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Новости за 13.03.2017


Egypt’s ex-President Mubarak to be freed

Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak will be free soon, according to Egypt’s official news agency al-Ahram. Egypt’s prosecution office has ordered his release, the news agency said. On March 2, Mubarak was acquitted on charges of killing protesters during the 2011 Arab Spring uprising. Egypt’s Court of Cassation upheld an earlier verdict, making the acquittal […]


Hispanic builder on the Mexico wall: ‘Work is work’

Mario Burgos certainly isn’t anti-immigrant. His father was born in Ecuador. His maternal grandparents immigrated from Europe. But that won’t stop him from bidding on the proposed Mexican border wall. “It’s not an anti-immigrant thing for me. It’s about creating jobs. And honestly [it”s] like any other job,” said Burgos. Burgos is one of more […]


Author who wrote heartbreaking ‘dating profile’ for her husband dies

Amy Krouse Rosenthal, the prolific children’s book author who wrote a devastating “Modern Love” column about her soon-to-be-widower husband, died in her home in Chicago on Monday from ovarian cancer. She was 51. “Everything Amy did was life and love affirming,” Amy Rennert, her longtime literary agent and friend, said in a statement to CNN. […]


CBO report: 14 million fewer insured by 2018 under GOP health care bill

Fourteen million more Americans would be uninsured under the House Republican health care bill than under Obamacare in 2018, rising to 24 million by 2026, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office said Monday. The long-anticipated score immediately puts the writers and supporters of the GOP Obamacare bill on the defensive. It is also certain to complicate […]


CBO report: 14 million fewer insured by 2018 under GOP health care law

Fourteen million more Americans would be uninsured under the House Republican health care bill than under Obamacare in 2018, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office said Monday. The long-anticipated score immediately puts the writers and supporters of the GOP Obamacare bill on the defensive. It is also certain to complicate the party’s already troubled efforts to […]


Michael Brown video: Prosecutor calls filmmaker’s claims ‘just stupid’

Video that a filmmaker says shows Michael Brown in a Ferguson, Missouri, store engaging in a purported drug exchange hours before he was killed is nothing more than a “poorly edited snippet,” the prosecutor who investigated the case said Monday. Director Jason Pollock, whose film “Stranger Fruit” debuted at the South by Southwest festival in […]


Facebook updates policies to prohibit surveillance

Facebook now explicitly prohibits companies and organizations from using its services for surveillance. An update to its policies on both Facebook and Instagram prohibits developers from using “data obtained from us to provide tools that are used for surveillance.” Monday’s policy change come on the heels of investigations from the ACLU, which found social media […]


Analyst, filmmaker on ‘New Day’ lock horns over Michael Brown case

The quarrel escalated and got personal. The insults stung. An ugly back-and-forth got worse. It happened on CNN’s “New Day” on Monday, when documentary filmmaker Jason Pollock and CNN law enforcement analyst Harry Houck clashed over recently released surveillance video of Michael Brown. The 2014 police killing of Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, put a national […]


Baby carriers, cribs, strollers linked to thousands of injuries every year

An estimated 1.4 million children under the age of 3 were treated in US emergency departments for nursery product-related injuries between 1991 and 2011, according to a new study in the journal Pediatrics — an average of more than 66,000 injuries per year. The study found that the nursery products most commonly associated with injuries […]


Humana’s Obamacare exit may leave thousands in Tennessee uninsured

Melissa Nance was born and raised in Tennessee. But the native of Blount County, near Knoxville, says she’ll move if she has to. “It’s that or die,” said Nance, 45. “So what else would you do?” Nance has an incurable form of cancer called chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Since her diagnosis in 2015, she has gone […]


GANT Weekend Police Blotter

State police at Philipsburg Two Julian girls alleged to their parents that they were inappropriately touched by a Julian man over the course of several months, beginning on Jan. 10. State police are continuing their investigation at this time. State police received a report about an incident of simple assault that occurred sometime Feb. 11-12 […]


Civil Jury Selection Cancelled for Tomorrow

The Civil Jury Selection scheduled for tomorrow, March 14, is cancelled due to the weather concerns predicted for the area tomorrow through Wednesday. Those cases scheduled for this Civil Jury Selection are being re-scheduled to April 13, in addition to the regularly scheduled Criminal Jury Selection.


