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Новости за 08.03.2017


Poll: Slight majority of American voters say Sessions should resign

A slight majority of American voters think that US Attorney General Jeff Sessions lied under oath and should resign, according to a poll released Wednesday. The survey, conducted by the independent Quinnipiac University, revealed that 52% of American voters believe the nation’s top law enforcement officer lied under oath — and 51% say he should […]


Instacart is now a $3.4 billion grocery startup

Grocery delivery startup Instacart has bagged a fresh $400 million from investors. Instacart, which is based in San Francisco, is an on-demand service that has workers shop for groceries on behalf of customers and deliver them to their doorstep. With the new round of financing, led by Sequoia Capital, the company is valued at $3.4 […]


John Lithgow talks ‘Terms of Endearment’ remake

John Lithgow is not completely sold on the idea of remaking his hit 1983 film, “Terms of Endearment.” “I hadn’t heard about it but it’s happened to me before, they rebooted ‘Footloose’ and I rebooted ‘Twilight Zone’ for heaven’s sake,” Lithgow told CNN at an NBC press day for his upcoming show, “Trial & Error.” […]


Where residents are the happiest — and not so cheery

Don’t worry, be happy on the coast of southwest Florida. The Naples-Immokalee-Marco Island metro area was tops in contentment for the second year in a row, according to the Gallup-Healthways 2016 well-being rankings. The survey says residents there feel safer than residents in any other community in the nation. The Town of Barnstable, Massachusetts, and […]


Quickly catch up on the day’s news: Wednesday, March 8

Here’s what happened today while you were at work. — It’s International Women’s Day, and the “Day Without a Woman” strike put some women in a bind. This girl stared down a bull. And Lady Liberty went dark because of technical reasons. — Obama’s response to Trump’s wiretapping accusation “stopped short of outright fury.” — […]


The question asked every International Women’s Day

One of the most stalwart traditions of International Women’s Day is when a bunch of people post up and start asking when International Men’s Day is. For real: Good news if you were actually inquiring (bad news if you were just trying to whine): There is an International Men’s Day. It is November 19! And […]


Trump may stop spouses of H-1B visa holders from working

It’s not an easy time to be an immigrant working on an H-1B visa in the U.S. It could be about to get a lot worse. The visa program used by several industries to bring skilled foreign workers — many of them Indian citizens — to the U.S. is facing potential curbs under President Trump. […]


UK Budget: Government builds war chest for Brexit uncertainty to come

The British government is preparing for an uncertain economic future. Treasury chief Philip Hammond outlined plans Wednesday to raise taxes and reduce government borrowing to help cushion against shocks that may result from Britain’s separation from the European Union. Hammond said the budget “strikes the right balance between reducing our deficit, preserving fiscal flexibility and […]


Mosul offensive: Assyrian artifacts discovered in abandoned ISIS tunnels

ISIS extremists have reveled in destroying ancient shrines and antiquities, posting videos on social media of their vandalism. In an odd twist, however, they’ve inadvertently uncovered a treasure-trove of ancient statues and inscriptions dating back to the days of the Assyrian Empire. Iraqi government officials have confirmed the discovery of the ancient artifacts in tunnels […]


The right way to get the retirement income you need

I have $400,000 in savings from which I need to draw monthly retirement income. Is it possible to do that with an immediate annuity? –V.D. Sure, not only is it possible to convert $400,000 — or retirement savings of almost any amount — to monthly income by buying an immediate annuity, that’s exactly what an […]


GANT Police Blotter

State police at Philipsburg State police received a report about an incident of harassment that occurred Sunday on Rush Street in Rush Township. During the incident, two Osceola Mills residents allegedly engaged in a physical altercation. Charges were filed through the district court, state police said. State police received a report about the theft of […]


Trump is banking on a big tech investment (from the Middle East)

Just weeks after being elected, President Trump met the Japanese billionaire behind a huge new tech fund and was promised a big investment. Now that fund is a step closer to reaching its target to raise $100 billion. And most of its cash will come from the Middle East. Mubadala, one of the United Arab […]


She gets paid to talk to college athletes about sexual assault and manhood

One in five women is sexually assaulted while in college, according to data from the National Sexual Violence Resource Center. It’s a big problem, so it’s no wonder schools are willing to pay big money to try to find a solution. Enter Alexis Jones. She’s the woman schools hire to talk to their male athletes […]


Obama irked and exasperated in response to Trump’s wiretapping claims, sources say

President Barack Obama was irked and exasperated in response to his successor’s uncorroborated wiretapping accusation, sources close to the former president tell CNN, though these sources say Obama’s reaction stopped short of outright fury. Obama and his aides responded with disbelief when they learned of President Donald Trump’s Saturday morning tweets laying out the charges. […]


