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Новости за 08.02.2016


Checking out the Lamborghini Huracán Spyder


Before this week, I had driven a Lamborghini once.

It was a Gallardo Spyder and I drove it about four miles in the mid-2000s. That wasn't enough time to get much of an impression, but I remember that the V-10 provided ridiculous power and an ear-searing engine note.

The engine also vibrated like a washing machine with a brick in it.

It wasn't a refined car, but it's raw nature made it quite appealing.

Almost a decade after that experience, I attended my first Lamborghini press drive this week in Miami. Читать дальше...


Sports fans can now prove they're smarter than their friends with this new app

Frog Picks

Sports fans are competitive. But so far there hasn't been a great app that lets them jockey for pole position without putting money on the line.

Science Inc., the company behind the crazy popular teen app Wishbone, thinks it has the answer.

Each day, the new Frog Picks app gives users 13 questions — will the Cavaliers or Pacers win tonight? Will Kobe score more than 30 points? — and sports fans make their picks.

The easy tap-t0-vote question style doesn't require as much skill as fantasy sports ... Читать дальше...


O.J. Simpson's lawyer Alan Dershowitz: 'This was not the dream team — this was the nightmare team'

AP Photo/Sam Mircovich/Pool

FX's true-crime anthology, "The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story," premiered last week, and it's bringing attention yet again to a trial that captivated the US in the mid-1990s.

The show features an ensemble cast that showcases the many captivating figures in the trial, including the defense team that helped get Simpson acquitted of the murder of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown, and her friend, Ron Goldman, in 1995.

But while Simpson's defense... Читать дальше...


The White House wants to spend $1.8 billion to fight the untreatable Zika virus, and now health experts have an ambitious solution

Thomson Reuters

The Zika virus is becoming an increasing concern, most recently prompting the White House to ask for $1.8 billion to combat the virus in the US and abroad.

But one expert says a vaccine could be developed in the next 3 years, which is seriously fast.

For the most part, only about one in five people with Zika ever shows symptoms, which most commonly include fever, rash, joint pain, and red eyes.

The disease has been linked to microcephaly, a typically... Читать дальше...


Sears just got another depressing sign that it is doomed


Sears is losing some of its most loyal customers.

The department store has traditionally attracted female shoppers aged 55 and older, but that demographic is now choosing to shop elsewhere, according to a recent study by Prosper Insights & Analytics.

In fact, most women would now rather shop at Goodwill than at Sears, according to the survey.

"Quite literally, Sears shoppers are a dying breed," Pam Goodfellow, an analyst for Prosper Insights & Analytics, writes in Forbes. Читать дальше...


The man-portable rocket launcher that could destroy a city block

US Navy All Hands magazine

During the height of the Cold War, the US Army deployed a nuclear-tipped rocket launcher that could be carried by a fire team.

Davy Crockett was a renowned frontier hero steeped in myth and legend, much of it probably based on tales invented by himself. Supposedly Crockett was such a crack shot he could split a bullet on an axe blade using a musket.

The Cold War weapon that bore his name was many things, but dead accuracy wasn’t one of them.

The... Читать дальше...


The Petersen Automotive Museum has been dramatically revamped — but it's still full of amazing cars

Petersen Museum

The Petersen Automotive Museum, now one of the finest car museums in the country, has reopened its doors following a $90-million renovation.

The Los Angeles location, once a department store, is now home to a stunning collection of historical and modern automobiles, motorcycles, and memorabilia — all housed in a completely overhauled space.

Many of the featured cars are legends of unimaginable worth, while others display the technological advancements of more than a century of automotive development. Читать дальше...


Google CEO Sundar Pichai got a stock package worth almost $200 million (GOOG, GOOGL)

Getty Images

Google's Sundar Pichai is getting a nice payday to go along with his new role as CEO of the internet search company. 

Pichai received roughly $183 million in stock, which will vest over a period of four years, according to a regulatory filing. The pay package appears to be one of the largest awarded to a Google executive. 

Pichai became the CEO of Google in October, after the company restructured and created the new Alphabet holding company. Alphabet is comprised... Читать дальше...


15 bucket list tacos across the US

Jill P./Yelp

In the season finale of the Netflix series Master of None, Aziz Ansari’s character, Dev, is faced with two major dilemmas—first, how to salvage his relationship with his girlfriend, and second, where to find the best tacos in New York City. His frenetic, multi-tab Google spree is not only a reminder of our current priorities, but also our obsessive — if not at times, rocky — relationship with tacos here in America.

“Mexicans have been putting stuff in a tortilla, pinching it... Читать дальше...


The resetting of the startup industry

Steve Snodgrass / Flickr

Much has changed in the past four months of the technology startup world and how outsiders value the business. Of course it’s too early to predict whether this is a trend or an aberration but the smartest people I know in the industry are predicting the former.

