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Новости за 27.03.2017


1,000+ tips lead nowhere in Tennessee teacher manhunt

The search for teenager Elizabeth Thomas and the high school teacher police believe kidnapped her two weeks ago has generated more than 1,000 leads, most of them fruitless, the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation said Monday. Though some of the tips remain under investigation, authorities have not been able to confirm anyone actually saw the girl […]


200-lb gold coin that’s worth more than $1 million is stolen

A precious gold coin that’s in the Guinness Book of Records for its unsurpassed purity was stolen early Monday from a museum in Germany. The coin, which weighs more than 200 pounds and has a diameter of more than 20 inches, was taken from the Bode Museum in Berlin after 2 a.m. local time. Nicknamed […]


Gorsuch nomination will be held over by one week

Democrats on Monday delayed action in the Senate Judiciary Committee on Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch. Gorsuch will now face a committee vote April 3 after Democrats requested that the nomination be held for one week during a committee meeting. Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley formally announced that three nominations that the judiciary committee is meeting […]


Activists are using a decades-old novel as a protest

Last week, a group of women showed up to the chambers of the Texas Senate building clad in blood-red robes and white caps. To anyone who has read Margaret Atwood’s iconic novel, “The Handmaid’s Tale,” the look was immediately recognizable: They were channeling the protagonists of the dystopian story in which a new ultra-religious American […]


What the ‘Eden’ reality contestants missed in a year

If a reality TV experiment continues filming after the show is canceled and no one watches it, did it really happen? In the case of the Scottish series “Eden,” that’s exactly what happened. According to the Guardian, 23 contestants entered into the wilds of the Scottish Highlands last March to live for a year, completely […]


NFL approves Raiders’ move to Las Vegas

The NFL is coming to Las Vegas. NFL owners voted Monday to approve the Raiders’ move from Oakland to Las Vegas, the league announced. The move had been anticipated for months. The Raiders received about $750 million from Nevada taxpayers last year to build a stadium in Las Vegas, and team owner Mark Davis is […]


Obituary Notice: William E. “Bill” Wendler

William E. “Bill” Wendler, 75, of Morrisdale died Sunday, March 26, 2017 at Windy Hill Village, Philipsburg. Born Jan. 10, 1942 in Dubois, he was a son of the late Carl W. and Marcella C. (Owens) Wendler. He was a graduate of Sandy Township High School and was of the Catholic faith. He was a […]


Delta takes a swipe at United over leggings policy

Still confused about whether leggings are appropriate attire on an airplane? Delta wants you to know it’s all right by them. The airline took a swipe at competitor United on Monday, one day after an obscure dress code requirement at that airline caused a kerfuffle on Twitter. “Flying Delta means comfort,” Delta tweeted. “That means […]


Ducks, sneakers and mass arrests: Why are Russians protesting?

A series of anti-corruption protests swept through Russia on Sunday, leading to the arrest of hundreds of demonstrators, including top Kremlin critic Alexey Navalny. Opposition organizers said crowds gathered in around 100 cities and towns across the country despite the Kremlin declaring the protests unauthorized and “illegal” and Russian authorities urging people to stay away. […]


Domestic abuse survivor marries the first responder who came to her rescue

When Melissa Dohme Hill was 20 years old, she received a call from her high school ex-boyfriend asking to meet up one last time to gain closure. When she arrived, he pulled out a switchblade, stabbed her 32 times and left her bleeding by the side of the road. She would have died there had […]


7 students, teacher feared dead in Japan avalanche

Seven high school students and a teacher are feared dead after being caught in an avalanche at a Japanese ski resort Monday, according to local police. Poor weather conditions initially hampered efforts by rescue crews to reach the Nasu Onsen Family Ski Area, a small ski slope on the side of Mount Nasu in Tochigi […]


Hong Kong escalator malfunction: two mechanics arrested

Two mechanics have been arrested after an escalator packed with people in a Hong Kong shopping mall suddenly went into reverse. Police say the suspects may have tampered with the machine’s parts after the Saturday incident, which sent shoppers tumbling. Eighteen people were injured when the escalator at Mong Kok’s Langham Place switched direction from […]


London’s Muslim women march for victims of Westminster terror attack

Muslim women linked arms along Westminster Bridge Sunday in a show of solidarity with the victims of last week’s London terror attack. The women, many of whom wore blue to symbolize peace, were joined by supporters who stood in silence for five minutes as Big Ben struck 4 p.m. Four days prior, lone attacker Khalid […]


