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Новости за 15.03.2017


Newly confident Janet Yellen is a believer in the U.S. economy

Janet Yellen has a message for Americans: It’s finally safe to “feel good” about the U.S. economy. “We have confidence in the robustness of the economy and its resilience to shocks,” the Federal Reserve chief said during a press conference on Wednesday. Yellen, the normally-cautious economist, sounded a far more confident and upbeat tone than […]


Obama spokesman: Anti-Trump robocalls using Obama’s voice have been reported to law enforcement

A spokesperson for Barack Obama says the former president is not affiliated with a group soliciting donations to oppose President Donald Trump. CNN’s KFile reported in February that Progressive Priorities PAC was making robocalls using Obama’s voice. “President Obama needs you urgent help to help fund our fax blast demanding Democrats in Congress block all […]


The wildest Middle East peace process yet

Over the last two days, President Donald Trump’s senior adviser on international negotiations and longtime lawyer, Jason Greenblatt, held meetings with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to discuss the Israeli-Palestinian peace process — now in a virtual coma. The chances of the Trump administration waking the patient up, let alone […]


ACLU builds a new app to start conversations around policing

The ACLU is using tech to help fuel a conversation about policing. Last week, the ACLU of Texas launched a new app, ACLU Blue, which allows users to record police interactions and share them with the public. ACLU Blue is similar to Mobile Justice, an ACLU app that’s been available in several states for a […]


House Intel Committee seeks names of Obama officials who requested ‘unmasking’ of Americans picked up on surveillance

The leaders of the House Intelligence Committee asked the three leaders of the intelligence community Wednesday about any time during the last seven months of the Obama administration whenever any of its agents and officials improperly named, or “unmasked,” and disseminated the identities of American citizens picked up in intelligence collection. Chairman Devin Nunes, R-California, […]


Conservatives: Pence helping to change House health care bill

Conservative lawmakers emerged from a meeting with Vice President Mike Pence Wednesday optimistic he may be willing to move the House’s bill to repeal and replace Obamacare in their direction. The Republican Study Committee wants to move up the phase out of the Medicaid-expansion to January 2018 as well as looking to include a work […]


West Virginia coal mine bill would curb safety regulations

A state senator in West Virginia wants to eliminate enforcement of state mining regulations, a move union officials say could set back miners’ safety by decades. Senate Bill 582 was introduced on Saturday by State Sen. Randy Smith. He proposes favoring federal standards over state standards on issues like mine ventilation, fire protection and accident […]


‘The Matrix’ and 9 other reboots fans didn’t want

Is there anything that Hollywood won’t recycle? Apparently not. Warner Bros. is looking to remake the 1999 sci-fi film “The Matrix,” which starred Keanu Reeves, according to The Hollywood Reporter. The publication reported that plans for a reboot are in the early stages, but there’s talk of potentially having “Creed” star Michael B. Jordan appear […]


Obituary Notice: Edward L. Bloom

Edward L. Bloom, 91, of Clearfield died Tuesday, March 14, 2017 at the Penn Highlands Clearfield. He was born July 3, 1925, a son of the late Raymond Bloom and Rosella and Kyle Luzier. Mr. Bloom had been employed by Bell Telephone Co. as an installer.  He was also the original founder of ‘The Phone […]


Officer who shot to viral fame with Pride march twerk dies of cancer

NYPD officer Michael Hance, who went viral in 2015 when he twerked at the New York City Pride parade, has died. What makes his passing even more tragic is that the 9/11 first responder died of cancer at age 44. Hance shook up the nation two years ago when he was on duty at the […]


GANT Police Blotter

State police at Clearfield State police received a report about an incident of criminal mischief that occurred Tuesday on Trolley Street in Winburne. During the incident, someone allegedly damaged a window in the victim’s residence. Anyone with information is asked to contact the state police at Clearfield at 814-857-3800. Clearfield Borough Police received a report […]


Leah Remini’s Scientology series gets second season

A&E Network has renewed its docuseries “Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath” for a second season. The network announced Wednesday that there will be 10 new hour-long episodes in which Remini will continue to explore accounts of former members of the Church of Scientology. The series is a passion project for the “King of Queens” […]


700 laid-off GM workers will get their jobs back

It the kind of news that no one who gets laid off expects to here — you’re rehired! But that’s exactly what just happened to 700 General Motors workers who were laid off earlier this month when the automaker cut 1,100 jobs. The automaker said Wednesday that it is adding 500 jobs back to its […]


Did Donald Trump leak his own tax return?

