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Новости за 28.02.2020

Raw Story 

Bad for what ales you? US drinkers snub Corona beer over virus

Confusion between coronavirus and Corona beer has been a punchline of questionable taste during the outbreak — but the matter may be no joke for the brand. The phrase “38% of Americans” was trending Friday on Twitter following a survey showing that proportion of beer drinkers “would not buy Corona under any circumstances now.” Ronn […]

Raw Story 

Maybe unvaccinated people shouldn’t be allowed to fly

As the coronavirus spreads, the nation’s leading health official told a Senate committee on Feb. 25 that “we cannot hermetically seal off the United States to a virus.” The comments from Alex Azar II, head of Health and Human Services, heightened concerns about the effects of the coronavirus in the U.S., which so far has […]

Raw Story 

RNC fumes after Democrat threatens to fight Trump Jr over his coronavirus comments

Appearing on MSNBC this Friday, John Garamendi (D-CA) responded to comments from Donald Trump Jr., who recently claimed that Democrats are using the coronavirus to undermine the presidency of his father. “For them to try to take a pandemic and seemingly hope that it comes here and kills millions of people so that they can […]

Raw Story 

Global economy wavers as world comes to standstill amid coronavirus epidemic

The world is coming to a standstill as the new coronavirus spreads: schools have closed in Japan, rallies are banned in Switzerland and flights are canceled worldwide. That is putting the global economy at the greatest risk of recession since the 2008 financial crisis. “With the partial exception of the Black Death in 14th century […]

Raw Story 

Earth’s got a new ‘moon’ – here’s what to expect

The Minor Planet Centre has just announced that the Earth has been orbited by a second moon for the past three years or so. But while excitement about the discovery is growing, it is important to keep in mind that this moon isn’t as impressive as our main satellite. It is extremely faint – it […]

Raw Story 

Trump’s proposed benefits changes will create hardship for rural people with disabilities

Changes to the Social Security Disability Insurance program proposed in January by the Trump administration could make it harder for over 8 million Americans with disabilities to maintain federal benefits. That’s particularly true for those in rural communities, where we have worked and studied for the past 35 years. Changes to disability benefits Currently, nearly […]

Raw Story 

Intelligence agencies saw growing risk from coronavirus-like outbreak — but stayed quiet for fear of Trump’s wrath

U.S. intelligence agencies have been warning against the likelihood of a global pandemic — just as coronavirus seems poised to become — but have recently backed down for fear of angering President Donald Trump. Intelligence analysts assessed in 2017 and 2018 that a pandemic could strain resources and harm the global economy, but they agreed […]

Raw Story 

Trump goes full racist to cover up his coronavirus lies and incompetence

Donald Trump’s sole interest, when it comes to the coronavirus, is trying to find some way to prevent this impending public health crisis from affecting his re-election chances. His utter lack of concern for the health and safety of Americans, including his own supporters, is unsurprising — after daily exposure to the man for years, we should know by now […]

Raw Story 

Bill Barr’s DOJ intervenes to support lawsuit filed by Christian photographer refusing to photograph same-sex weddings

The U.S. Dept. of Justice under Attorney General Bill Barr has intervened in a pre-emptive lawsuit filed by a Kentucky wedding photographer who claims her interpretation of her Christian religion bars her from taking photos of weddings of same-sex couples. No same-sex couple has ever tried to hire Chelsey Nelson to photograph their nuptials, but […]

Raw Story 

Stephen Miller’s new wife is in charge of approving all coronavirus communications

Vice President Mike Pence’s press secretary Katie Miller was placed in charge of all government communications regarding coronavirus. Acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney sent out a government-wide email ordering all official communications to go through Miller, who recently married White House senior adviser Stephen Miller, reported CNN. President Donald Trump placed Pence […]

Raw Story 

‘Invalid in its entirety’: Appeals court blocks Trump’s racist ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy targeting asylum seekers

A three-judge panel on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has blocked President Donald Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” immigration policy that illegally forces asylum seekers into Mexico while awaiting their court hearings. In the 2-1 decision judges called Trump’s Orwellian “Migrant Protection Protocols” policy “invalid in its entirety due to its inconsistency with” federal law, […]

Raw Story 

The RNC stopped paying a data firm after a serious breach — then paid a mysterious LLC with the same address

ProPublica is a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative newsroom. Sign up for The Big Story newsletter to receive stories like this one in your inbox. Last fall the Republican National Committee paid $900,000 for “data services” to a Delaware-registered limited liability corporation that had existed for only three weeks. The company receiving the money has no online […]

Raw Story 

Texas cops ask local addicts to bring in their meth so it can be purportedly tested for coronavirus

Police in Texas are trying to scare local addicts into bringing their drug stashes to the law enforcement officials so that they can be purportedly tested for coronavirus contamination. Local news station KCRG reports that Johnson City Police Department posted a notice on its Facebook page warning locals about the possibility that methamphetamine batches being […]

