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Новости за 12.02.2016


Here's a simple way to vastly improve your photos

Photography is hard. And all the advice out there can get confusing.

But here's one thing you can do today to step up your photo game: Pay attention to your background.

It's counter-intuitive. The most important part of an image is the subject, right? But I'll show you how a bit of attention to your background can make your subjects much more interesting and exciting.

Here's how I shot before I learned to care about backgrounds

Rafi Letzter/Tech Insider

I'd focus... Читать дальше...


'Deadpool' brilliantly uses 2 actors and special effects to Frankenstein this X-Men character to life

20th Century Fox

"Deadpool" is out in theaters this weekend. While Ryan Reynold's self-aware, often inappropriate antihero is definitely the star of the film, there are a few other X-Men characters who steal the spotlight.

One of those characters is Colossus, a seven-foot-tall gentle giant made out of metal who repeatedly badgers Deadpool to join the X-Men.

You've probably seen him in trailers:

20th Century Fox

While you may think Colossus is just one actor doing a motion capture performance... Читать дальше...


4 misconceptions about getting a job after college

Steven Senne/AP Images

Dialogues with college seniors in the midst of trying to figure out "what comes next" often reveal a disconnect between student life and launching a successful career.

It's easy to empathize with the cry, "I can get an A in my senior seminar but I don't have a clue about how to get a job."

Ideally, colleges and universities would fund career services departments with a full complement of savvy professionals. However, more often than not, budgets are cramped... Читать дальше...


A food scientist explains how to make the crispiest fried chicken in the world

Flickr Creative Commons

If you've ever made fried chicken, you know how hard it can be to replicate the satisfying, crunchy crust perfected by KFC or Popeyes Chicken.

But, according to a food scientist, one surprising ingredient could do the trick — vodka.

That's what J. Kenji Lopez-Alt, managing culinary director of seriouseats.com, found after hundreds of experiments in the kitchen.

The reason vodka is the ideal ingredient for a fried chicken marinade mixture is rooted in science, Lopez-Alt said. Читать дальше...


CREDIT SUISSE: Markets will be lousy for the next decade, and it is a disaster for savers


The next decade will be lousy for investors.

Jonathan Wilmot, head of macroeconomic research at Credit Suisse Asset Management, compared today's environment to the aftermath of the Latin America debt crisis, the 1930s Great Depression, and the 2008 Great Recession.

Here's the upshot: After an initial multiyear recovery in stock and bond prices after a crisis (the rally we saw through last year) comes a long stretch of lousy returns.

Wilmot said that would be "disastrous"... Читать дальше...


This surprising combination of personality traits made Ralph Lauren a 'superboss'

Mike Coppola/Getty

Perhaps you've worked for a micromanager, the kind who screen-peeps from two seats away as you're typing out a memo.

Or maybe you've worked for an extreme delegator, someone who seems content to let you make the calls on super-important issues, even when you'd like a little more guidance.

Neither situation is favorable, but it turns out there's a third managerial path that only the very best leaders, so called superbosses, take: Be a micromanager and an extreme delegator. Читать дальше...


Pope Francis and Russian Orthodox Church leader hold historic meeting in Cuba


Pope Francis arrived in Havana on Friday to meet the head of the Russian Orthodox Church nearly 1,000 years after Eastern Orthodoxy split with Rome, marking the first encounter in history between a Roman Catholic pope and a Russian Orthodox patriarch.

The two religious leaders, guests of a Communist government, will address the millennium-long rift between the Western and Eastern branches of Christianity, which arose out of differences in practices and political orientation during the first millenia AD... Читать дальше...


How the role of the CFO is changing rapidly

Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images

I went to two CFO events last fall: a panel for hyper-growth companies in Silicon Valley and a breakfast in Dallas for Fortune 500 CFOs.

Each event had a different theme, but the conversation at both ended up being the same: how the role of CFO is changing with the proliferation of technology and big data.

In fact, the conversation was so much the same that I found my mind wandering halfway through the second event. That’s when it hit me: Most... Читать дальше...


Kickstarter founder: 'I'm not some rich dude with a Tesla'


It might seem like becoming a tech entrepreneur is an expedient path to wealth.

Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg, Snapchat's Evan Spiegel, Oracle's Larry Ellison, and Amazon's Jeff Bezos became billionaires through the companies they founded.

So if you create a successful, popular website, web service, or app, you're bound to get rich, right?

Charles Adler disagrees.

Adler is the cofounder of crowdfunding platform Kickstarter, which reached 100,000 campaigns funded through the site. Читать дальше...


Iraq is mobilizing troops to retake ISIS's largest city

Thomson Reuters

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq's military said on Friday it was mobilizing troops to prepare for an offensive the government has pledged to launch this year to retake the northern city of Mosul from Islamic State.

Hundreds of forces from the army's 15th division reached Makhmour base, 70 km (45 miles) south of Mosul, and more forces, including Sunni Muslim tribal fighters, were expected to arrive in coming days, said Brigadier-General Yahya Rasool, spokesman for the joint operations command. Читать дальше...


TRUMP: 'I have standing to sue' Ted Cruz

REUTERS/Jonathan Bachman

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump just threatened to sue US Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) over his eligibility to be president.

"If @TedCruz doesn't clean up his act, stop cheating, & doing negative ads, I have standing to sue him for not being a natural born citizen," Trump warned Friday on Twitter.

