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Новости за 19.02.2020

Raw Story 

White House flack gets busted after claiming Trump ‘barely knows’ GOPer who took pardon offer to Assange

White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham claimed on Wednesday that President Donald Trump “barely knows” former Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), who has been linked to a possible pardon for Julian Assange. At a pre-trial hearing earlier on Wednesday, Assange asserted that he had been offered a pardon in exchange for publicly denying that Russia hacked […]

Raw Story 

Amsterdam eyes ‘erotic center’ as new red light district

Amsterdam is looking at moving part of its red light district indoors to an “erotic” complex where prostitutes no longer beckon customers through street-front windows that often attract rowdy tourists. In plans released Wednesday, the Dutch city said the complex could include a bed and breakfast for prostitutes as well as a sex club, sex […]

Raw Story 

WATCH: Fox News host grills WH spokesman on why Trump is ignoring Barr’s call to stop tweeting

During an appearance on Fox News this Wednesday, White House deputy press secretary Hogan Gidley addressed reports of tension between President Trump and Attorney General Bill Barr over comments Barr made suggesting that he’s fed up with Trump’s tweeting. According to Gidley, the relationship between the two is strong. Gidley was then pressed by America’s […]

Raw Story 

‘Didn’t Trump want the death penalty for drug offenses?’: White House mocked for claim Blagojevich was freed to combat ‘aggressive sentencing’

During an appearance on Fox News this Wednesday, White House deputy press secretary Hogan Gidley addressed President Trump’s recent pardons and commutations, specifically the commutation of Rod Blagojevich, suggesting it was done in an effort to clamp down on “aggressive sentencing” by prosecutors. “The fact is, the president is clearly against excessive sentencing,” Gidley said. “Whether […]

Raw Story 

Will Wednesday’s debate finally prove that Bloomberg is not Batman?

After months of highly repetitive Democratic primary debates that, with pointless inevitability, turn into tedious squabbles over different health care plans that will never actually be passed in their proposed forms, there’s finally going to be some real tension going into a debate again. That’s because information billionaire and former New York City mayor Mike […]

Raw Story 

Benefits of China trade truce ‘limited’: Fed officials

While US trade tensions have receded, including with China, Federal Reserve officials worry the danger to the economy is not over, according to minutes of the last policy meeting released Wednesday. President Donald Trump last month signed a “phase one” agreement with Beijing which prevented some of the most damaging tariffs from taking effect, but […]

Raw Story 

‘Don’t listen to them’: Insurance industry front group to run ads attacking Medicare for All during Democratic debate

“We are winning, so the industry is attacking Medicare for All to protect their profits and help the politicians defending those profits.” The Partnership for America’s Health Care Future, an insurance industry front group formed in 2018 to combat Medicare for All, announced Wednesday that it will run television and social media ads against healthcare […]

Raw Story 

Paul Krugman debunks Trump’s bogus claims about the ‘Obama economy’

President Donald Trump has repeatedly insisted that his policies alone are responsible for the economic recovery in the United States, claiming that he inherited a broken economy from his Democratic predecessor, President Barack Obama. But Trump’s claims are wildly misleading, and economist/New York Times columnist Paul Krugman debunked some of them this week in a […]

Raw Story 

Right-wing extremists using Facebook to recruit for ‘boogaloo’ attacks on liberals and cops: report

A right-wing extremist movement is recruiting on social media to target liberals and law enforcement in a violent uprising called the “boogaloo.” The loosely organized movement is trolling for members on mainstream platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Reddit and Twitter, in addition to 4chan and other fringe sites, to promote a second Civil War, reported […]

Raw Story 

Bloomberg paying private citizens $2500 a month to text and tweet his praises from their personal social media accounts

Billionaire Mike Bloomberg is paying hundreds of private citizens $2500 a month to tell their friends, family members, and co-workers they support his presidential candidacy. In exchange for the money supporters are expected to text and use their personal social media accounts to boost the former NYC mayor’s prospects. The program is costing him millions of dollars […]

Raw Story 

US Scientists announce ‘breakthrough’ atomic map of coronavirus

US scientists announced Wednesday they had created the first 3D atomic scale map of the part of the novel coronavirus that attaches to and infects human cells, a critical step toward developing vaccine and treatments. It came as the death toll from the COVID-19 virus jumped past 2,000, almost all of them in mainland China […]

