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The latest episode of 'Modern Family' had one of the strangest ads we've ever seen


If Phil Dunphy's insistence that he's a Realtor and not a real estate agent on "Modern Family" this week seemed a little odd, be aware that ABC was paid to make that distinction.

The plot twist was part of a new advertising campaign by the National Association of Realtors.

At a time of fear among advertisers that their messages are getting lost, it represents a tactic beyond the casual product placement of a soda can or car in the background of a television scene.

In the episode that aired Wednesday... Читать дальше...


Kobe Bryant's business venture with a billionaire investor is called '13' because he is still obsessed over how many teams didn't draft him


Now that Kobe Bryant is retired he has gone all-in on the investment and business world, something he prepared for by leaning on billionaire investor Chris Sacca. But even though Kobe is done playing basketball, that doesn't mean he isn't still driven by some of the slights that happened to him during his NBA career.

Sacca was a guest on "The Bill Simmons Podcast" and told an incredible story about how Bryant reached out to him to learn more about the investing and start-up world. Читать дальше...


Iran just threatened US shipping again — here's why

Thomson Reuters

Once again, a senior Iranian commander has threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz to U.S. shipping. According to the Associated Press:

The remarks by the acting commander of the Guard also follow those of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei who on Monday criticized U.S. activities in the Persian Gulf.

It’s unclear whether that signals any new Iranian concern over the strait or possible confrontation with the U.S. following its nuclear deal with world powers. Читать дальше...


Goldman Sachs is firing traders again

Thomson Reuters

Goldman Sachs on Thursday made job cuts in its securities business, according to people familiar with the matter.

The cuts bring the headcount reduction in the fixed-income, currencies and commodities (FICC) business to around 10%, the people said.

The news was first reported by The Wall Street Journal.

Goldman Sachs cut staff in a round of redundancies earlier in the year.

The bank had a lousy first quarter, posting a 37% decline in trading revenue versus the same quarter a year earlier. Читать дальше...


Cruz's failed White House bid could make him a conservative hero in Washington



15 olde English words we need to start using again

REUTERS/Michael Dalder

Scholars say that what we now call English started when Germanic tribes settled in present-day Britain at around 500 CE.

The Oxford English dictionary counts 171,476 words in current use. 

A staggering 47,156  words are now obsolete, though excellent projects like Haggard Hawks are bringing them back.

As you'll see from the below, some of the mother tongue's finest phrasings need to be brought back, as they'll help us mark our days and describe our lives better than what's currently on offer.


A 22-year-old former addict wrote about rehab, and his famous dad Rob Reiner made it a movie


For the last 30 years, Rob Reiner has been best known for directing movies like “Stand by Me,” “The Princess Bride,” “When Harry Met Sally,” and “A Few Good Men.” The titles have brought joy to millions.

But the Reiner household hasn't been all happy. The legendary actor/filmmaker’s son, Nick, 22, has been battling drug abuse since his late teens.

Most families would want to keep that part of their lives as hidden from public view as possible. But Reiner admits that, even... Читать дальше...


Google wants all its self-driving cars to clean themselves — here's why (GOOG)


Google’s self-driving cars may also be self-cleaning.

The company appears to be interested in equipping its cars with a self-cleaning system that would wipe debris off the car’s sensors, according to a patent the company was awarded on Thursday.

You see, Google’s self-driving cars are decked out with all kinds of sensors. They have cameras, radar sensors, and laser-based sensors known as Lidar. All of these sensors let the car see the world around it so that it can safely navigate from point A to point B. Читать дальше...


Here’s how China managed to lose $500 billion in reserves in one year

China lost $500 billion in foreign exchange reserves in 2015.

$500 billion!

If that sounds like a lot of money to you (it is!), here is a helpful explainer from Macquarie Research on how that money left the country. 
CEIC, Macquarie Research

Here is an explainer:

Chinese pay down foreign debt: This was the main driver and accounted for one-third of total outflows. Chinese firms wanted to get rid of their foreign debt as the US dollar became stronger (the currency move made the debt more expensive to service). Читать дальше...


RICK RIEDER: These 2 factors will help you predict the next Fed rate hike

Bloomberg TV

The Federal Reserve (Fed) left policy unchanged last week, continuing a “wait-and-see” approach appropriate for today’s global economic, financial and inflationary conditions.

So, with the Fed on the right track for now, you may be wondering: When will the central bank again start the process of rate normalization? Accurately judging the Fed’s policy path will require keeping an eye on two factors.

Domestic economic “warning signs”

In other words, watch corporate profits, jobs growth and inflation. Читать дальше...


A CEO shares 4 networking mistakes you're probably making without realizing it

Flickr/University of Exeter

Starting a new business, shifting to a new industry, looking for a job in a new city — there are times in your career when you'll have to look outside the network you already have and meet a whole host of new people.

And that often means hitting up events, conferences, meetups, and the like, situations that can leave even the smartest, most successful among us feeling awkward and uncomfortable.

In environments where you should be putting your best foot forward... Читать дальше...


Victoria's Secret's business is doing the unthinkable and investors are panicking

Victoria's Secret

Victoria's Secret has suffered a rare misfire, and now the lingerie stalwart's parent company L Brands' stock has been falling.

For the month of April, L Brands comparable sales were up 1%, but that's not what analysts were looking for. According to Bloomberg, analysts had estimated an average of a 4.8% increase.

But more jarringly, the shortfall was because Victoria's Secret's comparable sales fell 1% for the month of April, a rare miss for the company.

