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Новости за 10.02.2016


Why women represent just 8% of the world's richest people

D Dipasupil/Getty Images

Business Insider recently published a list of the 50 richest people on earth with data provided by Wealth-X, a firm that conducts research on the super-wealthy.

Of these 50 billionaires, only four (8%) are women — Steve Jobs' widow Laurene Powell Jobs, Mars Inc. heiress Jacqueline Mars, L'Oreal heiress Liliane Bettencourt, and Walmart heiress Alice Walton — and each of these women inherited rather than built their fortunes.

Meanwhile, more than two-thirds... Читать дальше...


An investor's terrifying 2014 prediction for the market is coming true right now

Business Insider Video

Stocks are crashing, hedge funds are closing, and investors around world are moving into cash.

If you're confused and perplexed about the market we're in right now, this should bring some clarity to the situation.

In the third quarter of 2014, Dylan Grice, a portfolio manager at equity fund Aeris Capital, wrote a note that perfectly describes the market we're in right now.

Of course, back then stocks were riding high. The S&P 500 had closed the year up 11%... Читать дальше...


How old 17 self-made billionaires were when they made their first million

Bob Levey/Getty

Mark Zuckerberg had $1 million in the bank at the ripe age of 22, while Larry Ellison didn't reach millionaire status until age 42. Today, they're both billionaires.

Some successful entrepreneurs strike it rich early on. For others, it takes decades.

Using an infographic from UK-based web platform Fleximize, we've broken out the age at which Zuckerberg, Ellison, Cuban, and other self-made billionaires made their first million.

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Mark Zuckerberg... Читать дальше...


Bernie Sanders meets up with Al Sharpton in Harlem

Andrew Renneisen/Getty Images

HARLEM — Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders met with Rev. Al Sharpton at Sylvia's Restaurant Wednesday, the day after a big victory over Hillary Clinton in the New Hampshire Primary.

The pair talked for 20 minutes — sitting at the same table where Sharpton met with candidate Barack Obama in 2008 — before Sanders left without taking questions.

Whereas Obama chowed down on collard greens and fried chicken in 2008, Sharpton said he and... Читать дальше...


A story about Kobe Bryant playing — and quickly mastering — pingpong illustrates his insane competitiveness

Scott Halleran/Getty

Since Kobe Bryant announced his plan to retire at the end of the season, the NBA world has made a point to honor Bryant and remember his great career.

Complex talked to 18 media members who have covered Bryant during his career and asked them their favorite memories of him.

They are all excellent, but one in particular, from Mike Trudell, a beat reporter for Time Warner Cable SportsNet and former Lakers beat reporter, stands out as an illustration of Kobe's ridiculous competitiveness. Читать дальше...


One of the most lethal Vietnam Marine snipers fired 16 headshots in 30 seconds in pitch darkness

Pfc. Garrett White

Charles “Chuck” Mawhinney was one of the most lethal snipers of the Vietnam War with 103 confirmed kills. In a particularly daring engagement, Mawhinney stopped a Viet Cong assault by hitting 16 headshots in 30 seconds at night in bad weather.

Charles “Chuck” Mawhinney. Photo: US Marine Corps Pfc. Garrett White

“Chuck was extremely aggressive,” retired Master Gunnery Sgt. Mark Limpic, Mawhinney’s squad leader, later told LA Times. “He could run a half-mile... Читать дальше...


How Johnny Depp's epic Donald Trump spoof movie was made in just 4 days


Two months ago, Jeremy Konner, a cocreator of the show "Drunk History," got a call from Funny or Die's editor-in-chief, Owen Burke.

Johnny Depp was attached to play Donald Trump for Funny or Die and wanted Konner to direct it. There was a catch, though: The whole 65-page script would be shot in just four days.

"Obviously, I had no choice," Konner told Business Insider of how the Donald Trump biopic parody that debuted Wednesday came about.

Titled "Funny or Die Presents... Читать дальше...


'Destiny' has a new Valentine's Day game mode — here's what it's like

The match is tied 4-4. The winner of the next game wins it all.

My teammate and I are huddled in a corner as both enemies approach. My teammate takes a golden gun shot to the chest, which kills him instantly. Now it's just me, two enemies, and my trusty shotgun.

Here's how it all went down in the final sweaty moments of the match:

RAW Embed

This is Crimson Doubles. It's the centerpiece of Crimson Days, the week-long Valentine's Day event going on right now in "Destiny."

... Читать дальше...


How to drastically simplify your workflow and get more done

Flickr/Matthew Pearce

"Life is simple," wrote Confucius, "but we insist on making it complicated."

Good advice … and timely.

In fact, Retired Navy SEAL officer and "Extreme Ownership" co-author Jocko Willink recently identified simplicity as the key to not just to effective leadership, but success itself.

The trouble is that we’re terrible at simplicity.

Nowhere is this more true than in the world of workflow. With so many conveniences at our digital fingertips, life should be getting easier. Читать дальше...


27 beautiful photographs of cinema’s most iconic blades

Federico Mauro

Helping us remember the familiar, art director Federico Mauro has created renderings of some of the most amazing and recognizable blades from movies on a clean background. 

Mauro has created impressive visuals that remind us of our favorite films, TV shows, and video games — from Link's Master Sword in the "Legend of Zelda" games to William Wallace's claymore from "Braveheart," these hand weapons are as memorable as the characters that wield them. 

