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Новости за 05.03.2016


What does immunity for Clinton email staffer signal?

The Department of Justice has granted “immunity” to a former State Department employee who worked on Hillary Clinton’s private email server. Bryan Pagliano initially invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination and would not testify. Of course, the Department of Justice, known to defense attorneys simply as the “government,” has many ways of getting people […]


Kasich: ‘I’m with Harry Potter. We’re not going to the dark side.’

John Kasich is in need of a little magic on the campaign trail, and on Saturday he conjured up a literary reference when he said he stood with the world’s most famous boy wizard in opposing the “dark side.” “If I were to just attack Donald Trump now and call him a name, boy it […]


Flint family uses 151 bottles of water per day

An “arsenal” of cases of fresh water stacked in the basement and a graveyard of scattered empty bottles are daily reminders that life in Flint, Michigan, is anything but normal. For Gina Luster, 41, seeing the stacks of bottles angers her. She says she feels like less than a good parent after watching her daughter, […]


Academic study claims to have unmasked Banksy — sort of

Banksy is one of contemporary Britain’s most successful artists — and its most mysterious. He is primarily a graffiti artist, and his distinctively stenciled artworks have appeared on streets, walls, and bridges around the world. And one of his works has sold at auction for about $145,000. But his identity remains a closely guarded secret. […]


Breastfeeding mom at Bernie Sanders rally inspires hashtag

A mother’s breastfeeding photo has once again grabbed the attention of social media users. Only this time, the young mother was photographed at a Bernie Sanders rally in Barberton, Ohio, feeding her daughter in the middle of the cheering crowd. “While there, she got hungry like babies do,” Margaret Ellen Bradford? said on Facebook. She […]


Turkish court orders takeover of media group critical of government

A court in Istanbul has appointed trustees to take control of a media group critical of the Turkish government, the country’s semi-official news agency has reported. The trustees were appointed to the Feza media group, which owns Zaman, Today’s Zaman and other publications. The court on Friday accused Feza publications of spreading propaganda to destabilize […]


Rubio: Conservative movement cannot be ‘hijacked by someone who is not a conservative’

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio on Saturday made several thinly-veiled jabs at Donald Trump while speaking at a major gathering of conservatives, warning the audience that nominating “someone who is not a conservative” will have far-reaching implications for the Republican Party and the U.S. “These young Americans have the chance to fulfill an incredible potential and […]


Sudanese Islamist leader, bin Laden ally Hassan al-Turabi dies

Hassan al-Turabi, who invited Osama bin Laden to Sudan and remained a powerful presence in that African nation even after the al Qaeda leader’s exit, died Saturday evening, Sudanese state news reported. He was 84. The Islamic intellectual and Popular Congress party leader’s health deteriorated Saturday morning, after which he was moved to Khartoum’s Royal […]


The CIA is hiring… a $100,000 librarian

The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency is hiring more than just spies. The CIA currently has a job opening for a librarian. Pay is excellent. The listed range is $50,864 to $118,069 a year — above the typical income for a U.S. family. The salary isn’t far off what some “reconnaissance” positions get. And that’s saying […]


How Donald Trump broke Fox News’ debate rules

Donald Trump consulted with his campaign manager during the first commercial break at Thursday night’s Republican debate, violating ground rules from Fox News stating that candidates would not be allowed to have contact with their campaigns, rival campaign sources told CNNMoney. While that exchange was the clearest violation of debate rules to date, the sources […]


4 nuns, 12 others killed in ‘diabolical’ attack on elderly home in Yemen

There are few places in Yemen — homes, schools, hospitals — that haven’t been scarred by the ongoing war ravaging that Arab nation. And now, a home for the elderly run by Catholic missionaries is among them. The Vatican on Saturday reported the murder of four Missionaries of Charity members plus 12 others at an […]


Delegate math: Rubio, Kasich wins key to stopping Trump

The magic number in the GOP primary is 901. That’s how many delegates Donald Trump needs to clinch the GOP presidential nomination. It is also the number of delegates the other three candidates combined need to prevent him from clinching and to force a contested Republican convention. It is quickly becoming clear that winning the […]


White House considering additional appeals court judges for Supreme Court vacancy

Two additional federal appellate judges are among those being considered by the White House to replace late Justice Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court, sources have told CNN. Judge Sri Srinivasan is one of those being vetted, people familiar with the process told CNN. His friends and former colleagues are being interviewed. Also being vetted […]


