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Новости за 15.02.2016


The oil-trading 'god' has been burned by his bullish bet, but he's not giving up

Reuters /Stoyan Nenov

Prominent oil trader Andrew J. Hall, who runs $2 billion energy and commodities hedge fund Astenbeck Capital, has gotten burned on his bullish bet on oil prices.

Astenbeck Capital fell 4% in January, according to Reuters. Last year, the fund fell more than 36%, its biggest loss ever, the report said.

This year, oil has fallen to its lowest level in 12 years. On Tuesday, WTI hit $28.15 a barrel, down about 5%, and Brent hit $30.57, down about 7%. Meanwhile... Читать дальше...


NBA POWER RANKINGS: Where all 30 teams stand at the All-Star break

Rick Bowmer/AP

At the figurative halfway point of the NBA season, the race to the Finals still looks like this: the Warriors and everyone else.

Golden State, even while getting every team's best shot, still looks unflappable, with just four losses in 52 games. The same teams are chasing them: the San Antonio Spurs, Oklahoma City Thunder, and Cleveland Cavaliers, and perhaps even the Los Angeles Clippers. But it's the Warriors' world right now.

Injuries have hurt some in the Western Conference playoff race... Читать дальше...


Donald Trump is continuing to thrash George W. Bush over his handling of 9/11

REUTERS/Randall Hill

At a press conference on Monday, Donald Trump doubled down on his claims that former President George W. Bush did not keep the country safe.

"I've heard for years he kept the country safe after 9/11," Trump said. "What does that mean, after? What about during 9/11? I was there. I lost a lot of friends that were killed in that building. The worst attack ever in this country, it was during his presidency. ... By the way, after that, we did ok. That's meaning the team scored 19 runs in the first inning... Читать дальше...


Pee-wee star Paul Reubens blows the lid off Hollywood's biggest secret: digital retouching of actors

Jamie McCarthy/NBC/Getty

Though Pee-wee Herman has shown up for the occasional cameo and Broadway special in recent years, actor Paul Reubens hasn't done a full-fledged movie wearing the famous gray suit and red bow tie in close to three decades. Netflix, with the help of Judd Apatow as producer, is ending that drought with "Pee-wee's Big Holiday" when it launches on the streaming giant March 18.

And if it looks like Pee-wee hasn't aged since 1988's "Big Top Pee-wee," Reubens is the... Читать дальше...


The case for buying and eating ugly fruits and vegetables

Buzz 60 via Youtube

Do the same rules that govern human attraction also apply to our choices of fruit and vegetables?

Plenty of evidence suggests we do look for similar traits in both people and produce, and our perceptions of food are clearly affected by what it looks like.

Each year we waste 1.3 billion tonnes of food worldwide, a third of the total produced.

This unbelievable figure is partly made up of “ugly” fruit and vegetables – those that are perfectly edible... Читать дальше...


The fabulous life of Amazon's billionaire CEO Jeff Bezos (AMZN)

Getty / Scott Olson

Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of Amazon, is one of the most powerful figures in tech, with a net worth of roughly $57 billion.

Today his "Everything Store" sells over $100 billion worth of goods a year.

Unfamiliar with Bezos' story?

Disclosure: Jeff Bezos is an investor in Business Insider through his personal investment company Bezos Expeditions.

Jeff Bezos' mom, Jackie, was a teenager when she had him in January 1964. She had recently married Cuban immigrant Mike Bezos, who adopted Jeff.


The $400,000 Rolls-Royce Wraith towers above all other cars

Benjamin Zhang/Business Insider

The Rolls-Royce Wraith quite unlike any car in the world. As the adage goes, "A Rolls-Royce is a car you don't drive. It's a car in which you are driven." That may have been this case during the days of "Downton Abbey," but things have certainly changed.

With the two-door Wraith, you have a Rolls-Royce that's designed to be driven — and driven at high speed. Don't be mistaken — the Wraith isn't a spritely Lotus-esque English sports car. If you're expecting... Читать дальше...


EU's Mogherini: 'I have not seen the climate of Cold War' in Syria ceasefire talks between Russia and West

Thomson Reuters

The European Union's senior diplomat said on Monday there was no Cold War climate between Moscow and the West as they agreed to a pause in the fighting in Syria, although Russia's prime minister said tension was growing.

At a security conference in Munich on Friday, world powers agreed to a "cessation of hostilities" that would let humanitarian aid be delivered in Syria and was envisaged to start this week.

But a day later Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev... Читать дальше...


A Stanford professor says eliminating 2 phrases from your vocabulary can make you more successful

Francisco Osorio/Flickr

The way you speak not only affects how others perceive you; it also has the potential to shape your behavior.

Swapping one word for another could make all the difference in how you approach your goals.

That's according to Bernard Roth, a professor of engineering at Stanford and the academic director of Stanford's Hasso Plattner Institute of Design, the d.school.

In his new book, "The Achievement Habit," Roth suggests several linguistic tweaks that can make you more successful. Читать дальше...


What happens when you eat at 46 McDonald's restaurants in one day

Flickr/ Link576

How many times a week do you eat McDonald’s? For this man, the answer is 46 times — in a single day.

