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Новости за 13.03.2016


Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders ready to rumble

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders Sunday night will hold another duel in their increasingly contentious Democratic nominating marathon, two days before five states vote in crucial primaries that could set the tone for the rest of the contest. The rivals will take part in a town hall event jointly hosted by CNN and TV One […]


Jerry Seinfeld’s Porsches go for $22 million

Jerry Seinfeld just sold off 15 cars from his Porsche collection for $22 million. A selection of Porsches and two Volkswagens owned by famed comedian and sit-com star Jerry Seinfeld hit the auction block at the Amelia Island Auction in Florida on Friday. A 1955 Porsche 550 Spyder was the star from Seinfeld’s collection. It […]


Richard Simmons: Internet working out the mystery

While there is no actual evidence that Richard Simmons is “missing,” that hasn’t stopped the Internet from looking for the fitness guru. It all began with the recent publication of a New York Daily News story that talked of some of Simmons’ friends saying they have not seen him in the past two years. Simmons’ […]


Super PAC takes aim at incidents around Trump rallies

An anti-Donald Trump super PAC’s latest ad is taking aim at incidents at the Republican front-runner’s recent rallies and comments he has made at them regarding protesters. The new 60-second spot from Our Principles PAC, airing nationally on cable television and in Florida, uses clips of Trump at his rallies regarding the protesters. “I’d like […]


Trump rallies pose major challenge for police, security officials

Chicago, where were you? In all the finger-pointing that has gone on since Friday night’s planned Chicago rally for Donald Trump — and the debate over whether Trump or the protesters are to blame for security concerns and, later, after the rally was canceled, clashes in the streets — the responsibility of public safety entities […]


Blast in Turkish capital kills at least 27

An explosion ripped through a busy square in the Turkish capital Sunday evening, killing at least 27 people and wounding 75 others, the Ankara governor’s office said. Scores of police cars, firefighters and medical personnel rushed to the scene. Security forces evacuated the area, the official Turkish news agency Anadolu reported. Authorities haven’t released details […]


Gunmen attack 3 Ivory Coast hotels, government says

Gunmen mounted deadly attacks at three hotels in the beach resort city of Grand-Bassam, Ivory Coast, shortly after noon on Sunday, according to the government. French President Francois Hollande, whose nation maintains a close relationship with Ivory Coast, said 12 civilians were killed, including at least one French citizen. The Ivory Coast government had said […]


Obituary Notice: Mary ‘Geraldine’ English

Mary ‘Geraldine’ English, 79, of Woodland died Friday, March 11, 2016 at the Mountain Laurel Nursing & Rehabilitation Center, Clearfield. She was born Sept. 13, 1936 in Bradford Township, a daughter of the late Charles O. and Marian (McDowell) English. Ms. English was a 1954 graduate of the Clearfield High School. She then attended Philipsburg […]


Stand-off Ends, Cooksburg Man Faces Attempted Homicide and Related Charges

MARIENVILLE – During the morning hours Saturday, troopers of the Pennsylvania State Police responded to a residence along state Route 36 in the Village of Cooksburg, Barnett Township, Jefferson County, for an alleged intoxicated man who was in possession of a gun. The male was identified as John Macbeth, 47, of Cooksburg, according to state […]


SXSW harassment summit tackles tough issues, but has few attendees

SXSW hosted its first-ever online harassment summit on Saturday. The atmosphere at the summit matched its sobering content. Security was much tighter than the typical SXSW panels. It including bag checks upon entering the building, policemen outside of bathrooms and panels, and constant reminders not to leave bags unattended or they would be “confiscated and […]


Sanders: Clinton is ‘a little bit nervous’

Bernie Sanders says Hillary Clinton is “getting a little bit nervous” about the Democratic presidential race. “I think she understands that the momentum in this campaign and the energy is with us, and that we have a good chance to win a number of states on Tuesday,” Sanders said Sunday in an interview with CNN’s […]


Trump: I ‘should get credit, not be scorned’ for tone of events

Donald Trump is pinning the blame for escalating violence and protests at his campaign events on Bernie Sanders. The Republican presidential front-runner said in an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper on “State of the Union” Sunday that he “should get credit, not be scorned” for his handling of the tension at his events. “You had […]


Syria: Assad’s status not up for debate at Geneva talks

The political future of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is nonnegotiable, his chief envoy said Saturday, undercutting a chief demand of rebels who are scheduled to attend negotiations next week aimed at defusing a brutal five-year war. Assad’s status is a “red line,” Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Moallem told reporters in Damascus, even as he confirmed […]


