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Новости за 07.02.2020

Raw Story 

What Trump’s picks for the Presidential Medal of Freedom – like Rush Limbaugh and Antonin Scalia – say about him

President Donald Trump awarded his 15th Presidential Medal of Freedom to conservative radio commentator Rush Limbaugh on Feb. 4. This award was notable for two reasons. First, it was controversial because Limbaugh is a polarizing political figure. And second, this marked the first time that any president awarded a Medal of Freedom during a State […]

Raw Story 

Jared Kushner says UN must break ‘habits’ as he defends Middle East plan

Donald Trump’s son-in-law and architect of the new US peace plan for the Middle East, Jared Kushner, has called on the UN Security Council to break its “habits” and solve the “hardest problem in the world”, in a rare interview. Kushner on Thursday presented the US peace plan to the UN Security Council, using maps […]

Raw Story 

MSNBC’s Morning Joe rains hell on right-wing Christians for choosing Trump’s ‘blasphemy’ over Christ’s teachings

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough shamed conservative Christians for standing by while President Donald Trump mocks the teachings of Jesus Christ. The “Morning Joe” host called out evangelical leaders and Republican lawmakers who clapped and laughed as the president attacked his enemies and made a mockery of their religious values during the National Prayer Breakfast. “You know, […]

Raw Story 

Macron says ‘Europeans cannot remain spectators’ in new arms race

French President Emmanuel Macron warned Friday that European nations “cannot remain spectators” in the face of a potential nuclear arms race and urged them to push an “international arms control agenda.” “Europeans must realise collectively that in the absence of a legal framework, they could rapidly face a new race for conventional weapons, even nuclear […]

Raw Story 

‘Trump and his family at their worst’: MSNBC’s Morning Joe torches president’s post-acquittal ‘freak show’

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough was aghast at the “freak show” President Donald Trump delivered on the day after his impeachment acquittal. The president attacked his enemies at the National Prayer Breakfast and thanked his allies in a rambling, profane rant from the White House, and the “Morning Joe” host warned that Trump would only get worse. […]

Raw Story 

Oscars night is nearly here, and ‘1917’ leads the charge

Hollywood’s award season reaches its extravagant finale at the Oscars on Sunday, with war epic “1917” tipped to dispatch a brigade of winners to the stage at the movie industry’s biggest night. Impeccably dressed A-listers and upstart documentary filmmakers will brush shoulders on the red carpet at Los Angeles’ Dolby Theatre, as months of campaigning […]

Raw Story 

Pangolin identified as potential link for coronavirus spread

The endangered pangolin may be the link that facilitated the spread of the novel coronavirus across China, Chinese scientists said Friday. At least 31,000 people have been infected and 630 killed by the virus, which has spread to two dozen countries. Researchers at the South China Agricultural University have identified the scaly mammal as a […]

Raw Story 

Rains ‘breaking the back’ of Australia bushfire crisis

Heavy rain was raising hopes Friday for an end to Australia’s unprecedented bushfire crisis, as downpours douse blazes that have burned out of control for months. The devastating fires, fuelled by prolonged drought and record-high temperatures, have raged since September, burning more than 10 million hectares (25 million acres) and killing 33 people. An estimated […]

Raw Story 

Republican governor bucks party and calls for Trump ouster: ‘He abused his position’

According to a report from Time, the Republican governor of Vermont has called for the ouster of Donald Trump going against the wishes of party leaders who have fallen in line behind the president and acquitted him following an impeachment trial in the U.S. Senate. The report states that Vermont Gov. Phil Scot was asked […]

Raw Story 

Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg wrestle over who ‘won’ Iowa

It was billed as a victory speech, but Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont was still cranky. He was here to tell the press that he had won the Iowa caucuses, but also that his victory there was still being denied. “More Iowans came out on caucus night to support our candidacy than the candidacy of […]

Raw Story 

UK ditches flags for Prince Andrew’s birthday

The British government said Thursday it had changed the policy of flying flags on royal birthdays, with local authorities no longer required to raise the Union Flag for scandal-hit Prince Andrew. Officials earlier said they were considering how the policy applied “in changing circumstances, such as when members of the royal family step back from […]

Raw Story 

Botswana to start auctions of elephant hunting licences

Botswana on Friday will hold its first major auction for trophy elephant hunting quotas since controversially scrapping a hunting ban last year, a wildlife official said. President Mokgweetsi Masisi’s government in May revoked a moratorium, just a year after he succeeded Ian Khama, an avid environmentalist, who introduced a blanket ban in 2014 to reverse […]

