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Новости за 03.03.2016


Brazil recession: ‘I’ve never seen anything like this’

When Barbara Araujo and Allan Alves got married three years ago, they had big plans: open a business, buy a house and start a family. But with Brazil plunging into its worst recession in over two decades — hopes for a brighter future are fading. The Brazilian economy shrank 3.8% in 2015, according to government […]


Migrants stitch lips in hunger strike as Calais ‘Jungle’ camp cleared

Some migrants have sewn their mouths shut in a hunger strike to protest the demolition of controversial Calais migrant camp the “Jungle” as authorities worked to clear the site in northern France. Calais authorities plan to demolish the southern half of the camp and relocate the inhabitants in response to unsanitary conditions at the site. […]


Trump dominates in Michigan poll, Kasich lags

A new poll of the Republican presidential race in Michigan shows businessman Donald Trump well ahead the field there, topping Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz who are in a tight race for second. Trump leads in Michigan with the support of 29% of respondents, according to the poll from the Detroit […]


Husband of San Bernardino victim backs Apple

The husband of a victim of the San Bernardino terror attack has backed Apple in its fight over the security of its iPhones. Salihin Kondoker’s wife Anies was shot three times during the attack, but survived. While she recovers, he’s advocating on Apple’s behalf as the company resists a court order directing it to break […]


Nanny who carried girl’s head to Moscow metro station may be schizophrenic, official says

The nanny beheaded a little girl, set fire to her apartment, then took the child’s head to a Moscow metro station. There, she threatened to blow herself up and called herself a terrorist acting in “Allah’s will.” Though they’re not disputing the horror of what the 38-year-old woman did, authorities are saying what she said […]


Aspen: Elite ski resort as you’ve never seen it

The ski season is drawing to a close, but if you haven’t had the time — or the cash — to hit the slopes this winter, CNN has the next best thing. One of the most expensive zip codes in the U.S., Aspen is a magnet for wealthy winter sports enthusiasts from across the globe. […]


Schizophrenic nanny carried girl’s head to Moscow metro station, official says

The nanny beheaded a little girl, set fire to her apartment, then took the child’s head to a Moscow metro station. There, she threatened to blow herself up and called herself a terrorist acting in “Allah’s will.” Though they’re not disputing the horror of what the 38-year-old woman did, authorities are saying what she said […]


Oscar De La Hoya: Mega Muslim Mexican fight ‘sticks it to Trump’

If you want to show Donald Trump — and the world — that Muslims and Mexicans are welcome in the U.S., then why not organize a “mega mega” fight between two of the most popular Muslim and Mexican boxers on the planet? At least, that was the thinking behind former multi-weight world champion Oscar De […]


Beauty + Instagram savvy = Supermodel success?

What makes a supermodel? A gorgeous face and killer walk don’t hurt. And today, having a big following on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook also is key to success. Just look at 20-year-old supermodel Gigi Hadid. Hadid is known for her social media presence as well as her high fashion runway campaigns. On Facebook, her photos […]


Some (smaller) UK companies really hate Europe

Not all companies want Britain to remain in Europe. More than 200 small businesses called on Thursday for the country to leave the European Union. British voters will be asked for their view on a so-called Brexit on June 23. The group backing Brexit includes bosses of small firms and self-employed entrepreneurs, including builders, florists […]


Tourist who found debris was searching for MH370

The man who found the piece of Boeing 777 wreckage off the Mozambique coast has been traveling around the Indian Ocean for one year in a quest to solve the mystery of missing Malaysia flight MH370. Blaine Gibson, a U.S. lawyer from Seattle, is spearheading his own self-funded hunt for the missing plane in an […]


Scott Kelly reunited with relatives in Houston after year in space

Astronaut Scott Kelly arrived in Houston to hugs, beer and apple pie after nearly a year in space. Kelly touched down at 2:20 a.m. ET, his first stop on American soil. He was welcomed by second lady Jill Biden, his identical twin and former astronaut Mark Kelly and various NASA officials. Biden brought the astronaut […]


These cities have the longest commutes in the U.S.

