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Новости за 22.09.2016


Sacramento mayor punches pie thrower

Kevin Johnson — the NBA star-turned-Sacramento mayor — was pied in the face by a man at a charity dinner Wednesday night at the high school he once attended. But the pie-thrower appeared to get the worst of it. Sean Thompson, 32, approached the mayor, pulled a pie out of the bag and shoving it […]


Michael Bolton headlines Clinton event as Tim Kaine picks up the fundraising slack

Hillary Clinton has moved away from the donor circuit after an August of nonstop fundraising, ceding that role to her running mate Tim Kaine, who’s getting some celebrity help as well. Since September 1, Kaine has headlined 25 fundraisers in 12 states and Washington, DC, while Clinton has only held eight. Kaine continued his fundraising […]


Why Charlotte exploded and Tulsa prayed

Two black men were shot and killed by police officers in two different American cities this week. The deaths of Terence Crutcher and Keith Lamont Scott cut deep into the hearts of Tulsa, Oklahoma and Charlotte, North Carolina. But scenes from the two communities on the night of September 21 show they expressed the pain […]


Trump Ohio county chair resigns after comments on race, Obama

An Ohio county chair for the Trump campaign resigned following an interview published Thursday, in which she suggested there was “no racism” until President Barack Obama was elected, and called the Black Lives Matter movement “a stupid waste of time.” Kathy Miller — who is white — resigned from her position, which the Trump campaign […]


Hill backers: Donald Trump knows debate stakes

Donald Trump’s supporters on Capitol Hill said Thursday they know the stakes are high for Monday night’s debate and could set the tone for the sprint to Election Day. “Donald Trump knows, the team knows that Monday night is going to be not necessarily make or break, but the momentum coming out of Monday night […]


Venturi’s ‘bullet car’ smashes electric land-speed record

Blink and you’ll miss it — the Venturi Buckeye Bullet 3 has beaten the world record for an electric vehicle, at a cool average speed of 341.4 mph, according to the French automobile company. The Venturi team, which in 2010 set the fastest time for a battery-powered car with the 307 mph achieved by the […]


Charlotte’s economic success masks deep black-white divide

Charlotte is an economic powerhouse, a major banking center with a growing population and a better than average job market. But that success masks difficult times for many people who live there — especially its black residents, many of whom are struggling with much lower income and much higher unemployment and poverty rates than their […]


6 questions to ask when you hire a police chief

It has happened again. Two lives taken. Families devastated. Communities outraged. Two officers who probably wish they had been anywhere but where they were. This is not the time or place to pass judgment on the killings of Terence Crutcher in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and Keith Lamont Scott in Charlotte, North Carolina. Judgment will come — […]


Atlanta Braves will lend you a glove if you’ve left yours at home

Headed to the ball park but forgot your glove? Don’t worry, the Atlanta Braves have got you covered. At the Braves’ new ball park, which is opening in 2017, visitors will be able to borrow gloves — for free. That way they can catch foul balls and homers without relying on their bare hands. “We […]


The Great British Bake Off is crumbling

And then there was one. Britain’s hottest TV show is losing its star baker, a week after its hosts quit. Mary Berry, a judge on the Great British Bake Off, will leave the hit BBC show when it moves to Channel 4. Her departure means fellow judge Paul Hollywood is the only star not jumping […]


Tulsa officer’s emotional post after NC, OK police shootings

As a second night of protests rent the city of Charlotte, North Carolina, a police officer from another town feeling the pain of an officer-involved shooting wrote an emotional and compassionate plea on Facebook. Popsey Floyd is an officer at the Tulsa Police Department. Last week, the fatal police shooting of an unarmed black man, […]


4 arrested, hundreds feared dead after migrant boat capsizes off Egypt

Four crew members were arrested Thursday after a boat believed to be carrying 450 migrants capsized off the Egyptian coast, according to state-run Nile TV. The men were detained on possible charges of “human trafficking and involuntary manslaughter.” One of them is the owner of the vessel. Hundreds of migrants are feared dead after Wednesday’s […]


Chinese artist Ai Weiwei’s lawyer sentenced to 12 years for fraud

A lawyer for the renowned Chinese artist and government critic Ai Weiwei was sentenced to 12 years jail on Thursday, in a case his supporters say was politically motivated. Beijing Intermediate People’s Court found Xia Lin guilty of almost 10 million yuan in fraud, deprived him of his political rights and fined him 120,000 yuan. […]


