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Новости за 10.02.2016


Hillary Clinton sounded a lot like Bernie Sanders after losing New Hampshire

REUTERS/Brian Snyder

After getting blown away in Tuesday's Democratic primary in New Hampshire, Hillary Clinton in her address to supporters sounded a bit like the candidate who trounced her.

Sure, there were the usual talking points — equal pay for women, her readiness for "all parts of the job," and her lifelong commitment to public service, among them. But Clinton also made clear that going forward, she wants in on the message that is serving Bernie Sanders so shockingly well in this campaign. Читать дальше...


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wants to build a wall around Israel to protect it from 'wild beasts'

REUTERS/Ammar Awad

Israel’s prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, has announced his intention to “surround all of Israel with a fence” to protect the country from infiltration by both Palestinians and the citizens of surrounding Arab states, whom he described as “wild beasts”.

Netanyahu unveiled the proposal during a tour of the Jordan border area in Israel’s south, adding that the project – which would cost billions of shekels – would also be aimed at solving the problem of Hamas infiltration tunnels from Gaza... Читать дальше...


North Korea has reportedly executed its army chief of staff


SEOUL — North Korea has executed its army chief of staff, Ri Yong Gil, South Korea's Yonhap news agency reported on Wednesday, which, if true, would be the latest in a series of executions, purges, and disappearances under the country's young leader.

The news comes amid heightened tension surrounding the isolated North Korea after its Sunday launch of a long-range rocket, which came about a month after it drew international condemnation for conducting its fourth nuclear test. Читать дальше...


US SPY CHIEF: We might hack your fridge to spy on you

Michael Dodge/Getty Images

Spies might use smart fridges and other internet-connected devices in the home to spy on you, US intelligence chief James Clapper has admitted.

Speaking to the US Senate on Tuesday, Clapper publicly acknowledged — for the first time, The Guardian reports — that intelligent agents might take advantage of the new possibilities presented by having computers built into ever-more home appliances.

"In the future, intelligence services might use the [internet of things] for identification... Читать дальше...


The 10 things in advertising you need to know today (FB, GOOG, TWTR, HEIO, VIAB)

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Good morning. Here's everything you need to know in the world of advertising today.

1. Facebook is getting into big trouble with two major countries. Regulators in France and India rejected the social network's ongoing plans as threats to privacy and a free internet.

2. Adblock Fast returned to Google Play a week after being pulled. Samsung users can once again download the ad blocker from Google Play, after a successful appeal.

3. Twitter... Читать дальше...


A Chinese investment fund wants to buy Opera web browser for $1.2 billion

REUTERS/Jason Reed

Oslo (AFP) - Norway's Opera Software, which makes the popular Opera web browser, said Wednesday that China's Golden Brick Silk Road investment fund had offered 10.5 billion kroner ($1.2 billion) to buy the company.

The Opera board unanimously recommended the offer, saying that at 71 kroner per share, it represents a 56-percent premium on the average price over the last 30 days.

The company had made no secret of its desire to find a buyer and its shares were... Читать дальше...


America just had a rough night


MANCHESTER, N.H. — Just before the New Hampshire primary results came in Tuesday, the Supreme Court reminded us of the some of the actual policy stakes this presidential election.

Five justices put a hold on the core of President Obama's climate change plan, pending an appeals court challenge. If the litigation drags on and the Supreme Court eventually strikes down Obama's climate plan, it will be up to the next president's Environmental Protection Agency to figure out how to fill the gap ... Читать дальше...


French lawmakers vote to include stripping of nationality for convicted terrorists in constitution

© AFP Jacques Demarthon

Paris (AFP) - Lawmakers in France's lower house of parliament has narrowly voted through a highly controversial proposal to amend the constitution to strip people convicted of terrorist offences of their French nationality.

The measure, passed by 162 votes to 148 with 22 abstentions, followed weeks of debate after it was proposed as part of a set of measures by President Francois Hollande in the wake of the jihadist attacks in Paris on November 13 that killed 130 people. Читать дальше...


Iran is upgrading its missiles and getting a Russian defense system


DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran will unveil an upgrade of its Emad ballistic missiles this year, the defense minister was quoted as saying, advancing a program that has drawn criticism from the United Nations and sanctions from the United States.

The Islamic Republic would also start taking delivery of an advanced Russian S-300 surface-to-air missile defense system in the next two months, Hossein Dogan added - a system that was blocked before a landmark nuclear deal with world powers. Читать дальше...


REPORT: Asahi could buy Peroni and Grolsch for $3.5 billion

REUTERS/Issei Kato

Tokyo (AFP) - Japan's Asahi Group Holdings has offered $3.5 billion for two top European lager brands from British giant SABMiller, in what would be the biggest-ever overseas acquisition by a Japanese beer company, a report said Wednesday.

Board members finalised the 400 billion yen proposal Tuesday for Peroni of Italy and the Netherlands' Grolsch, the leading Nikkei business daily said, without citing sources.

The company refused to confirm the report but... Читать дальше...


Some beaches are deserted, others overflowing: Attacks, epidemics and migrants redraw world tourism map

© AFP/File Kenzo Tribouillard

Paris (AFP) - The world's tourism map is being redrawn at lightning speed as holidaymakers switch preferences prompted by terror attacks, epidemics and migrant crises.

Jihadist attacks on tourists in Tunisia last year and the October 31 crash of a Russian plane which took off from its Egyptian Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh have devastated the tourism sectors in both countries.

But Muslim countries everywhere are the main losers of the shift in tastes... Читать дальше...


HSBC is being sued by the families of murder victims over the drug money laundering case

Thomson Reuters

(Reuters) - HSBC has been sued by the families of US citizens murdered by drug gangs in Mexico, claiming the bank let cartels launder billions of dollars to operate their business.

