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Новости за 27.02.2016


Melinda Gates explains why 'time poverty' is one of the biggest challenges of the modern era

Mario Tama/Getty Images

All over the world, women are doing work they’re not getting paid for.

In rich countries, it might be folding the laundry or staying home to take care of a sick child.

In developing countries, unpaid labor tends to be more physically arduous, like hauling water and chopping wood.

Wherever you are, it’s considered women’s work.

Melinda Gates picked up on this disparity in her travels throughout the world.

Every year, she and her husband... Читать дальше...


Everyone is hating on 'small-talk' — but it's a crucial part of modern relationships

Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images for DETAILS Magazine

Can you believe this weather? First a major snowstorm, now unseasonable warmth. The election is really a doozy. And don’t get me started on the Oscars!

Small talk gets a bum rap as an enterprise for the shallow, the callow, and the dull.

“Life is more meaningful than the weather,” the modern high priests of depth tell us. Small talk is for “those who are too simple minded or lack the attention span to engage in more... Читать дальше...


Lamborghini is the world's craziest supercar maker — here's its life story


In the UN of supercar makers, Lamborghini isn't just a member. It's got a permanent seat on the Security Council. Over the past 50 years, Lamborghini has firmly established itself as one of the most desirable and respected brands in the automotive industry. Like its archrival, Ferrari, the supercar specialists from Sant'Agata emerged from unlikely beginnings and have survived through great financial upheaval. 

In the process, Lamborghini has given the world some of most insane and iconic cars in recent memory. Читать дальше...


Wife of accused Uber driver shooter in Michigan files for divorce

Thomson Reuters

(Reuters) - The wife of the Uber driver charged with murdering six people as he drove through Kalamazoo, Michigan, last week has filed for divorce, her attorney said on Saturday.

Carole Dalton filed for divorce in Kalamazoo County Family Court on Thursday, and the next day the court papers were served to her husband, Jason Dalton, in jail, said her attorney, Paul Vlachos.

The couple have been married since 1995 and have a 15-year-old son and a 10-year-old daughter, Vlachos said. Читать дальше...


Caitlyn Jenner is starting a brand-new partnership with MAC cosmetics

Getty Images

Caitlyn Jenner is partnering with MAC cosmetics.

She'll make a lipstick for the company called Finally Free, the company announced in a feature on its website. The new shade of lipstick will launch on April 7, and proceeds will go to the MAC AIDS Fund Transgender Initiative.

Despite the criticism she has received, Jenner said that she partnered with MAC for two particular reasons.

"There are two things we need from MAC: Number one, finances — this is going to help a lot of people. Читать дальше...


Governments are refusing to do the one thing that could accelerate the global economy

Global economic growth issluggish, to say the least.

The low-growth environment the world seems to be trapped in, said Raman Srivastava, Standish Mellon Asset Management's co-deputy chief investment officer and managing director of global fixed income, a BNY Mellon investment boutique, is probably not going to change anytime soon.

There is, however, one thing that could truly kickstart the global economy: fiscal stimulus.

NOW WATCH: Here's the question that prompted Cam Newton... Читать дальше...


A former Wall Street analyst just set a new world hour record in cycling


American Evelyn Stevens set a new world hour record in cycling on Saturday.

She rode a distance of 47.980 kilometers (29.81 miles) in one hour at the 7-11 Velodrome in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

She beat the previous record of 46.882 kilometers (29.13 miles) set January 22 by Australian Bridie O'Donnell in Adelaide, Australia.

Stevens, a California native, previously worked in investment banking and finance. She now rides for the Dutch Boels Dolmans Cycling Team. Читать дальше...


How to instantly connect with anyone

Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images

This post from LinkedIn Influencer Travis Bradberry appeared originally on LinkedIn.

Too many people succumb to the mistaken belief that the ability to connect with others is a natural, unteachable trait that belongs to only a lucky few.

It’s easy to fall prey to this misconception. In reality, this ability is under your control, and it’s a matter of emotional intelligence (EQ).

Research conducted by Matthew Lieberman at UCLA shows that... Читать дальше...


McDonald's is testing a ton of new ingredients including chorizo and Greek yogurt


McDonald's is testing a ton of new menu items in California. 

The burger chain added Chobani Greek yogurt to the menu this week as well as two new breakfast bowls featuring ingredients like kale, egg whites, and chorizo. 

The new items are available at 800 McDonald's restaurants in Southern California. 

McDonald's is using the Greek yogurt in a fruit-and-yogurt parfait with strawberries, blueberries, and granola. The chain is also adding the branded yogurt to its fruit smoothies. Читать дальше...


A simple 4-step process for identifying your purpose

Flickr/Brad Montgomery

If your current job is draining and unfulfilling but you don't know what to do instead, or you're thinking about moving to a new city or country but you don't know where, or you want to go back to school but you're not sure what to study, then you're at one of the many crossroads of life, moments which require a deliberate pause to tap into the truth of the heart before going any further.

So how do you do that? How do you find out what your deepest Inner Being really wants? Читать дальше...


Here's the real reason we punish others, even if their actions don't affect us


Why do we punish people who are selfish, even when their behavior doesn't affect us directly?

We protest unfair labor practices, criticize someone for going on Facebook at work, and condemn our friends for cheating on their partners, even though these things have little impact on our own lives.

Punishing someone whose behavior doesn't directly affect you — known as "third party punishment" — is a common cross-cultural phenomenon: It makes sense for society as a whole... Читать дальше...