Raw Story 

‘Impeach him again!’ Assange sets off bombshells with Trump pardon claim

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange claims President Donald Trump dangled a pardon through a Republican lawmaker if he agreed to cover up Russia’s involvement in 2016 election hacking. Assange’s lawyer Edward Fitzgerald told a London court Wednesday that former Rep. Dana Rohrabacher had passed along the offer in exchange for testimony that Russia had nothing to […]

Raw Story 

‘I’m a Trumpocrat’: Rod Blagojevich slobbers all over Trump in post-pardon press conference

Former Democratic Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich on Wednesday said that President Donald Trump’s pardon of him was an “act of kindness.” At a press conference following his release from prison, Blagojevich repeatedly praised the president. “I’m a Trumpocrat,” the former governor said. “If I have the ability to vote, I’m going to vote for him. […]

Raw Story 

Trump suggests Blagojevich was framed by Comey: ‘He did not sell the Senate seat!’

President Donald Trump on Wednesday insinuated that disgraced former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich was set up by former FBI Director James Comey. “Rod Blagojevich did not sell the Senate seat,” the president wrote on Twitter. “He served 8 years in prison, with many remaining. He paid a big price. Another Comey and gang deal!” While […]

Raw Story 

Trump is doing what ‘predators’ do — ‘he’s grooming his victims’: former federal prosecutor

During a panel discussion on MSNBC’s The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell this Tuesday night, former federal prosecutor Barbara McQuade argued that President Trump’s latest round of pardons and commutations is designed to normalize the notion that “corruption is not a big deal.” According to host Lawrence O’Donnell, none of Trump’s action make sense now unless […]

Raw Story 

Trump has plunged $1.9 million in campaign donor cash into his own businesses: Forbes

If you donate to President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign, you might also be helping out his personal businesses. Fobes reports that the Trump campaign has spent $1.9 million in donor cash at Trump-branded businesses over the past three years, and it appears that total will grow even further once the 2020 election heats up. “None […]

Raw Story 

Rocker Neil Young calls Trump ‘a disgrace’

Newly minted American citizen Neil Young is using his platform to rail against Donald Trump, calling the US president “a disgrace to my country” while endorsing Bernie Sanders. In an open letter on his website, Young said Trump’s “mindless destruction of our shared natural resources, our environment and our relationships with friends around the world […]

Raw Story 

‘Here we go again’: Trump claims only ‘fake news polls’ show him losing to Democratic candidates

President Donald Trump insisted that polls showing him losing to various Democratic candidates were “fake.” The president was apparently reacting to a new Washington Post/ABC News poll that showed Trump would lose a hypothetical matchup with the top six Democrats, and claimed “real” polls showed he would beat any of his potential rivals. “Internal REAL […]

Raw Story 

‘Could you live on $170 a month?’ Russian woman asks Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday faced what appeared to be a rare unscripted grilling from a Russian woman who asked him how much he earns and whether he could live on her income of $170 a month. While visiting his native city of Saint Petersburg, Putin had laid a wreath at a political mentor’s […]

Raw Story 

The View’s audience roars as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez schools Meghan McCain on socialism

“The View” co-host Meghan McCain challenged Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) to defend her socialist policies, and the audience roared in approval as she laid them out. The New York Democrat appeared Wednesday on the daytime talk show, and McCain compared herself to the first-year lawmaker. “I feel like you’re the bogeywoman of the right and […]

Raw Story 

Julian Assange says he was promised a Trump pardon if he would lie about Russia’s DNC hacking

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange told a British court on Tuesday that he had been promised a pardon by people close to President Donald Trump. Assange made the remarks while appearing at a pretrial hearing via teleconference. Courtroom reporter James Doleman broke the news on Twitter. According to Doleman, Assange said that the pardon was conditional […]

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Экология в России и мире

На площадке МВЦ «Казань Экспо» открылся XVIII Российский венчурный форум

Путин в России и мире

Строители мостов и дорог удостоены государственных наград

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск не исключает попыток оппозиции оторвать часть территории Белоруссии в пользу НАТО

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Компания ICDMC стала победителем престижной премии в сфере ЗОЖ – Green Awards 2023/24


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