Serena Williams’ coach targets 30 grand slams despite ‘very bad season’

Despite her 35th birthday fast approaching and niggling injuries possibly shelving what’s left of her 2016 season, Serena Williams still retains grand career ambitions, according to her longtime coach. Remarkably, the American tennis star has been set a target of 30 career singles grand slams. “I know people are going to be very much focused […]


5 things for Thursday, September 22: Charlotte, ISIS, Wells Fargo

Protests. A profile. And a very hungry penguin. It’s Thursday and here’s what you need to know to Get Up to Speed and Out the Door. 1. Charlotte protests A second night of protests over the fatal police shooting of Keith Lamont Scott descended into madness. Protesters set fires, looted businesses and went after reporters, […]


Afghanistan signs peace deal with faction led by warlord Gulbuddin Hekmatyar

After months of delays, Afghanistan government negotiators signed a peace deal Thursday with an insurgent faction led by one of the country’s most notorious warlords. The deal was signed at a ceremony attended by negotiators, the president’s national security advisor, and representatives of the Hezb-i-Islami faction of Gulbuddin Hekmattyar. Afghan and US officials applauded the […]


The billionaires strike back

The nation’s billionaires — energized by a presidential race heading down to the wire and led to believe that their money can tip the balance — are digging deep. Sheldon Adelson has now pledged $45 million to Republicans, with $20 million to the Senate Leadership Fund announced this week. Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz this month […]


Clinton supporters offer advice ahead of first debate

Hillary Clinton faces off against Donald Trump on the debate stage for the first time on Monday night, in a crucial prime-time event that could alter the narrative of the presidential election just six weeks out from Election Day. CNN interviewed Clinton supporters in Orlando Wednesday afternoon, at what is expected to be the Democratic […]


How to watch the first presidential debate

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump will take the stage Monday night for the first presidential debate, due to be broadcast live most everywhere. It’s one of the most anticipated political events of the year, and if you plan on watching it, here’s what you need to know. The Commission on Presidential Debates, a bipartisan organization […]


Charlotte protests: State of emergency declared after violent clashes

Protesters clashed with police in Charlotte for a second night Wednesday — a day after violence erupted in the city over the killing of an African-American man by an officer. Gov. Pat McCrory declared a state of emergency, and said he initiated efforts to deploy members of the National Guard and State Highway Patrol to […]


PBS wins big at News and Documentary Emmys

PBS was a big winner at Wednesday night’s News and Documentary Emmy Awards. With 14 wins, including one for Outstanding Long Form Investigative Journalism, PBS topped its closest competition by seven awards. CBS came in second, while ABC and CNN tied for third with four wins apiece. PBS’s “Frontline” was the most decorated program with […]


Family finds lost penguin, not burglar in their home

It is not every day you wake up to the sound of pots and pans crashing on the kitchen floor. It’s even more peculiar when the culprit is a lost Humboldt penguin. Fearing an intruder had entered to rob their home, a family in the northern Peruvian town of Chimbote jumped out of bed to […]


Trump would beat Clinton by trillions when it comes to driving up debt

In the past three months, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have put forth new tax and spending proposals and revised or clarified some of their previous ones. Those changes have lessened how much their fiscal policies would affect the nation’s debt, according to updated preliminary estimates from the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, a […]


Philippines: Duterte critic Leila de Lima says she fears for her life

A leading Philippines politician and critic of President Rodrigo Duterte says she has been forced to leave her home because of fears over her safety. “I don’t feel safe. The truth is I am not safe,” Senator Leila de Lima told reporters on Thursday. “They are violating my rights to security, rights to privacy.” De […]

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Экология в России и мире

При каких обстоятельствах может затопить Петербург и Москву? Отвечает гидролог

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о формировании взаимовыгодного международного сотрудничества

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск не исключает попыток оппозиции оторвать часть территории Белоруссии в пользу НАТО

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Поклонник Басты сделал предложение девушке на концерте рэпера в Новосибирске


Эксперт Клапанюк: во II квартале спрос на новостройки в Москве начнет расти

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