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Новости за 18.03.2017


Paris Orly Airport: Armed assailant shouted ‘I am here to die for Allah’

A man holding a gun on a French female soldier at Orly Airport shouted, “I am here to die for Allah. There will be deaths,” before two of the soldier’s comrades shot the attacker dead Saturday morning, a prosecutor told reporters. None of the soldiers were wounded, Paris Prosecutor Francois Molins said. The suspect, identified […]


Paris Orly Airport: Assailant declared ‘I am here to die for Allah’

[Breaking news update, published at 3:56 p.m. ET] A man holding a gun on a French female soldier at a Orly Airport shouted, “I am here to die for Allah. There will be deaths,” before two of the soldier’s comrades shot the attacker dead Saturday morning, a prosecutor told reporters. The attacker was identified as […]


Recent White House security breaches

Security breaches at the White House are not uncommon. Two happened in the past eight days — on Saturday when a person jumped a bike rack in front of the executive residence, and March 10, when a man carrying a letter for President Donald Trump was arrested near the south entrance. Past cases range from […]


Finally, we’ll hear from Comey about Russia

Congress is finally set to hear on Monday from FBI Director James Comey about the FBI’s investigation into Russia. The start of this testimony, which will be public, comes at a critical moment for Donald Trump’s presidency. A dark cloud has loomed over this administration since the day that he was inaugurated. There has been […]


Celebs, social media stars raise $1 million for Somalis facing famine

Actor Ben Stiller, the NFL’s Colin Kaepernick and social media stars including CNN’s Casey Neistat and Jérôme Jarre of Vine and Snapchat fame have helped raise $1 million in just 19 hours to help those facing starvation in Somalia, they announced. “This is the story of what can happen when the power of social media […]


Man arrested outside White House after jumping bike rack

A man jumped over a bicycle rack in front of the White House on Saturday, briefly putting the complex into an escalated security posture, two law enforcement officials told CNN. The man, who never made it to the White House fence, was carrying a document he wanted to deliver to the White House and did […]


Person arrested outside White House after jumping bike rack

A person jumped over a bike rack in front of the White House on Saturday, briefly putting the complex into an escalated security posture, two law enforcement officials told CNN. The person, who never made it to the White House fence, was taken into custody and is being questioned, the sources said. One of the […]


NSA official: Reports that British spied on Trump ‘arrant nonsense’

A top National Security Agency official called allegations that President Barack Obama directed a British spy agency to wiretap Donald Trump during the presidential campaign “arrant nonsense.” NSA Deputy Director Richard Ledgett told BBC News in an interview published Saturday that the claim showed “a complete lack of understanding in how the relationship works.” Each […]


How Trump’s budget may undercut Ivanka’s agenda

Ivanka Trump does not have a formal title in her father’s administration. In fact, she hasn’t made any public remarks or participated in any media interviews since President Donald Trump took office. But she played a key role advising her father’s presidential campaign, and it is widely believed she is continuing to do so in […]


Privacy rights at border draw scrutiny under Trump immigration crackdown

The border may be the closest place there is in the US to a Constitution-free zone; courts have held that it’s an area where people have very limited privacy rights and the government has broad authority. Privacy advocates are now more and more concerned about how that legal gray zone could be used. The border […]


Music artist Audri Nix gets political at SXSW

Puerto Rican rapper and vocalist Audri Nix said she sees parallels between the political climate in the United States and that of Puerto Rico, describing both as “very emotionally stressful,” during an interview with CNN on Friday. “Not everybody that speaks Spanish is illegal or is here to do something,” said the rapper and vocalist, […]


Paris Orly Airport: Man killed was involved in another shooting

A man who tried to seize a soldier’s gun at Paris Orly Airport was involved just hours earlier in a carjacking and another shooting at a traffic stop, French authorities said Saturday. Security forces opened fire, killing the man during the morning attack at the airport. About 90 minutes before the airport incident, the attacker […]


China to US: Be ‘cool-headed’ on North Korea

China urged the United States to take a “cool-headed” approach to escalating tensions with North Korea, calling for a diplomatic solution to North Korea’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs. US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson arrived in the Chinese capital Saturday after issuing the administration’s bluntest warning yet to North Korea, saying that no option […]


In Syrian city of Homs, an orderly evacuation of rebels

The evacuation of a rebel enclave in the Syrian city of Homs started Saturday. The state-run Syrian Arab News Agency is reporting that the first batch of “gunmen and their families” are leaving the city’s Al-Waer neighborhood. Al-Waer was the last opposition pocket in the city of Homs, and this signifies the end of another […]


