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Новости за 07.09.2016


Super Mario coming to Apple’s App Store!

A funny thing happened at Apple’s big event on Wednesday. It started off more like an ad for Nintendo than it did for Apple. The maker of iEverything announced early on in its latest iPhone presentation that a new Super Mario game (about the iconic plumber, not ECB chief Mario Draghi) would be available in […]


Top Ferguson activist found dead in burning car, police say

A 29-year-old activist who rose to prominence in the protests following the police killing of Michael Brown was found dead in a burning a car in a St. Louis suburb, according to police. The victim was identified as Darren Seals, 29, formerly of St. Louis, said St. Louis County Police Department spokesman Sgt. Shawn McGuire. […]


Apple unveils water-resistant iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus

The iPhone 7 has arrived and so has a waterproof Apple Watch. Apple announced its next-generation smartphones and a slew of other products at its annual press event on Wednesday. iPhone 7 focuses on photography: Apple’s new iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus are water resistant, come in new shades of black, and have improved […]


Can Sri Lanka show the world how to to end malaria?

Sri Lanka was certified malaria-free on Monday, making it the second country to reach this status in the World Health Organization’s (WHO) region of South-east Asia. The first was the smaller island nation of the neighboring Maldives in 2015, aided by its much smaller population of nearly 400,000, compared to more than 20 million in […]


Schaffer Sentenced in Two Drug Cases

CLEARFIELD – A former Luthersburg man recently convicted of involuntary manslaughter was in Clearfield County Court again Tuesday to be sentenced on two, unrelated drug cases. Brian Lee Schaffer, 45, currently an inmate of state prison, pleaded guilty to possession with intent to deliver a controlled substance-methamphetamine in both cases. He was sentenced by President […]


Apple kicks off iPhone event with Carpool Karaoke

The most valuable company in the world kicked off its biggest event of the year with a celebrity singalong. Before getting on stage to unveil the latest iPhone at Apple’s big press event on Wednesday, CEO Tim Cook joined “Late Late Show” host James Corden for a special edition of his popular series Carpool Karaoke. […]


Trump, committees raise $90M in August, well short of Clinton’s total

Donald Trump and his joint committees raised $90 million in August, a substantial haul for a candidate late to fundraising but one that still significantly trails Hillary Clinton’s enormous summer totals. A Trump campaign official said Wednesday the campaign had collected the $90 million despite its paltry fundraising operation. That total is expected to come […]


Apple unveils waterproof Apple Watch

The iPhone 7 has arrived and so has a waterproof Apple Watch. Apple announced its next-generation smartphone in a promoted tweet shared at the beginning of its annual press event on Wednesday. The device, which is available for pre-order on Friday Sept. 16, is water resistant. The event started with Apple CEO Tim Cook doing […]


Obama, Duterte exchange ‘pleasantries’ after spat

President Barack Obama exchanged “pleasantries” with his Philippines counterpart on Wednesday following an ugly outburst earlier this week that led to a cancellation of formal talks between the two leaders. A White House official said that Obama had a “brief discussion” with Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte ahead of a gala dinner in the Lao capital […]


9 dead in Guatemala mudslide

At least 9 people died after a mudslide ravaged southern Guatemala early Wednesday, according to volunteer firefighters in the municipality of Villa Nueva. A search was underway for a missing child who local authorities fear may have been swept away by the fast-moving mud mass, which was caused by heavy rains. The slide mangled as […]


Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz endorses Hillary Clinton

Howard Schultz, the CEO of Starbucks, endorsed Hillary Clinton for president on Wednesday. Schultz is one of the country’s most politically outspoken chief executives, but until now he had not taken sides in the 2016 race between Democrat Clinton and Republican nominee Donald Trump. “Hopefully Hillary Clinton will be elected president,” Schultz told Poppy Harlow […]


Obama nominates first Muslim federal judge

President Barack Obama has nominated a Washington lawyer to the US District Court bench who would become the country’s first Muslim-American federal judge if he is confirmed. Abid Riaz Qureshi is a lawyer at the Latham & Watkins law firm in Washington, specializing in health care fraud and securities violations, according to the White House. […]


More than 100 injured in alleged Aleppo chlorine attack, doctors say

More than 100 people — including dozens of children — were admitted to hospital following a devastating bombing in rebel-held eastern Aleppo in which barrels of chlorine were allegedly dropped, medical groups say and activists say. The US-based Syrian American Medical Society, which supports one of three hospitals in Aleppo where the victims were taken, […]