It only took James Ware 17 hours and nine minutes to eat at every single McDonald’s in London, ordering a different item at each stop.

Ware experienced everything from Happy Meals, futuristic Create Your Own Taste kiosks, and the uncomfortable experience of biking through a drive-thru as he sampled items at 46 McDonald’s locations.

Fortunately, you... Читать дальше...


The 15 richest people in retail

Getty Images / Steve Dykes

Retail is an enormous and profitable industry. Global sales were projected to top $24 trillion in 2015 and are expected to grow another 3.2% this year, making the magnates who run the sector's largest companies even wealthier.

We recently released our list of the 50 richest people on earth based on data from Wealth-X, which conducts research on the super wealthy. Three people in the top 10 are in retail — including the visionaries behind Zara, Amazon, and IKEA — and 12 others cracked the list as well.


A commonly recommended trick to thwart fraud may not be all that effective

Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Have you ever written "See ID" on the back of your credit card, or seen someone else who has?

Sometimes, people chose to include these instructions in the signature panel rather than simply signing their credit card. They may believe that the move will help minimize credit card fraud. 

The theory is that cashiers will force a would-be credit card thief to produce a driver's license or another form of identification before processing the transaction.

Unfortunately... Читать дальше...


Support in Russia for Syria strikes drops double digits to 59 percent

Thomson Reuters

Public support in Russia for the country's air strikes in Syria has slipped since the Kremlin launched its air campaign more than four months ago, a poll showed on Monday, but a comfortable majority still back the bombing.

The survey, by the independent Levada Center, showed that 59 percent of Russians backed a continuation of Moscow's air campaign in Syria, which began on Sept. 30, compared to 27 percent who were opposed.

Approval levels were slightly higher than a Nov. Читать дальше...


Donald Trump releases raging statement threatening 'legal action' against 'totally unstable' Ted Cruz

Thomson Reuters

Donald Trump released a statement threatening "legal action" against US Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) before holding a press conference during which he called Cruz "desperate" and "very unstable."

Trump is continuing his attacks against Cruz, his Republican presidential rival, after the real-estate mogul and senator sparred extensively during the Republican debate on Saturday night.

"Ted Cruz is desperate," Trump said at the press conference in Charleston, South Carolina. Читать дальше...


Check out Boeing's newest airliner — the 737 Max (BA)


Late last year, Boeing rolled out the first completed 737 Max 8 airliner at its assembly facility in Renton, Washington. The company's next-generation single-aisle airliner was presented at a ceremony in front of several thousand Boeing employees.

Over the years, the 737 family has become the bestselling airliner in the history of commercial aviation, with more than 13,000 aircraft sold since 1965. It is arguably Boeing's bread-and-butter model.

"Today marks another... Читать дальше...


Nearly every president kept a pet in the White House — here's a look at all of America's first pets

John F Kennedy Presidential library

President Obama's Portuguese water dogs, "Bo" and "Sunny," are just the latest "first pets" to live at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

In fact, nearly every commander in chief has kept a pet during their term.

America's first families have shared their quarters with an impressive menagerie of animals, from snakes to ponies to sheep.

In honor of Presidents' Day, here is a list of the presidents' "first pets."

Pets are in chronological order of each presidents' term... Читать дальше...


One of the Obama administration's biggest gambles in Syria is completely backfiring

Rodi Said/Reuters

Turkey's prime minister said on Monday that Ankara will not allow the strategic city of Azaz in northern Syria to fall to Kurdish YPG forces, promising the "harshest reaction" if the Kurds did not retreat.

His comments come two days after Turkish artillery began firing on YPG positions in northern Syria from Turkey's southern border, targeting Menagh airbase near Azaz that the predominantly Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) had reportedly captured from Islamist rebel groups days earlier. Читать дальше...


Australia police seize $712 million worth of meth-filled bras in record drug bust

© AFP Saeed Khan

Australian police discovered millions of dollars worth of methamphetamine hidden inside a shipment of bras, part of what they said Monday was the country's biggest ever drugs bust.

Officers found more than $712 million (Aus $1 billion) of the lethally-addictive drug, also known as ice, in a series of raids.

More than a quarter of the stash was hidden in gel inserts used as padding for women's underwear.

Australian Federal Police Commander Chris Sheehan... Читать дальше...


The one question you should always ask at the end of a job interview

WOCinTech Chat/flickr

Job interviews should be a two-way street in which both parties — the candidate and the employer — have the same goal: to figure out whether there's a fit.

The best way to do this as the interviewee is to ask questions. The right questions. 

Career experts Katharine S. Brooks and Lynn Taylor say that what you ask may vary depending on the industry, company, or job you're applying for, but they agree on one question all job candidates should always ask... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о результатах мероприятий по защите экологии 

Путин в России и мире

Путин и Раиси обсудили по телефону развитие сотрудничества России и Ирана

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко подписал указ по реализации до 2028 года нового с РФ проекта в сфере космоса

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

В Киеве обвинили Зеленского в неспособности добиться нового пакета помощи от США

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



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