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Новости за 30.09.2016


Bill Clinton: ‘Heartbreaks and disappointment’ have shaped Hillary

Bill Clinton reflected in an interview released Friday on his 40-year marriage to Hillary Clinton and some of the “heartbreaks and disappointment” that have shaped her life. His comments came shortly after Donald Trump applauded himself for not bringing up the former president’s infidelity at Monday’s presidential debate. In an interview with Max Linsky on […]


Tulsa police officer pleads not guilty in shooting death

Tulsa police officer Betty Shelby, charged with felony manslaughter in the shooting death of an unarmed man earlier this month, appeared in court Friday and pleaded not guilty through an attorney. According to CNN affiliate KTUL, the family of Terence Crutcher, the man killed by Shelby, was in the courtroom. “Today was just the first […]


In 2016 circus, VP debate promises more staid politics

In the era of Donald Trump, it can be difficult to remember that American politics often consists of drawn-out policy debates between relatively unfamiliar career politicians. This Tuesday’s vice-presidential debate between Sen. Tim Kaine and Gov. Mike Pence will be a throwback to those less sensational, less star-studded times. After years of high-stakes political theater […]


Is it OK to fat-shame Donald Trump?

If you’re new to the body-positive conversation, fat-shaming might feel like a buzz word — but it’s a real thing, and it has very real consequences. Fat people experience systemic prejudice that is on par with racism and sexism — and by that I mean that statistical data documents that fat people are confronted with […]


Amanda Knox documentary takes media to task

Filmmakers Rod Blackhurst and Brian McGinn can’t remember the exact moment when they decided to do a documentary about Amanda Knox, but it was sometime around 2011. At that point, it was about four years after British college student Meredith Kercher was killed in an Italian villa she shared with her American roommate Knox. It […]


What a real ‘Fault in our Stars’ couple taught us about love and medicine

They became known as “the real ‘Fault in Our Stars’ couple” and soon became nearly as famous as the couple in the novel and movie. Katie Donovan and Dalton Prager — like Hazel Grace Lancaster and Augustus Waters, the teenagers in the 2014 film — fell in love even though they knew the other could […]


Federal judge hits Wisconsin for voter ID problems

A federal judge in Wisconsin issued a stern order Friday directing state officials to immediately investigate allegations that DMV personnel in the state have provided incorrect information to people who have applied for voter IDs. The order comes after the voting rights group Voteriders sent a volunteer to 10 different DMVs across the state to […]


Trump surrogate: Journalist ‘playing Inspector Clouseau’

Donald Trump supporter Boris Epshteyn vigorously defended the Republican presidential nominee’s foundation Friday in the wake of a critical news report. The most recent report from The Washington Post’s David Fahrenthold alleged Thursday that the Trump Foundation does not have the certification it needs to solicit money from donors, an allegation Epshteyn flatly disputed. “Donald […]


Vidal, Buckley debates paved way for TV punditry

Few experiments have more acutely signaled the news media’s future than the 1968 televised debates between William F. Buckley Jr. and Gore Vidal, a larger significance captured beautifully by “Best of Enemies,” an Independent Lens documentary airing on PBS. As the 90-minute documentary (which received a brief theatrical run last year) makes clear, the ratings […]


He walked into school with a gun. She talked him out of it using it

As a school counselor, Molly Hudgens has lots of conversations with students. But a 45-minute talk she had with a student earlier this week probably saved a lot of lives, including her own. Hudgens is a counselor at Sycamore Middle School in Ashland City, Tennessee. On Wednesday morning, a 14-year-old student came into her office […]


Chicago Tribune endorses Libertarian Gary Johnson for president

The Chicago Tribune, a Windy City newspaper that historically backs Republican candidates, endorsed Libertarian Gary Johnson on Friday calling him “practical,” “agile” and “experienced.” “Libertarians Gary Johnson of New Mexico and running mate William Weld of Massachusetts are agile, practical and, unlike the major-party candidates, experienced at managing governments,” the paper said. “They offer an […]


Zika Guide to sex and baby making

If you’re a man who travels to an area with active Zika transmission, you should wait at least six months after exposure to have unprotected sex or try to conceive a baby, the Centers for Disease Control announced Friday, even if you never had symptoms of the virus. Women should wait a full eight weeks […]