UK to build ‘big new wall’ in Calais to stop migrants

Construction will begin soon on a “big new wall” in the French port city of Calais to prevent refugees and migrants from entering Britain, the UK has announced. The four-meter (13 foot) high wall is part of a £17 million ($23 million) deal struck between Britain and France earlier this year to try to block […]


Starchy enters race to be the sixth taste

Scientists have long known that the human tongue can detect five basic tastes: sweetness, sourness, saltiness, bitterness and “umami,” or savory. However, a small study published in the journal Chemical Senses last month suggests that a sixth taste should be added to that list — starchiness — and this newly identified taste may shed light […]


9/11 kids to terrorists: ‘You lose’

Their fathers were killed on 9/11, and 15 years later they carry a message: Look at us, more resilient than ever. To the terrorists, they say, “You lose.” “We’re still here,” says Patrick Hannaford, who was 2 years old when his father, Kevin Hannaford, 32, was killed on the 105th floor of the World Trade […]


Dallas Morning News breaks GOP endorsement streak, backs Clinton

After saying it would not endorse Donald Trump in this year’s election, the Dallas Morning News editorial board went one step further on Wednesday, backing the Democratic presidential nominee for the first time in more than 75 years. “We don’t come to this decision easily,” the editorial board wrote, noting that it’s been critical of […]


US Open: Is a smart court the secret weapon to beat Serena Williams?

Up against Serena Williams in the US Open quarterfinals later Wednesday, Simona Halep will be relying on a piece of cutting-edge technology to get an edge over the 22-time major winner. A smart court. The fifth-seeded Romanian has improved her serve by lowering her ball toss after her coach, Darren Cahill, introduced Playsight’s SmartCourt video […]


Volkswagen to build electric cars in China

Volkswagen is teaming up with a Chinese automaker to produce electric and hybrid vehicles in the country. The German firm announced Wednesday that it has signed a preliminary agreement with Anhui Jianghuai Automobile (JAC Motor) that could lead to a new joint venture. The goal is to create all-electric vehicles for sale in China, the […]


Retired general calls Trump’s 30-day ISIS order ‘sophomoric’

A retired army general is slamming Donald Trump’s remarks that as President he will ask the US military to come up with a plan within one month to defeat ISIS. “I had to ask myself, what the hell does he think we’ve been trying to do for the last 14 years in terms of al […]


Brexit ‘made me feel like a foreigner again’

French macarons, Portuguese tarts and Spanish cream buns are being carefully served to white-haired pensioners gossiping over afternoon tea at a local patisserie. The staff are as European as the cakes they’re serving, but the cafe is in Brexit-voting Havering. Seventy percent of people in the London borough voted to exit the EU, making it […]


Duterte’s tongue the least of Obama’s Philippine problem

It’s not just a runaway tongue that worries the United States about the volatile new president of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte. It’s what else he’s thinking. A foul-mouthed outburst cost the new leader of Washington’s key Pacific ally a chance to meet President Barack Obama in Laos on Tuesday. Duterte blasted Obama as a “son […]


Man catches flight after swallowing 110 cocaine packets

Sitting on a nine-hour flight from Thailand to Australia can be uncomfortable at the best of times. Now imagine doing that with 110 bags of drugs hidden in your digestive tract. A 48-year-old Australian man smuggling 1.1 kilograms (2.4 pounds) of cocaine in his stomach admitted he was carrying the drugs to police at Sydney […]


Children left gasping for air after suspected gas attack in Aleppo

More than 80 people were suffering severe breathing difficulties in Syria’s embattled city of Aleppo after another chemical attack Tuesday on a rebel-held neighborhood, said the Syrian Civil Defense, a volunteer rescue group. The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights also reported the attack, saying that medical sources accused regime warplanes of pounding the Sukkari […]

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Экология в России и мире

Больно не будет: Инопланетяне и природные катаклизмы в конкурсе короткометражного кино ММКФ-46

Путин в России и мире

Путин поручил сократить время пути поездов от Москвы до Черного моря до 16 часов

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск не исключает попыток оппозиции оторвать часть территории Белоруссии в пользу НАТО

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Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Александр Барыкин

«Летели с девятого этажа»: Александр Барыкин чуть не погиб при падении лифта


Сотрудники Шатурского отдела вневедомственной охраны Росгвардии Московской области написали «Диктант Победы»

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