Icahn dismisses conflict of interest concerns as ‘absurd’

Carl Icahn says it’s “absurd” that Elizabeth Warren and other Democrats are claiming his new role as President Trump’s regulation-buster creates a serious conflict of interest risk. “I think that’s completely ridiculous. I don’t talk to Donald that often,” Icahn told CNNMoney in a phone interview on Tuesday. The billionaire investor said his financial interests […]


Commissioners OK Amendment to Establish Regional 911 System Project

CLEARFIELD – The Clearfield County Commissioners voted to amend the Northern Tier Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement to establish a regional 911 system project. The second amendment to the agreement encompasses the counties of Cameron, Clarion, Clearfield, Crawford, Elk, Erie, Forest, Jefferson, McKean and Warren. In 2012 and 2013, the counties agreed to establish the Northern Tier […]


Zitzelberger’s New Art Collection Displayed at Shaw Library

CLEARFIELD – Susquehanna River Art Center of Clearfield (SRACC) member and artist, Casen Zitzelberger, is currently exhibiting a new collection of paintings at the Joseph & Elizabeth Shaw Public library.  Zitzelberger is a student and aspiring artist at the Clearfield Area Junior-Senior High School. He received Best of Show at the 2016 Juried High School show. He also […]


United Way Helps Pentz Run Youth Services

Nancy Pinto of the Clearfield Area United Way recently delivered items of warmth – gloves, hats, scarves, etc. – to Pentz Run Youth Services along with several laptops. “We are so extremely appreciative that local companies and residents will donate items to the United Way that we can distribute to those in need,” said CAUW […]


Brian K. Spencer, Prothonotary and Clerk of Courts, Seeks Re-Election.

CLEARFIELD – Brian K. Spencer, prothonotary and clerk of courts, has announced he is seeking re-election.  Spencer, a life-long resident of Clearfield County, was born and raised in Hepburnia, where he resides with his wife, Christine, son Logan and daughter, Breanne. Spencer actively participates in many local organizations and activities.  He is a Thiel College […]


Poachers kill rare giant tusker elephant in Kenya

One of Africa’s rare giant tusker elephants has been killed by poachers in southern Kenya. Conservations discovered the body of Satao II, one of the country’s largest, most iconic elephants during a routine flyover of Tsavo National Park. Satao II likely died when he was shot by a poisoned arrow in a poaching attempt, wildlife […]


US and North Korea set for ‘head-on collision’, China warns

The United States and North Korea are on course for a “head-on collision” with neither side willing to give way, China’s top diplomat has warned. Addressing reporters in Beijing, Foreign Minister Wang Li warned the US in unusually frank language against the deployment of a controversial missile defense system in South Korea, which is vehemently […]


Real Relationships Workshops to be held in State College

STATE COLLEGE – Real Relationships, a program of Children’s Aid Society, will hold free relationship education workshops in State College in April. A weekend retreat for married couples will be held from 5 p.m. – 9 p.m. April 7 and 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. April 8 at the Ramada Inn, State College. The retreat […]


Statue of Liberty goes dark, lights up — and the symbolism is not lost

Lovely Lady Liberty, was luminous no more — or at least for two hours Tuesday night. The lights around the Statue of Liberty went dark at around 10 pm EST, setting Twitter immediately ablaze. It turned out that the nation’s most famous giant green lady went dark due to repair work from damage caused by, […]


What we know about the Jewish center bomb threats

Anonymous bomb threats to Jewish institutions have spiked to about 140 incidents across the country since January, according to the Anti-Defamation League. In the third month of continued threats to Jewish community centers, schools and institutions, there are very few answers. It’s unclear who’s making the threats, why and what the state of the investigation […]


Malaysia blames North Korea for Kim Jong Nam’s death

For the first time, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak has directly accused North Korea of murdering Kim Jong Nam. It comes amid a deepening diplomatic row over the February killing of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s half-brother at Kuala Lumpur International Airport 2. “What we are facing now is the result of their action […]

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Экология в России и мире

Пресс-релиз | CRYPTONIUM | Новая экосистема для заработка на криптовалюте | Арбитраж | Трейдинг | Обучение

Путин в России и мире

Путин проведет встречу с членами правительства на следующей неделе

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Русских заявил о субсидировании новых авиарейсов до Минска

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

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Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Анастасия Волочкова

«Мой рай»: Волочкова уединилась с тайным спутником на Мальдивах


Шизофрения или последствия развода? Почему Бритни Спирс вновь оказалась в центре скандала

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