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Новости за 02.03.2016


Allport Cutoff Project to Get Under Way in Mid-March in Clearfield County

CLEARFIELD – Roadway improvement work will get under way mid-March on Route 2030 (Allport Cutoff) in Clearfield County, according to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT). The project will improve roadway integrity and ride quality. Route 2030 is currently posted for 10 tons and completion of the project should also allow PennDOT to eliminate that […]


Eric Schmidt gets a job at the Pentagon

Alphabet Chairman and former Google CEO Eric Schmidt is heading up a new effort to make the Pentagon more tech savvy. Secretary of Defense Ashton Carton on Wednesday appointed Schmidt the head of a new Defense Innovation Advisory Board, which will help the Pentagon keep up with the latest Silicon Valley ideas and apply them […]


ESPN ‘addressing’ Curt Schilling’s Hillary Clinton slam

ESPN baseball analyst Curt Schilling appeared to violate the network’s guidelines when he told a radio station that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton should be “buried under a jail.” ESPN said Wednesday, “We are addressing it.” Schilling, a former all-star pitcher, made the controversial comments Tuesday with 610 sports radio in Kansas City, Missouri. Schilling, […]


Lindsey Vonn: American skier’s season ended by knee injury

She may currently lead the overall World Cup standings, but Lindsey Vonn might not be sitting top of the pile come the end of the skiing season. Vonn, who is 28 points clear of nearest rival Lara Gut, announced Wednesday that her campaign is over after fracturing her knee in action last week. The American […]


Mitt Romney to speak on ‘state of the 2016 presidential race’ Thursday

Mitt Romney will speak Thursday on “the state of the 2016 presidential race,” he said in a press release. The 2012 Republican nominee will speak at 11:30 a.m. ET on Thursday at the University of Utah’s Hinckley Institute of Politics Forum, the same day that the remaining GOP presidential candidates are schedule to debate in […]


Trump’s candidacy represents a battle for the soul of America

There’s a good chance that Donald Trump will be the GOP’s presidential nominee, if dominance on Super Tuesday is any indication of what’s to come, and that means this November’s election will not just be a battle for the White House. It will be a fight for the soul of America. I’m far from alone […]


Voter turnout shows Trump, not Sanders, leading a revolution

Bernie Sanders talks extensively about revolution, but it appears that it’s actually Donald Trump who is driving record numbers of voters to the polls with his fiery populist message. Republicans voted in unprecedented numbers on Super Tuesday, setting record numbers in contests throughout different regions of the country. Every state holding a Republican contest Tuesday […]


U.N. Security Council approves tough sanctions on North Korea

The United Nations Security Council voted Wednesday morning to impose a broad array of sanctions against North Korea because of that nation’s recent nuclear test and missile launch — both of which defied current international sanctions. The resolution aims to cripple parts of the North Korean economy that fuel its nuclear and ballistic missile programs. […]


Are markets holding the Fed hostage?

Market volatility seems to be handcuffing the Federal Reserve. The oil and stock market’s roller coaster ride this year could force the Fed to pump the brakes on its plans to raise interest rates four times this year. Increasingly, the markets are playing a bigger role in the U.S. central bank’s decisions. That’s odd, given […]


‘American Gladiator’ Lee Reherman, ‘The Hawk,’ dies at 49

Lee Reherman, an athlete and producer known as “The Hawk” on the syndicated competition show “American Gladiators,” has died. He was 49. Reherman was found by his girlfriend at his Manhattan Beach, California, home early Tuesday, said his manager, Kathy Carter. “He was such a light of sunshine, always positive in good and bad times,” […]


Judge orders Facebook VP to be released from Brazilian jail

A Brazilian judge ordered the release of a Facebook executive, a day after he was arrested as part of a dispute involving WhatsApp. Police in São Paulo questioned Facebook’s VP for Latin America Diego Dzodan on Tuesday, and he remained in jail overnight. A court had ordered Facebook to provide data from WhatsApp, a messaging […]


Can 5,300-year-old mummy finally get its voice?