Raw Story 

Italy’s Uffizi Gallery hails US online tout ruling

Italy’s world-famous Uffizi Gallery on Thursday hailed a US court victory which bars “bloodsucking” ticket touts using the Italian museum’s name in website domains. The Arizona court ruling bars third parties using several addresses including Uffizi.com and Uffizi.net, the museum said, hailing the “historic” ruling. Visitors to historic museums and sites around the world are […]

Raw Story 

Differences between Obama and Trump at National Prayer Breakfast exposed in Jimmy Kimmel supercut video

If President Donald Trump’s self-aggrandizing speech at the National Prayer Breakfast seemed different from past presidents, it was — and this supercut video shows how much. The president took aim at his political enemies Thursday and questioned their religious faith, which stands in stark contrast to former President Barack Obama’s address at the annual prayer […]

Raw Story 

Former Trump administration official to endorse Bloomberg

A former high-ranking official who previously served in Donald Trump’s administration is expected to endorse former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg reports NBC. According to the report, “Richard Spencer, the Navy secretary fired from the Trump administration after he opposed the president’s intervention in the discipline of a SEAL accused of murder, will endorse […]

Raw Story 

Critics recoil at ‘thin-skinned’ Trump’s meandering, off-the-wall impeachment press conference: ‘Can we all acknowledge this speech is a bit whacked?’

President Donald Trump, following his acquittal on two articles of impeachment on Wednesday, lambasted Speaker Pelosi and House Democrats during a rambling post-impeachment press conference the following day. And he is being slammed in plenty of reactions on social media. Trump slathers praise on Mitch McConnell, who gets a standing ovation pic.twitter.com/75G8pGVSeM — Aaron Rupar […]

Raw Story 

Trump’s final plan to open treasured public lands in Utah called ‘sellout’ to big oil

Tribal and conservation groups on Thursday condemned the Trump administration’s “unconscionable” final management plans for Utah lands previously protected as national monuments, which critics warn will open up the region to ranchers who want to graze livestock and companies looking to cash in on the area’s oil, gas, and coal. In a joint statement Thursday, […]

Raw Story 

An Army psychiatrist explains what Trump’s SOTU military family reunion got wrong

During President Donald Trump’s 2020 State of the Union speech on Tuesday night, February 4, one of the people in attendance was U.S. Army spouse Amy Williams —whose husband, Sgt. 1st Class Townsend Williams, had been deployed in Afghanistan. What Amy Williams didn’t know was that Trump was planning a surprise reunion between the two […]

Raw Story 

Inside the Iowa Democratic Party’s ‘boiler room’ meltdown

The app and software that failed to report and count the Iowa Democratic Party’s 2020 presidential caucus results were not the only miscalculation by the IDP and its vendor. Its “boiler room” or secret operations center was unprepared to handle the chaos that ensued. Fewer than 100 computers and phones were set up for IDP […]

Raw Story 

Trump supporters tried to sabotage hotline for reporting Iowa caucus results: ‘Clog the lines!’

Supporters of President Donald Trump flooded the hotline used to report the results of Monday night’s Iowa caucuses, a state Democratic official said Wednesday. Trump supporters worsened delays in reporting results by overwhelming the hotline after images of documents containing the number were posted online, Bloomberg News first reported. “All the Trump people from around the country […]

Raw Story 

Lou Dobbs blasted as ‘an unapologetic racist birther’ after his ‘crazy’ praise of Donald Trump

Fox Business Network personality Lou Dobbs trended nationwide on Twitter on Thursday after suggesting that President Donald Trump was the best thing to happen to African Americans since President Abraham Lincoln ended slavery. “This President has done more for African Americans in this country than any President since Lincoln,” Dobbs claimed, according to a tweet […]

Raw Story 

BUSTED: Anonymous tweets reveal conservative prosecutor’s real views

Everyone has bad days. But when the good days are bad, you know you’re in trouble. By day, Lauren Brown of Spartanburg, South Carolina was the assistant solicitor of the state’s 7th Judicial Circuit, helping to lock people up at a merciless rate. But by night, she was Twitter handle @TheLillyLawyer, a self-described “baby prosecutor […]

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Экология в России и мире

В Подмосковье призвали отказаться от запуска воздушных шаров ради экологии

Путин в России и мире

Активам прописали превентивные меры // Какое имущество США в России может быть изъято в качестве ответного шага

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Экономика и безопасность. О чем Лукашенко и Путин говорят в Минске

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Политолог Бортник: Киев ждёт общий провал, если ВСУ останется без успехов до осени

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Ольга Бузова

«Все это время я ждала, чтоб ты попросил прощения! Испугался?» Ольга Бузова упрекнула Даву в трусости после их расставания в шоу «Сокровища императора» на ТНТ


Общественную территорию в Боброво благоустроят благодаря онлайн-голосованию

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