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Новости за 14.05.2016


A former McKinsey partner shares 3 phrases to give hard feedback so your colleagues don't resent you

Courtesy of Caroline Webb

To be an effective manager or even a helpful colleague, it's necessary to give critical feedback that is both honest and actionable.

But if this criticism is delivered in the wrong way, it can cause the other person to become defensive, slowing the team's progress, or breed resentment.

The solution is not self-censorship or pretending that nothing needs fixing; instead it's best to first either acknowledge the ways the employee is already performing well... Читать дальше...


The smallest house on the market in San Francisco just sold for $550,000

Paragon Real Estate Group

San Francisco is known for having the most expensive real estate market in the US with no shortage of people willing to spend an arm and a leg to live there.

And now, someone has snapped up the smallest house on the San Francisco real estate market for $550,000.

That might seem on the more affordable side in San Francisco until you realize the "studio cottage," as it was called by the agent at Paragon Real Estate Group, is only 363 square feet.

... Читать дальше...


A hedge fund manager you've never heard of made $300 million last year

Brad Penner-USA TODAY Sports

Institutional Investor just released its annual hedge fund manager rich list, and there's a noteworthy new addition.

Joseph Edelman, whose Perceptive Life Sciences Fund was a top performer last year, joined the rich list after earning $300 million in 2015.

Edelman, 60, launched the biotech- and healthcare-focused firm Perceptive Advisors in 1999. Last year, its life sciences fund gained 51.8%.

Perceptive ranked as one of the five best-performing hedge funds as of December last year... Читать дальше...


Scientists have detected oxygen on Mars — and it could reveal something fascinating about the planet's past

Thomson Reuters

For the first time in four decades, a team of researchers has found atomic oxygen lingering in the upper Martian atmosphere.

But don't get carried away too quickly — atomic oxygen is very different from the stuff we breathe.

But it does affect how easily gases escape the Martian atmosphere, so these measurements will likely help uncover more about why and how the protective gases enveloping Mars eroded over the last few billions of years.

If Mars ever supported life... Читать дальше...


17 signs your boss secretly has a crush on you

Warner Bros.

Has your boss been complimenting you more frequently? Have they been texting you on the weekend? Do they laugh at every joke you tell — even the lame ones? If you're nodding to all of the above, then they just might have feelings for you.

"It can be difficult to tell whether someone has a crush on you or if they're just being extremely nice, so I caution anyone in this dilemma to tread very carefully, as misinterpreting intentions could be embarrassing for both parties... Читать дальше...


Facebook COO jokes that receiving a Google internship is a 'disappointment' (FB, GOOG)


Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg gave a powerful speech on Saturday about resilience and loss.

But just because the subject matter of her commencement speech at UC Berkeley was serious didn't mean she couldn't crack a few light-hearted jokes.

One of those jokes came at the expense of Facebook's Silicon Valley rival, Google. Sandberg said: 

Everyone who has made it through Cal has already experienced some disappointment. You wanted an A but you got a B. OK, let’s be honest—you got an A- but you’re still mad. Читать дальше...


The plus-size industry is on the verge of a revolution

Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images

Plus-size retail is rapidly evolving.

The industry, which is now worth a whopping $20.4 billion according to the NPD Group (via Bloomberg), has long been comprised of a group of women that feels largely ostracized.

But even amid a burgeoning body positivity movement, few retailers are actually offering plus-size clothing that is considered trendy and fashion-forward.

Lane Bryant — long thought of as a dowdy, matronly apparel retailer ... Читать дальше...


An idea that had Wall Street totally freaked about stocks last year just popped up again

Flickr / Austin Kirk

What goes up, must come down. What is built up, eventually breaks down.

Last year, the idea that the companies that made themselves huge doing deals over the last few years thanks to low interest rates are set to crumble into pieces hit Wall Street.

Now it is gaining currency. 

At the SkyBridge Alternatives Conference (SALT) in Las Vegas on Thursday, activist hedge fund manager Clifton Robbins of Blue Harbour said that one of the major themes he's... Читать дальше...


Sheryl Sandberg just spoke about her husband's death in public for the first time in an emotional speech (FB)


Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg gave an powerful speech at UC Berkeley's commencement on Saturday about resilience and loss.

The speech addressed how Sandberg coped after her husband Dave Goldberg died unexpectedly in Mexico during a trip on May 1, 2015.

"I have never spoken publicly about this before. It's hard," Sandberg said.  

Sandberg explains that although it might be counterintuitive to think about how things could be even worse than they appear at the moment... Читать дальше...


The top 15 American cities for young college grads


As the year winds down for college seniors around the US, the next important decision many will make is where they should move after graduation.

A ranking of the best major metropolitan areas from the American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) may help students having trouble making the call.

AIER calculated its list using nine economic, demographic, and quality-of-life factors. AIER defines major metropolitan cities as having over 2.5 million residents. Читать дальше...


A collection of cars form the 1920s highlights one of the greatest eras of car design

RM Sotheby's

Unless your name is Jay Leno, car collectors tend to focus on a particular theme when selecting examples.

Many zero in on a manufacturer, category, country of origin, or, in the case of one lovely collection to be auctioned in Monaco this weekend, an era.

