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Новости за 12.02.2020

Raw Story 

Britain starts setting up ‘first internet watchdog’

The British government said Wednesday it plans to allow its broadcast regulator to police the internet and issue substantial fines when social media giants fail to remove “online harm”. Media minister Nicky Morgan told parliament she was “minded to” give the Office of Communications (Ofcom) the powers to oversee online user-generated content. But she said […]

Raw Story 

Attorney General William Barr agrees to testify before Jerry Nadler’s House Committee over ‘numerous concerns’

The Department of Justice and the House Judiciary Committee have confirmed that Attorney General William Barr will testify at the end of next month. In a statement, Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler said that Barr would appear before the committee on March 31 “to address numerous concerns regarding his leadership of the Department of Justice and […]

Raw Story 

WATCH: Furious Trump erupts in the Oval Office over Roger Stone — and says impeachment taught him ‘Democrats are crooked’

President Donald Trump on Wednesday erupted over the alleged mistreatment of Roger Stone, his longtime political aide. Trump railed against the prosecution of Stone, calling it a disgrace. “They ought to apologize,” the president said. Stone was convicted last year of lying to Congress, tampering with a witness and obstructing an investigation into whether the […]

Raw Story 

Republicans offer tepid criticism of Trump’s meddling in Roger Stone case — but have no interest in stopping it

President Donald Trump and U.S. Attorney General William Barr have been receiving widespread criticism following the U.S. Department of Justice’s abrupt reversal on sentencing guidelines in Roger Stone’s case. On Monday, the DOJ was recommending a sentence of seven to nine years in federal prison for Stone — who, in November, was convicted on seven federal counts […]

Raw Story 

Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg emerge as frontrunners in Democratic presidential race

Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg stepped forward Wednesday as undisputed frontrunners in the race to take on President Donald Trump in November after finishing first and second in the New Hampshire primary. The 78-year-old leftist senator from neighboring Vermont and the young former mayor of South Bend, Indiana took 26 and 24 percent of the […]

Raw Story 

‘I have absolutely no idea what he means’: Experts baffled at Trump’s claim that ‘redemption money’ is paying for border wall

When Donald Trump was running for the presidency, one of his signature promises was that Mexico would pay for his border wall. That never came to pass, but during one of his campaign rallies in January, he offered the following explanation: “You do know who’s paying for the wall, don’t you? Redemption. From illegal aliens […]

Raw Story 

‘Not fair!’ Steve Mnuchin wails in hearing after Ron Wyden accuses him of ‘stonewalling about stonewalling’

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin was accused on Wednesday of scuttling requests for documents from Democratic lawmakers. The topic came up at a Senate Budget Committee hearing when Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) questioned the treasury secretary about a Democratic request for President Donald Trump’s tax returns. “With respect to responding to requests on congressional oversight,” Wyden […]

Raw Story 

‘Obtuse complicit traitor’: Sarah Sanders gets crushed for her ‘painfully blind’ attack on Michael Bloomberg

Former White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders faced the wrath of the internet after appearing on Fox News on Tuesday night to criticize Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg. “If he continues to rise, he is gonna have serious problems with women, with African-Americans. His record, his language is offensive and atrocious. Then again, maybe […]

Raw Story 

Trump’s DOJ meddling just made it ‘easier’ for judge to throw the book at Roger Stone: ex-US attorney

Even though the Department of Justice has lowered its sentencing recommendation for Trump-supporting felon Roger Stone, one former U.S. attorney told CNN on Wednesday that it’s still possible that Judge Amy Berman Jackson will throw the book at the president’s convicted ally. Specifically, attorney Harry Litman said that the DOJ’s decision to backtrack on its […]

Raw Story 

Growing trend of people rejecting religious affiliation has slowed: study

Over the last quarter of a century, the number of people claiming no affiliation to any sort of religion has grown exponentially. But according to research released this week by three political scientists, that trend might be slowing. According to their findings, Generation Z (those born from 1981 to 1996) isn’t looking any less religious than […]

Raw Story 

Top Dem says Attorney General Barr ‘has no choice’ but to resign for acting as Trump’s ‘henchman and political operative’

A top U.S. Senator says Attorney General Bill Barr “has no choice” but to resign after his “brazen assault on the independence and integrity of the Justice Department.” Sen. Richard Blumenthal  (D-CT), who serves on the Judiciary Committee, is blasting Barr after the DOJ intervened in the case of Roger Stone, President Donald Trump’s confidant and former campaign advisor. […]

Raw Story 

America is a failing democracy where the pale horse of death is being ridden by our first mercenary president leading cult army of zombies

