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Новости за 08.02.2020

Raw Story 

Trump buried in brutal #orangeface memes after bizarrely sharing disturbing photo of himself

President Donald Trump’s curious decision to post a highly unflattering photo of himself (which he claimed was both “fake news” and “photoshopped”) on Twitter led to a number of detractors mocking both him and the picture — along with some of the those same people sharing with the president some real photoshopped versions. On Saturday […]

Raw Story 

Black MSNBC contributors pour cold water on Trump’s ‘really sad’ plan to court African-American voters

On Saturday’s edition of MSNBC’s “Weekends,” two Black commentators — progressive podcaster Danielle Moodie-Mills and GOP strategist Shermichael Singleton — slammed President Donald Trump’s attempt to win over African-American voters. “What was going through your mind, Danielle, as you were watching the State of the Union?” asked host Alex Witt. “I can’t say that on […]

Raw Story 

Ralph Nader: The vengeful, lawless, corporate toady Trump just exploded

The day after his acquittal by the Republican Party in a trial that banned witnesses, the unhinged Donald Trump gloated for over an hour on all the television networks. Trump flattered his courtiers, one by one, and fulminated against his Congressional adversaries, Hillary Clinton and ex-FBI chief James Comey. Donald Trump’s speech degraded his office […]

Raw Story 

Media report that Trump is now ‘unshackled’ following the GOP’s Senate show trial — but was he ever shackled to begin with?

Welcome to another edition of What Fresh Hell?, Raw Story’s roundup of news items that might have become controversies under another regime, but got buried – or were at least under-appreciated – due to the daily firehose of political pratfalls, unhinged tweet storms and other sundry embarrassments coming out of the current White House. Donald Trump […]

Raw Story 

Trump was busy destroying government programs while the country was distracted by his impeachment: columnist

In a column for the Washington Post, Ruth Marcus highlighted multiple policy changes instituted by President Donald Trump’s administration while the press and the public have been focused on his impeachment trial. “It is worth revisiting what the Trump administration did while Congress was impeaching, from the moment the president’s efforts to use Ukraine as […]

Raw Story 

America’s fatal flaw: The founders assumed our leaders would have some basic decency

No historian or political scientist has better explained the fragility of American democracy than a poet. When I interviewed the poet Rita Dove three years ago, she offered the following assessment of exactly how a sociopathic president like Donald Trump could inflict irreparable damage on institutions of governance, and the norms — written and unwritten […]

Raw Story 

How ‘Joker’ became a victim of the white male rage it depicts

In January, Melissa Villaseñor of “Saturday Night Live” made people laugh — and aroused controversy — when she sang a song arguing that various Oscar-nominated films were really just about “white male rage,” including the highest-grossing of the Best Picture nominees, “Joker.” To be fair, Villaseñor made this criticism of many other Oscar nominees, including “1917,” […]

Raw Story 

Vindman firing demonstrates all government officials are at the mercy of Trump’s ‘latest mood swing’: Ex-NSC official

On Friday, former National Security Council official Samantha Vinograd weighed in on the dismissal of Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman — and warned that it is yet another sign of how the president’s short-term whims and vendettas are undermining America’s ability to conduct national security policy. While we ask ourselves what kind of person – let […]

Raw Story 

GOP meeting in effort to save embattled senators from impeachment acquittal fallout: report

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) says he believes that the impeachment trial has galvanized Republican voters — and furthermore, suggested, “In the end it’s not likely to have much of an impact on any of the races, the presidential or the Senate races.” But according to the Washington Post, he is organizing a weekend […]

Raw Story 

Trump says the economy is great — Millennials strongly disagree

In President Donald Trump’s mind, a signature achievement of his presidency is the American economy, something he hammered home in his State of the Union address last week. This article first appeared in Salon “Three years ago, we launched the great American comeback. . . . Tonight, I stand before you to share the incredible […]

