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Новости за 21.03.2017


Missing Tennessee student: From kissing allegation to manhunt

A nationwide manhunt continues for an armed Culleoka, Tennessee, teacher accused of kidnapping a 15-year-old student just weeks after he was investigated for kissing her in his classroom, police say. Tad Cummins and Elizabeth Thomas have been missing since March 13. Here’s a timeline of what led up to and transpired during the weeklong manhunt: […]


Welcome back, Dave Chappelle

Its been more than a decade since Dave Chappelle abandoned his hit TV series and walked away from a $50 million deal. Chappelle’s fans have been waiting for his return to television ever since. The comic is now back with not one, but two stand up specials releasing on Netflix Tuesday — part of a […]


Arianna Huffington: Sexual harassment isn’t a ‘systemic problem’ at Uber

Uber board member Arianna Huffington said Monday that sexism isn’t a systemic problem at the company. Huffington is on a board committee overseeing Uber’s “urgent investigation” into its workplace following a former engineer’s public allegations of widespread sexism and harassment. During an interview on CNN’s “Quest Means Business,” Huffington said she has talked to hundreds […]


Aaron Hernandez’s attorneys say key witness lied, tried to extort NFL star

“My question to you, sir, is: Who are you really?” So began the defense’s ferocious cross-examination on Tuesday of Alexander Bradley, a former friend of Aaron Hernandez and the central witness in the double-murder trial against the former NFL star. That question from Jose Baez, Hernandez’s defense attorney, provided a telling preview of the often […]


Clark and Carfley Sentenced for Laundromat Shooting, Burglary Spree

CLEARFIELD – Two people involved in a shooting at a local laundromat were in Clearfield County Court Tuesday. David J. Clark, 36, 673 Gormont Dr., Frenchville, and Amanda Elizabeth Carfley, 30, 1414 Washington Ave., Hyde, were both charged in connection with the shooting of a Philadelphia man at the Laundry Station on North Third Street […]


U.S. and U.K. ban laptops and other devices on flights from Middle East

The U.S. and U.K. on Tuesday banned people flying from much of the Middle East and North Africa from carrying laptops, tablets and other large electronic devices in the airplane cabin because of concerns about terrorism. New security restrictions from the Trump administration require nine airlines based in the region to prevent people flying from […]


Sandy Twp. Sewage Rates to Increase

DUBOIS – Sandy Township’s sewage rates will increase for all customers, including those in the Slab Run and Sykesville areas. It’s due to changes DuBois City made to meter Sandy Township, which increased the city’s charge to the township.  The new monthly rates will be: $9.50 per 1,000 gallons for sewage customers with metered connections; […]


Burger King says it will stop serving abused chickens

Burger King wants to serve happier chickens. The company said Tuesday that it plans to stop buying chickens from farms that grossly mistreat them. By 2024, the chain plans to purchase only chickens raised according to welfare standards established by the animal advocacy group Global Animal Partnership. The company says it will reduce the suffering […]


Gorsuch grilled on abortion, travel ban and torture at hearing day 2

Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch said Tuesday that he will “apply the law faithfully and fearlessly” when asked about whether a blanket religious test is consistent with the First Amendment, a reference to President Donald Trump’s travel ban that prevents immigration from six majority Muslim countries. “We have a Constitution and it does guarantee free […]


Can this $199 device stop club tennis cheats? You cannot be serious!

“It’s in!” “No, it was most definitely out.” It’s a scene played out daily on tennis courts the world over. Although pros have had electronic line calling during matches since 2004, club players and juniors can now buy their own device for roughly the same price as a new tennis racket. The $199 In/Out promises […]


Tennessee manhunt: No sign of teacher and teenager

Despite hundreds of tips, authorities still don’t know the whereabouts of a 15-year-old Tennessee teenager and her former high school teacher, who is charged in her abduction. Tad Cummins, 50, who taught forensics at a high school in Culleoka, Tennessee, and Elizabeth Thomas, a freshman, have not been seen for more than a week, leading […]


‘Piggy Bank’ turtle dies after swallowing 915 coins

The green sea turtle nicknamed “Piggy Bank” has died after vets in Thailand removed 915 coins from her stomach earlier this month. The coins were good luck pennies thrown into the pond where the 25-year-old animal lived. Locals gave her the name “Om Sin,” which translates to “Piggy Bank.” She was thought to be recovering […]