Fed names first African-American regional president

The Federal Reserve made progress Monday in an area it has long struggled in: Diversity. Raphael Bostic was named president of the Atlanta Federal Reserve, becoming the first African-American regional president in the central bank’s history. Bostic, a former policymaker in the Department of Housing and Urban Development, is a professor at the University of […]


Late winter roars in with 1 in 3 Americans under weather watch

The Farmer’s Almanac says March usually blows in like a lion and leaves like a lamb. But this year it seems to be the opposite. Less than two weeks ago, the nation’s capital was enjoying 80-degree temperatures. Now, Washington D.C., and much of the Northeast are about to get walloped with heavy snows from a […]


King doubles down on controversial ‘babies’ tweet

Rep. Steve King doubled down Monday on comments he made over the weekend in which he appeared to criticize foreigners and immigrants, drawing complaints of insensitivity on social media and from some of his Hill colleagues. King, a powerful Iowa Republican and a vocal advocate against illegal immigration, tweeted Sunday, “We can’t restore our civilization […]


Ethiopia trash dump landslide kills more than 60

A landslide at a huge landfill killed more than 60 people and injured dozens more outside the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa, Communications Minister Negeri Lencho said. Officials were still investigating how the landslide at the sprawling Koshe landfill occurred Saturday night, Lencho said. “It’s a sad story because the government has been trying to […]


Trump planning to host Chinese president at Mar-a-Lago

President Donald Trump is planning to host Chinese President Xi Jinping for a summit next month at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, a senior administration official told CNN Monday. The official cautioned that the plan is only tentative at the moment. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is expected to finalize plans for the summit with […]


Northeast residents brace for late season Nor’easter

March snowstorms bring the threat of a late season Nor’easter to residents of the Northeast United States with snow squalls and powerful winds expected to hit New York City, Connecticut and Boston on Monday and Tuesday, forecasters say. Just one week before the start of spring, the National Weather Service issued a blizzard watch for […]


What happens if Turkey votes for Erdogan’s ‘power bill’?

On April 16, Turkish voters will be asked to approve controversial reforms that would hand sweeping powers to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Turkish lawmakers have already passed what’s been dubbed the “power bill.” If Turkish voters follow suit it’ll lead to profound changes in the the way the country’s 75 million people are governed. The […]


Dick Clark Productions owner pulls the plug on $1 billion sale to China’s Wanda Group

China’s richest man won’t be buying an iconic American entertainment company after all. Billionaire Wang Jianlin’s $1 billion bid to buy Dick Clark Productions has been terminated, according to Eldridge industries, the production company’s owner. Eldridge said in a statement that it killed the deal after Dalian Wanda Group “failed to honor its contractual obligations.” […]


South Korea: Park’s exit seen as chance to reset China relations

The dramatic downfall of President Park Geun-hye comes at a time of heightened regional tension over South Korea’s deployment of a controversial US missile defense system. A court upheld Park’s impeachment Friday, removing the country’s first female President from office and clearing the way for new elections within 60 days. One of the key issues […]


Fire kills 40 in Guatemalan youth home

Forty people — mostly teenage girls — were killed after a fire tore through a youth home in San Jose Pinula, Guatemala. Wednesday’s blaze started when some of the youths at the Virgen de la Asunción Safe Home set fire to a mattress on their way to breakfast, said Abner David Paredes Cruz, an attorney […]


The ultimate guilt-free treat? These salad cakes are made with vegetables

Imagine biting into a beautiful cake, but instead of a sugary rush you get the fresh flavors of celery, carrot and red cabbage. “Salad cakes” — a new craze in Japan — offer exactly that experience. Nagoya native Mitsuki Moriyasu, a cafe owner and food stylist, in 2015 invented what she calls the “Vegedeco Salad” […]


Oil looms large over Saudi king’s Asia tour

King Salman’s massive entourage has been stealing the show on his tour of Asia, but oil, money and geopolitics are driving the Saudi leader’s month-long journey. Asia’s growing economies are a big deal for Saudi Arabia, which is trying to wean itself off a dependence on oil. “As Saudi looks to the future, Asia of […]


S. Korea: Park’s exit seen as chance to reset China relations after THAAD

The dramatic downfall of President Park Geun-hye comes at a time of heightened regional tension over South Korea’s deployment of a controversial US missile defense system. A court upheld Park’s impeachment Friday, removing the country’s first female President from office and clearing the way for new elections within 60 days. One of the key issues […]

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Экология в России и мире

Жёсткие экологические требования решат инновационные энерготехнологии

Путин в России и мире

Транспортный коридор «Север-Юг» станет катализатором социального и экономического развития стран Евразии и глобального Юга

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко пообещал потенциальным агрессорам ответ всеми видами оружия

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Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Александр Розенбаум

Певец Розенбаум похвастался возрождением сети советских пивных в Петербурге


Сотрудника ДПС, отпустившего за взятку фигуранта дела об убийстве, арестовали в Москве

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