He hasn’t talked for 53 centuries, but Otzi the Iceman may be about to break his silence. Italian researchers in the northern city of Bolzano are working to recreate the 5,300-year-old man’s voice. “In about a year we should be able to give Otzi a voice — or at least recreate the best possible approximation […]


Breakup service does lovers’ dirty work

“Cuffing season” is coming to a close. As the frigid weather gives way to spring, Netflix-and-chill sessions are replaced with outdoor activities, and your winter cuddle buddy may start to lose their appeal. In that case, the breakup brothers are at your service. The Canadian duo, Mackenzie and Evan Keast, will cut relations with your […]


Happy birthday, Dr. Seuss! (a poem)

Today’s a day to celebrate The work of someone gone but great. Come on now, don’t be obtuse, Let’s all give thanks to Dr. Seuss. His name was Theodor Seuss Geisel And all the kids they think he’s swell. Born March 2, 1904 His family they brewed beer and more. By high school he was […]


The rise of Africa’s super-rich

The millionaires’ club is growing in Africa. At the end of 2014 there were 169,000 millionaires in the continent — a number expected to rise by 53% over the next 10 years, according to the Knight Frank Wealth Report 2015. In addition, the total wealth held by Ultra High Net Worth Individuals, or UHNWIs – […]


NY Daily News again takes aim at Trump, offers advice to those looking to flee U.S.

Donald Trump took a major step toward securing the GOP nomination on Tuesday, so the New York Daily News — a longtime adversary of the brash billionaire — is offering advice to readers who want to flee the country in the event he wins the White House. “MAKE AMERICA MIGRATE” blares the tabloid’s Wednesday front […]


These fashion movers and shakers will inspire wardrobe envy

Their clothes are bold, inspired by Africa’s traditional colors and textures, and they are making an impact far beyond their home continent. A new generation of young African fashion bloggers and designers are interpreting heritage garments in a contemporary context, using the power of social media to spread their aesthetic. “Fashion from Africa is as […]


Supreme Court takes up Texas abortion law

The Supreme Court will take up the most important abortion case in two decades Wednesday as the justices consider a Texas law requiring that doctors have admitting privileges at local hospitals and clinics upgrade their facilities to hospital-like standards. It’s the first major controversial case the court has handled since the death last month of […]


Stupor Wednesday’s 5 things: Surging, purging and splurging

Donald and Hillary surge. The transgender bill is purged. And bin Laden had cash to splurge. It’s Wednesday, and here are the 5 things you need to know to Get Up to Speed and Out the Door: SUPER TUESDAY Turn out the lights, the party’s over: Sing it Willie. It’s The Donald vs. Hillz. Get […]


Donald Trump stands by softer tone on Planned Parenthood

Donald Trump on Tuesday night once again sought to strike a softer tone on Planned Parenthood, paying tribute to its “very good work for millions of women” while also keeping up a threat to cut off federal funding to the organization if it continues to offer abortion services. With Super Tuesday victories in his back […]


GOP operatives to pitch Ben Carson on Florida Senate run

GOP operatives told CNN early Wednesday morning that they’ll push Ben Carson to drop out of the Republican presidential race, and instead run for a U.S. Senate seat from Florida. It’s unclear how receptive the retired neurosurgeon will be to their pleas. Carson did not appear to be going anywhere as Tuesday night drew to […]


China credit rating outlook cut to negative over debt concerns

The ratings agency Moody’s is raising a red flag about the Chinese government’s growing debt levels. Moody’s cut the outlook on China’s credit ratings from stable to negative on Wednesday, pointing to worries about the government’s potential debt burden, the huge sums of money flowing out of the country and Chinese officials’ ability to push […]


What would a President Trump mean for the world?

It’s hardly a certainty, but it’s now a real and startling possibility — what should the world expect if Donald Trump is elected U.S. president? America’s most unpredictable candidate could turn into America’s most unpredictable commander-in-chief. “We’re not going to be the dummies anymore,” he told supporters after he won the Nevada primary. “We’re going […]


Trump is huge, and he isn’t going away

Donald Trump won Super Tuesday. All other analysis feels like a distraction at this stage. He is ahead. He is the dominant candidate Yet, despite this, the GOP continues to throw everything it’s got at the front=runner. And continues to tear itself apart. It’s become a kind of madness. The Virginia primary result was a […]

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Экология в России и мире

Озоновые Дыры: Вызов современности, Взгляд Романа Терещенко

Путин в России и мире

Кировчанин с позывным Струна стоял рядом с Владимиром Путиным 9 Мая в Москве

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Бато Багдаев

Театр и дети, Культура и Россия: интервью артиста госцирка Бурятии Саяна Дондокова


Учителям Карелии предложили не думать насчет отпускных, чем напугали

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