The startup industry may be “resetting,” which doesn’t mean a “crash” but rather just a resetting of valuations, timescales, winners/losers, capital sources and the relative emphasis of growth rates vs. Читать дальше...


One major oil CEO thinks the industry is in a 'severe and prolonged down cycle' (DO)

Flickr/Bob Adams

The oil industry has taken it on the chin over the last few months.

Prices have fallen along with revenues, and the renaissance in US oil production has turned into a nightmare.

According to Diamond Offshore Drilling CEO Marc Edwards, the bad dream for the oil industry isn't going to end anytime soon.

"For a little over a year, I have expressed view, we are facing a severe and prolonged down cycle," he said during his company's quarterly earnings call Monday. Читать дальше...


Target just made a huge change to children's bedrooms across America


Target is trying to show families that bedrooms need not be "girly"or "boyish."

According to the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, the retailer's latest line for kid's home goods, Pillowfort, will largely forgo traditional gender archetypes. 

This is yet another move to solidify the retailer's reputation as a progressive company that doesn't subscribe to gender norms. This summer, the retailer stopped labeling toys by gender. 

Pillowfort, which launches on February 21, takes the new strategy one step further. Читать дальше...


The 5 worst hand-held weapons of all time

Warner Bros.

In "The World's Worst Weapons," Martin Dougherty details the long history of overambitious, underachieving weapons that failed to hit their mark.

We've already described the eight worst guns of all time, now take a look at the five worst hand-held melee weapons ever produced.

Extendable batons

Liftarn via Wikimedia Commons

The extendable baton can fit on an officers belt and spyglass out to an impressive length when needed for combat, but the collapsing... Читать дальше...


A co-founder of the world's third-best restaurant is opening a cooking school in one of the poorest parts of New York City

via Claus Meyer Twitter

An international restaurateur who co-founded the world-famous eatery Noma is the mastermind behind a new cooking school and restaurant opening in Brownsville, DNAinfo New York has learned.

Claus Meyer, whose eatery Noma in Denmark has been named the world's best restaurant three times and is currently listed at No. 3 worldwide, is involved in all decisions in the Brownsville project, which promises to offer free courses to locals and a restaurant with a 40-person dining room, according to organizers. Читать дальше...


'I need to get out of my father’s basement': What it's like to be a 29-year-old 'boomerang kid'

Flickr / becca lau

Sheila Rodriguez is 29 and lives with her father — a fact that has been awkward at times.

“It’s so embarrassing to be at family functions, and your cousins have houses, and here I am struggling,” says Rodriguez, who lives in New Rochelle, NY.

It was a necessary move when she went back to graduate school in 2009, because Rodriguez couldn’t afford rent on top of tuition payments.

“It was so depressing that my dad came to my room and said, ‘Are you going... Читать дальше...


These two winning strategies could explain Marco Rubio's surge in the GOP race

REUTERS/Carlo Allegri

Although Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) came out with a win in the Iowa Republican caucuses last week, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Florida) has emerged as a strong GOP contender.

But the best way to measure a candidate's effect on voters may be to measure what's going on in voters' brains.

Last weekend, the author and communication coach Carmine Gallo wrote in Forbes how "neuroeconomics" professor Paul Zak of Claremont Graduate University is doing just that.

The... Читать дальше...


Here's a look at the personal finances of the 2016 presidential candidates


FA Insights is a daily newsletter from Business Insider that delivers top news and commentary for financial advisers.

A look at the personal finances of presidential candidates (WalletHub)

WalletHub examined the finances of the 2016 presidential candidates and found that the average candidate has $229.8 million in assets, excluding home equity, almost 13,564 times the average American's $16,942. Donald Trump ($2.1 billion) and Hillary Clinton ($52.7 million) have the highest total of assets. Читать дальше...


TRUMP: I got a 'bad vibe' from the Super Bowl

Reuters/Robert Hanashiro-USA TODAY Sports

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump continued criticizing the Super Bowl on Monday morning.

"That was just a boring game. Am I the only one that thought that? … It was a terrible game. It was terribly played. And the whole thing had a bad vibe," Trump said on the Boston-based sports-radio show, "Dennis and Callahan."

During the game between the Denver Broncos and Carolina Panthers, Trump tweeted that the contest was "very boring," especially compared to politics. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге об эффективности проекта «Генеральная уборка»

Путин в России и мире

Путин всё знал, но никого не предупредил: Немцы обвинили Москву в прорыве израильского Купола

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Очередные кадровые назначения объявлены в Минске

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Владимир Зеленский подтвердил ракетный удар по аэродрому в Джанкое

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Алла Пугачёва

Алла Пугачева раскритиковала Лолиту после «голой вечеринки» Ивлеевой


Прокуратура Кельна не стала просить об отмене объявления о смерти якобы живущего в России немецкого миллиардера Хауба

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