These 7 maps explain the Middle East

Mauldin Economics

Most investors know what an emerging market is. Some might even be able to offer a pretty good definition of what puts the “emerge” into emerging markets. But ask about the Middle East, and no one really knows what it is.

Geographically, it’s the region that stretches from the eastern Mediterranean and southern Turkey to the Iran-Afghan border.

The region, however, is far more complex than lines on a map. It can also be defined based on ethnic and religious bloodlines. Читать дальше...


This is the exclusive Apple merchandise you can only get at its Silicon Valley campus (AAPL)

Matt Weinberger/Business Insider

Apple's legendary Cupertino, California, campus isn't especially hospitable to unwanted visitors, as you might expect from a company famous for its secrecy. 

There's really only one place on the Apple campus that welcomes visitors: A small Apple Store, located right at 1 Infinite Loop, and open to the public. 

Mostly, it's nothing special among the 463 Apple Stores in the world — wooden tables, lots of glass, and a Genius Bar. 

But in... Читать дальше...


Here's where Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders stand on college affordability

REUTERS/Randall Hill

If he wins the White House, Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders' political revolution would reshape much of the American healthcare, campaign-finance, and finance systems.

But if elected, Sanders' most lasting impact for thousands of younger Americans could be his plan to radically shift who pays for public colleges and universities.

"We have hundreds of thousands of bright young people today who cannot afford to go to college," Sanders said last year. Читать дальше...


'Fuller House' flat-out addresses the mysteriously missing Olsen twins

Lary Busacca/Getty Images

"Fuller House" has arrived on Netflix after much anticipation. So far, the show has largely garnered terrible reviews.

However, given the recent press coverage, the millennials who grew up watching "Full House" are devouring it.

There has been heated discussion as to why Michelle Tanner, played by the famed Olsen twins, was missing from the saccharine reunion. 

Not a series to miss a laugh-track opportunity, the show flat-out acknowledged Mary-Kate... Читать дальше...


This Audi station wagon is supercar fast — but you can't have one if you live in the USA


The station wagon is a dying automotive breed these days. Once the preferred mode of transportation for the American family unit, the wagon is currently facing an extinction-level event, known as the advent of the Crossover ERA, dominated by the SUVosarus species.

But there is one place where the wagon thrives: Europe.

Eurowagons aren't the hulking American Buicks that many of us remember from summer roadtrips. Rather, they're high-performance five-doors, often with luxury appointments. Читать дальше...


These are the 4 horrible things that can happen if you default on your student loans

Reuters/Larry Downing

Last week, seven deputy US Marshals arrested Paul Aker in Houston, Texas, after coming to his home to collect on a federal student loan from nearly 30 years ago.

The arrest was over a $1,500 student loan he received in 1987, Aker said. He says he received no certified mail or notices about the outstanding debt in the past 29 years.

For its part, the US Marshals claim Aker told two deputies "he had a gun" when they showed up to arrest him after he failed... Читать дальше...


This engineer replaced his 4 monitors with Meta glasses — and it might be the future of work

Karyne Levy/Business Insider

There's been a lot of hype around augmented reality, but this might be the closest we've come to seeing it actually used in the workplace.

Meta, the maker of augmented reality glasses, just did an interview with tech writer Robert Scoble, where it shows how some of the engineers use Meta's augmented reality glasses at work.

One engineer said he got rid of the four monitors he used to have on his desk because he's able to get most of his work done through the Meta glasses now. Читать дальше...


The kings of New York dining are agonizing over a decision that could change their business forever


Dining is a ritual in New York City.

Consider that many New Yorkers use their kitchens as a dual storage space and takeout dining center.

A bare refrigerator is a normal thing; many contain only a few condiments.

We dine out a lot. It's sacred.

That's why some of the kings of New York dining — the businessmen with restaurants spanning the country and grossing millions in revenue — are agonizing over a decision that could dramatically change that ritual. Читать дальше...


I became a millionaire in my 30s, and here's the best advice I can give you about investing

Courtesy of Chris Reining

Some people spend their whole life living paycheck to paycheck (and they send me really sad emails about this).

In their 50s or 60s they realize they’ll need to work until they’re so old and sick that they just can’t work anymore. This is a s----- life, and I want something better for you.

I just read the book "The Millionaire Fastlane" by MJ DeMarco. He talks about two ways to build wealth: the slow lane, and the fast lane. The slow lane is filled... Читать дальше...


Ben Bernanke lays out the 2 simple reasons oil and stock prices are moving together (WTI, USO, OIL, VDE)


Crude oil and stock prices have moved in tandem of late.

To start this week stocks are rallying, with the major indexes up more than 1% — and crude-oil prices are also surging, gaining 5% and trading back above $33 a barrel.

The positive relationship between crude oil and stock prices is not new, but it has grown more positive since the second half of last year even though oil prices have been tumbling since mid-2014.

Former Federal Reserve chairman... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Собянин сообщил о планах создания отечественной платформы электромобиля

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о перспективном развитии соцполитики государства

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко надеется на восстановление транспортных маршрутов с Израилем

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Мечтающего по победе Киева Макаревича* проверят на экстремизм

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



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В День Пушкина театр кукол «Ульгэр» в райцентре Бурятии: Россия, Культура, Дети


Баскетбольный клуб «Химки» завоевал серебро Суперлиги

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