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Новости за 30.03.2016


Mystery object slams into Jupiter

In case you missed it, the largest planet in our solar system was struck by a foreign object. Videos emerged this week of an object apparently hitting Jupiter. The footage shows a quick flash on the right side of the planet as an object seemingly makes impact. Amateur astronomer Gerrit Kernbauer, from Modling, Austria, said […]


Holy popemobile! Fiat that ferried Pope Francis around NYC hits auction block

The first chariot had red horses, according to the Bible. Well, this one has 101 horses. Another popemobile is hitting the auction block. The website Charity Buzz is auctioning off one of the Fiat 500s that toted Pope Francis around New York City in September. As of Wednesday afternoon, the bidding had reached $195,000. That’s […]


Erdogan says European countries allowed terror threat to spread

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said he believes many European countries have failed to address the significance of the terror threat and have not done enough to fight it. In an exclusive interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour in Washington, he criticized those countries for allowing ISIS to spread. The full interview will air at 2 […]


Report details millions in cost overruns for anti-drug aircraft in Afghanistan

The Drug Enforcement Administration and the Department of Defense spent more than $86 million on an aircraft for counter narcotics efforts in Afghanistan that has “never actually flown in Afghanistan,” according to a Department of Justice inspector general report. The aircraft, an ATR 42-500, was purchased for a program called “Global Discovery.” Over the last […]


$86 million aircraft to combat drugs in Afghanistan doesn’t take off

The Drug Enforcement Administration and the Department of Defense spent more than $86 million on an aircraft for counter narcotics efforts in Afghanistan that has “never actually flown in Afghanistan,” according to a Department of Justice inspector general report. The aircraft, an ATR 42-500, was purchased for a program called “Global Discovery.” Over the last […]


In a first, HIV-positive donor’s kidney, liver given to to HIV-positive patients

There is new hope for potential transplant recipients living with HIV. Doctors at Johns Hopkins announced Wednesday they successfully performed the first liver transplant from an HIV-positive donor and the first U.S. kidney transplant from the same donor. The surgeries happened a couple of weeks ago. The recipients, whose names will remain anonymous, are also […]


BREAKING: Schaffer Found Not Guilty of Most Serious Charges

CLEARFIELD – A jury deliberated for approximately two hours Wednesday before finding Brian Lee Schaffer, 44, of Luthersburg not guilty of the most serious charges in relation to the January of 2015 death of a DuBois woman. Schaffer was found not guilty of both first- and third-degree murder and aiding/causing suicide. He was found guilty […]


CNN sets record for town hall viewership

CNN’s town hall with Ted Cruz, Donald Trump and John Kasich averaged 3.26 million viewers on Tuesday night, setting a new high bar for cable news town halls. CNN said the three-hour event was “the most watched on record in both total viewers and adults 25-54.” In the 25- to 54-year-old demographic, the town hall […]


Hillary Clinton asks New Yorkers to have her back — again

Hillary Clinton asked New Yorkers to back her in 2000 as the first first lady to run for Senate. She asked for their help again when she ran for re-election in 2006 and president in 2008. At the famous Apollo Theater on Wednesday, Clinton asked again. “I am not taking anything or anyone for granted. […]


Conservative female pundits want Donald Trump to fire his campaign manager

Some of the nation’s most influential female conservative pundits are calling on Donald Trump to fire his embattled campaign manager Corey Lewandowski. Conservative radio host Dana Loesch, Townhall editor Katie Pavlich, Fox News contributor Meghan McCain and 13 other female conservatives signed a letter on Wednesday stating that Lewandowski’s “inexcusable” and “unprofessional” behavior toward former […]


It’s time to talk about ‘black privilege’

Here’s some good news for all you black folks complaining about racism in America. You don’t know how good you have it. At least that’s the message I heard during one of the strangest conversations I’ve ever had about race. I was talking about the concept of white privilege — the belief that being white […]


Here are the places feds are using a controversial law to unlock phones

Federal agents are quietly using a 1789 law called the All Writs Act to try to force Apple and Google to unlock phones in at least 20 states. On Wednesday, the American Civil Liberties Union released findings of a study it conducted by searching through federal court records, many of them sealed to keep them […]


Stricken ex-beauty queen emotionally thanks Trump

Donald Trump says it was the most beautiful moment he’s had on the campaign trail. At a rally on Tuesday, former Miss Wisconsin Melissa Young — who told Trump she is suffering from an incurable illness — emotionally thanked the billionaire developer for helping her and her young son financially. “I wanted to thank you,” […]