... Читать дальше...


PAUL RYAN: I cannot support Donald Trump right now


In a move without precedent in recent political history, House Speaker Paul Ryan on Thursday said he is not ready to support Donald Trump, his party's presumptive presidential nominee.

In a CNN interview, the speaker said that he cannot support or endorse Trump until he unifies the Republican Party.

"To be perfectly candid with you, Jake, I'm just not ready to do that at this point. I'm not there right now," Ryan told CNN host Jake Tapper.

He continued: "I hope to, and I want to. Читать дальше...


GoPro crushes on sales, whiffs on earnings, shares spike (GPRO)

Andrew Burton/Getty Images

GoPro reported first-quarter sales that were better than expected on Thursday.

The digital-camera maker's revenues totaled $183.5 million, topping the forecast for $169.1 million. But that's about half of what GoPro earned in the first quarter of last year.

The company reported a wider-than-expected adjusted loss per share of $0.63 ($0.59 expected according to Bloomberg.)

GoPro shares jumped as much as 6% in after-hours trading.

The... Читать дальше...


'Totally unacceptable': US condemns Assad's call for victory over Aleppo

Abdalrhman Ismail/Reuters

The United States condemned Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's statement that his goal is a final victory over the city of Aleppo and urged Russia to exert its influence over Damascus to ensure a cessation of hostilities continues in the city.

Just a day after the start of the temporary truce, Assad sent a telegram to Russian President Vladimir Putin saying his army would not accept anything less than "attaining final victory" and "crushing the aggression" by rebels in Aleppo. Читать дальше...


The Native Ad Report: Revenue forecasts and top drivers

BI Intelligence

Native ads — or ads that take on the look and feel of the content surrounding them — are taking over digital advertising. 

By 2021, native display ad revenue in the US, which includes native in-feed ads on publisher properties and social platforms, will make up 74% of total US display ad revenue, up from a 56% share in 2016, according to new BI Intelligence estimates based off historical data from the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) and PwC, as well as IHS.

... Читать дальше...


These 2 words could reveal if you're a bad listener

Flickr/Emmanuel Retzepter

Let's pretend you're in a relationship, and your girlfriend is telling you about how terrible her day was.

Her boss didn't say "Thank you" once, the intern screwed up her lunch order, and she didn't realize until 4 p.m. that her shoes didn't match.

Right now, she's venting, which means you should be listening.

According to Adam McHugh, however, there's a pretty good chance you're doing it all wrong.

McHugh is the author of "The Listening Life... Читать дальше...


Obama commutes the prison sentences of 58 people

Bill Pugliano/Getty Images

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama has commuted the prison terms of 58 people, nearly a third of whom were serving life sentences, the White House said on Thursday.

Most of the convicts who will be freed early were non-violent drug offenders.

Obama said in a blog post that "it just doesn’t make sense to require a non-violent drug offender to serve 20 years, or in some cases, life, in prison."

He has pushed to reform the U.S. Читать дальше...


This is how Queen Elizabeth has traveled over the years

Fox Photos/Getty Images

A 90th birthday is always cause for celebration: A nice big cake, a few dozen candles. But when Britain's longest reigning monarch, Elizabeth II, turns 90, the world takes notice (and with more than just a pastry.)

According to royal records, Queen Elizabeth II was born at 2:40 a.m. on April 21, 1926 in Mayfair, London, and she’s led a pretty busy life ever since. Over her reign, she’s worked alongside international diplomats and policymakers like Winston Churchill... Читать дальше...


A 4,000-person IBM team dedicated to decoding millennials found bosses should 'coach' young workers instead of managing them


When Samantha Klein talks about millennials at work, she likes to talk in terms of sports analogies.

"When your coach talks to you on the Little League team, they're like, 'Here's how you're hitting right now. If we want to make the playoffs, here's where you need to be; this is where you need to focus your practicing," she told Business Insider.

The same principle should apply at the office — bosses should reinforce the team mentality and help young workers develop their professional skills. Читать дальше...


Air Force test pilot shares if the F-35 or A-10 is better for close air support

Business Insider via Alex Lockie

Lately, the Armed Services Committees of the US House and US Senate have been on a crusade to save the Cold War-era A-10 Warthog from being mothballed in favor of the F-35, but an Air Force test pilot just gave surprising testimony on the two air frames' relative close-air-support capabilities in an interview with Defense News.

Lt. Col. Raja Chari, director of the F-35 integrated test force and commander of the 461st Flight Test Squadron, makes an... Читать дальше...


Here's why Apple’s partnership with SAP is amazingly strategic and smart (AAPL, SAP)

Reuters/Beck Diefenbach

On Thursday, Apple announced a new partnership, this time with the world's largest maker of enterprise business applications, SAP. 

SAP is going to develop a bunch of custom business applications for iOS devices, iPads and iPhones, as well as release tools so that SAP's 2.5-million member global developers can write their own custom iOS apps using Apple's new programming language, Swift. 

In return, Apple gets access to SAP's enormous worldwide salesforce... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

АО «Транснефть – Дружба» подвело итоги деятельности в сфере экологической безопасности

Путин в России и мире

Путин 22 апреля проведет в Москве переговоры с президентом Азербайджана Алиевым

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко сравнил Всебелорусское народное собрание с «пустотой»

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

В Москве арестован на пять суток историк-публицист Сергеев за пост памяти Навального

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Владимир Высоцкий

Актриса Лужина рассказала правду о романе с Высоцким


Музей Победы проведет всероссийскую смену для школьников

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