Tennessee manhunt: Teacher and teenager still missing

Despite hundreds of tips, authorities still have found no sign of a 15-year-old Tennessee teenager and her former high school teacher, who is charged in her abduction. Tad Cummins, 50, who taught forensics at a high school in Culleoka, Tennessee, and Elizabeth Thomas, a freshman, have not been seen for more than a week, leading […]


Samsung’s new AI assistant will take on Siri and Alexa

A new voice is about to hit the tech scene. Samsung is preparing to launch a digital assistant called “Bixby,” the latest product to result from the tech industry’s obsession with artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things. Bixby will be featured on the new Galaxy S8, Samsung’s head of research and development Injong Rhee […]


Jerusalem marathon 2017: Bridges built in a divided city

The Jerusalem Marathon winds its way through one of the most historic — and contentious — cities on earth. Islam, Christianity, and Judaism all have holy sites within its hallowed walls. Enmity between Israelis and Palestinians is too often the norm, not the exception. Sometimes the tension is palpable. One group of runners aims to […]


5 things for Tuesday, March 21: FBI chief, Brexit, electronics ban

Here’s what you need to know to Get Up to Speed and Out the Door. You can also get “5 Things You Need to Know Today” delivered to your inbox daily. Sign up here. 1. Politics With a swift one-two punch, FBI Director James Comey put a big cloud over the Trump White House that […]


Bernie Ecclestone ‘made some enemies … but he did a lot of good’

Bernie Ecclestone may have been ousted as Formula One’s supremo, but his legacy lives on. The 86-year-old frequently divided opinion during his 40 years in charge of the sport, but his impact on its fortunes (and his own) is beyond doubt. “Bernie Ecclestone is a little man with enormous energy,” veteran F1 journalist Maurice Hamilton […]


Airline electronics ban; Hyundai revs up; Price spike in U.K.

1. Airlines in focus: Investors will be paying extra attention to travel stocks Tuesday after the U.S. issued new rules that will prevent passengers from carrying most electronic devices into the cabin during flights from eight countries in the Middle East and Africa. Passengers will have to check in any devices bigger than a smartphone […]


Japanese town uses funeral discount to entice elderly drivers off the road

Japanese pensioners aren’t in a rush to dump their driving licenses, but one police department is hoping to entice them to retire from the roads with a novel incentive — discount funerals. A town in Aichi prefecture is piloting the scheme, which it hopes will see a decrease in the number of elderly drivers getting […]


Texas A&M’s first openly gay student body president to take office

Bobby Brooks decided early on not to make his sexuality a focal point of his campaign for Texas A&M University student body president. He didn’t need to. The 21-year-old junior has been openly gay since freshman year and served as executive vice president of diversity for the past year. A proud Aggie, he wanted fellow […]


Electronics banned from cabins on some Middle Eastern and African flights to U.S.

Airlines that fly from certain countries in the Middle East and Africa to the U.S. must soon require passengers to check in almost all electronic devices rather than carry them into the cabin, a U.S. official said. The official said this will impact some airlines flying into the United States. Another U.S. administration official says […]


How Trump and Ryan are working with GOP moderates on health care

Florida Republican Rep. Brian Mast left Washington last week undecided about the GOP health care bill to repeal and replace much of Obamacare. Fortunately, he had a ride home to the Sunshine State: Air Force One. Mast got to discuss his concerns about how the bill would impact the large senior population in his district […]


How Trump and Ryan are working GOP moderates on health care

Florida Republican Rep. Brian Mast left Washington last week undecided about the GOP health care bill to repeal and replace much of Obamacare. Fortunately, he had a ride home to the Sunshine State: Air Force One. Mast got to discuss his concerns about how the bill would impact the large senior population in his district […]


Ivanka Trump to get a West Wing office, WH official says

Ivanka Trump will work out of an office in the West Wing, a White House official told CNN on Monday. The official also confirmed Trump will seek a security clearance and government-provided communication devices, although she will not be a government employee. The move places President Donald Trump’s eldest daughter — long one of his […]

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Экология в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о достижениях национальных целей по экологии

Путин в России и мире

«Газпром-Медиа» и Медиакорпорация Китая подписали соглашение о сотрудничестве

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Президент Камеруна получил послание от Президента Лукашенко

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский заявил, что обеспокоен заявлениями республиканцев в США

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Виктор Цой

Цой жил: съемки звезды «Кино» и эксперименты Билли Айлиш


Еще один дом в ЖК «Истомино парк 2» в Ногинске поставили на кадастр

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