Below are our favorites from Mauro's collection. Читать дальше...


Why Netflix doesn't tolerate brilliant jerks

Ken Ishii/Getty

We all work with someone who is unquestionably brilliant.

You know the type: the person who consistently comes up with great insights and ideas and who can cut to the quick far faster than anyone else in the organization. It's hard not to step back and admire how the person's brain works.

At the same time, such people can begin to think their gifts place them above everyone else in the organization. They tend to hog all the airtime at meetings by intimidating... Читать дальше...


Einstein's wildest prediction is true — and will soon radically transform our understanding of the universe


Have no doubt: Gravitational waves, or ripples in the fabric of spacetime, are real and undulating across the universe at incredible speed — right through everyone and everything on Earth.

Scientists have known this since at least 1974, when two astronomers proved their existence using a bizarre object deep in space (more on that in a moment).

The problem is that no one has yet directly detected the elusive waves since Albert Einstein first predicted their existence 100 years ago. Читать дальше...


Oil workers will have to make the choice between layoffs and pay cuts

Andrew Burton/Getty Images

For many oil gas workers both in the U.S. and around the world, the current oil price malaise may mean layoffs and struggling to find a new job.

A new report from the Hayes Group highlights the challenges in the sector. The report found that 93 percent of employers had already made some headcount reductions, and 32 percent of responding workers indicated they had been laid off or made redundant.

Of that group, fully 72 percent were considering work outside the oil sector. Читать дальше...


These ultra-luxurious underwater homes are being built in Dubai


In the clear-blue waters off the coast of Dubai lies a chain of islands known as "The Heart of Europe." It's a man-made reconstruction of actual European nations, just on a smaller scale — part of a larger archipelago known as "The World."

Richard Branson, fittingly, owns the island representing Great Britain. In the coming weeks, The Heart of Europe will get its first floating home, the aptly named "Floating Seahorse." It'll be the first of many in a giant fleet.

... Читать дальше...


6 questions you should always ask before buying fish

via Food52

If you have felt apprehensive upon approaching the fish counter—whether you don't have much experience cooking fish or you just made eye contact with a finned fellow lying there on the ice—you're not alone.

"I would say [people feel] terrified," Mark Usewicz, one of the founders of the Brooklyn seafood shop Mermaid's Garden, told me, for a few reasons:

They're worried about their house smelling fishy, or they don't know what to expect from a certain fish. Or they... Читать дальше...


Why we use pet names in relationships


I have been called a little owl, a swan and even a "panda-fish." No, I'm not a supernatural, shape-shifting creature or a character in a children's storybook.

I've just been in a few relationships where cutesy, affectionate nicknames emerged as inside jokes.

These names stuck around for months, even years – to the point where hearing "Elizabeth" or "Liz" in certain contexts would suggest a truly serious situation, or that I was in trouble.

With Valentine's Day around the corner... Читать дальше...


YELLEN TO CONGRESS: The Fed is not subsidizing big banks (USD, TLT, TLO, SPY)

Susan Walsh/AP

Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen testified on the economy before the House Financial Services Committee on Wednesday.

After her prepared remarks, Committee chair Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) kicked off the Q&A session with a question about whether the Fed's monetary policy approach is "traditional".

Hensarling was concerned that the interest on excess reserves (IOER) for banks' reserves is basically a subsidy for them. 

Yellen responded that the (IOER)... Читать дальше...


Princeton's president speaks out about the arrest of a black professor over a parking ticket

Screengrab via Youtube

The president of Princeton University is speaking out after a professor of African-American studies at the school was arrested during a traffic stop last week.

Professor Imani Perry, who is black, has claimed she was mistreated by police officers because of her race. She was patted down by a male officer and handcuffed to a desk after being arrested for over a 3-year-old parking ticket, she said on Twitter.

The president of Princeton, Christopher Eisgruber... Читать дальше...


How much to spend on a gift for your partner this Valentine's Day

Ian Gavan/Getty Images

February can be an expensive month.

According to a recent Bankrate study, the "traditional Valentine's Day" — including "a dozen red roses, chocolates, a nice dinner for two, jewelry, and champagne" — costs an average of $512.

That seems steep, but even if you don't partake in the classic date night, Valentine's Day shoppers shell out an average of $147 for flowers, trinkets, candy, romantic dinners, and tickets to movies and shows, according to the National Retail Federation. Читать дальше...


South Korea just sent a huge message about how bad relations have gotten with the North


South Korea suspended operations on Wednesday at a jointly run factory park just inside North Korea following the North's long-range rocket launch over the weekend. The decision cuts off an important source of revenue for the impoverished North — and ends the only significant daily interaction across the heavily fortified inter-Korean border.

The industrial park, which opened in 2005, is home to 124 South Korean companies, and had received over 1 trillion won, or $840 million in South Korean investment... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Подмосковным УФАС выявлен сговор на торгах в сфере ЖКХ

Путин в России и мире

НАЛОГИ С ЗАРПЛАТ И НДС МОГУТ ОТМЕНИТЬ?! Государственная Дума и Правительство РФ оптимизируют налоги.

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

БелТА: Путин обсудит с Лукашенко связи Москвы и Минска, а также внешнюю политику

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский пожаловался, что западная помощь опаздывает

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Александр Градский

«КП»: Могила Градского на кладбище находится в заброшенном состоянии


Ventra Go: 32% самозанятых россиян тратят на подработку от пяти часов в неделю

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