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Новости за 28.03.2017


Wells Fargo fails test over ‘discriminatory and illegal’ practices

Wells Fargo just suffered another black eye. A top federal banking regulator severely downgraded Wells Fargo’s community lending rating on Tuesday, citing the “egregious nature” of “discriminatory and illegal” credit practices at the big bank. The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency issued Wells Fargo a rare “needs to improve” rating, marking the first […]


McCaskill to CBP: Will wall cost $70 billion?

The top Democrat on the Senate homeland security committee has a question for the department: Could the President’s border wall cost nearly $70 billion? Citing a Customs and Border Protection briefing for Senate offices on their border funding request in the budget, Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill sent a letter Tuesday to the commissioner of CBP […]


Democrat to Steve King: ‘Babies’ comment ‘demonization’

A House hearing on immigration policy got heated Tuesday when a Democratic lawmaker attacked GOP Rep. Steve King for controversial comments he made about immigrants — as King sat a few feet away. Democratic Illinois Rep. Luis Gutierrez delivered a monologue about the need for comprehensive immigration reform, accusing his colleagues of not seeking solutions […]


No first pitch for Trump at Nationals’ Opening Day

A scheduling conflict has led President Donald Trump to balk at throwing the Opening Day first pitch for the Washington Nationals, the White House said Tuesday. The Nationals also informed reporters at the team’s pre-Opening Day media event on Tuesday that Trump would not participate in the longtime presidential tradition. The Nationals open at home […]


Dow jumps 151 points, breaking 8-day losing streak

The Dow managed to avoid suffering its longest slump since Jimmy Carter was in the White House. After eight days in a row of selling, the Dow jumped 151 points Tuesday. It put an end to the index’s longest losing streak since 2011. The Trump rally came under siege in recent days as investors worried […]


Nunes: House intel committee invites Comey to testify

House Intelligence committee Chairman Devin Nunes said Tuesday he has invited FBI Director James Comey to testify again before House investigators. Nunes did not say when he expected Comey to testify, only that he had extended the formal invitation. Nunes originally planned to have Comey and National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers testify in private […]


Obituary Notice: Donald A. Tatters

Donald A. Tatters, 60, of Philipsburg died Sunday, March 12, 2017 at Penn Highlands Clearfield. Born Jan. 30, 1957 in Philipsburg, he was the son of the late Donald R. and Olive F. (Swanson) Tatters. He was a graduate of Philipsburg-Osceola High School. He was also affiliated with the Methodist faith. He worked in maintenance […]


Using stem cells to create an endless supply of blood

For decades, scientists have sought to create red blood cells in the lab — a “holy grail” that some hoped could ease regional blood shortages, especially for people with rare blood types. But now British researchers say they have overcome a major barrier that has plagued many scientists: creating enough red cells to fill a […]


White House looks at stepping up military role in Yemen

The Trump Administration is expected to decide as soon as this week on a plan to increase US military involvement in Yemen’s civil war. The proposal calls for stepping up military assistance to support Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates in their fight against the Iran-backed Houthi rebels who have toppled the central government […]


What Trump’s climate change order accomplishes — and what it doesn’t

The executive order President Donald Trump signed Tuesday afternoon at the Environmental Protection Agency is an unambiguous move by the President to halt the United States’ government’s attempts to curb carbon dioxide emissions with the goal of encouraging American business. But the executive order, while sweeping, does not do everything the Trump administration thinks. It […]


Supreme Court sides with death row inmate

The Supreme Court sided Tuesday with a death row inmate whose lawyers argued that he should not be executed because he is intellectually disabled. The justices held that a lower court in Texas had used the wrong standard in determining that Bobby James Moore could be put to death. Moore was convicted of the 1980 […]


Ford to invest $1.2 billion in Michigan plants

Ford said Tuesday it is investing $1.2 billion in three Michigan facilities. President Trump, a frequent critic of Ford during the campaign, praised the announcement Tuesday, and called it an example of car companies “coming back to U.S.” Here’s what’s behind Ford’s announcement. Most of this investment was agreed upon as part of a 2015 […]


South Korea officials backtrack: Sewol ferry remains are animal, not human

Editor’s Note: This story has been updated to reflect a clarification from South Korean officials. Bones recovered from a sunken ferry off the coast of South Korea are animal remains and not from a missing victim as previously indicated, government officials clarified Tuesday night. Nine people after still missing after the Sewol ferry disaster in […]


‘DWTS’: First couple eliminated is…

The first celeb booted from “Dancing With the Stars” was criticized for being “so stiff.” Unfortunately Chris Kattan can’t help that because of a crippling injury in his past. The former “SNL” star shared in a video on the show Monday night that he had broken his neck 14 years ago and has had multiple […]