The lawsuit alleges that by participating in the money laundering scheme of the cartels, HSBC knowingly contributed directly to the international drug and trafficking trade, including the "brutal acts" that accompanied it, during the period of 2010 to 2011.

The London-based bank,... Читать дальше...


Explosives found on suspects trying to cross from Syria into Turkey

© AFP Bulent Kilic

Ankara (AFP) - Turkish soldiers have seized explosives and four suicide vests in the baggage of a group of suspects stopped at the border with Syria, the Turkish army said on Wednesday.

"Between 12 and 15 kilos of explosives and four belts that could be used for suicide attacks were found in two bags," the army said in a statement.

NOW WATCH: Check out this absolutely breathtaking footage of Turkey


A breakfast in Harlem underscores a key challenge for Bernie Sanders

REUTERS/Rick Wilking

MANCHESTER, N.H. (Reuters) - Bernie Sanders was due to have breakfast with one of America's most prominent civil rights activists, Al Sharpton, just hours after trouncing Hillary Clinton in the New Hampshire Democratic presidential nominating contest.

The meeting marks a recognition by Sanders that his campaign must swiftly broaden its base of support if he has any chance of mounting a long-term challenge to Clinton, who consistently polls better among African American voters. Читать дальше...


Here's how social media is changing politics for the worse

Getty Images/Andrew Burton

Most people across the developed world still get most of their news via television – and traditional news brands, produced by journalists, still top the rankings for the most read news on the internet. But a growing number of people have stopped turning on the TV, buying a paper or even visiting a news website.

They are reading their news – filtered for them by more assiduous friends – on their Facebook feeds or having it provided for them by organizations... Читать дальше...


How Bernie Sanders crushed Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire


One year ago, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton led Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) by more than 40 points in New Hampshire. 

Tuesday night, she was headed to a more than 20-point loss.

Sanders delivered a shellacking in the first-in-the-nation primary state of New Hampshire, a showing he hopes will provide him momentum heading into subsequent early-voting states.

"Tonight, with what appears to be a record-breaking voter turnout, because of a huge voter turnout... Читать дальше...


Scientists have discovered a possible cure for jet lag


A treatment for jet lag has been developed that allows the human body to shift to different time zones nearly four times faster than the best remedies currently available. Researchers found that short bursts of flashing light can automatically adapt the body to new sleeping patterns – even while the person is asleep.

The research, published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, found that rapid flashes of light – approximately 10 seconds apart – delayed the onset of sleepiness the next day. Читать дальше...


Chris Christie is taking a surprise trip back to New Jersey after a disappointing finish in New Hampshire

Thomson Reuters

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is going back to New Jersey after a disappointing showing in the New Hampshire Republican primary Tuesday night.

With a majority of precincts precincts reporting, Christie had less than 8% of the vote. He was projected to finish sixth, behind Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R), former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R), Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Florida), and other competitors.

"We're going to go home to New Jersey tomorrow and we're going to take a deep breath... Читать дальше...


Marco Rubio stumbled in New Hampshire 3 days after he got torn into at the GOP debate

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Florida) was hoping to use his surprisingly strong third-place finish in the Iowa caucuses to leap ahead in New Hampshire.

That didn't happen. 

Instead, Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) surged to a projected second-placed finish in New Hampshire.

Rubio took the stage to address his supporters when, with about half of the vote in, he also narrowly trailed Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R).

"Tonight... Читать дальше...


JEB: 'This campaign is not dead'


MANCHESTER, New Hampshire — Former Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) was pleased with his results in the Tuesday-night New Hampshire primary.

Bush was set to finish third or fourth in in the primary, behind winner Donald Trump and Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R). 

The governor delivered a defiant speech before Granite State supporters, saying said his results were good enough to catapult him to next primary state, South Carolina.

"This campaign is not dead," Bush said during... Читать дальше...


Republicans are fuming about Obama's record-setting $4.1 trillion budget


With little political capital remaining on Capitol Hill, President Obama on Tuesday unveiled the final budget proposal of his administration – a largely aspirational, record $4.1 trillion plan including hundreds of billions of fresh spending for his top domestic, energy and environmental policies.

The proposal, which already has been dismissed out of hand by congressional Republicans, would boost tax revenues by $2.6 trillion over the coming decade, primarily by increasing taxes on wealthy Americans and businesses. Читать дальше...


'We're going to build a wall': Donald Trump declares victory in New Hampshire


Real-estate tycoon Donald Trump declared victory on Tuesday night after crushing his rivals in the New Hampshire primary.

"We are going to make America great again!" Trump proclaimed to begin his speech.

The Republican candidate thanked his family, campaign staff, and GOP rivals and the people of New Hampshire.

"I love the people. And I said I actually think that they like me a lot!" Trump said of the locals.

"I have so many friends up here and they are special, special people," he added. Читать дальше...


Facebook is exploring ways to be more like YouTube


Five hundred million people spend 100 million hours watching videos on Facebook every day, according to the company's latest update. Previously, the company gave average daily video counts, with the latest tally reaching 8 billion per day.

YouTube, the leader in online video, has also shied away from video view counts in recent years, claiming watch time is a more accurate indicator of its user engagement. The subsidiary of Google — an Alphabet company — reported that watch... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Экологическая симфония: названы лауреаты Премии ECO BEST!

Путин в России и мире

Лавров заявил об отсутствии у Москвы предпочтений на выборах президента США

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск продолжит выступать за расширение взаимоуважительного и конструктивного диалога с Ереваном – Лукашенко

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Глава МИД Польши попытался оправдаться за свои слова про Крым

Навальный в России и мире

Польские власти арестовали четверых из восьми подозреваемых по «Невзлингейту»

Здоровье в России и мире

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