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Новости за 21.02.2016


US rejected North Korean peace-plan proposal before latest nuclear-bomb test


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States rejected a North Korean proposal to discuss a peace treaty to formally end the Korean War because it did not address denuclearization on the peninsula, the State Department said on Sunday.

State Department spokesman John Kirby made the comment in response to a Wall Street Journal report that the White House secretly agreed to peace talks just before Pyongyang's latest nuclear bomb test.

The newspaper, citing U.S. officials familiar with the events... Читать дальше...


This may be the best signal of when to buy stocks

Timing the market is hard.

But John Stoltzfus at Oppenheimer may have found a reliable way to (sort of) time the market. 

NOW WATCH: NASA's Spirit Mars rover found mysterious growths on Mars that could be the biggest discovery in science


Bad coffee and a red Ferrari: Here are some of the 'red flags' at new hedge funds

Thomson Reuters

A group of hedge fund allocators revealed the biggest "red flags" that stop them from placing money with an emerging manager at the Absolute Return Symposium in New York on Wednesday.

One thing to look out for is the classic "red Ferrari syndrome." In other words, the emerging manager who goes out and buys a fancy sports car right off the bat is someone you probably want to avoid.

There are some signs that are less obvious though.

"Bad coffee," said Kent Clark... Читать дальше...


There's only one way not paying your student loans can indirectly lead to your arrest

AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

Last week, seven deputy US Marshals arrested Paul Aker in Houston, Texas, after coming to his home to collect on a federal student loan from nearly 30 years ago.

The arrest was over a $1,500 student loan he received in 1987, Aker said. He says he received no certified mail or notices about the outstanding debt in the past 29 years.

For its part, the US Marshals claim Aker told two deputies "he had a gun" when they showed up to arrest him after he... Читать дальше...


The absolute beginner's guide to how and why tech companies get on the stock market, and why Uber is waiting so long

REUTERS/Danish Siddiqui

Back in the late '90s, getting a startup big enough to get onto the stock market was the thing to do. 

Now, a market crash, a Great Recession, and a possible tech-bubble burst later — investors are scaling back how much money they put into startups, and the public stock market is increasingly volatile.

Still, going public is often viewed as the end goal for ambitious young tech companies. 

Here's how and why startups wind up on the stock market ... Читать дальше...


Iranian-American businessman detained in Iran denied access to lawyer

Thomson Reuters

WASHINGTON/DUBAI (Reuters) - An Iranian-American businessman detained in Iran since October has been denied access to his lawyer by authorities, his attorney and family said in an interview and on social media over the last two days.

Siamak Namazi, a dual U.S.-Iranian citizen, was detained by Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps in October while visiting family, according to a source familiar with the matter who declined to be identified. Iranian authorities have not announced any charges against him. Читать дальше...


Saudi Arabia could be having a change of heart on oil

Reuters/Ali Jarekji

Deliberately worded, and perfectly timed, comments from world oil producers regarding oil production seem to make airwaves on a daily basis. Each time oil falls below $30 a barrel, a bullishly worded statement with no evidence of meaningful change or impact, is uttered from a producing nation. Without fail, the news causes weak shorts to cover and an aggressive rally ensues.

However, fatigue seems to be setting in… initial excitement around Tuesday’s joint announcement between Saudi Arabia... Читать дальше...


The 73 most popular people on Instagram (FB)


Instagram stars freaked out in December 2014 after the site began cracking down on spam accounts.

While some of the most-followed Instagram accounts lost thousands and even millions of followers in the days after, you can hardly tell a year later. 

The popularity of these top Instagrammers has exploded.

Last year, Kim Kardashian was the most-followed Instagrammer with 23 million followers. She's been dethroned, and the new number one has more than 60 million. 

 To calculate the most followed people... Читать дальше...


A former Zappos manager explains how her job changed after the company got rid of bosses

Richard Feloni/Business Insider

Zappos has spent almost a year fully operating under Holacracy, a unique self-management system that gets rid of traditional manager roles and job titles.

Last March, the online retailer's CEO, Tony Hsieh, told employees that they could either embrace self-management or leave with a severance package. He'd begun implementing the system two years before, but a couple hundred employees had yet to switch over, and he felt that it was time to "rip the Band-Aid off." Ultimately... Читать дальше...