Paris Orly Airport shooting: Man killed after grabbing soldier’s gun

A man who overpowered a soldier at Paris Orly Airport and tried to seize her gun was involved in another shooting at a traffic stop, French authorities said Saturday. Security forces opened fire, killing him during the morning attack at the airport. The attacker was known to police and intelligence services, and was involved in […]


Paris Orly Airport: Man killed after seizing weapon from soldier

Security forces killed a man who seized a weapon from a soldier at Paris Orly Airport, the French interior ministry said Saturday. The French National Police tweeted that a “police operation” was underway at the airport, with an elite operations unit and bomb squad officers at the scene. The police urged the public to avoid […]


France airport: Man killed after seizing weapon from soldier at Paris-Orly Airport

Security forces killed a man who seized a weapon from a soldier at the Paris-Orly Airport, the French interior ministry said Saturday. The French National Police tweeted that a “police operation” was underway at the airport. The public has been asked not to cross the security perimeter and to follow instructions, the police tweet said. […]


Clearfield Borough Council Thanks Residents for Help During Snow Storm

CLEARFIELD – Cooperation from residents helped Clearfield Borough weather the most recent winter storm. At Thursday’s Clearfield Borough Council meeting, Mayor James Schell thanked the public and the street crew during this week’s snow event. Schell said he had issued an emergency proclamation in anticipation of the storm and the residents showed “great cooperation” in […]


Fareed Zakaria: Trump ‘indifferent to things that are true or false’

Fareed Zakaria ripped into President Donald Trump Friday, accusing him of “bullsh*tting” his way to the presidency. The charge followed Zakaria’s infamous attack during the presidential election, when he called then candidate Trump a “bullsh** artist.” “I got into trouble during the campaign saying something about the President which I still think is true,” Zakaria […]


Tillerson to challenge China to pull North Korea back from brink

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is expected to challenge China to do more to rein in its nuclear-armed neighbor and ally North Korea during his visit to Beijing this weekend, his first since taking office. Tillerson arrived in the Chinese capital Saturday after issuing the administration’s bluntest warning yet to North Korea, saying that […]


Fareed Zakaria: President Trump succeeds by ‘bulls***ing’

Fareed Zakaria ripped into President Donald Trump Friday, accusing him of “bullsh*tting” his way to the presidency. The charge followed Zakaria’s infamous attack during the presidential election, when he called then candidate Trump a “bullsh** artist.” “I got into trouble during the campaign saying something about the President which I still think is true,” Zakaria […]


Refugee boat fired on in deadly attack off Yemen

At least 42 refugees have been killed and dozens injured after the boat they were traveling on was fired upon off Yemen’s western coast, according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM). The boat was carrying up to 160 people when an unknown assailant attacked it early Friday, IOM spokesman Joel Millman said. At least […]


Young email hacking suspect showed off the good life

A few years before there was Karim Baratov, the guy who parked expensive cars in his driveway and posted sketches showing the very good life — complete with money bags, women and a swimming pool — there was Karim Baratov, the high school student who got into a little trouble. Baratov, who has been indicted […]


FDR memorial not wheelchair-friendly: lawsuit

If Franklin D. Roosevelt were alive today, the former President would have trouble accessing a New York memorial built to honor him, a lawsuit says. The Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Freedoms Park on Roosevelt Island is a memorial to the man who was stricken with polio in 1921 but went on to lead America through […]


Teacher and missing student sought, teacher’s wife urges him to surrender

A Tennessee teacher has been added to that state’s “Top 10 Most Wanted” list after being charged with aggravated kidnapping in the disappearance of a 15-year-old girl. Authorities say that 50-year-old Tad Cummins kidnapped Elizabeth Thomas — a student at the school where Cummins taught until this week– on March 13 and that she is […]

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Экология в России и мире

Подмосковный «ЭкоЛайн» и «Сбер» начали сотрудничество

Путин в России и мире

Путин: Нынешний разворот России на восток стал возможен благодаря БАМу

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Стало известно, что Лукашенко предложил губернатору Архангельской области на встрече в Минске

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Ru24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

Мы не навязываем Вам своё видение, мы даём Вам объективный срез событий дня без цензуры и без купюр. Новости, какие они есть — онлайн (с поминутным архивом по всем городам и регионам России, Украины, Белоруссии и Абхазии).

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Зеленский в Украине и мире

Байден заверил Зеленского в скорых поставках новых пакетов помощи

Навальный в России и мире

Мосгорсуд оставил в СИЗО журналистку Фаворскую, обвиняемую в экстремизме за репортажи о Навальном

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Певица Юлия Паршута стала новой гостьей шоу “Утро. ТНТ”


Казахстан и Россия подписали межправительственное соглашение о строительстве угольных ТЭЦ

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