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Новости за 25.09.2016


Jose Fernandez was one of baseball’s brightest stars

The “old-timers” were the ones Major League Baseball’s players and fans expected to be saying goodbye to in this, the 2016 schedule’s final week before the playoffs — David Ortiz, the 40-year-old slugger of the Boston Red Sox; and 88-year-old Vin Scully, the voice of the Los Angeles Dodgers; and oh, how wonderful both are […]


Syria airstrikes kill 65 in Aleppo on Sunday, activists say

At least 65 people were killed in intense airstrikes on opposition-held eastern Aleppo Sunday, an activist group reported, as the Syrian government continued its furious offensive in the wake of a collapsed ceasefire. More than 200 people were wounded in the bombardment, according to the Aleppo Media Center, an opposition-affiliated group of activists that works […]


‘This isn’t Pompeii, this is Aleppo’

As Aleppo was hammered by 200 airstrikes this weekend, activists and aid workers posted dozens of pictures and videos online. Each of them heartbreaking, each of them helping to convey horror of the besieged city. On Friday afternoon, a photo of a father and son who had fallen victim to the war emerged. Covered in […]


Syria: Aleppo airstrikes kill 65 on Sunday, activists say

At least 65 people were killed in intense airstrikes on opposition-held eastern Aleppo Sunday, an activist group reported, as the Syrian government continued its furious offensive in the wake of a collapsed ceasefire. More than 200 people were wounded in the bombardment, according to the Aleppo Media Center, an opposition-affiliated group of activists that works […]


Donald Trump’s 6 debate tactics

There’s one thing Donald Trump brings to the debate stage Monday night: unpredictability. The Republican nominee and his allies hope his unconventional style will be a huge asset when he squares off against Hillary Clinton — a skilled debater in her own right. But with 11 debates under his belt from the brutal Republican primary […]


Half of Rolling Stone sold to Singapore music company

Rolling Stone is teaming up with the son of an Asian business giant. Wenner Media, which owns the nearly 50-year-old music magazine, will sell a 49% stake in the publication to Singapore-based social music company BandLab Technologies. BandLab was created by Meng Ru Kuok, the son of the billionaire founder of the world’s biggest palm […]


A possible new swing state and old problems in Ohio?

Shifting terrain in three battlegrounds, the ‘debate expectations’ game in full effect, and how historically black colleges and universities factor into 2016. It’s all a part of our ‘Inside Politics’ forecast. 1) Battleground Ohio: Trump has momentum — and Clinton Is MIA Is Hillary Clinton conceding Ohio? The official answer from her campaign team is […]


Trump, Netanyahu meet for nearly 90 minutes

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with Donald Trump for nearly 90 minutes at Trump Tower on Sunday morning. Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law and a close adviser to his presidential campaign, and Ron Dermer, Israel’s ambassador to the United States, were also on hand for the meeting, which comes the day before the first presidential […]


Obituary Notice: James “Stratus” Lansberry

James “Stratus” Lansberry, 59, died Friday, Sept. 23, 2016 at his residence in DuBois surrounded by family and loved ones. He was born Feb. 2, 1957 in Clearfield to Dorwyn and Shirley Lansberry.  He was a 1975 graduate of the Clearfield Area High School. Mr. Lansberry lived his life following his dream of being a […]


Obituary Notice: Megan Leigh Bricker

Megan Leigh Bricker, 22, of Hastings died Sept. 22, 2016 at Miners Medical Center, Hastings. She was born Sept. 2, 1994 in Johnstown She was a nurse’s aide at Rebecca Manor, Northern Cambria. She is survived by her father, Ronny Bricker (Michele Gregory) and her mother, Jessica Kimla-Bricker (James Warner) of Patton. She is survived by her brothers, Thomas […]


What do non-protesters across Charlotte think?

For days, the loudest voices emerging from Charlotte have been the hundreds of protesters filling downtown every night. But locals across Charlotte have a wide array of opinions about Keith Lamont Scott’s death. Here’s what they have to say about the protests and what should happen next: Derrick Roberts: ‘This is not a black/white thing. […]


Syria: 6 children killed by barrel bombs in Aleppo offensive, say activists

At least seven people — six of them children — were killed in a barrel bombing of opposition-held eastern Aleppo Sunday, an activist group reported, as the Syrian government continues its furious offensive in the wake of a collapsed ceasefire. The barrel bombs, launched from helicopters, struck the city’s Bustan al-Pasha neighborhood, according to the […]


