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Новости за 06.09.2016


Chicago dad prays son will be safe on first day of school

Cute back-to-school photos flooding Facebook feeds are taking on a different tone in Chicago. Messages of worry accompanied those same adorable photos Tuesday as parents expressed concern about their children’s safety while they headed back to Chicago Public Schools. One of those parents, Dennis Roach, made a special plea when he posted photos of his […]


Air pollution particles found inside human brains

Another new concern could be on the horizon for city dwellers, particularly those living in the more polluted cities of the world, as a new study has found that certain particles found within pollution could enter the human brain — by people breathing them in. The particles discovered, known as magnetite, are less than 150 […]


First face transplant patient, Isabelle Dinoire, dies at 49

The recipient of the world’s first face transplant, Isabelle Dinoire, has died, according to French doctors. A statement released by Amiens Hospital, which performed the ground-breaking procedure in November 2005, said Dinoire died on April 22, 2016 “following a long illness.” She was 49 years old. The delay in announcing her death was explained in […]


Most Americans think unemployment is a lot higher than 5%

Americans think the economy is in far worse shape than it is. The U.S. unemployment rate is only 4.9%, but 57% of Americans believe it’s a lot higher than that, according to a new survey by the John J. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development at Rutgers University. The general public has “extremely little factual knowledge” […]


Police Looking for Female Suspect in Fraud/Theft Incident

CLEARFIELD – The Lawrence Township Police Department is investigating an alleged incident of theft and/or fraud that occurred Aug. 12 at the Wal-Mart Supercenter, Clearfield. According to the report, it occurred at approximately 11:33 a.m. and involved a female suspect. She “made away” with seven items valued at $166.12 and used an invalid or fake […]


First face transplant patient dies at 49

The recipient of the world’s first face transplant, Isabelle Dinoire, has died, according to French doctors. A statement released by Amiens Hospital, which performed the ground-breaking procedure in November 2005, said Dinoire died on April 22, 2016 “following a long illness.” She was 49 years old. The delay in announcing her death was explained in […]


EpiPen maker Mylan probed by New York attorney general

Mylan and its troubled EpiPens are the target of an investigation launched New York’s attorney general Tuesday. Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said he’s looking into whether the company violated antitrust laws. “Mylan Pharmaceuticals may have inserted potentially anti-competitive terms into its EpiPen sales contracts with numerous local school systems,” a statement from Schneiderman’s office said. […]


Johnny Manziel taking classes at Texas A&M

Johnny Manziel, the former Cleveland Browns quarterback who ran into substance abuse problems and faces an assault charge, is back in school. Manziel is once again taking classes at Texas A&M, according to university spokesman Lane Stephenson. Stephenson said Manziel is enrolled for the fall semester in the university’s recreation, parks and tourism sciences program. […]


Cosmopolitan’s Joanna Coles named Chief Content Officer at Hearst

Joanna Coles, the editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan, is expanding her portfolio to all of Hearst Magazines. On Tuesday, Hearst announced that Coles would leave Cosmo and serve as the company’s first-ever chief content officer. In the new role, she will have responsibilities involving all domestic and international Hearst titles, as well as live events and television […]


Gary Johnson begins first TV push with debates looming

Gary Johnson, struggling to move his poll numbers high enough to earn a spot in the presidential debates, is beginning his first television advertising of the 2016 campaign. Despite unprecedented discomfort with the Republican nominee, Johnson, the Libertarian candidate and a former Republican governor of New Mexico, has so far failed to sufficiently consolidate the […]


Women do ask for pay raises, they just don’t get them

Women ask for a raise as often as men, but stand a much smaller chance of getting one. Research by Cass Business School and the University of Warwick in the U.K., and the University of Wisconsin, found that men are 25% more likely to get a raise when they ask for one. The study challenges […]


For-profit college ITT shuts down: Tens of thousands of students in the lurch

Another for-profit college has gone bust, leaving tens of thousands of students in the lurch. ITT Educational Services announced on Tuesday that it is shutting down immediately, accusing the federal government of unfairly stripping it of eligibility for student aid. The company, which was established nearly 50 ago, operates ITT Technical Institutes. It has around […]


Britain’s ‘most hated man,’ Anjem Choudary, jailed for ISIS support

Notorious hate preacher Anjem Choudary, who led a flag-burning demonstration outside the US embassy on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks and voiced support for jihad, has been jailed for inviting support for ISIS. The former lawyer was sentenced to five years and six months in prison. His supporters shouted “Allahu Akhbar” as he was […]


