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Новости за 17.09.2016


Robert Gates: Trump ‘beyond repair’

Robert Gates criticized both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump on their preparedness to handle US foreign policy — but the former defense secretary reserved his harshest language for the Republican nominee, who he said is “beyond repair.” “When it comes to credibility problems, though, Donald Trump is in a league of his own,” Gates, a […]


First child dies by euthanasia in Belgium

A terminally ill minor has become the first child to be euthanized in Belgium since age restrictions were lifted in the country two years ago, according to several sources. A Belgian lawmaker told CNN affiliate VTM that the physician-assisted suicide happened within the past week. The child, who was suffering from an incurable disease, had […]


Evian Championship: In-Gee Chun leads going into final round

In-Gee Chun shot a near faultless six-under par 65 to extend her lead going into the final round of the Evian Championship. A double bogey on the ninth was the only blemish on Chun’s otherwise perfect scorecard and the 22-year-old now has her eye on the all-time lowest score recorded at a women’s major. The […]


New rape allegations, new scrutiny for UNC misconduct policy

Frustrated with the University of North Carolina’s handling of sexual violence reports, five women took matters into their own hands in 2013 by going public with their stories and pursuing justice through other means. Sound familiar? Maybe to those following the story of Delaney Robinson this week. The UNC Chapel Hill sophomore went public with […]


Donald Trump’s surreal Friday, from press row

A manufactured storyline. A promise of a “major statement.” And an ulterior motive. Donald Trump on Friday pulled off his latest media stunt, scoring more than 20 minutes of free live TV time to tout the endorsement of more than a dozen veterans and to talk up his new hotel in Washington after he and […]


Explosive device goes off in trash can, rattles New Jersey beach town

An explosive device went off Saturday in a garbage can on the boardwalk in a New Jersey beach town along the race route for a Marine Corps charity run, authorities said. A second suspicious device was reportedly found, and bomb dogs are searching for any additional ones, authorities said. The explosion occurred in Seaside Park. […]


Apple Watch 2 review: There’s finally a reason to buy a smartwatch

If you had to pick the new Apple Watch Series 2 out of a lineup of existing Apple Watches, you’d be hard pressed to do so. It looks nearly identical to the first model that launched just 18 months ago. Even after tinkering around with the latest iteration, it’s a challenge to identify what’s actually […]


How this Latina DJ became ‘The Voice of New York’

Tupac, Biggie, Jay-Z. New York City radio personality, Angie Martinez, has helped put some of hip hop’s biggest names on the map. But her greatest success story is her own. Raised by a single mom in the New York City neighborhoods of Washington Heights and Brooklyn, Martinez began to get into trouble at age 15. […]


Singapore GP: Nico Rosberg on pole after qualifying, Lewis Hamilton in third

Nico Rosberg will start on pole in the Singapore Grand Prix after an imperious performance in qualifying. Mercedes teammate Lewis Hamilton, who leads Rosberg by two points in the driver standings, only just managed to hold off Red Bull’s Max Verstappen to secure third. Verstappen’s teammate, Daniel Ricciardo, put on an impressive drive and will […]


Woman killed in Philly shooting rampage; gunman also dead

A gunman with a reported hatred of law enforcement went on a deadly tear late Friday in Philadelphia, ambushing a police sergeant and firing rounds into a tavern and a car before police shot him dead, authorities said. The rampage left a 25-year-old woman dead after she was shot seven times in the torso, police […]


Senate Democrats turn to red states in hope of winning majority

Senate Democrats, worried about their chances in key battlegrounds of Ohio and Florida this fall, are increasingly setting their sights on three red states to bring them back to the majority. Democratic leaders and party strategists are zeroing in on Indiana, North Carolina and Missouri, sending major resources to traditional Republican states in the hopes […]


$1 million bail for Ohio murder suspect

Bail for a homeless Ohio man facing kidnapping and murder charges has been set at $1 million. After the bail amount was announced Friday, Shawn M. Grate, 40, could be heard replying to Judge Ronald Forsthoefel over video conference, “Sounds fair.” A frantic 911 call Tuesday from a woman who said she had been abducted […]


Why Democrats are anxious

Donald Trump’s reversal on the “birther” controversy is turning attention — at least for the moment — from a major shift in the presidential race. The battle for the White House — dominated by Hillary Clinton only weeks ago — is tightening dramatically, a nerve-wracking turn for Democrats that sets up what could be a […]