Raw Story 

Trump supporters freak out on Garth Brooks after mistaking his Barry Sanders jersey for a Bernie Sanders shirt

After country music star Garth Brooks posted a picture of himself to Instagram wearing a jersey honoring Detroit Lions running back Barry Sanders, some Trump supporters had a freakout, apparently under the impression that he was supporting 2020 presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. “Can’t you just do what you get paid to do????” one commenter wrote. “Why why […]

Raw Story 

Trump’s favorite pollster says his approval rating crashed just one day after coronavirus press conference

Rasmussen Reports, the GOP-friendly pollster frequently cited by President Donald Trump, is showing that the president’s approval rating fell by five points just one day after his widely panned press conference outlining his response to the coronavirus crisis. According to its latest poll, approval of Trump’s job performance dropped from 52 percent to 47 percent […]

Raw Story 

Right-wing paramilitary group recruiting Texas cops for ‘bloody civil war’: report

According to a report from the Star-Telegram, a senior member of the rightwing paramilitary group Oath Keepers who moved to Texas in 2015 is actively recruiting local law enforcement employees while telling them a “bloody civil war” against the U.S. government is on the horizon. The report states that John D. Shirley, the national director […]

Raw Story 

Larry Kudlow’s attempt to prevent coronavirus panic backfires: ‘Like asking an arsonist to put out a fire’

As fears continue to heighten over a potential widespread coronavirus outbreak, National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow tried to calm those fears this Friday as stocks plummeted in response. Speaking to Fox Business, Kudlow said investors shouldn’t “rule out more optimistic options,” adding that stocks still look “pretty cheap to me.” But his words didn’t do much […]

Raw Story 

Trump ‘efforts to serve corporate polluters’ dealt blow as judge vacates oil and gas lease sales on nearly 1 million acres

“The judge confirmed that it’s illegal to silence the public to expand fossil-fuel extraction.” Environmental advocates cheered a federal judge’s ruling Thursday that voided oil and gas leases on roughly one million acres of public lands and rejected a Trump administration policy that accelerated extraction of the fossil fuels. “The judge confirmed that it’s illegal […]

Raw Story 

Pastor who prayed over Trump promises to ‘curse’ the coronavirus to save Florida

Evangelical pastor and die-hard Trump supporter Rodney Howard-Browne claims that he rid Florida of the Zika virus. Now he’s saying he can do the same thing to the coronavirus. In a video posted to his Periscope earlier this week, Howard-Browne talked about how he dealt with the Zika virus, and how the coronavirus will suffer […]

Raw Story 

WHO raises global virus risk to maximum level

The World Health Organization on Friday raised its global risk assessment of the new coronavirus to its highest level after the epidemic spread to sub-Saharan Africa and caused financial markets to plunge. WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said the risk was being raised to “very high” because of the continued increase in cases and the […]

Raw Story 

National Republican Senatorial Committee: Doug Collins is friends with black Democrats and ‘can’t be trusted’

The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) is attacking insurgent Rep. Doug Collins for not being a “real” conservative — and their primary evidence is that he’s friends with black Democrats. In a video posted on the NRSC’s Twitter account, Collins is shown in photographs with former Democratic Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams and Rep. Hakeem […]

Raw Story 

‘You don’t even believe in evolution’: Ocasio-Cortez dunks on Ted Cruz for questioning her knowledge of coronavirus

Sen. Ted Cruz lobbed an attack against Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — but things didn’t go well for him. The New York Democrat had questioned President Donald Trump’s decision to put Vice President Mike Pence in charge of the administration’s coronavirus response, saying the right-wing Christian “literally does not believe in science.” “It is utterly irresponsible […]

Raw Story 

Conservative columnist blasts Bill Barr for claim liberals are undermining democracy — when Trump actually is

Conservative Washington Post columnist Max Boot called out Attorney General Bill Barr for pretending he would quit if the president didn’t curb his irrational tweets about judicial matters that Barr said he was handling. The tweets haven’t stopped, but Barr is still there. So, instead, Barr went after the “secular left” proclaiming his “own right-wing, […]

Raw Story 

Pompeo smacked down hard by Ted Lieu for ducking out on coronavirus questions so he could speak at CPAC

During a hearing before the House Foreign Affairs Committee on Friday morning, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo received a very harsh public scolding from Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) for refusing to answer questions about the government’s handling the coronavirus pandemic so he could make it to his appearance at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). […]

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Экология в России и мире

Первый в России электромобиль Tesla Cybertruck заметили на Москве

Путин в России и мире

Собянин: к 2030 году на долю Москвы придется 35–40% туристов в России

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил о желании построить в Белоруссии вторую АЭС

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

В Киеве СБУ проводит облавы против нелояльных Зеленскому

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



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