreds of surprising, perspective-shifting insights about the nature of reality that come from neuroscience.

Every bizarre neurological syndrome, every visual illusion, and every clever psychological experiment reveals something entirely unexpected about our experience of the world that we take for granted.

Читать дальше...


How I built a 6-figure business while working full time and raising a family

Michelle Hayes

4 years ago, I barely had time to take a breath.

I had a 2-year-old son, a 9-month-old daughter, and a management consulting career at a top firm in NYC.

I traveled for 3 days every week, jumping on trains, hopping on planes, and staying in hotels. When I came home, I wanted to spend every second with my children and husband.

I didn’t want to live this way anymore. I wanted to be home to help my kids with their homework as they grew older.

At the same time... Читать дальше...


Marco Rubio apologized to Donald Trump for the crude remark about his hands


Sen. Marco Rubio said he apologized to Donald Trump for crude remarks Rubio made during a March campaign rally.

"You know what they say about men with small hands," Rubio said of Trump's hands during a campaign stop in March, before a lengthy pause. "You can't trust them."

In an interview with CNN's Jake Tapper that aired Sunday, Rubio said he apologized to Trump during one of the Republican presidential debates for the comment.

"I apologized to him for it," Rubio said. Читать дальше...


Shinzo Abe is trying to 'reignite powerfully the engine of Abenomics'

REUTERS/Thomas Peter

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will postpone a sales tax hike planned for next year, perhaps by as much as three years, government sources say, a move he will justify as part of G7 efforts to avert another global financial crisis.

While the tax hike was seen as critical to reining in Japan's massive public debt, Abe and his aides have signaled the chance of deferring it as Japan's economy skirts recession and a threat of deflation re-emerges ahead of summer upper house elections. Читать дальше...


5 under-the-radar summer getaways


During the hottest days of summer, sometimes you just want to escape the tourist throngs, bustling sights, and crowded beaches.

With so many people on the move all around the world, why not turn your attention to these understated and peacefully crowd-free destinations? In these calmer getaways, you can meet locals, enjoy regional cuisine, and explore untouched oases.

Plan a more peaceful summer escape with our list of 10 under-the-radar summer escapes. Читать дальше...


8 refreshing insights about money and happiness from people who 'live tiny'


"Living tiny" — whether in a van, houseboat, or 98-square-foot home on wheels — can save a lot on housing.

But a compact, minimalist lifestyle offers more than just substantial savings.

Here are a handful of refreshing insights about money, happiness, and life, from van dwellers, tiny-home owners, and people living off the grid.

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Society's definition of luxury doesn't... Читать дальше...


2 high schoolers designed huts for the homeless that cost less than $1,000

REACH Facilities

As the final project for one of their classes, two high school students in Stockton, California created a low-cost micro-home that could be used to shelter the homeless. But unlike most school projects, turning in the assignment was only the first step.

Norris Palmer and Austin Ortega, who are now seniors the Engineering and Construction Academy at Lincoln High School, completed the first prototype of what they call the Habitable Urban Tent (HUT) on May 19.

The HUT measures 8 feet in all directions and... Читать дальше...


I might have found the best hot dog in America — and it's not where you'd expect

Hollis Johnson

Thousands of Americans will be putting chairs in the backyard and firing up the grill for Memorial Day weekend. 

Plumes of savory smoke will surely dot the nation — and many will be heading to a warehouse store like Costco to buy barbecue and party supplies in bulk beforehand. 

Racks of ribs and five-pound packs of hot dogs will be flying off the shelves in a celebratory bulk-buying frenzy.

Yet so many shopping for dogs to grill themselves will breeze... Читать дальше...


Here's how a Japanese startup plans to make artificial meteor showers on-demand


Shooting stars, meteors, and full-on meteor showers are wonders to behold. These celestial light shows occur when gas, dust, and space debris burn up in Earth's atmosphere.

But they don't happen as often as we might like, nor do they predictably occur exactly when and where we'd like them to.

So a startup called ALE, with scientific collaborators from Japanese universities, wants to manufacture shooting stars with a sky-high project called "Sky Canvas."

You... Читать дальше...


The new X-Men movie dominates a weak Memorial Day weekend box office

Alan Markfield/20th Century Fox

Are the days of the $100 million Memorial Day weekend over?

This is turning out to be another soft holiday weekend at the box office with lackluster new releases not motivating audiences to leave their beach chairs.

Though "X-Men: Apocalypse" will win the four-day weekend, with an estimated $65 million as of Sunday and a projected $80 million by Monday, that's not as strong as the previous X-Men movie, 2014's "X-Men: Days of Future Past" which opened with over $110 million. Читать дальше...


BMW has created 100 years worth of incredible machines — here are some of the best


What can be said about BMW that hasn't been said before?

The German luxury carmaker, which celebrated its 100th birthday this year, has for its entire history released a seemingly never-ending stream of breathtaking, record-setting, and smile-inducing machines that have consistently beguiled the automotively inclined.

The essence of BMW boils down to its uncanny ability to produce successful new ideas while remaining faithful to its heritage.

And that heritage, by the way... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Как выбрать в Москве идеальный район для семейной жизни

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о единых принципах привлечения инвесторов

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Мэр Киева Кличко рассказал о попытках встретиться с Зеленским лично

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Стинг и Эминем – хедлайнеры культурной программы в США


Папа прокурор, который отмажет? На историческую родину вместе с папой! Навсегда!

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