‘Scandal’-ous Judy Smith in Brangelina spotlight

Is it handled? There are reports Angelina Jolie’s team is consulting with famous crisis management expert Judy Smith as the actress wades through her divorce drama with Brad Pitt. But don’t expect confirmation of that from Smith. She’s the woman who is the inspiration for the Olivia Pope character on the hit ABC series “Scandal.” […]


Wall Street Journal columnist endorses Hillary Clinton

A Wall Street Journal columnist is joining the ranks of several other high-profile editorial voices Thursday placing their support behind Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton come November. Dorothy Rabinowitz, a Wall Street Journal editorial board member — representing a traditionally more conservative publication — highlighted in a column Republican nominee Donald Trump’s tendency to adopt […]


Syrian rescuer breaks down after saving infant

Covered in dust and the remains of yet another airstrike in the Syrian city of Idlib, a young man clutches a small baby and cries. It’s hard to tell what his tears are for as he softly weeps in the back of an ambulance. Are they out of relief? Disbelief? It’s mostly silent as gloved […]


NJ train didn’t have this safety system. Could it have stopped the crash?

The deadly crash of a New Jersey Transit train underscores the need for a critical system that’s currently missing on some of America’s busiest railways. Part of the investigation into Thursday’s crash that killed one person and injured more than 110 others will focus on a safety system that prevents trains from colliding, derailing or […]


GANT Police Blotter

Lawrence Township Police Police received a report of theft by unlawful taking in Hyde, Police received a report of an IRS phone scam from a resident on Wrigley Street. Police received a report of harassment. Police received a report of suspicious activity on 21st Street. Police received a report of harassment by communication in the […]


Polls: Clinton leads in Florida, New Hampshire

Hillary Clinton has single-digit leads over Donald Trump in Florida and New Hampshire, according to a new polls conducted after the first presidential debate. A Mason-Dixon poll of likely voters in Florida found Clinton leading Trump 46% to 42%, just outside of the poll’s margin of error. Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson drew 7% support, ahead […]


Netanyahu and Abbas shake hands at Shimon Peres funeral

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, two men positioned on opposite sides of a divide that sometimes seems unbridgeable, shook hands before the funeral of Shimon Preres. The moment, captured on video by the Arab media press spokesman for Mr Netanyahu, appears to have taken place before the two leaders […]


Deutsche Bank slumps; European markets follow; Brexit relief

1. Deutsche Bank slumps: Shares in Germany’s biggest lender plunged more than 7% to a new record low after reports indicated that 10 hedge fund clients are reducing their dealings with the bank. The action by the hedge funds, first reported by Bloomberg, is fueling anxiety about the bank’s financial health. Investors also worry whether […]


Habitats Placed at Curwensville Lake

CURWENSVILLE – Staff at the Curwensville Lake would like to give a special thank you to Penn State Dubois and Keely Roen and her laboratory students for helping build the remaining habitats that were recently placed in Curwensville Lake. Staff would also like to thank the Pennsylvania Game Commission for helping with the habitat placement. […]


Salvation Army Announces Annual Kettle Campaign Kick-Off Event

CLEARFIELD – The Clearfield Salvation Army will kick-off its annual kettle campaign on Nov. 18. It will get under way at 5 p.m. at the Clearfield County Career & Technology Center, Clearfield. Tickets are $15 each or $50 for a family of four or more. There will be a chicken dinner as well as a […]


More Than 50 People to Participate in Bison Alumni Band

CLEARFIELD – Organizers for the annual Bison Alumni Band say that more 50 people have confirmed their participation in the event during the football game Friday at the Bison Sports Complex. All Clearfield Bison Marching Band alumni are invited to attend.  Events will start at 5:30 p.m. with a reception near the band bleachers.  At […]


Charges Held to Court for Inmate Accused in Houtzdale Riot

HOUTZDALE – An inmate accused of taking part in a prison riot at the State Correctional Institution at Houtzdale in April of 2015 had all charges held to court after a preliminary hearing Thursday. Isaiah Samir Lakeem Hall, 25, has been charged with three counts each of aggravated assault, assault by prisoner and simple assault. […]

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Экология в России и мире

"Погода идёт на поправку": Синоптик прогнозирует долгожданное потепление в Москве

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о перспективном развитии соцполитики государства

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко надеется на восстановление транспортных маршрутов с Израилем

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Мечтающего по победе Киева Макаревича* проверят на экстремизм

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Прослушивание Песни исполнителя. Обсуждение таланта и творческих перспектив Артиста.


Центральная Азия под лупой. Эксперты обсудят миграционные проблемы

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