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Новости за 24.03.2017


Stocks recover from selloff after health care bill is pulled

Wall Street didn’t like what it saw on Capitol Hill Friday over the health care vote. The Dow tumbled over 100 points Friday afternoon after it became clear that the healthcare bill to replace Obamacare would be defeated in a vote. However, markets recovered quickly soon after news that the bill had been pulled from […]


Facepalms of the week

This week was one for the books. From Kristi Yamaguchi’s hilariously oblivious Nancy Kerrigan tweet, to Sen. Roberts’ snark about women’s health — these facepalms will make you laugh if they don’t make you cry. When you pick your words all wrong Kristi Yamaguchi tweeted best wishes to her friend Nancy Kerrigan on her “Dancing […]


Trump unhappy Jared Kushner took a powder on the ski slopes as health care bill floundered

While the rest of his senior staff scrambled all day Thursday and Friday morning to squeeze votes for President Trump’s flailing health care package, one person remained notably absent: Jared Kushner. Along with this wife, Ivanka Trump, another key cog in the president’s inner circle, Kushner was on vacation, skiing with family in the posh […]


Plan to ramp up Somalia anti-terror campaign goes to Trump

The country’s top national security officials are recommending that President Donald Trump ramp up operations against an al Qaeda affiliate in Somalia, two US defense officials told CNN Friday. Trump has not yet approved the proposal, according to one official, but the other official said that the stepped-up operations were due to begin soon. The […]


Virginia gubernatorial candidate laughed about GOP ‘cucks’ on controversial conspiracy theorist’s show

Virginia gubernatorial candidate Corey Stewart made an October appearance on a livestream with a controversial far-right personality who regularly promotes unfounded conspiracy theories. Stewart appeared on a periscope with Mike Cernovich shortly after he was fired from Donald Trump’s campaign for organizing a protest outside of the Republican National Committee’s headquarters. Cernovich, who describes himself […]


House Republicans pull health care bill

House Speaker Paul Ryan sensationally pulled his Obamacare repeal bill from the floor Friday, a day after President Donald Trump had threatened to walk away from health care reform if he didn’t get a vote. After a dramatic day on Capitol Hill, Ryan rushed from the White House to Capitol Hill to tell Trump he […]


House Republicans pull health care bull

BREAKING — The House has pulled the health care bill after failing to find enough votes to pass it. — House Speaker Paul Ryan met Friday with President Donald Trump to tell him Republicans don’t have the votes to pass the GOP health care bill. A key portion of the Trump-Ryan conversation was over the […]


Gang member who’s been deported 4 times arrested in stabbing

An MS-13 gang member who has been removed from the US four times and is originally from El Salvador pleaded not guilty Thursday to stabbing two women and sexually assaulting a two-year-old girl in Long Island, officials told CNN. Tommy Vladimir Alvarado-Ventura, 31, is charged with predatory sexual assault of a child, attempted murder, assault […]


4 things to know about Apple’s red iPhone, new iPad and movie app

Apple is keeping things simple. Instead of trotting out Tim Cook for the typically big spring press conference, the company quietly announced a few product updates this week. It released a new iPad, added some watch bands, and introduced a new color for the iPhone 7. There are no gimmicky new features, no missing ports […]


Man acquitted of rape because woman didn’t scream

A judge in Turin, Italy acquitted a man of sexual violence charges because the woman he allegedly attacked did not cry out or “[betray] emotion” during the assault. The decision has stoked so much controversy that the Italian minister of justice Andrea Orlando has asked officials to look into the case. The judge’s decision actually […]


Women’s U.S. hockey players want to sit in business class, not coach

The U.S. Women’s National Hockey Team and USA Hockey are locked in sensitive negotiations over pay and benefits, and the clock is ticking. The International Ice Hockey Federation World Championship games begin on March 31. The women say they will sit out the tournament unless progress is made. USA Hockey has said that if it […]


GANT Police Blotter

State police at DuBois Police received a report about an incident of burglary/theft that occurred Monday or Tuesday in Winslow Township. During the incident, someone allegedly stole a four-wheeler and two dirt bikes from the victim’s garage. State police said the four-wheeler was a 2014 Honda TRX450R, which is white in color, and the dirt […]


Airlines try to ease laptop ban headache for passengers

Airports across the Middle East are bracing for a very busy weekend. It could be chaotic too. New rules preventing passengers from carrying laptops and tablets onto flights bound for the U.S. must be implemented by early Saturday. Dubai, the world’s busiest international airport, and its main carrier Emirates are scrambling to make sense of […]


Driving while distracted: Which countries have toughest laws?

