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Новости за 14.02.2020

Raw Story 

Sally Yates: Trump is transforming the DOJ into his ‘personal grudge squad’

Former deputy Attorney General Sally Yates has written a scathing column for the Washington Post in which she outlines all the ways that President Donald Trump has corrupted the United States Department of Justice in his quest to transform it into what she describes as his “personal grudge squad.” In her op-ed, Yates argues that […]

Raw Story 

Army ignores Trump and chooses not to investigate Alexander Vindman: report

The Army has no plans to investigate the former National Security Council staffer who testified in the House impeachment inquiry against President Trump, POLITICO reports. Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy made the announcement in the wake President Donald Trump’s comments where he said he imagined the military would “take a look at” whether Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman […]

Raw Story 

Former Stormy Daniels lawyer and Trump tormentor Michael Avenatti found guilty of extortion

Michael Avenatti, the attorney who formerly represented adult film star Stormy Daniels and subsequently became a regular tormentor of President Donald Trump, has been found guilty of attempting to extort athletics apparel giant Nike. CNN reports that a jury found Avenatti guilty of all three counts in the case: transmission of interstate communications with intent […]

Raw Story 

‘This is how republics end!’ Trump supporters have white-hot meltdown after Andrew McCabe skates

The United States Department of Justice revealed on Friday that it will not bring criminal charges against former FBI Director Andrew McCabe for allegedly lying to investigators — and supporters of President Donald Trump are not pleased. After news broke that McCabe would not face criminal prosecution, many Trump supporters immediately howled about the death […]

Raw Story 

Trump’s desire for ‘classical’ architecture is consistent with authoritarian tastes: op-ed

According to an draft executive order from the White House titled “Making Federal Buildings Beautiful Again,” newly built or upgraded federal structures must now adhere to “the classical architectural style.” While not entirely specific, the directive that the style should reflect the infrastructure of “republican Rome.” But according to the American Institute of Architects, draft’s “uniform style mandate” is […]

Raw Story 

Trump let slip a new admission that undermines his impeachment defense

President Donald Trump contradicted his legal team’s impeachment defense Thursday when he admitted that he sent his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani to Ukraine to hunt for damaging information on his political rivals. Trump made the comment during a podcast interview with Fox News’ Geraldo Rivera despite previously claiming that he “didn’t direct” Giuliani to go to Ukraine. “Was […]

Raw Story 

The night the Rolling Stones fired Trump: Keith Richards once pulled a knife to get him out of Atlantic City venue

In 1989, The Rolling Stones’ original members ended their seven-year hiatus and embarked on an ambitious and profitable 115-show tour of Europe and North America. The American leg, named after their comeback album “Steel Wheels,” began in August in Philadelphia and ended in December in Atlantic City. This article was originally published at Salon The final […]

Raw Story 

GOP’s Elise Stefanik urged to return contribution from disgraced megadonor accused of coercing employees into sex

Rep. Elise Stefanik was challenged by her Democratic challenger to end her association with a disgraced Republican megadonor. Tedra Cobb called on her GOP opponent to return a campaign contribution from casino mogul Steve Wynn, who resigned as finance chairman of the Republican National Committee after he was accused of coercing employees into sex, reported […]

Raw Story 

Warren slams Bloomberg for blaming 2008 financial meltdown on end of redlining policy

Sen. Elizabeth Warren slammed former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg in front of a cheering crowd of 4,000 supporters in Arlington, Virginia Thursday for the billionaire’s recently-resurfaced comments about discriminatory housing practices. Bloomberg’s 2008 suggestion that “redlining” kept the mortgage industry and Wall Street solvent for decades should be disqualifying in the Democratic presidential primary, Warren said. The practice […]

Raw Story 

Airline CEO suggests passengers request permission to recline in order to avoid lawsuits

In the wake of a viral video showing a woman on an American Airlines flight who reclined her seat only to have the male passenger behind her repeatedly punch her seat, an airline CEO is now weighing in. Speaking on CNBC’s Squawk Box this Friday, Delta CEO Ed Bastian said that “customers have the right to recline.” […]

Raw Story 

Internet brutally taunts Trump over collapse of case against McCabe: ‘There are some things even William Barr won’t do’

The surprise announcement on Friday afternoon that the Justice Department was dropping a criminal inquiry focusing on former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe had Twitter users waiting in anticipation for a rage-filled tweet from Donald Trump who has made it his mission to punish his critics after surviving ouster in a Senate trial. According to […]

Raw Story 

‘False, plain and simple’: Top Dem buries Trump administration for finally admitting it lied about Suleimani killing

The Trump administration has released a new report offering its justification for killing Iranian military leader Qassem Suleimani — and Rep. Eliot Engel (D-NY) is not happy about it. For weeks, the Trump administration insisted that it had intelligence showing that Suleimani posed an imminent threat to American interests. According to Engel, however, the administration’s […]

Raw Story 

Former top FBI official demonized by Trump won’t face any charges — despite the president’s urging: report

Former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe, who served under Director James Comey, will not be facing criminal charges, according to multiple outlets on Friday including the Washington Post. The news indicates that President Donald Trump’s hopes to have a perceived enemy punished have been dashed, at least for now. As the Post reported Thursday night, […]

Raw Story 

There’s no reason to give people like Bill Barr the benefit of the doubt

The United States Attorney General went on ABC News Thursday to “rebuke” the president, “attack” the president, “push back” against the president, or whatevs. The Washington press corps can be more problematic than it’s worth. It loves conflict, and it loves giving senior government officials an endless supply of benefit-of-the-doubt. This article was originally published at […]

Raw Story 

Bill Barr privately complained to Trump about his tweeting ‘for weeks’ before going public: sources

In the wake of an explosive interview with ABC News where Attorney General Bill Barr said that President Trump’s incessant tweeting undermines his work at the Justice Department, speculation abounded about Barr’s sincerity, with some even suggesting that Barr’s rebuke of Trump was actually “staged.” But according to Alex Mallin of ABC News, Barr’s comments […]

Raw Story 

The View’s Meghan McCain explodes after she gets called out for her double standard on Bloomberg-Trump racism

“The View” co-host Meghan McCain erupted over Mike Bloomberg’s presidential campaign after her colleague challenged her criticism. The conservative McCain questioned whether Bloomberg could waltz into the Democratic nomination by pouring money into TV ads, saying that his past could be a significant obstacle. “There’s a lot of hubris going on that this is going […]

Raw Story 

Legal analysts skeptical of Bill Barr’s ‘carefully staged’ rebuke of Trump: ‘Don’t buy it for one moment’

William Barr’s surprise interview rebuking President Donald Trump over his tweets drew skepticism at the end of a week in which the attorney general got involved in the case of the president’s oldest political adviser. This article was originally published at Salon Barr sat down Thursday for an interview with ABC News after he intervened in the […]

Raw Story 

‘Flip-flopping’ Marco Rubio trashed by conservative as ‘overrated and irrelevant’ as his career crashes and burns

In what almost reads like an obituary for Sen. Marco Rubio, a columnist for the conservative Bulwark speculated that the Florida Republican’s once-promising political future seems at an end after years of “flip-flopping’ on key issues exposing him as a callow opportunist seeking to remain “relevant.” According to the Bulwark’s Shay Katiri, Rubio — once […]

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Экология в России и мире

Путин в России и мире

Путин посетил пасхальную службу в храме Христа Спасителя в Москве

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Анастасия Волочкова

Каков скандал. Катя Гордон режет правду матку про Анастасию Волочкову


Путин и патриарх Кирилл в храме Христа Спасителя обменялись подарками

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