Over the past week, President Trump’s Circus Maximus of American fascism reached full bloom. In ancient Rome, the Circus Maximus was the largest coliseum. It hosted chariot races, gladiatorial combat, hunts of wild animals, sporting events, parades and other grand happenings. Like the Roman Empire in its decline, the United States is now vomiting up […]

Raw Story 

Battle between two legal giants escalates as Alan Dershowitz files defamation suit against David Boies

The feud between veteran attorneys Alan Dershowitz and David Boies has been growing increasingly bitter, and Dershowitz has escalated their battle by filing a defamation lawsuit against Boies. In his lawsuit, filed in Manhattan on February 10, Dershowitz  accused Boies of carrying out a “war of defamation” against him and “engaging in a sustained campaign to […]

Raw Story 

Tow truck company repossesses car with 1-year-old girl still inside

A tow truck company repossessed a car in East Orange Wednesday morning with a 1-year-old still inside, authorities said.The 1-year-old’s father had briefly gone into a residence around 9:30 a.m. when the trucking company came to repossess the Acura, East Orange spokeswoman Connie Jackson said. It was not immediately clear who had called police.East Orange […]

Raw Story 

Israel awaits ‘pragmatic’ Abbas heir, but may be disappointed

Israel has pitched the controversial US Middle East peace plan as an offer for a future, “pragmatic” Palestinian leader, saying it was always going to be rejected by president Mahmud Abbas. But Israeli officials may be disappointed if they think an Abbas successor will look more favourably on President Donald Trump’s deeply controversial terms. On […]

Raw Story 

Peapod to shut down grocery delivery in the Midwest and cut 500 jobs

Peapod, the grocery delivery pioneer, is ceasing operations in the Midwest, a move that will mean the loss of 500 jobs.Customers in Illinois, Wisconsin and Indiana won’t be able to place online grocery delivery orders through Peapod starting Feb. 18, its parent, grocery store giant Ahold Delhaize, announced Tuesday. About 50,000 people use Peapod in […]

Raw Story 

Jury acquits Chinese woman on Mar-a-Lago trespass charge — but convicts on resisting cop

MIAMI — In a Mar-a-Lago trespassing case, a jury Wednesday acquitted a woman from China who claimed she was innocently sightseeing on President Donald Trump’s property two months ago.But Lu Jing was found guilty of a second misdemeanor charge, resisting a police officer without violence during her arrest on Worth Avenue.Palm Beach County Judge Mark […]

Raw Story 

Google and EU battle in court over €2.4 billion anti-trust fine

Google and the EU battled in court Wednesday as the search engine giant tried to persuade judges that it was unfairly accused of ill-treating rivals of its Shopping service. The Silicon Valley juggernaut is appealing a 2.4 billion euro ($2.6 billion) fine from 2017 that was the first in a series of major penalties imposed […]

Raw Story 

‘Do something about it’: Ex-Trump official scolds Murkowski for letting Trump turn the US into ‘third-world country’

Anthony Scaramucci, the former Trump White House communications director who was fired after just 11 days on the job, had some unkind words for Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) after she issued yet another limp criticism of President Donald Trump’s efforts to meddle with the Department of Justice. Murkowski, who last week voted to acquit the […]

Raw Story 

A telescope with a car-sized camera is going to change astronomy

You may think we know exactly what’s in our solar system–considering we’ve identified celestial bodies billions of lightyears away from our solar system and have even sent space probes outside of it–but you’d be wrong.We’ve identified over 800,000 objectsin our solar system, but a massive telescope that is nearing completion could help us identify millions […]

Raw Story 

White nationalists turn focus to college campuses — with a trial run at Kansas State: report

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — The white nationalist movement, tarnished in the aftermath of Charlottesville, is repackaging its bigotry through a new mainstreaming strategy that focuses on college campuses and Trump supporters, according to a report released Tuesday by a national watchdog organization.Its first test case: a new group at Kansas State University launched by a […]

Raw Story 

‘High Fidelity’ on TV: Zoe Kravitz refreshes cult classic in Brooklyn-based reboot

CHICAGO — As an actor, working the camera — addressing us directly, in a confidential key — only looks easy. Phoebe Waller-Bridge in “Fleabag”: a genius, deadpan one second, fantastically expressive the next. John Cusack in the 2000 film version of the Nick Hornby novel “High Fidelity”: also a direct-address genius.Cusack had it tougher, in […]

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Экология в России и мире

Жёсткие экологические требования решат инновационные энерготехнологии

Путин в России и мире

Путин поручил сократить время пути поездов от Москвы до Черноморья до 16 часов

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск не исключает попыток оппозиции оторвать часть территории Белоруссии в пользу НАТО

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

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Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Поклонник Басты сделал предложение девушке на концерте рэпера в Новосибирске


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