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Новости за 28.09.2016


South Carolina school shooting: At least two children wounded, official says

At least two children were shot Wednesday at an elementary school in Townville, South Carolina, Anderson County EMS Director Scott Stoller told CNN. “Right now we are still developing information. We are still treating patients. One of the children was life-flighted to Greenville Trauma Center, Stoller said. The shooter is in custody, according to Sheila […]


Congressman grills Fed chief on political motives

Donald Trump isn’t the only one saying that America’s central bank is supporting Hillary Clinton. Republican Congressman Scott Garrett grilled Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen Wednesday for what he described as a conflict of interest among one of its members. The Fed is supposed to be free of political influence. However, one of of Yellen’s […]


FBI Director James Comey: ‘Don’t call us weasels’

FBI Director James Comey isn’t a weasel, he told lawmakers Wednesday. Comey was defending his actions regarding a federal probe into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was secretary of state. His investigation drew criticism from Republicans for not recommending charges against the Democratic presidential nominee. “You can call us wrong, […]


An expert’s guide to Putin’s propaganda playbook

The Russian disinformation machine will kick into overdrive now that Dutch prosecutors have delivered their report on Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, shot down over eastern Ukraine in July 2014. The report’s findings were clear: A Russian missile supplied by the Russian military and fired from territory held by Russia’s local proxies downed the plane, killing […]


The truth about the military gender integration debate

Unprecedented change is underway in our military. But as a former woman paratrooper who supported both the 82nd Airborne Division in Afghanistan and the 2nd Infantry Division in South Korea, I am concerned that Americans are only hearing one side of military gender integration debate. I hope that CNN’s military town hall meeting on Wednesday […]


Bill de Blasio: Trump is wrong on stop-and-frisk

Once again during ?Monday night’s presidential debate, Donald Trump — a man with zero law-enforcement experience — misled the American people about crime in New York City. According to Trump, the overuse of stop-and-frisk policing is what made New York City the safest city in America. He couldn’t be more wrong. Here in the safest […]


Capturing unguarded moments with Obama

Chief official White House photographer Pete Souza is known for his coverage of President Obama’s administration, but he first worked for government in the Reagan years. As a staff photographer, for one and a half terms, his candid shots of “Dutch” and Nancy loosened the stiff collar of office, and brought humanity and intimacy to […]


MH17 shot down by Buk missile brought from Russia, say investigators

Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was downed over eastern Ukraine by a Buk missile brought in from Russia and fired from a village under the control of pro-Russian separatists, a team of international prosecutors said Wednesday. Speaking at a press conference in the Dutch city of Nieuwegein, Wilbert Paulissen, the head of the Dutch National Detective […]


Report: Feds, states’ lapses allow gun sales to prohibited buyers

Shortcomings at federal and state agencies allow sales of firearms to people prohibited from buying them, a Justice Department inspector general probe found. The issue became the subject of investigation after the FBI said the alleged shooter charged in the 2015 mass shooting at a South Carolina church should not have been able to buy […]


Trump’s ‘incredibly misleading’ claim on Mexico

Donald Trump says Mexico isn’t playing fair on trade. He argues that Mexico sets a trade barrier on U.S. companies, but the same penalty isn’t applied to Mexican companies that sell in America. “When we sell into Mexico, there’s a tax…When they sell into us, there’s no tax. It’s a defective agreement,” Trump said at […]


Gutierrez: ‘Women are watching’ Donald Turmp’s Miss Universe issue

Rep. Luis Gutierrez said Donald Trump’s name-calling targeted at a former beauty queen is alienating two key demographics — women and Latinos, and those voters are paying attention. “I see this as kind of the intersection of Latinos and women for Donald Trump,” the Illinois Democrat told CNN’s Chris Cuomo Wednesday. “It’s almost like a […]


Monaco: French club struggles to attract fans in mecca for the rich

A Champions League night; the world’s most prestigious club competition; a last-second equalizer to extend the home side’s unbeaten start in their group — but all played out in front of a half-empty stadium. For a fixture that many of Europe’s top tier clubs would expect to sell out, Monaco attracted just over 8,000 fans […]


Courteney Cox: Jennifer Aniston not part of Brangelina drama

Courteney Cox was not amused by the Jennifer Aniston-Brangelina memes. Cox has spoken up in defense of her BFF and former “Friends” co-star, saying Aniston is not involved in any part of the split between Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. “I feel like we’re exacerbating it by even talking about it,” Cox told “Entertainment Tonight.” […]