No wonder New Yorkers seem to be in such a hurry: They’ve got the worst commutes in the country. Workers in the Big Apple have the highest average commute time in the country at nearly 35 minutes one way, according to a report from Trulia that analyzed data from the Census Bureau’s 2014 American Community […]


Google wants to help map Zika outbreaks

Google is throwing its weight behind efforts to combat the Zika virus, with new tools, grant money, and some help from the Latin American Sesame Street. Since November, Google searches related to the mosquito-borne virus have blown up. There has been a 3,000% increase in Zika related searches around the world. On Thursday, the company’s […]


Serene Canadian island courts ‘Trump refugees’

Cape Breton If Trump Wins is a website with two top frequently asked questions: “Is this for real?” Yes. “Is this a joke?” No. Rob Calabrese, a local radio DJ who created the site, admits it started as a joke, but two weeks and 800,000 clicks later, he says thousands of his U.S. neighbors are […]


Astronaut Scott Kelly lands in Houston after year in space

Astronaut Scott Kelly arrived in Houston to hugs, beer and apple pie after nearly a year in space. Kelly touched down at 2:20 a.m. ET, his first stop on American soil. He was welcomed by second lady Jill Biden, his identical twin and former astronaut, Mark Kelly, and various NASA officials. Biden brought the astronaut […]


China bans same-sex romance from TV screens

Chinese censors say television shows shouldn’t include story lines involving gay relationships, plus other topics that “exaggerate the dark side of society,” according to new guidelines. The eight-page document on “vulgar, immoral and unhealthy content” posted on the website of the China Television Drama Production Industry Association, was dated December 31 but was widely reported […]


Astronaut Scott Kelly lands in Houston — first U.S. stop after year in space

Astronaut Scott Kelly landed on U.S. soil to hugs, beer and apple pie after nearly a year in space. Kelly touched down in Houston at 2:20 a..m. ET. He was welcomed by second lady Jill Biden, his identical twin and former astronaut, Mark Kelly, and various NASA officials. Biden brought the astronaut beer and apple […]


Debris ‘likely’ from missing MH370 flight: So what now?

A piece of plane debris found off the coast of Mozambique has renewed hope of solving the mystery of the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. A U.S. official said it was likely the wreckage came from MH370, while Malaysian Transport Minister Liow Tiong Lai said there was a “high possibility” the part came from a […]


Miramax sold to Qatar-based beIN Media Group

The studio that brought “Pulp Fiction,” “Shakespeare in Love” and “Scream” to audiences worldwide has a new owner. Qatar-based beIN Media Group said Wednesday that it has purchased Miramax from an investor group including Qatar Investment Authority and Colony Capital. Miramax was founded in 1979 by Hollywood heavyweights Bob and Harvey Weinstein, and is best […]


Donald Trump has almost won the nomination. Now he has to win the GOP.

Super Tuesday winners expect better. But there’s never been a presidential candidate like Donald Trump, and while the billionaire’s willingness to buck convention has been a strength in the tumultuous 2016 race, it came with a downside Wednesday. Any other candidate would be embraced by his party as a conquering hero after Tuesday night’s wins. […]


Adam Johnson: Soccer star found guilty of one child sex charge

England football international Adam Johnson has been found guilty of one count of sexual activity with a child. Johnson, who discovered his fate at Bradford Crown Court in the north of England Wednesday, was cleared of another similar charge. The 28-year-old had previously pleaded guilty to a count of grooming a girl under the age […]


Murder suspect takes jail worker’s uniform, escapes from county lockup

A murder suspect who authorities say is “capable of killing, holding someone hostage and kidnapping” has escaped from the Warren County Jail in Vicksburg, Mississippi. Rafael Arnez McCloud, 34, escaped early Wednesday after he “took a night shift jail employee hostage with a makeshift weapon,” according to Mike Traxler, an investigator with the Warren County […]


Hill Republicans push anti-Trump effort

A day after Donald Trump’s strong Super Tuesday finishes, nervous congressional Republicans grappled with how to deal with the brash billionaire’s growing momentum towards winning the GOP presidential nomination. Instead of grumbling acceptance of Trump as the presumptive nominee, a last ditch effort launched to get the remaining GOP candidates to work together so one […]


ISIS expands in post-Gadhafi Libya

ISIS in Libya is not only taking advantage of a political vacuum by expanding throughout the country with “relative ease,” but also has “booming” financial resources, according to United Nations officials. Martin Kobler, the U.N. special representative to Libya, warned the Security Council on Wednesday that the lack of political structure is risking “division and […]

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Экология в России и мире

Жителей Москвы предупредили об аномально холодной погоде

Путин в России и мире

Стало известно, кто из Томской области едет в Москву на инаугурацию президента

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Польский судья приехал в Минск и попросил защиты у Лукашенко

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Замминистра обороны Иванов просит отпустить его из СИЗО на Рублёвку: Не шутка, а ходатайство по делу

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