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Новости за 02.03.2017


Weak coloring book sales and no Adele hurt Barnes & Noble

Barnes & Noble needs Adele to put out more albums. The bookseller reported weak sales and earnings for its holiday quarter Thursday morning, sending its stock down nearly 10% to a 52-week low. Barnes & Noble cited tough comparisons to last year because of strong sales of Adele’s “25” album, released in November 2015. The […]


McCaskill tweets mixed messages on meetings with Russian ambassador

Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill and Attorney General Jeff Sessions used to be colleagues on the Senate Armed Services Committee. So when a spokeswoman for Sessions, the former Alabama senator, suggested in a statement Wednesday night that his contacts with the Russian ambassador were a function of his duties as a member of the committee, McCaskill […]


France’s Marine Le Pen loses immunity over violent ISIS images

Marine Le Pen’s bid to become the next French president has hit another stumble after members of the European Parliament voted to lift her immunity from prosecution. The move, formally confirmed Thursday, will allow French prosecutors to investigate Le Pen over tweets she sent in December 2015 that showed images of killings by ISIS militants. […]


Sweden reintroduces conscription as tensions rise over Russia

Sweden has moved to reintroduce conscription “as a response to the new security situation” in Europe, the country’s defense minister told CNN Thursday. A government act on Thursday reintroduced compulsory military service in the country for the first time since 2010, and for the first time on a gender-equal basis. Peter Hultqvist, Sweden’s Minister of […]


2 transgender women were killed in New Orleans in 48 hours

New Orleans’ transgender community is on edge after two transgender women were killed within 48 hours of each other. Chyna Gibson was gunned down Saturday night, while the second woman was found with multiple stab wounds Monday morning, CNN affiliate WDSU-TV reported. No arrests have been made in the cases, which police said appear to […]


Twitter to stream eSports events

This Saturday the highly anticipated Intel Extreme Masters tournaments will be held in Katowice, Poland. And now eSports fans have a new way to watch the action — on Twitter. It’s the first of 15 eSports events that Twitter will air as part of its just-announced partnership with ESL, the world’s largest eSports company, and […]


A lot has to go right for the Trump rally to continue

The “animal spirits” unleashed in the stock market by President Trump’s victory have lifted the Dow an incredible 2,700 points in less than four months. The Dow has set 32 record highs since the election. This week, it crossed 21,000, tying a record for the shortest period between 1,000-point milestones. Now investors want to know: […]


‘Logan’ shows claws in grim X-Men solo outing

After 17 years playing Wolverine, Hugh Jackman and the X-Men character that launched his career are finally on a first-name basis. “Logan,” his latest solo adventure, is an especially grim affair — a marginally successful movie that carves out a niche closer to Quentin Tarantino than “The Avengers.” There are, admittedly, certain liberating advantages in […]


ExploreClarion: BREAKING NEWS: Curwensville Woman Killed in Accidental Shooting in Clarion County

CLARION – Marienville-based state police have identified the victim of the apparent accidental shooting that occurred on Wednesday evening in Washington Township, Clarion County. State police say the victim has been identified as 22-year-old Katrina Renee Seaburn of Curwensville, Pa. She was a Clarion University student. The incident occurred around 5:30 p.m. along Lake Lucy Road, […]


Trump transition team canceled ethics training session

President Donald Trump’s transition team, days before he took office, nixed plans for an orientation class that would have prepared political appointees and White House staff for a series of ethical and legal issues, documents provided to CNN show. The ethics program proposed by the General Services Administration would have helped White House staff and […]


You can drive a tank in Texas — and fire a real gun

Tired of a beach vacation? Bored of yet another museum tour? May I suggest driving and blasting a World War II-era Sherman tank? I did just that and more, and it turned out to be an interesting break from the global tensions I cover as CNN’s senior United Nations correspondent. My CNN colleagues and I […]


Source reveals EPA programs Trump’s budget could cut

A wide slew of Environmental Protection Agency programs could be under the knife to meet President Donald Trump’s budget proposal requirements, a source told CNN Wednesday night. The source spelled out details of an Office of Management and Budget proposal that would cut the EPA’s budget by 24% and reduce its staffing by 20%. Some […]


Climate change threatens to wash away couple’s history

Seventy years ago, on the day Wenceslaus and Denicia Billiot got married, their wedding party danced along a road that ran from one end of Isle de Jean Charles to the other. Today, that road is nearly gone. Isle de Jean Charles, located 80 miles from New Orleans, has been sinking slowly. Since 1955, it […]