La Liga: MSN on target as Barcelona cruises to victory

Saturday marked the first time this season that Barcelona’s feared attacking triumvirate of Lionel Messi, Luis Suarez and Neymar started a La Liga game together — and the outcome was predictable. First-half goals from MSN — the first time the trio have scored in the opening 45 minutes away from home — set the tempo, […]


Dominant Fourth Quarter Pushes Bison Past Huntingdon

HUNTINGDON — If there is a word to describe the 2016 edition of the Clearfield Bison football team, that word would be gritty.  Through the first three weeks of the season, the black and red squad has gone toe-to-toe with tough opponents, winning two of those contests, but with no game being decided by more […]


Golden Tide Remain Perfect, Blast Port Allegany 63-6

CURWENSVILLE – The 2016 high school football season has been both challenging and trying thus far for the Gators of Port Allegany, and Friday night at Curwensville’s Riverside Stadium it was no different. The Curwensville Golden Tide remained unbeaten at 4-0 and the Gators remained winless at 0-4 as the Tide easily defeated Port […]


Philadelphia shooting spree leaves at least 1 dead

A gunman in Philadelphia ambushed a police sergeant and fired rounds into a tavern and a car before police shot him dead, authorities said. The shooting spree late Friday left at least six people injured — two police officers and four civilians, police said. “Right now we have a lot of questions. This is completely […]


Historic church destroyed by fire in Peru

A landmark of Christian faith in Peru’s ancient city of Cusco has stood the test of time — but now San Sebastian Church faces its biggest challenge yet after a devastating fire. Authorities don’t know what sparked Friday’s fire in the 17th-century church. Video footage from TV network Andina showed the blaze tearing through the […]


Archbishop Desmond Tutu back in South African hospital

Archbishop Desmond Tutu has been readmitted to a South African hospital after he started showing signs of infection after surgery he had earlier this month, his family said Saturday. The 84-year-old Nobel laureate had spent three weeks in a Cape Town hospital, from last month until Wednesday, to receive treatment for a recurring infection, and […]


Zika virus: Miami Beach transmission zone triples

The Zika virus transmission zone in Miami Beach has tripled in size, Florida Gov. Rick Scott announced Friday night. The Florida Department of Health extended its Miami Beach local transmission zone to include a 4.5 square mile zone running from 8th Street to 63rd Street, including the famed Fontainebleau hotel. The original zone was limited […]


Brain cancer replaces leukemia as deadliest cancer for kids, study shows

Brain cancer has surpassed leukemia as the deadliest cancer for children and teens in the United States, new federal data show. The new numbers are a result of major advances in leukemia treatment and lack of progress when it comes to brain cancer, according to the National Center for Health Statistics, which is part of […]


Russia elections: Opposition figures offered rare chance to speak out

As millions of Russians vote in parliamentary elections this weekend, one of the stand-out features of the campaign has been the presence of the opposition. In past votes, most opposition candidates have been blocked or excluded. But in this election, taking place on Sunday, hundreds of Kremlin critics have been allowed to run for office. […]


Ben Ellis, teacher serenaded by students, dies after cancer battle

A beloved high school teacher whose students gathered outside his window to serenade him has died after a battle with cancer. Ben Ellis, who taught Latin and Bible studies at Christ Presbyterian Academy in Nashville, died Friday, said Nate Morrow, the school’s headmaster. A few days ago, 400 students from the school showed up outside […]


Apple Brickle Dip

I first tasted this quick and easy dip at a friend’s Christmas party. I kept going back for more. —Karen Wydrinski, Woodstock, Georgia View the recipe at TasteofHome.com >>


New allegations, new scrutiny for UNC’s sexual violence policy

Frustrated with the University of North Carolina’s handling of sexual violence reports, five women took matters into their own hands in 2013 by going public with their stories and pursuing justice through other means. Sound familiar? Maybe to those following the story of Delaney Robinson this week. The UNC sophomore went public with allegations that […]

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Экология в России и мире

Проблемы экологии Каспийского моря обсудили в Москве представители России и Азербайджана

Путин в России и мире

Как Россия побеждает в Африке: Волна военных переворотов приносит Путину новых союзников

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко надеется на восстановление транспортных маршрутов с Израилем

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Smi24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Мечтающего по победе Киева Макаревича* проверят на экстремизм

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Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Анастасия Ивлеева

Блогер Настя Ивлеева пожертвовала полмиллиона рублей бойцам СВО из Забайкалья


В Волоколамском округе отреставрируют церковь Рождества Пресвятой Богородицы

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