Uber refunds rider taken on a 20-mile detour

Uber has refunded a rider who fell asleep and was taken on a 20-mile detour around London that cost £105 ($150). The rider booked an Uber early Monday to travel from London’s trendy Old Street area to Clapton, a trip of just four miles. But instead of a 15 minute journey up the road, the […]


At GOP town hall, Trump’s weaknesses and Cruz’s strengths

With the Wisconsin primary less than a week away, Tuesday night’s GOP town hall was by no means a pro forma event; it was one of the last real opportunities for the remaining three candidates to adapt their campaign narratives before the delegate math is set. Only two candidates — Donald Trump and Ted Cruz […]


Face to face with a suicide bomber

Bley Mokono was waiting for his son at a restaurant near the Stade de France when he brushed shoulders with a man drenched in sweat. Something seemed off. Moments later, Mokono was thrown to the ground by a blast. “I said, ‘My God, not Ryan, not Ryan, not my son,’ ” said Mokono, remembering the […]


Donald Trump: Reporter didn’t want an apology

Donald Trump strongly defended his campaign manager Wednesday, saying that the reporter accusing Corey Lewandowski of simple battery is trying to take advantage of the spotlight created by the controversy. During an interview on “Today” on NBC, Trump argued Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields was looking to capitalize on the media frenzy created by the case, […]


The inside story of the Paris and Brussels attacks

The night that shook Paris started with three rental cars: three cars with three teams of terrorists maneuvering through the Friday evening traffic, armed with the weapons of war. A little before 9 p.m., a Renault Clio driven by Salah Abdeslam, the Paris plotter captured on March 18 in Brussels, pulled up outside the national […]


How to make it rain (or stop it on your wedding day)

Anyone who’s planned a wedding knows that it takes several painstaking months to ensure that every little detail — from the menu to the music — is just right. But there’s one thing a bride and groom typically can’t control: the weather. Until now, that is. A UK-based travel company is now offering couples a […]


Who are the Pakistan Taliban?

The Pakistan Taliban, a violent group also known as the TTP, claim a long list of violent and deadly assaults on civilians and the military in Pakistan’s mostly ungoverned area along its Afghan border. A breakaway faction calling itself Jamat-ul-Ahrar is taking responsibility for Sunday’s suicide bombing at a park in Lahore, which left at […]


Pakistan bombing: Suspects, arms seized after attack on Christians kills 74

Security forces, hunting for suspects in the deadly Easter Sunday bombing targeting Christians in a Lahore park, raided locations in three cities overnight and arrested suspected terrorists, a military spokesman said Monday on Twitter. No details were given on who had been arrested or what role — if any — they may have played in […]


Who is the Pakistan Taliban?

The Pakistan Taliban, a violent group also known as the TTP, claims a long list of violent and deadly assaults on civilians and the military in Pakistan’s mostly ungoverned area along its Afghan border. A breakaway faction calling itself Jamaat Ul Ahrar is taking responsibility for Sunday’s suicide bombing at a park in Lahore which […]


Myanmar swears in new president, ending 56 years of military rule

After 56 years of military junta rule, Myanmar has its first civilian president. Htin Kyaw, a trusted aide to Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, was sworn in during a ceremony that took place Wednesday morning in the country’s capital of Naypyidaw. He had been voted in as the party’s choice for leader earlier in […]


Burger King’s newest burger is red hot

Burger King’s newest creation is all about spice. The fast food giant’s latest burger, dubbed “The Angriest Whopper,” has hot sauce baked into its buns, which are even colored red to match the extra heat. Beyond the bun, the burger includes beef, bacon, American cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, onion petals, mayonnaise, and — for extra heat […]


Brazil: Supreme Court to rule on ‘Lula’ as President’s impeachment risk grows

Brazil’s political crisis is boiling over, and the impact could go well beyond the country’s borders. President Dilma Rousseff’s odds of getting impeached are stronger than ever, now that the country’s largest political party said it’s pulling out of her coalition government. And on Wednesday, the Supreme Court is expected to decide whether to approve […]

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Экология в России и мире

Чем грозит парковка на газоне

Путин в России и мире

Обучила 24 женщин-снайперов: Кто сидел на параде рядом с Путиным?

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко вернулся с парада Победы в Минск: "Ядерный апокалипсис неминуем"

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Анастасия Волочкова

Начала тонуть: Волочкову за ноги вытащили из воды после новости о родах Николаевой


Над Белгородской областью сбили два дрона

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