Cruz was born in Canada to an American mother, and most legal experts believe that he meets the constitutional requirement that presidents are "natural-born" citizens. Читать дальше...


Crude oil just had its biggest day in 7 years (USO, WTI, OIL, VDE)

Crude oil just had its biggest day in seven years.

On Friday, West Texas Intermediate crude futures in New York surged 12% to $29.44 per barrel, its biggest intraday percentage gain since February 2009.

On Thursday, WTI fell to a 12-year low of $26.21. Prices had been declining earlier in the week after the International Energy Agency warned that the excess of supply over demand was set to worsen.

But prices started rebounding Thursday after a Wall Street Journal reporter... Читать дальше...


Here is what happens next in Silicon Valley, according to Goldman Sachs President Gary Cohn

REUTERS/Ruben Sprich

Giant tech companies are going to go after "unbelievable acquisition opportunities," according to Goldman Sachs' president, Gary Cohn.

In a recent Q&A with The Information's Jessica Lessin, Cohn said that "anything under $10 billion" could become an acquisition target.

He said that when firms' multiples are based on eyeballs or users, they can't be acquired by those whose multiples are based on earnings because "it's too dilutive."

That's changing. Читать дальше...


The 'Airbnb of events' lets you rent out swanky apartments, vacant churches, and hip garages


A vacant church isn't just a church anymore.

Thanks to Splacer, a new startup that promises to do for events what Airbnb did for overnight stays, an otherwise unusable place of worship — like the one Splacer user Kaitlyn C. rents for $575 an hour — can (and does) transform into a music video shoot, conference center, and concert hall.

While intriguing in its own right — who wouldn't want a brief, voyeuristic glimpse into someone else's life? — the service also serves a crucial need. Читать дальше...


A California man used investor money to pay off his gambling debts

AP/Keith Srakocic

FA Insights is a daily newsletter from Business Insider that delivers the top news and commentary for financial advisors.

Unregistered broker used client money to pay gambling debts (Financial Advisor)

Gregory Ruehle, an unregistered broker based in Oceanside, California, was charged by the Securities and Exchange Commission with "fraudulently selling purported stock in a medical device company and pocketing investors’ money," according to Financial Advisor. Читать дальше...


We spent a night out on the town with Tablelist, the app that can get you into your city's hottest clubs

Raisa Bruner

Have you ever wondered how to get in to the hottest nightclubs?

Outside, you see long lines of lithe young partiers. Inside, you know hip revelers are guzzling magnum-sized bottles of Dom Perignon and dancing the night away.

But that pesky velvet rope can be a daunting barrier between you and the blasting music, beautiful people, and blurred-lines debauchery within.

Enter Tablelist, the app for getting in to nightclubs.

"People have a fear of going out," Julian Jung... Читать дальше...


The lead singer of OK Go explains what it's like to shoot a music video in zero gravity

ivan rebroff/YouTube screenshot

The band OK Go is known for pulling off some impressive feats in their music videos.

Their first big hit came in 2009 with the music video for "Here It Goes Again." In that video, they ran on treadmills while belting out the lyrics. For their song "This Too Shall Pass," they set up an elaborate Rube Goldberg machine. 

Now the band has topped its previous efforts. On Thursday, OK Go released a music video for their single "Upside Down & Inside... Читать дальше...


The 25 highest-paid NBA players of all time

Getty Images

The NBA may still be behind the NFL and Major League Baseball in terms of generating money, but thanks to rising TV revenue and smaller rosters, an NBA career can be lucrative.

This is especially true for the athletes who played a large chunk of their careers between the late 1990s and the 2011 lockout.

While many of the all-time greats of the past 20 years are among the highest paid of all time, these years also led to some large contracts for some otherwise mediocre players. Читать дальше...


8 rookie investing mistakes to avoid


Invest for the long haul.

If you're like most investors, you'd probably rather spend your free time with family, friends, watching football, shopping or taking the kids to the park.

The financial markets are complex, and there is a lot of information that can be confusing to someone who's simply trying to save for retirement, sock money away for their kid's college education and build a nest egg.

Here are eight rookie investing traps to avoid while you map out your investment plan. Читать дальше...


Europe just placed Greece at the center of its refugee crisis (EUR, GREK)

Michael Sohn/AP Images

Europe just gave Greece a big ultimatum.

On Friday, EU member states told Greece that it has three months to remedy the "deficiencies" in controlling the influx of migrants, or else "effectively face suspension from the Schengen passport-free zone," reported the AFP.

The Schengen Agreement allows for passport-free movement across a wide swathe of Europe, and is a big deal for trade and tourism in Europe.

This ultimatum comes at a time when Europe is dealing with a massive refugee crisis... Читать дальше...


This CEO spent 6 months lying to her family about having a job — and it was the best thing she could have done


Finding the right job can be difficult when you’re younger. Family expectations, choosing the right degree, and that first step into adulthood are all added pressures.

It’s journey Showpo founder Jane Lu knows all too well.

“[At school] I got a 99+ UAI [a high percentile rank used for college admissions], I studied commerce at UNSW, I got a job even before I graduated. I was definitely ticking the right boxes for being a good Chinese daughter,” laughs... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Пресс-релиз | CRYPTONIUM | Новая экосистема для заработка на криптовалюте | Арбитраж | Трейдинг | Обучение

Путин в России и мире

Aurus Путина получил обновленный дизайн: новая версия авто представлена журналистом Павлом Зарубиным

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Русских заявил о субсидировании новых авиарейсов до Минска

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