Chelsea Clinton: Trump’s infidelity comment a ‘distraction’

Chelsea Clinton said Donald Trump’s threat to bring up her father’s marital infidelities during a presidential debate is a “distraction from his inability to talk about what’s actually at stake in this election.” In an interview with Cosmopolitan magazine published Tuesday, the former first daughter said she was unmoved by the subject, which Trump alluded […]


Why you should be careful searching for Amy Schumer

Amy Schumer may be very funny, but she can be bad for your computer’s health. The comedian tops an annual list of “most dangerous” celebrities, musicians and TV hosts compiled by the security software company McAfee. Searching for their names is most likely to generate results that expose people to malware, the company said. Pop […]


For-profit colleges: 6 things to ask before enrolling

For-profit colleges have a ton of critics who’ve accused schools of luring in low-income students with false promises and then providing a subpar education. The government found that to be true at the now defunct network of Corinthian Colleges. And ITT Tech, which shut down this year, was facing numerous lawsuits that claimed it misled […]


India isn’t just growing fast, it’s much more competitive

India’s economy is booming. It’s also becoming much more competitive. The country has zoomed higher in a new ranking of global competitiveness by the World Economic Forum, marking the second consecutive year of massive gains following a long malaise. India was the most improved country in the 2016 ranking, moving up 16 places to 39th. […]


This Chinese tycoon wants to conquer the entertainment world

China’s richest man Wang Jianlin is planning to conquer the entertainment world. The real estate and entertainment mogul has vowed to take on Disney in China, buy one of the major Hollywood film studios and turn his Dalian Wanda Group into a renowned multinational company within a decade. “Considering my personality and how the company […]


MH17 shot down by Buk missile brought in from Russia, say investigators

Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was downed over eastern Ukraine by a Buk missile brought in from Russia to a pro-Russian area of eastern Ukraine, the head of the Dutch National Detective Force, Wilbert Paulissen said Wednesday. Speaking at a press conference in the Netherlands, Paulissen said there was conclusive evidence that the Buk, a Russian-made […]


Madonna, Katy Perry get naked for voting

Madonna is re-inventing what it means to be nakedly political in an eyebrow-raising post to her social media accounts Wednesday, in which she uses a nude photo to back Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. The pop star tweeted a carefully-cropped apparently nude picture and in its caption teased more to come. “I’m voting naked with […]


Protesters gather after California officer shoots African-American man

Protesters have gathered near the scene of an officer-involved shooting in El Cajon, California. A police officer shot a black man who appeared to threaten him Tuesday afternoon, authorities said. El Cajon Police Lt. Rob Ransweiler said officers responded to an African-American man in his 30s after receiving a report he was behaving “erratically” behind […]


Why Israel will miss Shimon Peres

Interviewing the late former Israeli President Shimon Peres on the occasion of his 90th birthday, I asked him what it takes to be a good leader. “If you want to be a leader serve, because what you can achieve by goodwill, you cannot achieve by power,” he said. And serve he did. Peres died Wednesday, […]


Pepe the Frog designated a hate symbol by ADL

Beloved internet meme Pepe the Frog has gone through various incarnations over the years, reflecting a range of emotions. Recent appropriations of him as Adolf Hitler, a Klansman and numerous racist caricatures have earned him a spot in the Anti-Defamation League’s database of hate symbols. “Once again, racists and haters have taken a popular Internet […]


Protesters gather after California officer shoots man

Protesters have gathered near the scene of an officer-involved shooting in El Cajon, California. A police officer shot a black man who appeared to threaten him Tuesday afternoon, authorities said. El Cajon Police Lt. Rob Ransweiler said officers responded to an African-American man in his 30s after receiving a report he was behaving “erratically” behind […]


Keith Scott shooting: What we know a week later

It’s been a week since a Charlotte, North Carolina, police officer shot and killed Keith Lamont Scott. The 43-year-old black man’s death sparked protests and added more fuel to the national debate over whether police are too quick to use deadly force, particularly against African-American men. The officer who shot Scott also was black — […]

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Экология в России и мире

Компания ICDMC стала победителем престижной премии в сфере ЗОЖ – Green Awards 2023/24

Путин в России и мире

Строители мостов и дорог удостоены государственных наград

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко рассказал о планах расширения НАТО

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Денис Мацуев

Концерт Дениса Мацуева «Jazz and friends»


В Молдове подали петицию об отзыве званий у Киркорова и Баскова

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