Democrats call for Sessions to resign over meetings with Russian envoy

Senior Democrats have called for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to resign after it emerged he failed to disclose two meetings with Russia’s ambassador to Washington during the US election campaign. Sessions did not mention the meetings with Sergey Kislyak during his confirmation hearings, when was asked if he knew of any contacts between the Trump […]


5 things for Thursday, March 2: Sessions, Syria, Russia

Trump’s Russia problem is not going away. Here are the 5 things you need to know to Get Up to Speed and Out the Door. 1. CNN town hall Sens. John McCain and Lindsey Graham may be friendship goals — tearfully singing each other’s praises Wednesday night during a CNN town hall. But the two […]


US volunteers aid Mosul’s wounded in makeshift frontline clinic

The soldier cries out in pain, his combat fatigues soaked with blood. Around him, six medics — an Iraqi, a German and four Americans — are hard at work. One asks the soldier’s name, trying to soothe him, while another cuts off his bloody uniform with scissors; the others are examining his wounds, taking his […]


Marine Le Pen loses immunity over violent ISIS images

Marine Le Pen’s bid to become the next French president has hit another stumble after members of the European Parliament voted to lift her immunity from prosecution. The move, formally confirmed on Thursday, will allow French prosecutors to investigate her over tweets she sent in December 2015, which showed images of killings by ISIS militants. […]


Trump visits aircraft carrier to push military agenda but pitfalls loom

Where better to tout a military spending hike than from the deck of the most expensive ship ever built? President Donald Trump will head to the Navy’s newest, most sophisticated vessel Thursday as he seeks to prolong the glow from his well-received address to Congress and provide a jolt of momentum to his governing agenda. […]


Two transgender women were killed in New Orleans in 48 hours

New Orleans’ transgender community is on edge after two transgender women were murdered within 48 hours of each other. Chyna Gibson was gunned down Saturday night, while the second woman was found with multiple stab wounds Monday morning, CNN affiliate WDSU reported. No arrests have yet been made in the cases, which police say appear […]


Simone Biles talks witches, emojis and honey badgers

Simone Biles was untouchable at Rio 2016 . Few had her chutzpah. No-one else looked as if they were having so much fun. The 19-year-old gymnast lit up last summer’s Olympics with her gravity-defying tumbles, collecting four golds at Rio as she reached soaring heights and performed jaw-dropping routines. Life, admits the American, has changed […]


Kansas shooting survivor recalls deadly night: ‘I still feel this is not reality’

Having a couple of drinks after work at Austins Bar & Grill in Olathe, Kansas, was something Alok Madasani did often with his friend Srinivas Kuchibhotla. Considered a reward after a good day’s work, the visits were usually so brief the two Indian men, both 32, were home with their families before anyone had time […]


Amex beefs up perks for Platinum cardholders

As credit card companies compete for customers by offering increasingly better rewards and perks, American Express is giving its Platinum card a facelift and a benefits overhaul. The newly-enhanced card will come with Uber credits, increased travel rewards and more access to special events — as well as an edgy new look. “We add benefits […]


5-Ingredient Fudge

You’re moments away from a pan of creamy fudge. Just microwave, stir and spread. —Sue Tucker, Edgemoor, South Carolina View the recipe at TasteofHome.com >>


Malaysia cancels visa-free travel for North Koreans following Kim Jong Nam killing

Malaysia will now require North Koreans to get a visa to travel to the country, the latest salvo in a diplomatic row that kicked off with the brazen public killing of Kim Jong Nam. Bernama, Malaysia’s state news agency, quoted Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi as saying that visas would be required from March […]


At CNN town hall, McCain and Graham give their view of Trump’s presidency so far

John McCain and Lindsey Graham sought Wednesday to balance their roles as Republican foreign policy hawks and the conscience of defense-focused conservatives with embracing areas where they agree with President Donald Trump, whom they’ve often sparred with in the past. In a town hall hosted by CNN Wednesday night, the two heaped praise on Trump […]

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Экология в России и мире

Озоновые Дыры: Вызов современности, Взгляд Романа Терещенко

Путин в России и мире

Кировчанин с позывным Струна стоял рядом с Владимиром Путиным 9 Мая в Москве

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко вернулся с парада Победы в Минск: "Ядерный апокалипсис неминуем"

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




«По своей натуре девочка интеллигентная»: какой растет дочь Тимати с особенностями развития


Мигель Диас-Канель и Геннадий Зюганов обсудили вопросы укрепления связей между Кубой и Россией

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