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Новости за 26.02.2020

Raw Story 

Trump administration wrongly compares coronavirus death rates to the flu

The White House is trying to calm coronavirus panic as the stock market plummets and panic spreads across the globe. But the information coming out of the president isn’t exactly the correct information. According to Bloomberg, “Trump and his senior advisers see coronavirus as a serious health threat that warrants a full response yet assess […]

Raw Story 

Trump campaign targets black voters with retail pop-up stores

In an effort to boost African American support, President Trump’s 2020 campaign is leasing 15 retail properties in predominantly black neighborhoods in swings states across the country in an effort to register voters and promote Trump policies that have allegedly helped black communities, the New York Times reports. The Trump campaign gave reporters a preview of […]

Raw Story 

Trump is trying to bring ‘thousands’ of federal judges under his thumb — and hurling the US ‘further toward an authoritarian’ rule: attorney

Much has been written about President Donald Trump’s impact on the United States’ federal government — not only the U.S. Supreme Court, but also, the lower federal courts. Trump’s influence at the federal level, however, goes beyond the courts and the judicial branch of the federal government. And journalist/attorney Peter M. Shane, in an article […]

Raw Story 

Chicago Archdiocese says no to veggie burgers during Lent

As Ash Wednesday begins the Lenten season, the Chicago Archdiocese has said that soy or fake protein-based “meat” are not alternatives for Catholics. Catholics abstain from eating meat on Fridays but eating a veggie burger isn’t a viable alternative. However, plant-based meats don’t contain animal flesh, reported the Chicago Tribune. A spokesman for the Archdiocese […]

Raw Story 

Christian Nationalism was the big loser of last night’s debate

If you’re pondering the question of who won last night’s final Democratic primary debate, one possible answer, depending on your perspective, is secular Americans. Religion, after all, hardly came up in the raucous affair hosted jointly by CBS News and the Congressional Black Caucus Institute in Charleston, SC. As divisive as Sanders is within some […]

Raw Story 

‘I Bough…—I, I Got Them’: Bloomberg Almost Admits to Buying Members of Congress

“When people show you who they are…” Billionaire businessman Michael Bloomberg almost said during the Democratic presidential debate in South Carolina Tuesday night that he “bought” the 21 freshman members of Congress he financially supported in the 2018 midterm elections. “Let’s just go on the record. They talk about 40 Democrats,” Bloomberg said, referring to […]

Raw Story 

Marco Rubio hilariously mocked for claiming Democrats will have socialized ‘reefer’ for all

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) tried to make a joke about the Democratic debate, but it didn’t go over well. Rubio, who was frequently mocked as “little Marco” by the president in 2016, took to Twitter claiming under a Democratic president there would be government-controlled healthcare, internet and other things. It’s a tired claim Republicans have […]

Raw Story 

Donald Trump sues New York Times for libel

President Donald Trump is launching a lawsuit against the New York Times, according to his campaign website. According to Trump: The Times “knowingly published false & defamatory statements of and concerning plaintiff…claiming it had an ‘overarching deal’ with ‘Putin’s oligarchy’ to ‘help in the campaign against Hillary Clinton.’” “Today the President’s re-election campaign filed suit […]

Raw Story 

‘Fire Chris Matthews,’ women’s rights group says after MSNBC host grills Warren over discrimination claims against Bloomberg

“He is not fit to continue to cover this election. MSNBC can and must do better, and they can start by firing Chris Matthews.” Women’s advocacy group UltraViolet called on MSNBC to fire host Chris Matthews Wednesday after he cast doubt on accusations of harassment leveled at billionaire Michael Bloomberg following Tuesday evening’s Democratic debate. The […]

Raw Story 

Trump expected to name ‘coronavirus czar’ — and the internet wonders how he’ll screw it up

President Donald Trump is scheduled to address the nation about the coronavirus at 6 p.m. Wednesday and even considering appointing a “coronavirus czar.” Many are speculating that the czar will be another responsibility of his son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner. The stock market fell Monday and Tuesday by 1800 points, prompting Trump economist Larry […]