Jerome D’Ambrosio awarded Mexico ePrix win after di Grassi disqualification

Jermone D’Ambrosio has been awarded first place in the inaugural Formula E Mexico ePrix after Lucas di Grassi, who took the checkered flag in the race, was stripped of the win for contravening car weight rules. Race officials found that the Brazilian’s car used during the first half of the 43-lap contest — in Formula […]


17 elephants jet into the U.S. from Swaziland despite protests

Seventeen elephants flown out of Swaziland on a chartered plane are now in their new home country — the United States. The elephants, from a game reserve run by nonprofit Big Game Parks, landed in Fort Worth, Texas, over the weekend aboard the cargo plane. Before their departure from Swaziland, the giant animals were sedated […]


Mine collapses after heavy rains in Pakistan, killing 5

A mine collapsed after heavy rains in northwest Pakistan, killing five workers and trapping several others, authorities said Sunday. Rescuers pulled 26 miners to safety, according to the National Disaster Management Authority. Two more are still trapped inside, officials say. More than 100 troops are helping with the rescue operation, the disaster agency said. The […]


Mine collapses after heavy rains in Pakistan, killing 6

A mine collapsed after heavy rains in northwest Pakistan, killing five workers and trapping several others, authorities said Sunday. Rescuers pulled 26 miners to safety, according to the National Disaster Management Authority. Two more are still trapped inside, officials say. More than 100 troops are helping with the rescue operation, the disaster agency said. The […]


CCCTC Students Work with Game Commission

CLEARFIELD – Students in the Collision Repair program at the Clearfield County Career & Technology Center (CCCTC) had the opportunity to work with the Pennsylvania Game Comission and Mark Gritzer, Wildlife Conservation officer in the Northcentral Region. Gritzer brought a bear trap to the CCCTC that they use to trap nuisance bears to move to another area.  The students […]


1000th Punxsutawney QCare Patient Honored

PUNXSUTAWNEY – Christopher Moore, 12, of Anita was the 1,000 patient through QCare at the Punxsutawney Plaza in Punxsutawney on Friday. It opened on Dec. 7 and also offers walk-in lab and x-ray services along with quick non-emergency care. Moore received a gift basket, including a $100 gift certificate from the Punxsutawney Area Chamber of […]


Agency Urges Community Members to Take Survey

CLEARFIELD – As part of its ongoing practice of seeking input on how to improve services, the Clearfield County Area Agency on Aging Inc. has placed a Senior Adult Day Services Needs Assessment survey on its Web site at www.ccaaa.net. Senior Adult Day Services is a supervised, activity-oriented, daytime program for adults 60 and older […]


DCC to Host Palm Sunday Events

DUBOIS – DuBois Central Catholic will be hosting a variety of events on Palm Sunday, March 20, for area families. The administration cordially invites all area families to this special day of activities. Central’s junior class and their parents are hosting the annual Palm Sunday spaghetti dinner in the cafeteria from 11 a.m. – 2 […]


GANT RELOAD: Week of March 7

The GANT weekly reload gives readers a look back upon the most noteworthy stories of their work week.  It contains the big headlines, as well as a few stories you might have missed. It might even include a story or two of the lighter side. The GANT reload will be posted each weekend for your perusal. For most […]


Egyptian man sentenced to 3 years in prison for calling women immoral

An Egyptian man was sentenced to three years in prison for saying some of the nation’s married women are unfaithful, state media reported. In addition to prison time, Taymour el-Sobky will also get hard labor. He made the assertion during a television show in December, state-run newspaper Al-Ahram reported Saturday. “Thirty percent of women have […]


Video appears to show man urinating on products at Kellogg’s assembly line

A criminal and internal investigation is underway at Kellogg’s after a video surfaced online that appears to show a man filming himself urinating on products on an assembly line. An internal investigation found it was recorded in 2014 at a facility in Memphis, Tennessee, the company said. It potentially affected Rice Krispies Treats, Rice Krispies […]


Trump ends wild day on campaign trail by calling for protesters’ arrests

Donald Trump on Saturday called for protesters who disrupt his rallies to be arrested, one day after altercations and protests forced him to cancel a campaign rally in Chicago. The comments capped a tumultuous day on the campaign trail in which a demonstrator rushed a stage where Trump was speaking. Trump also accused Bernie Sanders’ […]

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Экология в России и мире

Озоновые Дыры: Вызов современности, Взгляд Романа Терещенко

Путин в России и мире

Кировчанин с позывным Струна стоял рядом с Владимиром Путиным 9 Мая в Москве

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко рассмотрит заявление об убежище от польского суди Шмидта

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

В Москве налоговая потребовала взыскать долг с Алексея Навального

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Пётр Чайковский

Театр оперы и балета Удмуртии объявил о сборе средств на памятник Петру Чайковскому


Самолеты Ту–154 в аэропорту Внуково, 1973 год, Москва

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