If you are caught using a handheld device while driving in the United Kingdom — whether it’s for talking, texting, taking video or anything else — your penalties just got significantly steeper, thanks to a law that went into effect this month. A first-time offender now faces a fine of 200 pounds (approximately $244) and […]


The cruel double standard that could save Obamacare

If you want to know why support for Obamacare is at an all-time high, here’s one explanation: A change in complexion leads to a change in perception. That’s how some explain the surging popularity of the embattled health care law. A recent poll from the Pew Research Center showed that 54% of Americans now approve […]


London attack inquiry focuses on radicalization of perpetrator

Police investigating the deadly terrorist attack in central London are focusing closely on how the perpetrator became radicalized, as they battle to piece together his identity and connections. Britain’s most senior counter-terror police officer, Mark Rowley, described the inquiry as “very large and fast-paced”, and announced two “significant arrests” Friday. Hundreds of officers had made […]


5 things for Friday, March 24, 2017: Health care, Putin, ICE, London

Here’s what you need to know to Get Up to Speed and Out the Door. You can also get “5 Things You Need to Know Today” delivered to your inbox daily. Sign up here. 1. Health care vote President Trump threw down an ultimatum to House GOP members: pass the health care bill or be stuck […]


Battle for key ISIS bastion to start in ‘days,’ French defense minister says

The battle to recapture the ISIS de facto capital of Raqqa in Syria will begin in “days,” France’s defense minister said on Friday. “France has always said that Raqqa was a major objective,” French Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said on French TV outlet CNews. “Today, one can say that Raqqa is encircled, that the […]


Did London attack expose city’s ‘weak spot’?

The terrorist attack on Westminster — the heart of government in Britain since the 16th century — did not come as a surprise to authorities. In the aftermath of atrocities in France last year, London’s most senior police officer warned that an attack was “highly likely” — a case of “when, not if.” Given the […]


Amber Alert issued for two toddlers inside stolen car

Two children were abducted Thursday after a suspect stole a car where they had been inside, according to police. An Amber Alert has been issued after the incident in Cathedral City, California, which is in Riverside County. The unknown suspect took off in the white 2016 Honda Accord with the two toddlers, ages 1 and […]


Chattanooga bus driver to be arraigned in crash that killed 6 children

A Tennessee school bus driver involved in a bus crash that killed six children last year will be arraigned Friday. Six children between ages 6 to 10 died while more than a dozen others were injured in the crash in Chattanooga in November. Driver Johnthony Walker faces various charges, including six counts of vehicular homicide. […]


London attack: Raids across UK as Westminster attacker identified

Police across the UK have raided addresses associated with Wednesday’s terrorist attack in central London, which left four people dead and dozens injured. The fourth victim, a 75-year-old man, died Thursday night after his life support was withdrawn at a hospital where he had been receiving treatment, according to London’s Metropolitan Police. Arrests were made […]


Toronto schools will no longer allow student trips to US

Canada’s largest school system announced it will no longer allow student or staff trips to the US, citing uncertainty over the travel ban. Toronto District School Board expressed concern over how the US immigration policy could affect students on school trips. “We strongly believe that our students should not be placed into these situations of […]


Federal judge who blocked Trump’s travel ban gets threats

A Hawaii federal judge who ruled against President Donald Trump’s revised travel ban has been the target of threatening messages, the FBI says. US District Judge Derrick Watson’s ruling last week resulted in a temporary restraining order nationwide — hours before the revised travel ban was set to go into effect. In the 43-page ruling, […]


Rick Perry: Texas A&M’s student body election was ‘stolen’

US Energy Secretary Rick Perry weighed in Wednesday on the student body election of his alma mater, questioning whether Texas A&M’s first openly gay student body president legitimately earned the title. In an op-ed for the Houston Chronicle, the former Texas governor said he was “deeply concerned” by the school’s decision to disqualify the winner […]

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Экология в России и мире

Станислав Кондрашов Telf AG: Китай стремиться к экологически чистому производству

Путин в России и мире

Кремль: Путин 23 мая проведет переговоры с королем Бахрейна в Москве

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Запись от имени Президента Беларуси сделана в книге соболезнований в посольстве Ирана

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский пожаловался, что западная помощь опаздывает

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Ольга Бузова

«Ты мне не понравилась!»: Мария Погребняк вспомнила знакомство с Ольгой Бузовой в студии «Шоу Воли» на ТНТ


Футбольный турнир на призы космонавта Владислава Волкова пройдет в Королеве

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