North Korea ship impounded in Philippines as part of fresh sanctions

While North Korea keeps firing literal and figurative salvos, the world has responded with harsher sanctions — ones that the Philippines has put into effect by detaining a ship from the reclusive East Asian nation. The Philippine government has impounded a North Korean freighter, the Jin Teng, in Subic Bay and plans to deport its […]


Bison’s Outstanding Effort Rebuffed by Mars, 68-60; Hazel Stars, Myers Scores 1,000th Point

CLARION — PennLive.com had Mars ranked No. 7 in the state for the start of the PIAA Class AAA boys basketball playoffs. Based on an extraordinary effort against the highly-touted Fightin’ Planets Friday, Clearfield should have been No. 7-A. Anyone in the capacity crowd who watched the predominately-junior Bison quintet battle the senior-laden and state […]


Donald Trump puts conservatives in crisis mode

The rift within the Republican Party was on dramatic display here this week as thousands of conservative activists, gathered together for an annual conference, struggled to make sense of Donald Trump’s hold on the GOP. The Conservative Political Action Conference, traditionally intended as a forum to rally the American right, provided a meeting space for […]


The Clinton-Sanders trade war

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are in Michigan this weekend, home to blue-collar Democratic and labor voters concerned about the future of manufacturing jobs in the state. And head of CNN’s Democratic debate in Flint on Sunday night and Tuesday’s primary, a full-fledged trade war has broken out. Sanders, hoping to exploit what could be […]


Two Syrians sentenced in death of Syrian boy Aylan Kurdi

Two Syrian men have been sentenced in Turkey to more than four years in prison in connection with the boat accident that claimed the life of Aylan Kurdi, the young boy whose lifeless body came to symbolize the plight of refugees risking everything in their desperation secure a better life. The Bodrum High Criminal Court […]


This is an incirrate, or unfinned, octopod, but you can call it Casper

Some folks are calling him Casper. And this ocotpod does bear a certain resemblance to the friendly cartoon ghost. A pale white billowy body with two black eyes will do that. Scientists with the National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration found the little creature northwest of Hawaii, near Necker Island, while filming with a remotely operated […]


DCC to Host Sister’s Easter Catechism: “Will My Bunny Go to Heaven?”

DUBOIS – DuBois Central Catholic will be hosting another in the series of performances by Late Night Catechism, entitled “Will My Bunny Go to Heaven?” This interactive theater experience will take place in the school’s auditorium on March 19, at 7 p.m. Starring in this seasonal hit is actress Colleen Moore, who performed on Central’s stage […]


CCCTC Names Graduate of the Month

CLEARFIELD – Amanda Little attended the Clearfield County Career & Technology Center (CCCTC) in 2014-15 in the cosmetology program. She says that the time at CCCTC provided her with the knowledge and experience necessary to being working directly after graduation. When asked if she would give any advice to future students, she said that working […]


16 Inducted into German Honor Society at CAJSHS

CLEARFIELD – Sixteen new members were inducted into Delta Epsilon Phi, Clearfield Area Junior-Senior High School’s German Honor Society on Feb. 29. Membership requirements include maintaining an A average in German after a minimum of three semesters, having a B cumulative average of all subjects and keeping a clean record of personal behavior. Mrs. Barbara […]


Obituary Notice: Theresa L. Novak

Theresa L. Novak, 94, Hawk Run died Thursday, March 3, 2016 at Windy Hill Village, Philipsburg. She was born July 6, 1921, a daughter of the late Andrew and Anna (Minarch) Novak. She was a member of Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic Church, Hawk Run, where she was also a member of the church altar […]


Reservation Deadline Extended for Society Luncheon

DUBOIS – The reservation deadline to attend the DuBois Area Historical Society’s 10th annual luncheon is extended until March 9. The luncheon is scheduled for March 12, at 12 p.m. at Christ Lutheran Church, Sunflower Drive, DuBois. DuBois Area High School’s all-time basketball scoring leader, Amy Kessler, will be the guest speaker for the luncheon. […]

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Экология в России и мире

В СВАО Москвы реконструируют дорогу и построят мост

Путин в России и мире

Путин поручил сократить время пути поездов от Москвы до Черного моря до 16 часов

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск не исключает попыток оппозиции оторвать часть территории Белоруссии в пользу НАТО

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Александр Барыкин

«Летели с девятого этажа»: Александр Барыкин чуть не погиб при падении лифта


"До допроса дело не дошло": Главу Гагаузии досмотрели после возвращения из Москвы

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