Raw Story 

Trump targets Lt. Col. Vindman with ugly smears in Twitter rage attack

President Donald Trump attacked Lt. Col, Alex Vindman on Saturday morning, smearing him as “insubordinate” for testifying before a House impeachment committee. Taking to Twitter, the president wrote, “Fake News @CNN & MSDNC keep talking about ‘Lt. Col.’ Vindman as though I should think only how wonderful he was. Actually, I don’t know him, never […]

Raw Story 

Nancy Pelosi scorches Trump’s GOP leadership ‘accomplices’ in blistering op-ed

In a guest op-ed for the Washington Post, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) went straight for the jugular by accusing Republican Party leadership of becoming “accomplices” to President Donald Trump’s crimes after voting to acquit him in his Senate trial. According to the California Democrat, “For more than 200 years, our republic has endured, not […]

Raw Story 

Anti-Trump protester in MAGA community unloads on his neighbors: ‘What’s wrong with these people?’

On Saturday, the Washington Post profiled Ed McGinty, the Florida retiree in The Villages who went viral last week for setting up with a golf cart covered in signs labeling President Donald Trump a “racist,” a “filthy pig,” and a “sexual predator.” “Raised Irish Catholic in Philadelphia, the 71-year-old retired real estate broker has always […]

Raw Story 

‘We’re one American family,’ Trump says at North Carolina opportunity summit

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — President Donald Trump, speaking Friday at Central Piedmont Community College, claimed credit for an economic “renaissance” that he said has especially boosted African Americans and lower-income workers.“The forgotten men and women of America are no longer forgotten because we are finally putting America first,” Trump told an audience at CPCC’s Halton Theater. […]

Raw Story 

NY sues over Homeland Security’s decision to ban state residents from Global Entry and other programs

NEW YORK — Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Friday that the state will sue the Trump administration following the Department of Homeland Security’s decision to ban New Yorkers from the Trusted Traveler Program.The lawsuit, which will be brought by New York Attorney General Letitia James, will argue that DHS violated New York’s sovereign immunity, failed to […]

Raw Story 

Trump used Philly girl’s story to attack ‘failing’ schools — but she’s at one of the city’s most desired charters

PHILADELPHIA — President Donald Trump turned a Philadelphia fourth grader into a poster child for the school-choice movement Tuesday when he told the nation thousands of students were “trapped in failing government schools” and announced that she was finally getting a scholarship to attend the school of her choice.But the student, Janiyah Davis, already attends […]

Raw Story 

Trump appoints Coast Guard admiral as recovery czar for Puerto Rico

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — As Puerto Rico is struggling to recover from hurricanes and earthquakes, the White House confirmed Friday that it is appointing U.S. Coast Guard Rear Adm. Peter Brown as its liaison for the island.In a statement, the White House said Brown “will coordinate United States Government efforts to build the infrastructure […]

Raw Story 

‘Friday night massacre’: Experts say Trump firing of 3 officials including Sondland and Vindman is a ‘criminal’ offense

President Donald Trump late Friday afternoon and evening ended the week by firing three administration and White House officials, he blames for his impeachment in a campaign of retribution that some experts are calling illegal. Trump not only had Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman transferred out of the White House, he had him fired from his […]

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Экология в России и мире

Подмосковный «ЭкоЛайн» и «Сбер» начали сотрудничество

Путин в России и мире

Гарантные манеры: Алиев оценил роль Москвы в поддержании мира на Кавказе

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Губернатор Поморья встретился с президентом Беларуси Александром Лукашенко

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Ru24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Военный ВСУ рассказал, что готов идти на Киев

Навальный в России и мире

Мосгорсуд оставил в СИЗО журналистку Фаворскую, обвиняемую в экстремизме за репортажи о Навальном

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Стас Пьеха

«В чем угодно, только не в красных стрингах!» Стас Пьеха рассказал о фотосессии на «Фабрике звезд» в шоу «УТРО. ТНТ»


Как Лукашенко пригрозил репрессиями трём губернаторам. И почему в России всё прощают

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