Mosul: 112 civilian bodies pulled from site of coalition airstrike

Over the past three days, 112 bodies have been pulled from the site of a March 17 US-led coalition airstrike in Mosul, senior Iraqi health official Ahmed Dubardani said. The bodies have been buried in western Mosul’s al-Mamoun cemetery, he said. An airstrike by the US-led coalition on an ISIS truck laden with explosives led […]


Why this is a nightmare week for Theresa May

The adage “a week is a very long time in politics,” could scarcely be more apt for British Prime Minister Theresa May. In the course of seven days the country suffered its deadliest terror attack since the July 7, 2005 bombings, all-party talks in Northern Ireland aimed at reinstating a functioning power-sharing Executive have collapsed, […]


As more Americans fail drug tests, employers turn to refugees

Inside a factory near this lakeside city, a man holding a blowtorch is putting the finishing touches on a plastic rain barrel that will soon make its way to a home and garden section somewhere in America. He is Talib Alzamel, a 45-year-old Syrian refugee who arrived here last summer with his wife and five […]


Bison Banking on Solid Nucleus of Nine Lettermen

HYDE — While experience doesn’t guarantee success, it is a key ingredient in the recipe, and nine lettermen will provide that for the 2017 Clearfield Area High School baseball team. Two-year veterans Will Myers and Tommy Hazel, senior classmates Thayne and Zane Morgan, juniors Seth Bumbarger, Jake Sorbera, Reese Wilson and sophomores Ty Bender and […]


U.K. government wants access to WhatsApp messages

The U.K. government is pushing for backdoor access to encrypted messaging apps after it emerged the killer in last week’s attack in London used WhatsApp just minutes before striking. Home Secretary Amber Rudd said WhatsApp — owned by Facebook — and other services cannot provide “a secret place for terrorists to communicate with each other.” […]


World’s biggest dinosaur footprint found in ‘Australia’s Jurassic Park’

The world’s biggest dinosaur footprint has been discovered in northwestern Australia, measuring at nearly 5 feet 9 inches (1.75 meters), the lead author of a study said. The track belonged to a sauropod, a long-necked herbivore. It tops a record 1.15 meter-long (nearly 3 feet 9 inches) footprint found last July, the biggest ever from […]


Raqqa residents ordered to flee, then remain by ISIS

Civilians in Raqqa faced uncertainty Sunday after ISIS ordered the evacuation of the Syrian city, and then rescinded the command. Residents began to flee the city and take to higher ground after ISIS issued a statement warning of the expected collapse of the Euphrates Dam, according to local activist group Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently […]


Australia: Evacuations as Queensland braces for ‘nasty’ cyclone Debbie

Thousands of residents in Queensland, northeastern Australia have been ordered to leave their homes as severe tropical cyclone Debbie approaches land, bringing with it powerful winds and heavy rain. The storm is set to intensify from a category three to category four cyclone before it makes landfall near the town of Ayr on Tuesday morning […]


Eight students feared dead in Japan avalanche

Eight high school students are feared dead after being caught in an avalanche at a Japanese ski resort Monday, according to a spokesman from the local fire department. Poor weather conditions are hampering efforts by emergency crews to reach the Nasu Onsen Family ski area on the slopes of Mount Nasu in Tochigi Prefecture, about […]


NYPD cop who killed unarmed teen quits before he’s fired

A New York police officer who fatally shot unarmed teen Ramarley Graham during a 2012 chase, resigned Sunday after an internal disciplinary trial on Friday. According to an NYPD statement, police officer Richard Haste quit after the NYPD trial commissioner “found him guilty on all counts and recommended his employment be terminated.” NYPD Police Commissioner […]


‘Umbrella’ protesters face charges one day after new Hong Kong leader selected

A number of Hong Kong pro-democracy protesters claim they are facing charges over the 2014 “Umbrella Movement,” more than 27 months after the demonstration ended. The protesters told CNN they were told to report to a police station Monday, one day after Carrie Lam was selected by a Beijing-dominated election committee to be the city’s […]

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Экология в России и мире

АО «Транснефть – Прикамье» провело свыше 3 тыс. экологических исследований в I квартале 2024 года

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт: корректировка порогов крупного и особо крупного ущерба по экономическим статьям оправдана и своевременна

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск не исключает попыток оппозиции оторвать часть территории Белоруссии в пользу НАТО

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Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Александр Барыкин

«Летели с девятого этажа»: Александр Барыкин чуть не погиб при падении лифта


«Лгунья» Юлии Трофимовой получила приз конкурса «Русские премьеры» на ММКФ

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