The sale will take place at an RM Sotheby's auction on May 14 which runs concurrent to the historical Grand Prix of Monaco.

Interestingly, all lots are offered without reserve.

The "Quattroruote" collection is the child Gianni Mazzocchi... Читать дальше...


New poll reveals what Donald Trump's supporters believe — and how they're not exactly traditional Republicans

AP Photo/Steve Helber

Donald Trump's supporters have substantial differences in opinion on foreign and domestic policy than Republican voters who do not back the Manhattan billionaire.

The Pew Research Center found that Trump voters are far more likely to support a border wall along the US-Mexico border, view free trade and immigrants as burdens, believe that Muslims should be held to higher scrutiny, and think that the US does too much to help other countries.

Here were some... Читать дальше...


Here's why the SEC could cause the next stock market selloff

Lucas Jackson/Reuters

The Securities and Exchange Commission finally doing its job and putting a stop to the accounting hanky-panky that artificially inflates profits.

According to Dow Jones, the SEC is getting ready to step up its scrutiny of companies’ “homegrown earnings measures,” signaling it plans to target firms that “inflate their sales results and employ customized metrics that stray too far from accounting rules.”

It looks like the SEC is waking up to the misleading... Читать дальше...


Doctors have begun to adopt a surprising ancient treatment to help heal painful infected injuries

Reuters/Stringer Shanghai

By the time Michelle Marineau saw her patient, James*, there was little she could do to help him.

His big toe had been removed, a complication from years of uncontrolled type 2 diabetes, but the amputation site had stubbornly refused to heal.

An infection had eaten away flesh and left tendon and bone exposed, streaks of off-white against the angry, red, weeping wound.

Several of his other toes had developed gangrene, turning black and slowly dropping off. Читать дальше...


9 small steps toward becoming a minimalist

Flickr/Emily May

I'm a firm believer that less is more.

Embracing a minimalist lifestyle can mean a healthier body, mind, and home — and getting rid of what you don't need can be pretty cathartic.

If you're a bit of a hoarder or maybe just really attached to some of your stuff (understandable), then minimalism may seem a little intimidating at first.

But I can attest to that fact that not only is it easy, it's also relieving and refreshing.

Here are some easy... Читать дальше...


One of the most famous Swedish traditions is dying


I recently spent three weeks in Stockholm to help launch Business Insider Nordic. 

When I told people I was traveling to Sweden, one of the first things they invariably mentioned was fika. This refers to the tradition to having coffee and a pastry.

The difference between fika and typical American trips to Starbucks is that you're supposed to slow down instead of toting your latte and blueberry muffin back to the office. 

"Coffee represents a true break... Читать дальше...


A master networker shares a simple trick to connect with anyone in a matter of minutes

©2014 Rick Smolan/Against AllOdds

Rahzel, beat-boxing pioneer and former member of The Roots, told Business Insider that he's consistently amazed by the way his friend Jon Levy remembers meeting the hundreds of people he's connected with through his networking group, the Influencers.

"Jon can pinpoint people and the places and exact time he met them," Rahzel said.

Levy is a marketing consultant who has spent the past six years building a network of over 400 interesting and... Читать дальше...


Donald Trump is embarking on a scorched-earth general-election plan to beat Hillary Clinton

AP Photo/Ted S. Warren

Donald Trump and his campaign are previewing a pull-no-punches strategy against Hillary Clinton in what looks to be a difficult road to victory in November's presidential election.

Trump started off his virtual general-election campaign by promising to take the "high road" if Clinton reciprocated.

A few days later, however, the presumptive Republican nominee was forcefully reiterating his claim that Clinton, the Democratic frontrunner, was an "enabler"... Читать дальше...


7 steps to get rich, from a personal finance classic the millionaire founder of Nasty Gal calls 'one of the best'

Kimberly White/Getty

Before Nasty Gal founder Sophia Amoruso reached millionaire status — she's worth an estimated $250 million — she was broke, dumpster diving, and a frequent shoplifter.

She credits part of her financial revival to George S. Clason's "The Richest Man in Babylon," she explains in her book "#GIRLBOSS."

The 1926 personal finance classic offers money advice in a collection of parables based in the ancient city of Babylon. It follows the story of Arkad, the son... Читать дальше...


How Venezuela's experiment with '21st century socialism' failed


When a Venezuelan entrepreneur we know launched a manufacturing company in western Venezuela two decades ago, he never imagined he’d one day find himself facing jail time over the toilet paper in the factory’s restrooms.

But Venezuela has a way of turning yesterday’s unimaginable into today’s normal.

The entrepreneur’s ordeal started about a year ago, when the factory union began to insist on enforcing an obscure clause in its collective-bargaining agreement requiring... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Цветение березы началось в столице

Путин в России и мире

Транспортный коридор «Север-Юг» станет катализатором социального и экономического развития стран Евразии и глобального Юга

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко пообещал потенциальным агрессорам ответ всеми видами оружия

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Пианист из Электроуглей получил областную премию


Овчинский: выпуск металлообрабатывающих станков в Москве вырос почти в 1,5 раза

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