Using psychological tricks while negotiating could totally backfire

Flickr/Jukka Siltanen

For some time now negotiation researchers have been telling us we can get ahead by using tactical emotional expressions to manipulate the other party.

Show anger to make them worry about threats, or disappointment to nudge them into feeling guilty, and you can increase the chances of getting what you want.

But new research in the Journal of Applied Psychology suggests that while these techniques may yield immediate advantage, strategically they can lead to disaster. Читать дальше...


ASK A FINANCIAL PLANNER: 'How do I decide between paying debt and saving for the future?'

Flickr / EladeManu

Certified financial planner Sophia Bera answers:

I have $2,500 in credit card debt and about $35,000 in student loan debt. How should I prioritize paying these off while also saving for the future?

Great question! It's hard when you're juggling multiple financial priorities but the truth is that we are often focused on multiple goals throughout life and not just one.

Here's where I would start:

If you're eligible for a company match on a retirement... Читать дальше...


One group in Latin America may be about to see its economic gains erased

REUTERS/Daniel Becerril

Many of Latin America's poorest workers have climbed out of poverty in recent years, but their wages continued to be insufficient to classify them as middle-class workers, according to World Bank data cited by a UN release.

Laborers earning between $4 and $10 a day make up 38% of the region’s population. These workers, according to the World Bank, are considered “vulnerable.”

The poor in Latin America, those who make less than $4 a day, are 24% of the population. Читать дальше...


The tide is turning against everything that made Victoria's Secret popular

Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images

Last week, Victoria's Secret's longtime CEO Sharen Jester Turney abruptly resigned from her position.

A release from parent company L Brands said that Turney was abandoning her role in order to focus on spending time with her family.

The company noted that L Brands CEO Les Wexner will assume responsibilities for Victoria's Secret.

The new CEO will have his or her hands full.

Since Victoria's Secret has risen to ubiquity in malls across the world... Читать дальше...


Star NASCAR rookie knocked out of Daytona 500 by the track's grass


Chase Elliott's dream week at the Daytona 500 came to an early end in an unlucky way when his car was knocked out of the race due to a collision with the track's grass.

Elliott, the son of former NASCAR champion Bill Elliott, had given fans high hopes, replacing the retired Jeff Gordon in the No. 24 car, winning the Infinity race at Daytona on Saturday, and becoming the youngest ever to win the pole for NASCAR's biggest race. However, that all came to an end in the 19th lap on Sunday. Читать дальше...


We tried McDonald's classic Shamrock Shake next to its biggest competition ever — here's the verdict -

Hollis Johnson

McDonald's much-loved seasonal Shamrock Shake now has competition in the form of Burger King's new Oreo Irish Mint Shake. 

The Shamrock Shake has amassed a cult following since its inception in 1970; the sight of the minty green shake is a sure harbinger of spring and vaguely Irish themed kitsch. 

But with Burger King's release of the Oreo Irish Mint Shake, McDonald's reign over the green-dyed seasonal milkshake market is being threatened.  

Now the Shamrock Shake is available... Читать дальше...


Facebook has created a new 'Social VR' team to explore how we'll communicate in virtual reality (FB)


Instead of talking to your long-distance friends via FaceTime or Skype, you could one day pop on a virtual reality headset to instantly feel like you're actually in the same room together.

To help get us to that future as soon as possible, Facebook just created a new "Social VR" team to focus entirely on figuring out ways that virtual reality can help people connect, the company writes in a blog post. 

Daniel James, known for the multiplayer online game Puzzles Pirates... Читать дальше...


A former Bear Stearns exec describes what it's like to be a mom on Wall Street

Beowulf Sheehan

When Maureen Sherry returned to work after taking maternity leave, she was met by a curly-headed stranger sitting at her desk, his feet propped on a cardboard box with her client account list packed inside.

"I was shocked," Sherry tells Business Insider. 

To protect themselves from having no coverage should she not return from maternity leave, Sherry says her former employer, Bear Stearns, where she was a managing director for 11 years until she left in the 1990s... Читать дальше...

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«Метриум»: Заповедные земли

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Стало известно, кто из Томской области едет в Москву на инаугурацию президента

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Польский судья приехал в Минск и попросил защиты у Лукашенко

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Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




В день рождения White Queen собрала гостей на вечеринку в ARBAT 21


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