Dow at risk of longest losing streak since 1978

The last time the Dow fell nine days in a row, Jimmy Carter was in the White House. U.S. stocks retreated slightly Tuesday morning, leaving the Dow at risk of suffering a ninth-straight decline. That would be the longest losing streak since February 1978, according to historical data from FactSet. While the market hasn’t retreated […]


Dishonesty from both parties on Gorsuch

Republicans are trying to rewrite recent history regarding the Supreme Court vacancy. Their constituents should call them out for it. In an op-ed for The Arizona Republic, Sen. Jeff Flake declared, “Even President Obama’s two Supreme Court nominees were recognized for their ability to do the job and confirmed without incident.” Sen. John Cornyn of […]


Layoffs begin at Rexnord plant, down the road from Carrier in Indiana

Rexnord has issued the first layoff notices for workers at its Indiana plant. The plant, which makes metal bearings, is less than 2 miles from the Carrier center where President Trump took credit for saving hundreds of manufacturing jobs last year. That claim was inflated, and automation will ultimately replace some of the jobs that […]


How Trump can keep America’s grid safe from hackers

The U.S. electrical grid could be hacked — and security experts want the Trump administration to make it a lot harder for attackers to turn off America’s lights. MIT released a report Tuesday calling for an overhaul of infrastructure cybersecurity. The authors — led by Joel Brenner, senior research fellow at MIT and former head […]


Fugitive of the Week: Hunter Anderson

CLEARFIELD – District Attorney William A. Shaw Jr. has announced Clearfield County’s Fugitive of the Week.   Shaw identified the fugitive as Hunter Anderson, 23, of Old Sawmill Road, Morrisdale. Anderson is wanted for failure to appear at sentencing March 6, at which time a warrant was issued for his arrest. On Nov. 16, 2016, Officer […]


Maine Gov. Paul LePage: Letting Obamacare fail is as sensible as jumping off a bridge

Republican Gov. Paul LePage said Tuesday that letting Obamacare fail is as sensible as jumping off of a bridge. Though the Maine governor did not mention Donald Trump by name, the President has repeatedly said that his new plan to replace Obamacare involves first waiting for the law to “explode.” LePage was a supporter of […]


China joins race for booming Indian car market

India’s crowded and competitive automobile market may soon have a new player: China. Shanghai-based SAIC Motor is talking with three Indian states about setting up manufacturing operations, a company executive told CNNMoney. The automaker is also discussing the possibility of taking over a factory in Gujarat owned by General Motors — SAIC’s main partner in […]


Daily Mail’s Brexit ‘Legs’ headline a sexist throwback, internet howls

“It wasn’t quite stilettos dawn,” read the story’s tease line. But given that the story had nothing to do with shoes, online commentators cried foul that the UK’s Daily Mail newspaper was — again — using sexism to sell papers. “Never mind Brexit, who won Legs-it!” shouted the headline on the British tabloid’s print edition […]


‘Fences up in the sky’: Queenslanders batten down as cyclone lashes coast

Tropical Cyclone Debbie barreled down on northeast Australia Tuesday, dumping torrential rain on the region and leaving more than 50,000 homes without power. The massive storm was also packing sustained winds of 185 kph (114 mph), with gusts reaching more than 262 kph (163 mph). “The ferocity of these wind speeds is actually taking roofs […]


From Yemen to Mosul, Trump’s rocky start in the Middle East

US President Donald Trump has vowed to wipe Islamist terrorism “from the face of the Earth” and says he wants the US to “start winning wars again” — but he’s gotten off to a rocky start in the Middle East. The US and Iraq are investigating whether a US-led coalition airstrike in the city of […]


Suspect arrested, accused of throwing Bible into Colorado mosque

Police arrested a 35-year-old man, suspected of throwing rocks and a Bible at a Colorado mosque. Surveillance video captured a person overturning benches, breaking windows and hurling objects into the prayer area of the Islamic Center of Fort Collins, police said. The incident occurred around 4 a.m. Sunday. By Monday evening, Fort Collins Police announced […]

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Экология в России и мире

Шашлыки и дача отменяются: аномальная погода на майские праздники в Москве, Питере и регионах

Путин в России и мире

Путин всё знал, но никого не предупредил: Немцы обвинили Москву в прорыве израильского Купола

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко сравнил Всебелорусское народное собрание с «пустотой»

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: Западу неинтересны планы Киева по атаке на Крымский мост

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Дмитрий Шостакович

В петербургской филармонии хотят установить памятник Шостаковичу


Обсуждение книги Клариссы Эстес «Бегущая с волками. Женский архетип в мифах и сказаниях»

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