Miami Marlins pitcher Jose Fernandez dies unexpectedly

Miami Marlins pitcher José Fernández has died unexpectedly, the team announced Sunday. “The Miami Marlins organization is devastated by the tragic loss of José Fernández. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family at this very difficult time,” the team said in a statement. No cause of death was given. Developing story – more to […]


Team Trump: No Gennifer Flowers at debate

Donald Trump’s campaign manager and running mate said Sunday he doesn’t want Gennifer Flowers — who had an affair with Bill Clinton in the 1970s — at Monday night’s presidential debate. “We have not invited her formally, and we do not expect her to be there as a guest of the Trump campaign,” Trump campaign […]


Suspect charged in Washington mall shooting

The lone suspect in the fatal shooting of five people in a Washington state mall has been charged with five counts of first degree murder, according to Skagit County jail records. Arcan Cetin, 20, was taken into custody Saturday night after a nearly 24-hour manhunt, authorities said. Four women and one man died in the […]


FAFSA changes: What you need to know to get the most financial aid

If you plan to go to college next year, you need to know about two changes to the nationwide financial aid form. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is the form that every U.S. college student needs to fill out in order to be eligible for any need-based financial aid. That includes federal […]


State of the race: Why Hillary Clinton has an edge

If you tune into the news these days it would be easy to conclude that the presidential race is too close to call and that it’s all going to come down to what happens in the debates that start Monday. But that would be missing the point. The fact is that the likely outcome of […]


Debate coach: Expect Clinton vs. Trump to be an Olympic battle of wits

These presidential debates, which start Monday, will be like no others. The primary debates had more viewers than any in history, and featured trash talking, loud audience booing, candidates mocking each other, shouting matches, and body parts bragging. And those were just the Republicans. The Donald Trump/Hillary Clinton debates will be the Olympics of debate. […]


Suicide bomber kills at least 6 in Iraq

ISIS has claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing in Baghdad that killed at least six people, according to the ISIS-affiliated Amaq news agency. CNN could not independently confirm the claim. Eighteen people were wounded in the attack Sunday. The suicide bomber detonated an explosive belt in the Iskan city area in west Baghdad, Iraqi authorities […]


Syria: UN Security Council to meet as government assault on Aleppo rages

The United Nations Security Council is to meet Sunday to discuss the devastating Syrian government offensive that has raged since a shaky ceasefire deal fell apart last week. The session, to begin at 11 a.m. ET, was requested by the United States, Britain and France in the wake of the furious Syrian assault to retake […]


Going inside Jerusalem’s underground city of the dead

In Jerusalem’s largest cemetery the deceased have a need that the living cannot fulfill: more space. The Givat Shaul cemetery, which sprawls across a hilltop on the northwestern edge of the city, contains more than 200,000 burial spots, and nearly every one is full, marked with a carved headstone and adorned with flowers and memorial […]


Girl, 17, missing after police find three bodies at her home in California

A 17-year-old girl is missing and believed to be in danger after police found three bodies at the home where she lived in Southern California. Police rushed to a house in Fullerton on Saturday after a child called dispatchers and said her parents had died, authorities said. When they arrived, they found two men and […]


Suspect arrested in Washington mall shooting

The lone suspect in the fatal shooting of five people in a Washington state mall is in custody after a nearly 24-hour manhunt, authorities said early Sunday. Four women and one man died in the shooting Friday night at a Macy’s store at the Cascade Mall in Burlington. The victims’ identities have not been released. […]


Washington mall shooting: Police arrest 20-year-old suspect

One day after a shooting left five people dead at a mall north of Seattle, authorities arrested a 20-year-old suspect Saturday after an overnight manhunt that left the city on edge. Arcan Cetin is suspected of killing four women and a man Friday night at the Cascade Mall in Burlington, Washington. Washington state authorities said […]


Slow-Cooked Chunky Chili

Pork sausage, ground beef and plenty of beans make this chili a marvelous meal. I keep serving-size containers of it in my freezer at all times so I can quickly warm up bowls on busy days. —Margie Shaw, Greenbrier, Arkansas View the recipe at TasteofHome.com >>

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Экология в России и мире

Мокрый фасад: как сделать отделку по технологии СФТК

Путин в России и мире

Строители мостов и дорог удостоены государственных наград

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко: на территории Польши и Прибалтики готовят атаки на восток

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

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Ведущие «Авторадио» исполнили в Кремле культовую песню о самой масштабной стройке XX века

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