Raw Story 

Trump administration outsourcing part of census advertising campaign to state-run Chinese media: report

According to a new scoop from Axios, the 2020 Census Paid Media Campaign is allowing a Chinese state-run broadcaster to be one of its media vendors. The revelation comes after years of Chinese government efforts to co-opt independent Chinese-language media in the U.S. Axios reports that on Feb. 18, the U.S. State Department “designated five Chinese state […]

Raw Story 

Trump evangelicals abandoned the Sermon on the Mount and replaced it with the ‘Trumpian order’: Historian Jon Meacham

In an op-ed for the New York Times this Tuesday, historian Jon Meacham discusses the state of Christianity in America during the age of Donald Trump. He points out that Christianity, especially in the hands of Trump-supporting evangelicals, has lost its moral authority in the eyes of many Americans. Understandable, since the hero of millions […]

Raw Story 

Julian Assange in UK court outburst over distance from lawyers

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on Wednesday briefly disrupted his extradition hearing in Britain to complain about being forced to sit away from his lawyers. The 48-year-old Australian stood up and launched an impromptu courtroom address from inside the glass-panelled dock of the court during the third day of the hearing, being held in southeast London. […]

Raw Story 

Google pledges new $10 billion investment in US in 2020

Google said Wednesday it would invest more than $10 billion in US offices and data centers in 2020, including its new campus planned for New York City and projects in 10 other states. The pledge comes on top of some $22 billion invested by the US tech giant unit over the past two years. “These […]

Raw Story 

Devin Nunes’ income called into question as watchdog asks for investigation of his finances

According to a report from the Fresno Bee,the non-partisan Campaign Legal Center is requesting a federal investigation into whether U.S. Representative Devin Nunes (R-CA) is receiving legal services in violation of House ethics rules. Over the past year, the conservative Republicans has launched a handful of lawsuits against critics — including the McClatchy newspaper chain […]

Raw Story 

Americans ramp up new home buying in January

New US homes continued to sell at a brisk pace in January, with sales hitting the highest level since July 2007 as builders struggled to keep pace, according to government data released Wednesday. The better-than-expected results in the Census Bureau report showed the jump in new home sales that began last year had not tapered […]

Raw Story 

US Navy resumes training Saudis after base attack

The Pentagon said Wednesday it had resumed training Saudi military pilots two months after a trainee shot dead three Americans at a Florida naval base in what was called an “act of terrorism.” The US Navy said it restarted the program at the US Naval Air Station in Pensacola on Tuesday under tighter controls, including […]

Raw Story 

Cannibalism on rise among polar bears, say Russian scientists

Cases of polar bears killing and eating each other are on the rise in the Arctic as melting ice and human activity erode their habitat, a Russian scientist said Wednesday. “Cases of cannibalism among polar bears are a long-established fact, but we’re worried that such cases used to be found rarely while now they are […]

Raw Story 

$1,750+ ticket prices for South Carolina debate spark outrage

“I think it speaks to the fundamental, endemic corruption of the Democratic Party establishment that you had to pay… multiple thousands of dollars to get into that room.” Unusually loud booing and jeering directed disproportionately at Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren during Tuesday night’s Democratic presidential debate—particularly when the senators criticized billionaire businessman Michael […]

Raw Story 

New Jersey declared white supremacists a major threat — here’s why that’s groundbreaking

PHILADELPHIA — New Jersey says white supremacist extremism is one of the state’s greatest terrorism threats — higher than al-Qaida and the Islamic State — and in doing so has positioned itself as a national leader in countering domestic terrorism inspired by racism, experts say.Last week, the state Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness issued […]

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Экология в России и мире

Опыт проведения Всероссийской акции «Вода России» представлен на межведомственном заседании в Ташкенте

Путин в России и мире

Строители мостов и дорог удостоены государственных наград

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Лукашенко пообещал потенциальным агрессорам ответ всеми видами оружия

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Певец Киркоров потратил 200 млн рублей на ремонт с золотыми унитазами


Российские космонавты завершили первый в 2024 году выход в открытый космос

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