Who knows who leaked two pages of Donald Trump’s tax return. But the leak, such as it is, does no harm to the President. It shows he actually paid income taxes — at least in 2005. Whether the President had paid income taxes recently had actually been something of an open question. The journalist that […]


67% of CFOs want Trump to stop tweeting

America’s business leaders have some advice for President Trump: Put down the Twitter cannon. Sixty-seven percent of the nation’s chief financial officers surveyed by Duke University believe Trump can improve the business climate if he stops using Twitter, according to a survey of 350 CFOs released on Wednesday. It’s evidence of how Trump’s love for […]


More than 2 dozen killed in Damascus suicide blasts at courthouse, restaurant

Suicide bombers struck a courthouse and a restaurant Wednesday in the Syrian capital of Damascus, killing more than two dozen people and injuring others, Syrian state news said. At least 25 people were killed at the Palace of Justice, the main courthouse in the city center, Syrian state TV reported, citing police. A number of […]


Snowstorm leaves US for the Atlantic; at least 7 dead

A major winter storm that dumped more than 30 inches of snow in parts of the Northeast US weakened as it moved east over the Atlantic on Wednesday after leaving at least seven people dead. Normalcy was trickling back in some areas of the Northeast as some train service and flights resumed. But more than […]


India: British-Irish woman found dead near Goa beach

Indian police have opened a murder investigation after a British-Irish tourist was found dead in the southern coastal state of Goa. The 28-year-old woman’s naked body was found in fields near Deobagh Beach in Canacona, a district popular with tourists, according to police inspector Fiolmeno Costa. The body was discovered in a pool of blood […]


Saudis try to reassure oil market after 10% price fall

Saudi Arabia wants investors to believe that oil markets are gonna be just fine. The de-facto leader of OPEC issued a rare statement Tuesday night, saying that it was “committed and determined to stabilizing the global oil market.” The statement was released after a report from OPEC showed a discrepancy between the amount of oil […]


South Korea presidential election date announced

The date for South Korea’s presidential election has been announced, with the country set to vote on its next leader nearly two months after a court upheld the impeachment of former President Park Geun-hye. The country’s presidential elections will take place on May 9, Interior Minister Hong Yun-sik said Wednesday. Acting President Hwang Kyo-ahn will […]


China’s Premier on N. Korea: ‘No one wants to see chaos on his doorstep’

China’s second highest-ranking official used his once yearly press conference to underline the importance of good relations with the US. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang discussed North Korea, the South China Sea and trade in a highly orchestrated and scripted ceremony in Beijing’s Great Hall of the People. Conflict on the Korean peninsula “would only bring […]


‘One big mass grave’: Over 250 human skulls found in Mexico

A mass grave containing more than 250 human skulls was uncovered in central Mexico, most likely the victims of drug cartels over the years, authorities said. The mass grave found in Veracruz state could be the largest in Mexico, state attorney general Jorge Winckler told CNN affiliate Televisa. The remains appear to be victims of […]


U.S. firm outbids Chinese giant in effort to buy MoneyGram

U.S. electronic payments company Euronet Worldwide just offered $1 billion to buy national rival MoneyGram, potentially sparking a bidding war with Chinese competitor Ant Financial. MoneyGram said it “will carefully review and consider” Euronet’s unsolicited offer. The Dallas-based company is one of the most popular avenues for sending money from the U.S. to Mexico and […]


Australian aid worker kidnapped in Afghanistan freed

An Australian aid worker kidnapped in the Afghan capital of Kabul last November has been released, the Australian government has confirmed to CNN. “An Australian woman kidnapped in Afghanistan has been released. We thank the authorities in Afghanistan for their support and assistance,” a spokesman for Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade said in […]


Snow storm moves north as blizzard warning remains in some areas

A nor’easter largely spared New York City and Philadelphia but walloped other parts of the region Tuesday with heavy snow and high winds. The storm is moving from northern parts of New England and upstate New York into Canada. The late-winter storm brought chaos to travel and daily life, forcing cancellations of about 8,800 US […]

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Экология в России и мире

Синоптик Позднякова: 9 мая в Москве еще будет кружить снег

Путин в России и мире

Посвященную инаугурации Путина марку начали продавать в главпочтамте Москвы

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко: Минск не будет рисовать никаких линий, мгновенно ответит на агрессию

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Григорий Лепс

О чём не любит говорить Григорий Лепс


Классика добра. Новости фонда «АиФ. Доброе сердце»

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