Rory McIlroy aiming to land $10M FedEx Cup prize

Rory McIlroy has set his sights on the $10 million prize — and on this form you wouldn’t bet against him. The former world No. 1 looked back to his best after storming to victory at the Deutsche Bank Championship Monday to claim his first PGA Tour title for 16 months. McIlroy started the final […]


Sport transcends politics as Kosovo begins World Cup journey

First game, first goal, first point. Sport transcended politics as years of administrative delays and doubts surrounding the Kosovo national team were finally quelled with just hours until the kick-off of its World Cup qualifying campaign. An ordinary draw with Finland belies a set of extraordinary circumstances. For while it is one thing to be […]


First lady Michelle Obama set to campaign for Clinton

First lady Michelle Obama is set to join the Clinton campaign’s post-Labor Day push with an event in Northern Virginia on September 16, according to a campaign official. She’ll join a flock of other high-profile surrogates hitting battleground states around the country during the final sprint of the 2016 race. Obama flashed her potential as […]


Black Lives Matter protesters removed from London airport runway, police say

A group of Black Lives Matter activists whose protest temporarily shut down a London airport Tuesday have been arrested and removed from the runway, police said. Nine protesters caused flights to be suspended at London City Airport by locking themselves together on the runway and erecting a tripod, London’s Metropolitan Police said in a statement. […]


India’s richest man offers free 4G to one billion people

India’s richest man is rolling out a $20 billion mobile network that could bring lightening-fast Internet to hundreds of millions of people. Indian consumers are already celebrating the arrival of Mukesh Ambani’s new Reliance Jio service, seizing on the billionaire’s promise to deliver rock bottom prices and download speeds that will enable streaming video. The […]


Gordon Tietjens quits New Zealand sevens role after 22 years in charge

He’s the man who transformed the world of rugby and discovered the prodigious talent of Jonah Lomu — but after 22 years at the top, Gordon Tietjens has called time on his illustrious coaching career. The 60-year-old, who led the New Zealand men’s sevens team to 12 World Series titles, four Commonwealth gold medals and […]


Bound by terror: ‘I’ve got you’

She faced her father’s killers in a courtroom, and realized the al Qaeda militants held no power. He put Osama bin Laden’s image on a punching bag and let loose. She has vivid memories of the years spent with an adoring father. His recollections of Dad are limited. She grew up in southern France and […]


Are North Korea’s missile tests a practice run for evading THAAD?

North Korea may be seeking to outpace its southern neighbor by testing multiple missiles as Seoul prepares to deploy a controversial US missile defense system. In what has become almost routine, on Monday North Korea fired three ballistic missiles from a base in the west across the country into the Sea of Japan. The missiles […]


Ancient tattoo artists still making their mark in Jerusalem

For 700 years, Christian pilgrims have sought out the Razzouk family for their specialist skills. As tattoo artists, they would ink people to commemorate their spiritual journey to Jerusalem. And they’re still very much open for business today, in a dusty back ally in the Old City. The family’s incredible history adorns the walls of […]


Car bomb explodes outside NGO in Kabul

One person has been killed and six others wounded after a car bomb exploded outside the gates of the CARE NGO in Kabul Monday around 11:30 p.m. local time, Afghan Ministry of the Interior spokesman Sediq Sediqi told CNN. One or two attackers entered the compound following the blast, Sediqi said, but he confirmed that […]


Obama announces $90 million to clear Laos’ unexploded bombs

President Barack Obama has pledged $90 million to Laos in a joint three-year project with the country’s government to clear tens of millions of unexploded US bombs. The money will be spent surveying the Asian nation for some 80 million unexploded cluster bombs dropped during a secret US bombing campaign as part of the Vietnam […]


After cursing Obama, Duterte expresses regret

Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte is expressing regret after his obscenity-laden rant against President Barack Obama prompted the White House to cancel planned bilateral talks between the two leaders. Duterte, who cursed Obama as a “son of a bitch” Monday, said in a statement through his spokesman that he regretted “it came across as a personal […]

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Экология в России и мире

Бывший глава центра оценки техногенного воздействия при Росприроднадзоре Новиков арестован в Москве

Путин в России и мире

Почему в Москве принимают Пашиняна после всех его скандальных заявлений о России: Политолог назвал пять причин

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко предупредил Запад о молниеносной атаке в ответ на любую агрессию

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

В США прокомментировали подготовку покушения на Зеленского

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Юрий Шевчук

Рок-музыкант Шевчук в Дубае рассказал о революции


Порция умиления: панда Катюша элегантно поедает бамбук

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